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1 . When you hear the word “shapeshifting (变身)”, you may think of magic in some movies and not the climate. But that’s what animals are doing to go on living in the world.

A new study shows that some animals are slowly growing larger beaks, legs and ears. In this way they can cool themselves down more easily as the Earth gets warmer. When we talk about the climate change, we often ask “What can humans do with this?” “How can we live in the future?” “But we should know that animals also have to face these changes,” said Sara Ryding, from Deakin University, Australia. If animals do nothing to keep their normal body temperature, they will die.

In one example, the beaks of some kinds of Australian parrots have grown 4 to 10 percent larger. The study says it has a lot to do with the hotter summer over the years. There are other similar examples. Wood mice have longer tails and bats in warm climates have bigger wings.

Although the changes are still small, they could be common as the weather becomes hotter. “Body parts like ears may become bigger, so we might be able to see a real Dumbo (big-eared elephant from a Disney cartoon) in the near future,” Ryding told the reporters.

1. Why do animals grow bigger body parts?
A.To become stronger.B.To enjoy a better life.
C.To find food easily.D.To keep normal body temperature.
2. How many animals are mentioned in Paragraph 3?
3. What does the underlined word “they” refer to in the last paragraph?
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Why climate changes so much.B.When the climate starts to change.
C.How animals deal with hotter weather.D.What the weather will be like in the future.
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2 . A wild African bird that will lead people to trees with honeycomb (蜂巢) seems to somehow learn the distinct whistles and calls of the human foragers (觅食者) who live near them.

This bird species has far more information about what the bees are doing than humans ever could. In Tanzania, Hadza foragers can use a special whistle to attract this bird, which will then fly down and start leading them to honey. With its noisy chattering sound, the bird is very conspicuous. Once the bird arrives at a tree with honey inside, it will rest near the beehive silently, seemingly not to disturb the bees. “That’s the signal to the Hadza to really start searching,” says Brian Wood, an anthropologist at University of California, Los Angeles. Pretty soon, the foragers will locate the hive and cut open the tree trunk.

It is found that the birds are more likely to show up when the familiar signal used by the locals is being broadcast. According to the research, the birds appear 82% of the time when Hadza whistles are being played. But they appear only 24% of the time when the researchers play the whistles traditionally used in a different country.

This makes it clear that the birds have learned what their human neighbors do when they want to partner up and go honey-hunting. “This is a very strong result which supports the idea that there’s a learning process involved,” says Wood.

But how do the birds learn? It’s still unclear. What is clear is that this human-animal communication seems to benefit both parties, and it may go back many thousands of years. When the honeycomb is out, the birds get some of the beeswax, which they love to eat. And the human foragers get the honey—which is an enormously important food for the Hadza. Wood has calculated that the Hadza get about 10% of the calories in their annual diet with the help of the birds.

1. What does the underlined word “conspicuous” in Para.2mean?
2. What can we know about the birds?
A.They are raised by humans.B.They help cut open the tree trunk.
C.They feed on honey as their annual diet.D.They can distinguish different whistles.
3. Which of the following can best describe the honey gathering?
A.A complex dilemma.B.An unfair trade.
C.A double-edged sword.D.A win-win cooperation.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The familiar signal in the forest.
B.A talented expert in hunting the bees.
C.A wonderful guide to collecting honey.
D.The human-animal communication in Tanzania.
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3 . When temperatures rise, humans sweat, dogs pant (喘息), and cats… don’t move enough to overheat? Well, partially. Cats, which need to maintain an internal body temperature of 101°F to 102°F, have several methods for keeping cool in sweltering weather.

It’s a misconception that cats sweat through their paws to cool themselves off. As summer wears on you might see moist paw prints, but as veterinarian Kimberly May told The Washington Post, “Any secretions (分泌物) there or from their nose, mouth, or tongue are not for sweating; they’re for protection and moisture and are insufficient to cool the blood.”

Instead, cats recreate the sweating process—which is similar to human’s via evaporation (蒸发)—by grooming themselves regularly. The saliva (唾液) from their tongues acts like sweat that cools their body when it evaporates—which is why you can also help cool your cat down by using a damp washcloth to lightly wet their fur. In extreme weather, cats will also pant, but unlike dogs who pant regularly to keep themselves cool, a panting cat is a sign of more dangerous over-heating or other serious diseases.

And if you’re tempted to shave your fur friend to help keep him cool—don’t!

“Fur acts as a thermal regulator to slow down the process of heat absorption,” James H. Jones, an expert in comparative animal exercise physiology and thermoregulation at the University of California at Davis, told The Washington Post.

