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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是青海省玉树县库马勒勒县的生态保护官员Gelek Gyatso发现三只与妈妈走散后走失的棕熊幼崽,并帮助这三只棕熊幼崽与自己的妈妈团聚的故事。

1 . Three cute brown bear cubs who got lost after getting separated from their mother gripped the hearts of netizens.

The fuzzy cubs were spotted by Gelek Gyatso, an ecological protection officer, when he was patrolling a riverbed at an altitude of nearly 4, 500 meters in Qumarleb county in Qinghai province’s Yushu.

The little cubs eagerly ran toward the ranger on the snow-covered riverbed, then stopped short at a safe distance to stare at him curiously. After realizing that the man was not their mother, the bear cubs turned around and ran along the river calling for mom.

This was Gelek Gyatso’s first encounter with bear cubs separated from their mother. With his knowledge of wild animals, he drove the cubs towards an area near their cave in the hope of a safe reunion. Thankfully, later that day, other patrol officers found that the mother bear had reunited with her cubs and that the family was happy and healthy.

This year marks Gelek Gyatso’s tenth year as an ecological protection officer. He patrols the area every day, diligently records the animals he sees, carefully checks on the vegetation, and helps clean up litter.

Over the decade, Gelek Gyatso has witnessed great changes in the ecological environment of his hometown. There has been an increase in the number of wild animals, and everyone is participating in the protection of these species, making coexistence between humans and animals more harmonious.

He also reminds people that if they encounter wild animals in the wild, they should keep their distance, not disturbing or feeding them, and that if they find an animal that needs to be rescued, they should call the fire or forest department in time.

1. What happened to the three bear cubs?
A.Losing track of the mother bear.
B.Following Gelek with curiosity.
C.Mistaking a man for their mother.
D.Being trapped in the cold riverbed.
2. Which of the following best describes Gelek?
3. According to Gelek, what should people do to live in harmony with wildlife?
A.Changing their living surroundings.
B.Feeding and sheltering wild animals.
C.Getting involved in saving endangered species.
D.Seeking professional help to rescue those in need.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A project of wildlife conservation
B.A journey of friendship connection
C.A knowledgeable ecological officer
D.An encounter leading to a safe reunion
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2 . Have you ever imagined what will happen in the ocean when an earthquake happens underground? If you’ve ever felt a big earthquake or seen one on television, you know that it has the power to shake the ground and move large buildings. When a great earthquake happens under the ocean floor, the earthquake’s large energy is transferred (转移) to the water above it, creating a series of water waves called a tsunami (海啸). The word comes from the Japanese words tsu (harbor) and nami (wave).

Normal ocean waves have an average wavelength (波长) of about 100 meters and an average height of about 2 meters, while a tsunami can have a wavelength of 193 kilometers or more. Travelling at up to about 800 kilometers per hour in the deep ocean, a tsunami might be at a height of as little as 0.9 meters, which makes it almost impossible to be noticed, even for a ship in the area.

As a tsunami approaches (靠近) a coastline, things begin to change greatly. As it approaches shallow (浅的) waters, the wave speed drops below about 80 kilometers per hour. The wavelength also decreases much, but amplitude—the height of the wave—increases greatly, leading to the huge wall of water along coastlines, which causes great damage to coastal areas.

About 80% of tsunamis happen in the Pacific Ocean. Tsunamis cannot be prevented, but areas that experience tsunamis regularly have developed tsunami warning systems to give as much advance warning as possible to people who live along the coastline. For example, there are tsunami warning signs and warning sirens (警报器) on the top of nearby hills along Japanese coastlines. And many Japanese coastal communities have built tsunami walls, floodgates and others to stop or change the direction of water from incoming tsunamis.

1. According to the passage, tsunamis are hard to find mainly because of ________.
A.their low soundB.their low height
C.their fast speedD.their short wavelength
2. What does the underlined word “decreases” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. The last paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.how to study tsunamis
B.where tsunamis always happen
C.what tsunami warning systems include
D.how to reduce damages caused by tsunamis
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The word “tsunami” comes from Japanese.
B.An earthquake is sure to cause a tsunami.
C.About 80 percent of tsunamis happen in Japan.
D.Tsunamis can be stopped by warning systems.
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3 . When the European Commission’s LIFE program first brought together more than 20 organizations in 2002 to rescue the lynx ( 山 猫), the species had all but disappeared. Widespread hunting and a virus had wiped out ( 彻底消灭) most of the Iberian Peninsula’s European rabbits, the lynx’s main prey (猎物).

