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In the heart of the forest, there was an annual event that all animals looked forward to—the Great Forest Race. The big animals, like the majestic deer, the powerful bears, and the swift foxes, always dominated the race. They believed that their size and strength were the keys to victory.

Among the small animals, there was a brave rabbit named Hopper who had always dreamt of winning the Great Forest Race. Hopper was small, but he had quick feet and a determined spirit.

The day of the race arrived, and the forest was filled with excitement. The big animals took off, their powerful legs carrying them swiftly through the forest. The small animals, led by Hopper, followed closely behind.

As the race progressed, the big animals began to slow down. Their size and strength, which they had thought were advantages, became obstacles as they struggled to navigate the twisty paths and steep hills of the forest.

Hopper, on the other hand, bounded gracefully over the obstacles. His small size allowed him to weave through the trees with ease, and his determination kept him going strong.

One by one, the big animals began to fall behind. They watched in amazement as Hopper and the other small animals passed them by.

Finally, the small animals, led by Hopper, had not only participated but had also triumphed in face of adversity. The big animals realized that they had been wrong to underestimate the small animals. They had judged them based on their size, without considering their skills or determination.

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From that day forward, the big animals treated the small animals with respect.


The Great Forest Race became a symbol of unity and cooperation.

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Meagan and her close friend Samantha, both school teachers, lived together in an apartment in Denver. On mornings when Samantha had class, Meagan would help to watch her 2-year-old daughter, Hannah. Also part of the household was Meagan’s pet, Willie, a particularly intelligent and chatty parrot.

Willie was indeed funny and a good talker. In addition to some vocabulary learned from Meagan, he became a great mimic (会模仿的动物) of cats, dogs, and chickens. Plus, he could sing along to the radio. The bird was a nice playmate for the little girl, and he always knew how to lift her spirits. The bird was more than just a pet; he was a member of the family.

One day, with Samantha at school, Hannah had comfortably positioned herself in front of morning cartoons while Meagan was busy cooking in the kitchen, preparing the little girl her favorite breakfast treat, an apple pie. When Meagan was done baking the apple pie, she placed it at the center of the kitchen table to cool. She looked at Hannah and, confident the child was fully engaged with the TV, walked out of the kitchen quickly to use the bathroom.

Meagan was gone maybe 30 seconds. And suddenly, she heard the bird going crazy, screaming loudly. She heard two very distinct words from the parrot’s mouth. “Mama! Baby!” Repeated over and over again. “Mama! Baby! Mama! Baby!”

Meagan ran out of the bathroom to find Hannah in the kitchen, holding the partly eaten apple pie, fighting for breath, her face and lips a terrifying shade of blue. And Willie was still screaming loudly.Hannah had climbed up on a chair, gotten the apple pie from the kitchen table and was clearly choking on it.

注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右;

With a pounding heart, Meagan grabbed Hannah immediately.


Around lunchtime, Samantha came back from school.

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Frog is a wise and brave frog, living happily with his neighbors as well as good friends – Duck, Pig, Hare and Rat. One day, dark clouds were gathering in the sky, hiding the sun from view. “It’s going to rain,” thought Frog happily. The first drops were already falling on his bare skin. Frog loved the rain. He danced for joy as the raindrops fell thick and fast, which was a bit too much even for Frog.

He ran home dripping wet and made himself a nice hot cup of tea. The raindrops pattered against the window but it was cozy inside. After three days of rain however, Frog began to feel restless. He wondered how his friends were, because he hadn’t seen them since the rain started.

On the fifth day, the river began to rise. It wasn’t long before water came streaming into Frog’s house. Full of worry, he hurried over to Duck’s house only to find it was flooded as well. Wading (蹚) through the watery landscape, they decided to go to Pig’s house. Pig was leaning out of his attic (阁楼) window. “All my things are wet,” he cried desperately. The room was in a mess, with tables and chairs floating around. “Let’s go and see Hare,” suggested Frog.

Hare’s house was on an island in the middle of the water. Hare stood at the door and waved to them. “Come inside,” he shouted. “It’s dry in here.” Gratefully, they dried themselves in front of the stove and told Hare how their houses had been flooded. Hare invited them to stay as there’s plenty of room and plenty of food in the house. So they all sat down to a big pot of stew (炖菜) Hare had made. So hungry were they that they ate everything up. Then they settled down to a cosy evening and stayed there for days, while outside it kept raining.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Then, one day, they found they only had one loaf of bread left.


Pig, Duck and Hare cheered when they saw Frog return in a boat.

