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1 . What life will be in 2050?

It’s hard to say definitively what life will be like in 2050. However, we can make some educated guesses based on the trends that are happening now. For instance, it’s likely that technology will play an even greater role in our lives than it does now. We might have flying cars, or robots to do our household chores.

The world population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, so resources may be strained. People may live in smaller homes or even underground to conserve space and energy. We may also see drastic changes in the way we get our food. With advances in technology, it’s possible that we’ll be able to create artificial meat or grow food in laboratories.

In 2050, many aspects of our life will be very different from what they are now. People’s lives, the environment, transportation, and education all change at a new level.     1     People will have more transportation options as a result of scientific progress. Solar-powered, wind- powered automobiles that are less harmful to the environment will become available and utilized. Anyone will be able to visit other planets using modern technology. As flying cars become more common, cities will need to adapt by building more vertical infrastructure like skyports. These multi-level buildings would be used for takeoffs and landings, and could also include shopping, dining and entertainment options.

    2     And with the help of upcoming technology, we may not need formal schooling anymore. You would be able to learn anything you want from the comfort of your home with online teachers. The schedule will be more optional for you to choose as long as it meets your needs and timeframes.

There will be a lot of new jobs born to serve the development of society. And if you are good at using social media, you can be an online celebrity and make a lot of money. You can also choose to be a full-time housewife and take care of your family if you want.     3    

Rockefeller University mathematical biologist Joel Cohen predicts that by 2050, the world will be majority urban dwellers with a high average age. In contrast, U.S. cities theorist Richard Florida believes that urbanization trends will result in a work-from-home economy and do away with divisions between home and work life. Other experts interviewed by Popular Mechanics envision a future in which solar energy is ubiquitous, 3-D printing has replaced traditional manufacturing and everyone has a personal assistant in the form of an AI.

However, there are also some reasons to be pessimistic about the future. The world will be a more dangerous place in 2050. Global warming will cause rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions that will make life difficult for people around the world.     4    

A.As technology continues to develop, so does the concern for environment.
B.By 2050, everyone will be able to afford higher education.
C.In addition, there will be new diseases that we have not yet seen.
D.In general, life in 2050 is more convenient, more comfortable and more fun.
E.There are some grounds for optimism in this scenario.
F.As a result, we will have a lot of health problems.
2024-01-08更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 根据以下内容,通过合理的想象,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,展望一下未来的生活。
1.House   2. transport   3. health   4. security   5. work   6. entertainment   7...
2023-12-05更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆阿克苏市实验中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题

3 . What is the ideal physique(体形)? The answer is ever-changing. But it is to a large extent work of a single company that dominated the past 60 years of body image standards.

Since its creation in 1959, Barbie has been in the leading position of promoting hardly attainable body image standards, for which it was often heavily criticized. Scientific research shows that the probability of achieving a Barbie-like body shape is less than 1 in 100,000!

Mattel, the company behind the Barbie doll, has recognized that the 60s’ idea of good body image is long gone. In an effort to keep up with social change, Mattel is adjusting the dolls' body type and skin color, introducing special editions.

There is now a Barbie in a wheelchair. There is a Barbie Astronaut, Rescuer, or Engineer. In their latest Barbie special edition, Mattel honors the women fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, including Dame Sarah Gilbert. In the hope that Mattel is adapting to modern corporate standards just as well as it is to social change, we’re attracted by what the company's sustainability data may tell us.

What does the data tell us? To answer this question, we’ve launched a sustainability-focused beauty contest-with Mattel as one of the contestants. The company scores relatively well on environmental and social metrics(衡量标准).However, in terms of diversity, Mattel is well below its competitor, Hasbro. This being said, the judges advise that beauty should be equally defined by the inside and the outside.

What does this mean? Be body-positive! As we’re approaching the second quarter of the 21st century, the importance of a healthy relationship between mind and body is being recognized. And with this, body image standards are changing, allowing for more freedom of expression and identity.

Mattel’s efforts in product diversity are a welcome step in the right direction, as the doll has its very own influence. We believe that Barbie’s future lies in the empowerment(赋予力量)of today’s youth, contributing toward a generation of confident individuals.