Fur coats are highly evolved—in the winter they keep animals warm, but in the summer, they work both to protect delicate skin from the sun and slow dehydration, Jones notes that, according to research, shaved camels performed worse in the deserts than those with their fur undamaged.

But even with these methods for keeping cool, cats also need to stay indoors to keep comfortable. So even though they evolved from wild ancestors and are able to tough it out, leave the air conditioner or a fan on for your cats when you go out, and make sure to leave them plenty of water.

1. What is the common misunderstanding of how cats cool themselves off?
A.Cats pant regularly to keep themselves cool.
B.Cats rarely know how to cool themselves down.
C.Cats sweat through their paws to cool themselves off.
D.Cats produce secretions from their tongue for protection.
2. How does the author clarify cats’ recreating the sweating process?
A.By making comparison.B.By analyzing data.
C.By explaining cause and effect.D.By listing numbers.
3. Why are shaved camels mentioned in the last but one paragraph?
A.To show the camels are resistant to heat.
B.To emphasize the importance of the fur coats.
C.To illustrate the fur coats are highly evolved.
D.To prove the fur coats unnecessary in summer.
4. What’s the main idea of the article?
A.Changing people’s wrong views on cats’ cooling.
B.Telling us to help cats cool themselves in summer.
C.Uncovering the secrets of cats cooling themselves off.
D.Comparing cats with other animals on keeping cool.
2024-02-28更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省荆门市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章旨在介绍和解释Macquarie Island上兔子和啮齿类动物泛滥的问题以及采取的解决方案。

4 . Macquarie Island is a tiny island that’s part of Australia. It’s about halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica. The island’s been made a world heritage area because it’s so untouched, but this unique environment is under threat from some unwanted visitors.

It all started when seal hunters came to the island in the early 1800s. They brought rabbits with them as a source of food for the journey, and also on board the ships were rats and mice, which made their way onto the island too. They’re being blamed for destroying the homes of marine birds, causing soil loss and ripping up plant cover, as these before-and-after photos show.

So what’s being done about the problem? It starts with a team of helicopters that fly across the island carrying these giant containers. Inside them are poisoned pellets (有毒饲料) which are dropped and spread across the island. For any rabbits that survived the baiting (诱饵) , there’s a plan B. This special team of dogs is being put through a final training. It’ll be their job to track down any remaining rabbits. They have to also learn to behave around the island’s native wildlife. The dogs could be here for years or until the task is complete. The dogs don’t actually kill the rabbits. They find them, then the hunters decide to either catch the rabbits or shoot them.

But the program has received a bit of criticism. Some people argue 25 million dollars is a lot of money to be spending on wiping out rabbits and rodents (啮齿目动物), and in the process, some native birds will be killed because of the baiting.

The reality is the problem isn’t going to be solved overnight. The people running the program say that even if one pair of rabbits is left alive, the whole task will be seen as a failure, which means these guys could be here for a long time, trying to ensure that this precious island remains protected from pests.

1. Who are these unwanted visitors?
A.Seal hunters.B.Marine wildlife.C.Native birds.D.Foreign species.
2. What do the underlined words “ripping up” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What is being done to solve the problem of unwanted visitors on Macquarie Island?
A.Poisoned pellets are being dropped on the island from helicopters.
B.A team of hunters is being trained to catch or shoot rabbits.
C.Native birds are being protected from the unwanted visitors.
D.A special team of dogs is being sent to kill the rabbits.
4. What is the goal of the program?
A.To spend as little money as possible.
B.To protect native birds from the unwanted visitors.
C.To ensure that no pair of rabbits survive on the island.
D.To train dogs to track down the rabbits on the island.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man plan to do for a few days?
A.Help the woman walk a dog.B.Visit the woman.C.Go on a business trip.
2. When should the woman feed the dog?
A.At around 6:00 a.m.B.At around 8:00 a.m.C.At around 8:00 p.m.
3. What does the woman usually do after work?
A.Go for a walk.B.Make dinner.C.Play with her friends.
2024-02-27更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省莆田第七中学、第十一中学、第十五中学等校2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题(含听力)
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。虽然世界各地都会有陨石坠落,但南极洲的环境和独特的过程使它们在原始的、多雪的地形上更容易找到。尽管如此,在南极洲收集陨石绝对是一项令人精疲力竭和危险的工作。现在,科学家创建了一种“藏宝图”, 可以预测南极洲数十万颗陨石的藏身之处。

6 . The earth is struck daily by 60 tons of rocks from outer space. However, finding these ancient rocks is no easy task. Most meteorites (陨石) fall directly into water. And those that hit land can be difficult to spot among other rocks.

