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文章大意:本文是说明文。研究人员发现,Florida Keys的海胆数量相对稳定,这对研究海洋生态系统有重要意义。

1 . Marine life (海洋生物) in Florida Keys is negatively influenced by two forces: human activity and climate change. The former involves fishing, tourism and diving while the latter causes a large increase in intense hurricanes. Fortunately, when the researchers of Florida Museum of Natural History started looking for sea urchins (海胆) on the ocean floor off the coast of Florida Keys in the summer of 2020, they uncovered their population had relatively been stable since the 1960s.

The researchers visited 27 sites along a 20-mile stretch of coast near Florida Keys looking for tracks that reflected the presence of burrowing echinoids (穴居海胆类动物). “The findings that burrowing echinoids have been highly resilient (有适应力的) against climate change and environmental pollution over the last 60 years was a huge discovery for us.” said study co-author Tobias Grun.

Grun said, “However, we know little about their current distribution, population size, and health. The reason is not the lack of interest by the scientific community but lies in that fieldwork is very expensive.”

As the climate crisis progresses, it’s important to understand why some marine creatures are more resilient in bearing the impacts of a worsening environment than others. Grun said, “Evolution may be at play. Some marine animals are very opportunistic. They can tolerate a wide range of abiotic factors like pH, temperature, and salinity, to name a few.”

Grun added, “At this point, our data show that burrowing echinoids are more resilient than many other marine species and are doing comparatively well. That does not mean that we can push our luck and keep going the way we are right now. Our study provides some hope that these creatures are resilient, but much more work is needed to translate our findings into a larger scale. The reasons for their resilience are also widely unknown.”

1. Which has an effect on the marine life in Florida Keys?
2. What did Grun think of the findings?
3. What was a challenge for the research according to Grun?
A.The goal.B.The staffC.The costD.The usage
4. What does Grun tell us in the last paragraph?
A.It’s necessary to do further research.
B.It’s right to keep going the present way.
C.The reasons for sea urchins’ resilience are well known.
D.Fish are more resilient than other marine species.
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2 . Elephants may be known for their size and strength, but tourists who ride on their backs can still do great harm. A picture provided by the Wildlife Friends Foundation in Thailand (WFFT) shows Pai Lin, a 71-year-old female elephant whose back has become disfigured (变形) after 25 years of working in the tourism industry, where she was forced to carry up to six tourists at a time. Pai Lin’s back still bears scars from old pressure points. This continuous pressure on elephants’ bodies can deteriorate the bones on their back, causing long-lasting physical damage.

Pai Lin was abandoned (遗弃) by her previous owner, who felt that she was too slow and always in pain and couldn’t work well anymore.

Elephant rides are a popular tourist activity in countries across Southeast Asia, but activists say the practice is a form of animal abuse (虐待) as their bodies are not designed to be ridden. They say the animals are also often abused and exploited in other industries like long marching and logging, with many dying from exhaustion and hunger as they are really forced to work until death.

The group was sharing Pai Lin’s story to raise awareness about elephant abuse. Pai Lin is living out her days with 24 other rescued elephants in WFFT’s preserve near the seaside town of Hua Hin, about a 2.5-hour drive from Bangkok. She’s older now and has put on weight. But you can see the shape of her back very clearly—it’s a physical disfigurement she will have to live with, but she’s doing well.

The “old lady” enjoys having her own space. But she really enjoys being around the company of other elephants and likes attention from people. She does get moody (喜怒无常的) when it involves food but she is a very lovely elephant.

1. What does the underlined word “deteriorate” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Why did Pai Lin’s previous owner give her up?
A.She ate too much.B.She usually attacked tourists.
C.She was dying from illness.D.She was no longer fit for her job.
3. Which of the following agrees with the ideas of activists?
A.Elephants should help humans do what they can’t do.
B.Elephants should work in many fields except tourism.
C.Elephants should be ridden by fewer than 6 people.
D.Elephants should be better treated by people.
4. Which of the following can best describe the present Pai Lin?
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3 . It is not always easy to understand animal behavior, especially when it’s related to other species (物种). For decades, researchers have observed orca (虎鲸) attacking and even killing porpoises (鼠海豚) in the Pacific Northwest. But it confuses people that these expert hunters don’t eat them. So what’s going on here?

Southern Resident orcas are a different population of orcas that live in the Pacific Northwest. The lives of these orcas are closely tied to those of the salmon (鲑鱼). So if the salmon disappear, so too will the orca. But despite their preference for salmon, these whales are known to attack and kill other smaller marine mammals (海洋哺乳动物) without eating them.

