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阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

1 . Low-maintenance (无须费神的) care is one of the biggest advantages of owning a cat. Cats are known for being independent. And unlike dogs, cats don’t require daily walks in order to get their exercise fix.     1     It’s necessary to make sure your cat has plenty of chances to move her body.

Why is Exercise Important for Cats?

Exercise is very important when it comes to keeping your cat healthy. Exercise, along with diet, is important for maintaining your cat’s weight.     2     Plus, that extra weight can put added pressure on the legs and feet, leading to mobility problems down the road.

Exercise is also good for mental health (精神健康).     3     As an added benefit, enough physical exercise can keep your cat from acting in destructive (破坏性的) ways.

How Much Exercise Does Your Cat Need?

The exact amount (数量) of recommended exercise differs from cat to cat.     4     This doesn’t necessarily mean running or walking for 30 minutes straight, though.

How to Help Your Cat Exercise

    5     Try playing together for at least 15 minutes or so per day with toys. With enough independent games, toys, and tools for your cat to use on her own terms, she will also get in more movement, like walking, climbing, and scratching (抓).

A.Cats are good at taking care of themselves.
B.Exercise helps to kill boredom and lower stress.
C.That doesn’t mean cat exercise isn’t important, though.
D.Taking your cat outside can inspire her interest in exercise.
E.For most adult cats, though, 30 minutes per day is recommended.
F.Fat cats may be cute, but being overweight can lead to health problems.
G.Playing with your cat every day is one of the best ways to help them exercise.
7日内更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源市万源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Nanjing, the capital city of China’s Jiangsu Province and located ( 位于) along the Yangtze River Delta (三角洲),     1     (be) once the capital of the Ming Dynasty and is recognized as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China alongside Beijing, Xi’an     2     Luoyang.

But if you’ll only be visiting for 72 hours, there are a few     3     (experience) that you shouldn’t miss out on.

Any trip to Nanjing, no matter     4     short it is, wouldn’t be complete without some excellent food. Nanjing cuisine is a part of Jiangsu cuisine and often shows the area’s     5     (local) grown produce and fresh seafood.

The city is also considered the birthplace of Peking Duck, but it also prepares a local favorite: Nanjing salted duck,     6     is served cold after being cooked in very salty water.

The area’s close     7     (connect) to the river delta ensures that travelers will have a taste of seafood, such as hairy crab.

Nanjing is known for     8     (it) cultural and political importance. Today, travelers can visit numerous temples (寺庙) within the city and walk along Stone City, the remains of the city’s ancient fortifications (防御工事), at a local park.

Nanjing is also home     9     one UNESCO World Heritage Site — the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, located in the Zhongshan Mountain National Park, where many other    10     (importance) sites, such as Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, are also located.

7日内更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源市万源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . At the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, a handful of female wildlife rangers (护林员) traveled through snowbanks. _______ the strong mountain winds, they moved slowly. Sweat ran down, although the temperature was _______, at around -20°C. “We can’t take a long rest, because we need to _______ a drop in our body temperature,” said Xu Chunmei, a member of the ranger team. After a short _______ they struggled back into the forest to carry out their mission of protecting the forest and _______ wildlife.

The team of female rangers is _______ for patrolling (巡逻) more than 23,000 hectares home to some 50 Amur tigers, one of the world’s most endangered species. Along their path through the forest, the team will search for, and _______ illegal animal traps, and rescue wildlife they come across that may be in _______. During this process, the team not only faces threats from bad weather, but also from the local _______. “On a very hot summer day, ________ a hornet’s (蜂的) nest by accident. All of a sudden, countless hornets rushed at me. And I was badly hurt,” recalled ________ from a team member Zhang Xin.

Despite these difficulties, they tried many ways and ________ to solve them one by one. “Besides that, they are the best data collectors,” said Li Gang, head of the local forestry station. “Their work is really ________.” All of the team members feel proud, and the ________ of wildlife protection has taken root in them. They say they will ________ the concern for wildlife protection to future generations.

A.pass downB.think aboutC.keep onD.look for
2024-04-18更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省内江市翔龙中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷

4 . When it comes to adopting a dog from a shelter, senior dogs are often overlooked favor of puppies. And while younger animals are often seen as cute, older pets have great charm, too—and they still have a lot of love to give!