2023-06-20更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:2021届广东省佛山市石门中学高三高考模拟英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When we lived on a farm, a black-and-white Border Collie mix showed up at our gate one day. My young son Alec fell in love with this dog instantly, and within an hour, he had named him Oreo.

Within a day, I could see how he would make a house in a mess. The great outdoors itself barely seemed enough space for him to run. When he was let out of his fence, he became a mass of black-and-white fur rushing all over the place at breakneck speed. He never seemed to be tired of running, of jumping on people, or of barking. His high energy was entertaining, but also wearing (令人疲惫的). So it was usually my husband Gary’ s job to leash (栓链子) him up for walks.

One day in late summer, Gary, Alec, and I walked with Oreo to the edge of the field and loosed the leash. He took off on his normal run across the juicy, green fields and soon disappeared over the top of a hill. My family walked on the path along the fence at a much slower pace, looking for four-leafed clovers (四叶草) when suddenly we heard barking behind us.

We turned to see two unfamiliar dogs speeding toward us, and they did not look friendly. Ears back, teeth bared, they flew toward us over the dirt path. Gary pushed Alec and me toward a tree with some low-hanging branches. “Get Alec in the tree,” he ordered as he picked up a heavy stick. Heart pounding, I lifted Alec onto a branch, and Gary squared off (摆好架势) to face the attacking dogs and give us time to get into the tree.


Suddenly, a black-and-white ball shot over the hill and hit the bigger of the two dogs.

语法填空-短文语填 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者家里两只狗Lucky and Lily的故事。
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

We had two dogs, Lucky and Lily Bit. Either of them     1     (be) our favorite. Lucky loved much freedom and tried to find chances to leave the confines (束缚) of her indoor living routine. Our     2     (solution) to the problem were not useful. Lily Bit, on the other hand, did exactly as she was told to, never losing her way and always staying close to our home except when she came under the influence of Lucky.

Whenever the two got out together, on a regular basis, they could     3     (see) out of sight, often staying away for hours. More often than not, they d arrive home near suppertime, covered in mud and leaves.

I remember one time,     4     they once again mysteriously escaped, but this time they returned with clean bodies.     5     they could return with clean bodies was what we wanted to know. A few days later, my wife made an appointment to see our neighbor Carl, who lived in a house     6     (locate) not far from ours.

“I saw your two dogs the other day,” Carl said with a smile.

“Oh, yes? I’m so sorry. They have been so good lately, so it was such a surprise when they got out. I sure hope they didn’t cause any trouble,” my wife responded to his question. “Oh, no, no trouble at all. Did you have any idea where they went?”

“No,” my wife answered.

“They attended my dog’s funeral (葬礼). Their unexpected     7     (participate) in it always puzzles me,” Carl said.

“Oh, no. I didn’t know Toby had died,” Ann said,     8     (feel) so sorry.

“Yep, it died a couple days ago. He was buried in the back lot when your two dogs came running up. They sat down not far from me and watched     9     (intent). After I finished burying him, ultimately they left.”

“Wow, that’s amazing!” my wife replied. “Toby was Lily Bit’s father, you know. Now they can’t be reunited     10     each other.”

2022-05-28更新 | 83次组卷 | 2卷引用:山西省运城市2021-2022学年高二下学期5月份阶段性检测英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . One day, rain was falling. I saw an old, wet dog walking to my house. The leather collar around his neck was _______and faded. I could see the ribs (肋骨) sticking out of his sides and knew he hadn’t had a (n) _______ meal in many days. My heart _______! I ran into my kitchen, _______ an old bowl, filled it with some food and went outside.

The old dog _______ me with alarm. I could see he didn’t completely trust strangers. I called him _______, put the bowl down and _______ a few steps back. I kneeled down in the wet grass and _______. Finally, the old boy smelt food and moved slowly forward. His own smell came before him. He hadn’t had a _______ in a long time either. I wondered if he was ________ or just lost. He bent down his head and rapidly ate the contents of the bowl ________. Then for just a moment he gave me a(n) ________ little smile. I hurried inside, refilled the bowl, and went backout but he was already gone. I had wanted to ________ him and give him a home. Instead we just shared a meal and a moment of love. I sent up a little ________ that his future would be better.

Every moment of love you create is a ________. But caring doesn't necessarily go the way we want it to.

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Ellen Kalish runs a center for rescued wild animals in New York. One day, a woman called and asked if she could help an owl (猫头鹰). The caller told her the tiny owl was in the Christmas tree in a shopping center in New York! Kalish was surprised. She has been helping wild animals for 20 years, but she has never heard a story like that.

The traditional Christmas tree was a 75-foot-tall Norway spruce (云杉) from Oneonta, New York. When workers were unwrapping (移去……上的包裹物) the tree, one of them spotted the creature. He was buried in the base of the tree, Kalish said. At first the worker thought the owl might be injured. He would not let go of the tree’s base (底座).