To better understand this unusual behavior, an international team of researchers did a research and examined more than 60 years of recorded interactions between Southern Resident orcas and porpoises in the Salish Sea.

“Why don’t the Southern Residents just eat porpoises instead?” Deborah Giles of Wild Orca said. “It’s because fish-eating killer whales have a completely different ecology and culture from orcas that eat marine mammals. So we must conclude that their interactions with porpoises serve a different purpose, but this purpose has only been a guess until now.”

According to Giles and her colleagues’work, the orca may be attacking the porpoise as a form of social play. It is possible these large animals may be attacking the smaller mammals as a way to build up social cohesion (凝聚力). Similarly, the behavior could represent hunting practice, by which the orcas are practising their teamwork and cooperation skills for hunting salmon. Finally, the behavior could be a way of “mismothering” where the orca see the smaller porpoises as weaker or ill and so in need of care.

This work highlights the need for the protection of salmon populations in the area as well as the orcas’entire hunting range. The threat (威胁) to the salmon’s future is not just a threat to a single species, but an entire ecosystem.

1. Why did an international team of researchers do their study?
A.To find out a way to protect porpoises.
B.To make sure the reason why some orcas attack salmons.
C.To solve the problem of marine mammals’ living environment.
D.To better understand the strange behavior of Southern Resident orcas.
2. What are Southern Resident orcas’favorite food?
A.Porpoises.B.Marine mammals.C.Salmons.D.Whales.
3. According to Giles’research, which maybe a reason for the orcas’attacking porpoises?
A.It’s a kind of social play with porpoises.
B.It is a practice to kill porpoises as their food.
C.The orcas may dislike the smaller porpoises.
D.It’s a way for the orcas to practice their hunting skills.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude to the research?
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4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

China’s first-ever college     1     (devote) to the study of giant pandas was inaugurated (揭牌成立) in Nanchong, Sichuan province, on Monday. The college was     2     (joint) established by the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Sichuan province and China West Normal University in Nanchong.

Giant pandas, a species unique     3     China, are globally recognized as the “flagship species” of the world’s biodiversity conservation. They serve as     4     cultural symbol for Sichuan, home to the majority of the world’s wild pandas.

The college is intended     5     (play) a crucial role in protecting the ecological environment, restoring habitats, constructing a     6     (nation) park of pandas, promoting panda population recovery, facilitating reintroduction into the wild, as well as conducting research and publicizing panda culture.

Since the 1970s, the university has been committed to giant panda research, and     7    (create) “four firsts” in this field, according to the university’s Party chief Wang Yuanjun. The university led the country’s first giant panda field     8     (investigate) and research, established the world’s first giant panda field ecological observation station, promoted China’s first international cooperation on wildlife protection,     9     published the world’s first academic monograph (学术专著)     10     comprehensively explores the ecological environment of giant pandas.

2023-11-09更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市张垣联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一家名为Too Good To Go的丹麦公司,推出同名应用程序,致力于打击美国和世界各地的食物浪费。

5 . A Danish company named Too Good To Go has been working to combat food waste in the United States and around the world. In the U. S., more than a third of food produced goes uneaten, contributing to environmental issues. Too Good To Go addresses this problem by partnering with restaurants to sell their end-of-day leftovers at discounts, typically ranging from 60% to 80% off.

The app of the same name, which started in Denmark in 2015, has expanded to 17 countries and multiple U. S. cities, including New York, Phoenix, and Seattle, with Los Angeles proving to be one of its most successful markets. The company is now looking to expand its footprint in the southeast.

While the cost savings for customers and businesses are significant, the primary focus of Too Good To Go is reducing food waste, which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The app allows users to track their environmental impact by displaying the electricity and carbon emissions prevented through their purchases. To date, the app claims to have saved over 250 million meals, making a substantial impact.

Food waste contributes to climate change in several ways, including the emission of methane gas from rotting food in landfills, the resources used to grow the food, and the energy expended in food transportation and preparation. Too Good To Go estimates that its efforts are equal to taking about 135, 000 cars off the road for a year, and it plays a crucial role in addressing the approximately 6% of total greenhouse gas emissions caused by food loss and waste in the U. S.

Alexandria Coari, the vice president of food waste nonprofit ReFED, recognizes the potential of apps like Too Good To Go. She believes that they have the capacity to reduce the carbon emissions equal to 870, 000 cars in a year, positioning them as one of the top 10 solutions to combating food waste and climate change.