In order to help get its elderly residents the attention they deserve, Florida-based Flagler Humane Society came up with a funny idea-dressing the older dogs in senior citizen clothes. The scarf dressed up their senior dogs as if they’re senior citizens for an adorable photoshoot. They worked together with their adoption specialist, who is a photographer, and carried out the great adoption promotion, to find a warm home for the senior dogs.

The final photos showed the adorable residents dressed in hats, wigs, and glasses. One dog, named Bambi, wore a wig, a beautiful scarf, and a purse. “She was so scared when she first came to us. It didn’t take her too long to get used to the staff, and we’d love to get her into a loving home as soon as possible,” said the Flagler Humane Society. “Don’t let her age impede you. Bambi is ready for walks, play, hug, and rolling in the grass wherever you are!” There’s also Kale, who was styled in a hat, glasses, and a baby blue sweater. “This sweet senior boy is looking for a second chance at the life he deserves,” said the shelter. “While he has some limits to his vision, it doesn’t stop him from being right next to his people and asking for all the love and affection he can get!”

All in all, the photoshoot was a success! All but three of the senior dogs have already been adopted.

1. What problem did old dogs in the shelter face?
A.They received little care from people.
B.They were ignored by adopters.
C.They were afraid of human contact.
D.They couldn’t play with other dogs.
2. Why did Flagler Humane Society put forward the idea of photographing old dogs?
A.To get senior dogs adopted.
B.To advertise for the shelter.
C.To catch the residents’ attention.
D.To take pictures of old dogs.
3. What does the underlined word “impede” mean in paragraph 3?
4. Which of the following can describe the idea of photographing old dogs?
①Successful.       ②Influential.       ③Creative.       ④Moving.
2024-04-18更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省内江市翔龙中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷

5 . Finally, in March of 1703, the Adventure set sail for India. The winds were good until we got near Madagascar, an island off the east coast of Africa. Then a strong wind began to blow. We were trapped in the wind for twenty days. After many hours, the wind finally stopped and the sea became quieter. The storm had blown the Adventure hundreds of kilometers to the east.

“Where are we?” I asked the captain.

“I can’t tell for sure.” He said, “we are running out of water. We must reach land soon to fill our water barrels (桶).” Many days passed and we saw nothing but the sea. One morning, before everyone died of thirst, a sailor cried out, “Land!” Everyone on the ship was silent for a second. And quickly the ship sailed closer to the land. The sailors suddenly became turnultuous and all cheered.

“You men,” said the captain to the sailors, “take the rowboats and go. Fill the water barrels with fresh water.”

“Captain,” I said, “may I go with them to take a look at this place?”

“Of course,” he replied. “You can tell me later what it is like.”

When the rowboats reached the coast, one of the sailors said, “we will have to walk along the coast to look for fresh water.”

“I’m going to take a little walk,” I told them. “I will meet you back here in an hour.”

I walked about a kilometer, enjoying being on land again. Then I turned and walked back to meet the sailors.

When I arrived on the beach, the sailors were not there. They were in the rowboats, rowing as fast as they could toward the Adventure. I was going to shout out to them when I saw a very huge man walking through the sea. I was trying to catch up with the rowboats. The sailors were almost at the ship, and I could see that the huge man would not be able to catch them. Instead, it was coming towards me. Great fear went through my mind.

1. What happened when they got near the east coast of Africa?
A.They decided to set sail for India.B.The captain lost his sense of direction.
C.A storm came and blew the ship heavily.D.The captain couldn’t tell where they were.
2. What does the underlined word “turnultuous” most probably mean?
3. Why did the writer get off the ship after reaching the land?
A.Because he planned to help get fresh water for everyone.
B.Because he got tired of travelling and decided to live on the land.
C.Because he wanted to take a walk and look around.
D.Because he was looking for the huge man on the land.
4. What would most probably happen next?
A.The writer saw the sailors were caught by the huge man.
B.The sailors failed to get on the ship because it was too far away
C.The writer tried to run away as fast as possible.
D.The huge man caught the captain and controlled the ship.
2024-04-18更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充市第十一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In a small community located at a suburb of Exeter, a disheartening issue had been troubling the neighborhood for years. The once pleasant surroundings were ruined by piles of waste that seemed to multiply with each passing day. Residents were growing tired of the worsening environment, leading many to abandon their homes in search of cleaner neighborhoods. It was in this terrible situation that two young students, Emma and Mia, decided to take matters into their own hands.