1. How does scientific research evaluate a Barbie-like body shape?
A.It needs much luck to achieve it.
B.It's almost impossible to achieve it.
C.There is increasing probability of achieving it.
D.It's a breakthrough in attainable body image standards.
2. Why does Mattel develop new editions of Barbie dolls?
A.To score well on social metrics.
B.To launch a beauty contest.
C.To keep pace with the times.
D.To define what is real beauty.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward the future of Barbie?
4. What is the best title for this text?
A.The Future of Barb
B.New Metrics for Body Image
C.A Deep Dive into Barbie’s World
D.A Great Change in Body Image Standards
2023-11-06更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省武宁县尚美中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假如你是李华,今年你开始了新的高中生活。请以“Hi, Senior High”为题写一篇文章, 回顾过去, 展望未来。内容如下:
2023-11-04更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省凉山州西昌市2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题

5 . As Tiger King 2 appeals to viewers, some fans feel sad about having to pay much for another streaming service subscription. And they take pity on the once-hot video technology which is now more likely to be a temporary coaster (杯垫) for your coffee: DVDs were once the future, but now the industry can hardly be turned around.

DVD sales once reached $16.3 billion and were 64% of the U.S. home video market. That was 2005.

However, this year just 300 million DVDs are expected to be sold worldwide, down from an average of 2 billion every year between 2005 and 2009. Instead, a rise in customers buying on-demand and digital copies of films and the launch of streaming services are what have reduced the DVD industry to such a state.

But there are still 300 million of the things, even if your collection is gathering dust on the bookshelf. While pop psychology would suggest that older generations hold on to their love of the physical disc, instead, those aged 25 to 39 are more likely than most to watch DVDs. They’re often collectors.

“DVDs are a sign of our identity and our personality,” says Tony Gunnarsson, an analyst of TV, video, and advertising. That’s why England-based radio producer Tom Green still stores around 300 DVDs, including the whole seasons of The Simpsons. They represent a part of my life, and a part of me,” Green says. Others continue to keep DVDs because of the excellent audio (声音的) quality.

For DVDs, to undergo a renaissance (复兴) similar to that experienced by cassette tapes will require a big shift. “We need to wait for the generation that have a fascination with DVDs to control the mainstream culture, but it seems to be nowhere in sight,” says Tom Green. “And the public see DVDs as nothing but outdated media.” Even so, there is a solid group of DVD consumers. And that’s perhaps why producers keep making DVDs and why committed collectors collect their discs.

1. What does the author intend to stress in Paragraph 1?
A.The fall of DVDs.
B.A possible way of reusing DVDs.
C.A recent trend in the film industry.
D.The big expenses of video streaming services.
2. What happened to the DVD market in 2005?
A.It celebrated a shift in digital copies of films.
B.It suffered from an oversupply of DVDs.
C.It entered 64% of the U. S. households.
D.Its sales reached the peak.
3. What can we say about Tony Gunnarsson and Tom Green?
A.They both appreciate the charm of DVDs.
B.They are both professional DVD advertisers.
C.They are both passionate about collecting things.
D.They both praise the audio quality of streaming services.
4. What can be inferred about DVDs from the last paragraph?
A.They may control the mainstream culture.
B.They can greatly benefit many collectors.
C.They are as important as cassette tapes.
D.They are hard to make a comeback.
2023-11-03更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省宁波市三锋联盟2022-2023学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部举办论坛,探讨机器人在未来生活中的应用。请你写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
1. 选择一个领域进行陈述(如日常生活、医疗、汽车制造等);
2. 描述机器人在该领域的应用(可举例说明);
3. 介绍机器人的优势所在。
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When did the man build the first computer?
A.In junior high school.
B.In senior high school.
C.At the university.
2. Where does the man work?
A.In a school.
B.In a company.
C.In a store.
3. How do some people find technology?
4. What are the speakers talking about?
A.The making of computers.
B.The past of computers.
C.The future of computers.
2023-08-21更新 | 129次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3 The Internet 单元测试B卷 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含听力)

8 . As a child, I had spent my holidays travelling our village in Bangladesh — running across the rice fields or farms and fishing in lakes. But, this had started to wear off as a teen. One thing I remember about that trip was when we were only about half an hour from our village, we had to get out of our car. The road in front of us was completely under water. We all got on a bamboo boat for another two or three hours.