Fortunately for researchers there is one place on Earth where meteorites find it difficult to hide: Antarctica. “There are probably fewer meteorites falling per acre of land in Antarctica than in other parts of the world,” said Ralph Harvey, a professor at Case Western Reserve University. “But if you want to find things that fell from the sky, lay out a big white sheet. And Antarctica is a 5,000-kilometer-wide sheet.”

Finding meteorites in Antarctica is so relatively “easy” compared to the rest of the world that an estimated two-thirds (around 45,000) of those ever discovered have come from the icy continent. The challenge, however, comes not only from the terrible conditions, but also from knowing where to look to make any expedition worthwhile.

In an effort to greatly improve the collection rate of Antarctic meteorites, a Belgian—Dutch team of scientists has unveiled (展示) what they’re calling a “treasure map” for the region. “We expect the treasure map to be 80% accurate,” said Veronica Tollenaar, who led the study.

After landing in the snow in Antarctica, a meteorite will either be directed into the ocean or brought back to the surface of what’s known as a “blue ice” area. As meteorites come out in these special “blue ice” areas, their color contrasts (对比) against the deep blue ice, making them easy to spot. The treasure map marks more than 600 special “blue ice” areas. They estimate that these sites may contain anywhere from 340,000 to 900,000 surface meteorites.

The researchers add that these locations also likely contain rare meteorites, such as angrites, brachinites or even Martian meteorites.

“Collecting these ancient rocks will further improve the understanding of our Solar System,” they write.

1. What makes it relatively easy to spot meteorites on Antarctica?
A.Few people visit the Antarctica.
B.Antarctica is covered with snow.
C.More meteorites fall in Antarctica.
D.Meteorites stay still in Antarctica.
2. What is the difficulty in finding meteorites in Antarctic?
A.Antarctic is too far to arrive.
B.Meteorites’ location is hard to track.
C.The expedition to Antarctic is too expensive.
D.The snow in Antarctic covers most of the meteorites.
3. Which serves as the best title of the text?
A.More and more meteorites found in Antarctica
B.Challenges of spotting meteorites in Antarctica
C.Improving our understanding of the Solar System
D.Treasure map helping spot meteorites in Antarctica
4. In which section of the website is the text probably from?
2024-02-27更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:(不含听力)1号卷·A10联盟2021-2022学年(2020级)高二下学期期末联考英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where are the two speakers?
A.On the street.B.In a park.C.At a square.
2. What breed is the man’s dog?
A.Golden retriever.B.Chihuahua.C.Samoyed.
3. What does the man think about his dog?
A.He’s cute.B.He’s shy.C.He’s dangerous.
4. What kind of dog does the woman want to raise?
A.A large-sized dog.B.A brave dog.C.A smart dog.
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8 . A recent report revealed that, in the US alone, 27 million tons of plastic ended up in landfills in 2018, but only 3. 1 million tons were recycled. Worldwide the numbers are similarly bad, with just 9% of plastic being recycled. The statistics are even worse for certain types of plastic. For example, out of 80,000 tons of polystyrene(聚苯乙烯) containers generated in the United States, only a small amount   (less than 5,000 tons)   was recycled.

Now, researchers at The University of Queensland have found a species of worm with an appetite for polystyrene could be the key to plastic recycling on a mass scale. The superworm can eat through polystyrene, thanks to a bacterial enzyme(酶) in their gut. To study how superworms react to purely plastic food, researchers broke up 135 of the creatures into three teams: one was fed only wheat bran(麸皮), another was fed only plastics, and the third was given nothing.

“We found the bran-fed worms have been significantly healthier than the plastic-fed or starved worms, more than doubling their weight over the three weeks they have been monitored. Though the plastic-fed worms made less impressive gains, they still put on more weight than the starved worms,” Dr. Rinke said.“This suggests the worms can get energy from plastics, most likely with the help of their gut microbes.”

Researchers used a technique called metagenomics to find several encoded enzymes with the ability to degrade(降低) polystyrene. The long-term goal is to engineer enzymes to degrade plastic waste in recycling plants.

“Superworms are like mini recycling plants, eating the polystyrene and then feeding it to the bacteria in their gut,”Dr. Rink e said. It’s hoped this bio-upcycling will promote plastic waste recycling and reduce landfills. Researchers said they aim to grow the gut bacteria in the lab and further test its ability to degrade polystyrene. Then they can look into how to upscale this process to a level required for an entire recycling plant.