One of the workers called his wife and told her he was taking the owl home. He asked if she could find a place that could help wildlife. The woman then called Kalish.

Kalish then set out to fetch the owl. On the way, she looked at the pictures the woman sent her on the phone. The owl is the smallest of his kind living in the Northeast. How did he end up being stuck in the tree in the first place? “He could have gone to the tree to rest or sleep and got trapped later,” she said. “Maybe once the tree was loaded onto a truck, the branches made it hard for him to escape. Or he might have been too scared to move.” Her driver guessed the owl might have flown in from Central Park in New York, but Kalish didn’t agree. “That would be the last place he would want to go,” Kalish said. “The area around the tree is busy and noisy. Why would he pick that tree if he had a choice not to? He’s smart, and he wouldn’t do that.”

Para. 1: An hour later, Kalish met the woman who first called her at a gas station.
Para. 2: The owl didn’t spend much time at the center.
2021-10-23更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省南漳县第二中学2021-2022学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When Farrel was young, he had a Rat Terrier (捕鼠犬). He named it RK, short for Rat Killer. The following is how he came across the dog and adopted it.

That was sometime in the 1930s. He worked in the booth with the projectionist (电影放映员). He liked to see the theater from booth. At that time, people usually took a short break between reel (胶卷) changes. Farrel would take this chance to look at the theater audience. The people were usually talking or making a trip to the bathroom during the breaks. The lights were on, but turned down low. Farrel saw something that shocked him at this time. He actually saw 3 huge rats. They crossed the room and went under the seats. Then the movie was over, and he had to stay behind and clean up. That night he stayed in the projection room and watched from above. He saw several rats running around below. They were so huge that he could see them clearly from above. But when the lights were turned up brighter, the rats all disappeared.

He told the manager what he saw. The manager said that he knew about the rats. But he couldn't use poisons in the theater to get rid of them. So, Farrel suggested introducing some cats to the theater at night. The manager agreed to it and asked Farrel to find the cats. And he also asked Farrel to remove the cats in the morning and any dead rats that might be around.

Farrel found 4 large cats and took them to the theater. The cats were first kept in cages. Farrel thought they were ready for their duties as night “watchmen”. When the movie was over, Farrel opened the cage and released the new “night guards”. He left and headed home with a little excitement running through his mind. He couldn't help thinking about how many dead rats he would find the next morning.


The next morning, Farrel opened the front door of the theater, and to his surprise, all 4 cats shot out of the door and down to the street.


Later that day, Farrel's dad persuaded him to borrow a Rat Terrier from the local dog pound (流浪狗收留所).

2021-09-15更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2020~2021学年高二上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Teresa Perkins was driving 80 miles per hour along Route 340 on Wednesday. The woman knew she was going too fast, but it was the only hope she had. Her dog, Jett, was dying in the backseat. About a half hour earlier she had received a call from her daughter, who had been playing with Jett, a 3-year-old, 120-pound black German Shepherd. The ball they were playing with got stuck in Jett’s throat. The dog was struggling to breathe.

Perkins raced home to see if she could help, but the dog slobber (口水) had made the ball too slippery to pull out by hand. They put the dog in the backseat of her car and began their race to the vet in Waynesboro.

About halfway there, Perkins got caught in construction traffic. Jett was struggling even more at that point and Perkins knew she only had minutes, but she was now stopped in a line of cars. She began blowing her horn (喇叭) to get the attention of someone, anyone, when three construction workers walked up to her. In a panicked voice, she told them her dog was dying.

“By then my dog was pretty much dead,” Perkins said on Wednesday night. “He was lying in the car, not moving. I had heard him breathe, broken- winded, but then he quit. I was wildly crying and praying.”

Cavaja Holt was one of the workers standing there. He stuck his hand down the weak dog’s throat and pulled out the ball, but Jett still wasn’t breathing. “And the guy behind Holt tried to breathe in Jett’s mouth,” Perkins said. “And he did.” Perkins jumped out of the car and helped start doing first aid on Jett. The two were working together to save the dog’s life, when Holt cried, “He’s awake.”

Perkins began crying and just thanking Holt over and over. When she saw the line of cars, she thought she had made a mistake going that direction. It turned out that it was the best choice she could have made.


Once Jett began breathing again, Perkins continued her trip to the vet.


After arriving home, Perkins thought she was so anxious that she forgot to ask Holt’s name then.

2021-07-14更新 | 484次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省部分名校2020-2021学年第二学期高一期末联考英语试题
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