That was 15 years ago — the last time I visited our village. One by one, many other villagers left there. But my father has been working hard to build it up. He doesn’t want it to be lost.

Yes, we should protect our home. But there is something else to think about: climate crisis (气候危机). Bangladesh is at the centre of the climate crisis — it is hit by floods, droughts, storms and other natural disasters. “I jokingly say, Bangladesh is God’s laboratory for natural disasters,” says Prof Ainun Nishat, an expert on climate change from Bangladesh.

The period from June to October sees heavy rains. But the rainfall time is becoming more erratic (无常的). In 2020, Sylhet, my hometown, was hit by huge floods that affected thousands of families, whose homes were swept away. In fact, over a quarter of the country was flooded. Nearly 1.3 million homes were damaged, and hundreds of people died.

The weather is getting more extreme (极端的). It is getting too hot. And the supply of water can’t be relied upon, leaving the land getting drier.

Although people have worries about droughts and floods, unlike in the past, the country is well-prepared to deal with them. Prof Nishat says, “Maybe 20, 30 years back we depended on external (外部的) support to return to normal from any natural disaster, but now it’s different. The country has developed, and we suffered these disasters many times, so the people are one of the most prepared.”

1. What do the underlined words “wear off” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Advance.B.Make sense.
C.Disappear.D.Lose control.
2. What do we know about Bangladesh?
A.It is affected by many disasters.
B.It needs more people to build it up.
C.People living there lead an unhappy life.
D.Experts are studying why the climate changes there.
3. Why does the author mention the flood happening in 2020?
A.To prove floods are difficult to avoid.
B.To show the effects of climate change.
C.To prove floods are frequent in Bangladesh.
D.To show the great damage caused by floods.
4. What do Prof Nishat’s words in the last paragraph show?
A.People in Bangladesh think the external support is unnecessary.
B.People in Bangladesh try to rebuild their homes on their own.
C.Bangladesh needs more support to aid its development.
D.Bangladesh is trying hard to deal with climate change.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Myspace launched in September 2003. Friendster gave inspiration to the founders of Myspace, and the social network officially went live on the web in January 2004. After its first month online, over one million people signed up. By November 2004, that number grew to 5 million. By 2006, Myspace was visited more times than Google Search and Yahoo, becoming the most visited website in the United States. In June of that year, Myspace was reportedly responsible for nearly 80 percent of all social media traffic.

As explosive as Myspace was, it paled in comparison to how quickly Facebook grew into the internet giant it is today. In April 2008, both Facebook and Myspace attracted 115 million unique global visitors per month, with Myspace still winning in the U. S. alone. In December 2008, Myspace experienced peak (顶峰) U. S. traffic with 75. 9 million unique visitors. As Facebook grew, Myspace sustain a series of downsizing and redesigns as it tried to redefine itself as a social entertainment network. It was estimated (估价) in March 2011 that the site had dropped from attracting 95 million to 63 million unique visitors within the past year.

Although several factors triggered Myspace’s fall, one argument held that the company never figured out how to innovate well enough to keep up with the competition. Officially, however, Myspace is far from dead. If you go to myspace.com, you’ll see that it is very much still alive, though it has mostly transitioned away from social networking to become a site for planning music and entertainment. As of 2019, the site boasted over 7 million monthly visits. On Myspace’s front page, you’ll find a variety of entertainment news stories not just about music, but also movies, sports, food, and other cultural topics. Profiles are still a central feature of the social network, but users are encouraged to share their own music, videos, photos, and even concert events.

1. How long has it taken Myspace to become the most visited website in America since its establishment?
A.About 2 years.B.About 3 years.
C.About 5 years.D.About 8 years.
2. What does the underlined word “sustain” mean in the second paragraph?
3. What is one of the main reasons for Myspace’ failure?
A.Lack of improvement.B.Too much competition.
C.Unclear business positioning.D.Cutting down too many workers.
4. What does Myspace mainly feature right now?
A.Profiles.B.Social networking.
C.Entertainment news.D.Music and entertainment.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 请发挥想象,憧憬未来,写一篇短文,描述五年后的你的学习、工作或生活。词数100左右。
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