While the app has been successful in the restaurant industry, its expansion into grocery stores and manufacturing is still a work in progress.

1. What do we know about the app Too Good To Go?
A.It primarily operates in Los Angeles.
B.It has saved over 250 million dollars so far.
C.It focuses on fighting against food waste.
D.It helps sell fresh groceries at full price.
2. Why are the numbers mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A.To show the environmental impact of the app.
B.To highlight the cost savings for customers.
C.To emphasize the company’s expansion plans.
D.To illustrate the app’s success in reducing resources.
3. What is Alexandria Coari’s attitude to the Too Good To Go’s future?
4. What may be talked about following the text?
A.The history of food waste reduction efforts.
B.Challenges Too Good To Go’s expansion faces.
C.The impact of climate change on the food industry.
D.Strategies for reducing food waste in grocery stores.
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Rose, a small mountain lion, was first seen by hikers in the Thorne wood Open Space Preserve in San Mateo. There was no mother in ___________ and it appeared very ___________. Though it’s not unusual for mama mountain lions to leave their children ___________ for a few days when they go hunting, it was clear that this baby was not being ___________ at all. The hikers called the government, who ___________ sent out workers to rescue the lion, and several wildlife groups took an active part in ___________ it. After a day’s ___________, the lion was finally brought to Oakland Zoo, where a medical ___________ was waiting for her. An army of animal specialists would be ___________ to save her.

Rose weighed just 8.8 pounds, but a ____________ baby lion of her age should weigh about 30 pounds. Based on her first ____________, it appeared that she hadn’t eaten in weeks. Her temperature was so low that it couldn’t even be read. But she survived her first important night because of her strong spirit and a clear will to ____________, and all people were ____________ for that.

With round-the-clock care, Rose slowly began to ____________. In the wild, small lions normally spend about 2 years with their mothers to ____________ how to survive. Without the benefit of a mama, Rose will have to stay in the zoo. With a little luck, she might get to stay at Oakland with the people who saved her!

A.cared forB.taken onC.looked atD.turned over
2023-11-08更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市东光县等三县联考2022-2023学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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7 . While many animal populations seem to dwindle, one species that is moving in the opposite direction of such loss is America’s native wildlife — wood stork.

The wood stork is the only stork that breeds in North America. In 1984, it was declared an endangered species after its population decreased sharply to just 5,000 mating pairs. At the time, scientists predicted that the bird would become completely extinct by 2000. Today, it numbers 10,000 mating pairs, and the Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing a delisting of the wood stork as an endangered species. So how did the population bounce back?

The success is in part down to the resourcefulness of the wood stork. The wood stork’s native home was in the Everglades in Florida, but it migrated north as the Everglades were being destroyed by development of mankind. Wetland preservation and restoration, protection of nesting areas, and management of water flows began with the approval of the wood stork’s first recovery plan in 1986. In the following year, former Savannah Coastal Refuges biologist John Robinette noticed stork nests in Georgia as stork populations moved to safer wetlands.

According to Stephanie Kurose, a senior policy specialist at the Centre for Biological Diversity, the Endangered Species Act is also to thank for this recovery. She said, “The act saved the wood stork and it helped preserve and rebuild vital habitats throughout the southeast, which has improved water quality and benefited countless other species who call the area home.” “The Endangered Species Act has saved 99 per cent of the species that were on the list since 1973. A hundred types of plants and animals have been delisted as their populations become stable again.

If the wood stork is delisted, it will remain protected by other laws and a monitoring plan will be put in place to ensure the population remains stable.

1. What does the underlined word dwindle probably mean?
2. What can we learn about the wood stork in paragraph two?
A.Its population shows a rising trend.B.It has become completely extinct.
C.It is widely distributed worldwide.D.It is the most endangered species.
3. What threatened the population of the wood stock?
A.Climate change of Earth.B.Popularity of water sports.
C.Impact of human activities.D.Arrival of other wild animals.
4. What is a direct result of the Endangered Species Act?
A.People have safer water to drink.B.A list of species have been saved.
C.The local economy has boomed.D.The wood stock has flown away.
2023-11-03更新 | 335次组卷 | 8卷引用:河北省沧州市泊头市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期6月月考英语试题
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8 . Discover how you can help endangered species! Volunteer to help conserve endangered species around the world with GoEco.

Sea turtles, Sri Lanka

The species is threatened by human hunters. The Sri Lankan government has approved the creation of hatcheries (孵化场) in order to protect this species. Volunteers on this program spend 60% of their time working in the hatchery and the other 40% is spent on activities such as beach cleanups and creating awareness within the local community.