1. What problem do the statistics in paragraph 1 indicate?
A.Landfills are poorly managed.
B.It takes a long time for plastic waste to break up.
C.Many plastic containers are of poor quality.
D.The rate of recycled plastics are very low.
2. How do researchers conduct the study on superworms?
A.By making a comparison.B.By collecting data.
C.By introducing a concept.D.By referring to a previous study.
3. What can we infer from Dr Rinke’s words?
A.Superworms could survive on only eating polystyrene.
B.Superworms showed little interest in wheat bran.
C.Plastic-fed worms had an obvious increase in weight.
D.Bran-fed worms had a longer lifespan than plastic-fed worms.
4. What do researchers plan to do?
A.Conduct experiments on other worm species.
B.Improve gut bacteria's ability to degrade plastics.
C.Raise superworms on a mass scale to solve plastic pollution.
D.Apply the bio-upcycling technology to recycling plants.
2024-02-22更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Mount Wutai, located in the northeastern part of Shanxi province, is 230 kilometers away from the provincial capital city Taiyuan. It was named after five peaks that look like five giant columns (柱子)     1     (rise) straight from the ground. With its high peaks, snow covers for much of the year. Even in midsummer days it remains cool and pleasant,     2     has given rise to another name: Qingliang Mountain as     3     ideal place for escaping summer heat.

Mount Wutai is quiet a beautiful mountain landscape with a cultural heritage that is at least as     4     (value) as the mountain’s natural beauty.     5     (know) as one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains of China, it is home     6     forty-one temples. Within their walls     7     (be) a rich collection of over 100, 000 superb sculptures and paintings, along with a great quantity of Buddhist cultural relics. For example, the east main hall of the Foguang Temple is the     8     (high) wooden building in China that     9     (survive) since the Tang Dynasty.

Wutai Mountain displays its outstanding     10     (combine) of the natural landscape and Buddhist culture, religious belief in the natural landscape and Chinese philosophical thinking on the harmony between man and nature.

2024-02-21更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省鹰潭市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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10 . Traditionally, it has been assumed that cultivating food leads to a loss of biodiversity and negative impacts on an ecosystem. In a recent study, researchers looked at 28 urban community gardens across California over five years and quantified biodiversity in plant and animal life, as well as ecosystem functions such as carbon sequestration (碳封存), food production, pest control, and human well-being.

“We wanted to determine if there were any biodiversity and impacts on ecosystem function in those urban gardens,” says Shalene Jha, the lead author of the study in Ecology Letters. “What we found is that these gardens, which are providing tremendous nutritional resources and increasing well-being for gardeners, are also supporting incredibly high levels of plant and animal biodiversity. It’s a win-win.”

Previous assumptions by scientists about the negative effect of food production on biodiversity have been almost entirely based on intensive rural agriculture enterprises that tend to grow only one or two types of crops, often at a massive scale. Urban community gardens, private gardens, and urban farms and orchards tend to grow more types of plants in smaller areas. The new study is the first to explore the effects of urban gardens across a wide range of biodiversity measures and ecological services.

“It’s estimated that by 2030, about 60% of the world’s population will live in cities, ” Jha says. “And urban farms and gardens currently provide about 15%-20% of our food supply, so they are essential in addressing food inequality challenges. What we’re seeing is that urban gardens present an critical opportunity to support both biodiversity and local food production.”

The study also found that the choices that gardeners make can have a large impact on their local ecosystem. For instance, planting trees outside crop beds could increase carbon sequestration without decreasing food production from too much shade. And covering only within crop beds could help improve soil carbon services, while avoiding negative effects on pest control.

1. What’s the purpose of the study conducted by Shalene Jha?
A.To analyze the cause of loss of biodiversity.
B.To increase well-being of gardeners.
C.To quantify nutritional levels in plants and animals.
D.To study the influence of urban gardens on ecosystem.
2. What may cause the loss of biodiversity according to previous assumptions?
A.Inefficient pest control.
B.Limited planting scales.
C.Intensive agricultural pattern.
D.Unsatisfactory ecological services.
3. What’s Jha’s attitude towards urban gardens?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Urban Gardens Boost Biodiversity.
B.Urban Gardens Challenge Rural Agriculture.
C.Urban Farms Address Food Inequality.
D.Urban Biodiversity Increases Well-being of Cardener.
2024-02-21更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省鹰潭市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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