Emma and Mia were classmates and best friends from Phillips Exeter Academy, both passionate about environmental preservation and deeply concerned about the pollution crisis their community was facing. Witnessing more and more neighbors’ leaving, they knew they couldn’t stand by any longer. Determined to bring about a change, they undertook a mission that would soon catch the attention of the entire community.

Their journey began with thorough research and planning. The two girls searched carefully on the Internet for information on environmental initiatives and connected with local environmentalists. They organized meetings with residents to understand the issues at hand, collecting data on the types of waste, the sources, and the areas most affected. Armed with this knowledge, Emma and Mia worked out a comprehensive plan and announced it to ask for opinions from the residents. Surprisingly it was strongly supported.

Their strategy was twofold. First, they initiated a waste classification and recycling program. They distributed recycling bins(回收箱) to every household and educated the community about the importance of responsible waste management. Soon, the streets began to show signs of improvement as the volume of garbage inappropriately thrown away decreased gradually.

The second part of their plan was more ambitious. Emma and Mia gathered volunteers from their school and the neighborhood to take part in a massive clean-up campaign. Armed with gloves and trash(垃圾)bags, they began systematically clearing the waste from the streets, parks, and even the local bodies of water. Their firm commitment and hard work inspired others to join the cause.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。

Half a year later, the changes were significant.


Emma and Mia received recognition and honors for their work.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A huge section of the Milne Ice Shelf, located on Ellesmere Island in the northern Canada, collapsed into the Arctic Ocean, according to the Canadian Ice Service. This created an “ice island” which is about 30 square miles in size. As a comparison, Manhattan Island is about 23 square miles.

“Entire cities are that size. These are big pieces of ice,” Luke Copland, a glaciologist at the University of Ottawa who was part of the research team studying the ice shelf, told Reuters. “This was the largest remaining intact (完整的) ice shelf, and it’s collapsed, basically. ”

The Canadian Ice Service said on Twitter that “above-normal air temperatures, offshore winds and open water in front of the ice shelf are all part of the recipe for the ice shelf to break up.” A huge section of the Milne Ice Shelf has collapsed into the Arctic Ocean, producing a 30-square-mile ice island.

The ice shelf has now been reduced in area by about 43%. An ice shelf is a thick slab of ice, attached to a coastline and extending out over the ocean, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. “Some shelves have existed for thousands of years,” the center said.

So what’s going on up there? Though the planet is warming worldwide due to climate change, the Arctic has been warming at a rate twice that of the rest of the world. This summer has been particularly warm: Arctic sea ice melted to its lowest July level on record and in June, a town in Siberia soared (急升) to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, believed to be a record high for the Arctic.

“When I first visited those ice caps, they seemed like such a permanent fixture of the landscape,” Mark Serreze, director of the NSIDC and geographer at the University of Colorado, Boulder, said in a statement. “To watch them die in less than 40 years just blows me away.”

1. Why does the author mention Manhattan Island in Paragraph 1?
A.To stress that Manhattan Island is vital for Canada.
B.To introduce where Manhattan Island locates.
C.To say the great collapse is terrible.
D.To compare two different places.
2. What’s one reason that made the ice shelf collapse?
A.Its location.
B.Its huge body.
C.Special intact form.
D.Higher air temperatures.
3. What do we know from Paragraph 5?
A.Arctic sea ice melted to its lowest in June.
B.Climate change brings about great changes.
C.The earth is warming because of the loss of ice shelf.
D.The Arctic warms more slowly than the rest of the world.
4. What is Mark Serreze’s attitude to the collapse?
2024-04-17更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 6 Nurturing nature(一)同步练习-2023-2024学年高二英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “There’s a little black woman walking, spraying (喷洒) stuff on the sidewalks and trees on Elizabeth and Florence...” he told the police. Her neighbor saw her spraying something on the sidewalks and trees and this made him worried. In the call to 911, he described the child as “a little black woman”.