Program Fees: $1,280 for 2 weeks and $1,680 per month for volunteers.

Wildlife Rescue, Western Australia

Adult kangaroos and wallabies are hunted for food, leaving thousands of their babies without parents. Many are killed or injured in road accidents. At the wildlife rescue center in Perth, Western Australia, volunteers live and help in the bushland caring for sick, injured, and displaced animals.

Program Fee: $2,095 for four weeks. Volunteers stay on-site in a small room. Due to very limited space, applications must be sent at least 9-12 months in advance.

Endangered Species Reserve, South Africa

The project will give you an incredible wildlife experience while learning about conservation efforts. For the rest of the time between monitoring sessions, volunteers are required to enter all the data that they have collected into our databases. At times, volunteers need to operate on night shifts. We also give lectures and presentations over the lunch period.

Program Fee: $1,750 for 2 weeks

Big Cat Refuge, South Africa

As a volunteer on this project, you will be involved in a wide variety of activities. Volunteer’s work ranges from enrichment activities, such as toy-making and farm work, to educating the visitors. Volunteers will also directly care for the cats by preparing food or feeding them as well as maintaining their living space.

Program Fee: $1,450 for 2 weeks

1. What is the monthly project fee for volunteers in Sri Lanka?
2. What is required of volunteers for the project in Western Australia?
A.Having previous experience.
B.Working night shifts sometimes.
C.Applying for the project in advance.
D.Having a good knowledge of wildlife.
3. What can volunteers do for the project Big Cat Refuge?
A.Study the habits of big cats.
B.Help to sell some toys about cats.
C.Guide visitors to the habitat of the cats.
D.Do daily routines in the cats’ living space.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“She needs me.” Those were the exact words I spoke to my husband when I spotted Dottie, a little dog we found at a local shelter eight years ago.

Dottie leaned (倾斜) away when I tried to pet her and refused to let me hold her. While the other dogs jumped and barked, Dottie returned to the back of the cage, curled up in a ball, hoping us to leave her alone.

On the entire drive home, Dottie was in fear. So, upon arrival at our house, we got right to work. I held her as much as possible, touching her head and softly singing in her ear. We learned that she loved belly touch, so every time we passed by, we would offer a gentle touch. Eventually, we noticed her presenting her belly as we walked by her. I knew we were making real progress when I found her quietly sleeping on a chair one day, her head resting on one of my shoes. My heart melted (融化) as I realized she had brought it there because it contained my smell, and she wanted it nearby.

Ever so slowly, our little dog came to life. She began to play with toys, enjoy walks, and rest on our laps. There was no special treatment, no fancy food or toys. All we did was love her. And she grew well. She was so broken when we first met her that we had no idea what her true personality would be. But now we found a sweet, playful, loving soul.

One day, a few years after her adoption, I was busy doing housework around the house, doing laundry and climbing the stairs from the basement up to the main floor. When I finished, I sat down and enjoyed a well-deserved break. That’s when I realized I hadn’t seen Dottie for a while. I called to her and began searching. My heart raced and my pace quickened as I began checking under beds and behind sofa.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, I remembered the door to the basement.


I held her in my arms tightly, telling her how sorry I was.

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10 . Mawson was an Australian explorer and scientist who explored the Antarctic with a team of fellow adventurers in 1912. His travels in the frozen continent brought him worldwide _______. In December of that year, Mawson and two other _______ left the main base at Commonwealth Bay, _______ a 300-mile exploration into the central part of the continent to gather scientific data and samples. _______ followed.

One of the men, a young British soldier named Belgrave Ninnis, _______ down an open crack on a sledge, along with several of their best dogs and many of the team’s supplies, dead. For several weeks, the two others, _______ with scurvy(坏血病)and other _______, struggled to return to camp, keeping living first on the _______ dogs, then on starvation food. _______, Xavier Mertz, a Swiss mountaineer and skiing champion, died from exhaustion, starvation and possible poisonousness from eating dogs’ livers.

________ to return with the research data, Mawson ________ the elements for 30 days. Finally he returned to the________ in February of 1913, extremely thin, frost-bitten and exhausted-only to ________ he had missed the ship rescuing the rest of the ________ by hours. Mawson was regarded as a survivor hero. For his achievements as an explorer and scientist, he was knighted(封爵)in 1914. In addition to his other ________, Mawson edited and contributed to the 22-volume Reports of Australasian Antarctic Expeditions.

A.putting offB.showing offC.kicking offD.letting off
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