Well, the “little black woman” was actually 9-year-old Bobbi Wilson, a young scientist. The fourth-grader had created her own insecticide (杀虫剂) to fight spotted lanternflies (斑衣蜡蝉). She came across the recipe on TikTok and had recently learned that the harmful species damages trees because they feed on their sap (树液). Bobbi was simply testing out her invention in her neighborhood when the police call was made.

“That’s her thing,” her mother Monique Joseph said. “She’s going to kill the lanternflies, especially if they’re on a tree. That’s what she’s going to do.” Bobbi’s 13-year-old sister, Hayden Wilson, also defended her, noting that Bobbi “was not only doing something amazing for our environment, but she was also doing something that made her feel like a hero”. Luckily, what happened didn’t influence Bobbi’s spirit and has led to some positive experiences for her.

She has since been recognized by several organizations for her environmental efforts. She has also been invited on special tours. One took place at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Another was given by the United States Department of Agriculture of New Jersey at a plant where they discussed lanternflies. But that’s not where her recognition ends! The Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC) honored Bobbi with their Sustainability Award for her work to save trees and fight lanternflies.

“We were excited that she was doing that,” Ann Marchioni of the ANJEC said. Ann added that the organization praises volunteers for being “hands-on” in their community. In addition to the award, she and her family got to visit with a group of black female scientists at Yale University. They showed her various labs and even invited her to donate lanternfly specimens (标本) for the university’s work.

1. What made the neighbor call the police?
A.A girl climbing trees.B.A girl spraying something.
C.A girl littering the sidewalks.D.A girl testing something dangerous.
2. How did Hayden Wilson feel about her sister’s behavior?
3. What kind of volunteers does ANJEC think highly of ?
A.Those whose donations help ANJEC.
B.Those who can do something creative in their university.
C.Those whose environmental awareness is quite impressive.
D.Those who can do something practical in their community.
4. Which of the following would best describe Bobbi?
A.Creative and determined.B.Watchful and serious.
C.Friendly and generous.D.Talkative and strict.
2024-04-17更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

When Zhou Longshan started filming birds 10 years ago at Baiyangdian Lake,     1     major wetland in northern China, he just wanted to record his favorite species—egrets (白鹭).

Then things snowballed. In the following years, the teacher became a bird watcher, a volunteer ranger at the lake, a photographer     2    (document) over 110 bird species, and an     3     (education) popularizing bird-related knowledge among students.

“Sharing bird-protection knowledge with children can make them feel the     4    (beautiful) of their hometown and the importance of birds, and help them cultivate the habit of protecting birds from an early age,” he said.

Growing up in a local village, Zhou,60, has fond childhood memories     5    (associate) with the wetland.

“When I was a child, the water in Baiyangdian was limpid. The fish and aquatic plants in the water could be seen clearly,” he said. “I often caught fish with my friends, rowed boats and drank the lake water     6     I was thirsty.”

Between the 1960s and 1980s,     7    , Baiyangdian suffered severely from industrial pollution. Chemicals poisoned the water and lake beds, decimating the aquatic life. In the 1990s, the lake     8    (near) dried up due to climate change.

When Zhou became a teacher in the 1990s, the stink from the lake could sometimes be smelled from his village. “The lake became stinking, the population and species of fish and birds decreased, and the locals were unwilling to go near the lake,” he recalled.

Since the Xiong’an New Area was established in 2017, Baiyangdian’s rehabilitation and protection activities     9    (improve) greatly. The water quality has improved from Level Ⅴ-the     10    (low) in China’s five-tier water assessment system-to Level Ⅲ.

Zhou will retire in June. “I will continue patrolling the lake and photographing the birds, to contribute to the protection of birds in my hometown,” he said.

2024-04-15更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月分层测试英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How did the man get the cat?
A.He bought him from a pet store.
B.He got him from his neighbour.
C.He found him on the street.
2. How old was the man when the cat saved his life?
3. Where did the man’s wife find him?
A.In the bedroom.B.In the bathroom.C.In the dining room.
4. What can we know from the conversation?
A.The man has heart trouble.
B.The cat woke the man up.
C.The woman doesn’t like pet.
2024-04-15更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳南山中学高三下学期三诊热身考试英语试题
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