Lynx breed in captivity ( 圈 养) easily, however. Near one main release location, Iberian lynx have even learned to live in neighborhoods, in olive groves (橄榄树丛), and around highways.

“Thanks to the work carried out over the last 20 years, the number of lynx has increased greatly,” says Francisco Javier Salcedo Ortiz, regional coordinator of the Iberian lynx recovery plan.

But the cat’s not out of danger just yet. Its thousand-square-mile territory is a collection of five — soon to be seven — isolated ( 孤      的) groups. For Iberian lynx to fully recover, they must be able to travel from one group to another, ensuring the species’s long-term health by diversifying gene pools. That’s why the next stage of the LIFE project will focus on creating at least 10 6-square-mile areas of rabbit-rich habitat, which act as passageways among the existing lynx groups. Scientists selected these habitats based on predictions of where lynx are most likely to travel. For instance, lynx prefer to take the shortest paths through undeveloped habitats, and avoid broken-up areas of farmland.

The cat is popular, even among farmers and landowners, but a few view lynx as pests and occasionally will poison them for supposedly harming domestic animals. Illegal killings make up nearly 25 percent of annual lynx deaths on the peninsula, the second highest cause of non-natural death, after vehicle strikes. That’s why education is the “best tool to improve the lynx population,” says Maribel García Tardío, lead technician for Andalusia’s Iberian lynx recovery plan. She and her colleagues regularly meet with landowners and hunters, explaining how lynx rarely kill larger domestic animals.

The Iberian lynx is one of 33 small-cat species, many of which are endangered or threatened. These animals have long been eclipsed by their bigger cousins such as lions and tigers, but lately people have begun to recognize the world’s little-known cats.

1. Which of the following words can best describe the Iberian lynx according to paragraph 2?
2. What is the aim of the next stage of the LIFE project?
A.To free existing lynx from hunger.
B.To set up a gene pool of existing lynx.
C.To turn some farmland into lynx habitat.
D.To help existing lynx connect with each other.
3. What does Maribel García Tardío do to increase the lynx population?
A.She educates landowners and hunters regularly.
B.She works to reduce vehicle strikes in lynx habitats.
C.She suggests separating lynx from large domestic animals.
D.She clears up the misunderstanding between landowners and hunters.
4. What does the underlined part “eclipsed by” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Confused with.B.Protected from.
C.Keeping step with.D.Living in the shadow of.
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4 . Four Multicultural Cities

New York City

It is probably not all that surprising to find out that the Big Apple is one of the most global cities in the world. It has the largest population of immigrants on the planet. Over 35% of its residents are born outside the USA. You can hear over 800 languages in New York City being spoken on a daily basis. Which is the most multicultural district in the city? Queens is the largest and also the most multiracial urban area in the world!


London may come in second place behind New York City for the percentage of the immigrant population. But it is easily the most international city in all of Europe. Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, and Indians are a few of the larger immigrant groups and a walk around the city will uncover that they have definitely brought their cultures with them. People from around the world are drawn to London and over 30% of its residents are born outside the UK.


This city-state is not just the main financial center of Southeast Asia, but also one of the most multicultural places on the planet. Singapore has four official languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, Malay, and Tamil. It is also a center for international residents and their cultures. So, you are sure to meet large communities of permanent residents who are foreign-born.


Following World War Ⅱ, Sydney saw a huge inflow of immigrants. This trend has continued into the present day, making Sydney one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Although English is the official language spoken in Sydney, this city is home to more than 250 languages. Immigrants from places such as Vietnam, India, and South America have made this city their home and brought their cultures with them. You will be spoilt for choice when it comes to Sydney’s cultural variety!

1. Where can you find the largest multiracial district?
A.In Singapore.B.In Sydney.C.In New York City.D.In London.
2. What do London and Singapore have in common?
A.They are suitable for minorities to earn a living.
B.They make it their mission to attract immigrants.
C.They both have over 30% foreign-born populations.
D.They both have different races and cultures mixed together.
3. What makes Sydney one of the most multicultural cities?
A.World War Ⅱ.B.Immigration.C.Economy.D.Education.
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Have you ever heard of and seen Canadian geese? Do you know that they __ fresh grass and seeds?

Canadian geese have a good __ for their politeness. They always bow down to you whenever you walk by. However, I have recently found that they can sometimes be __ to their peers, especially on occasions when they quarrel for food——yes, these __ gentlemen do quarrel, just for something to eat

Yesterday I witnessed two Canadian Geese arguing __ for a clump(草丛) of beautiful fresh grass. The clump was __ right in the middle of them, while the two were shouting noisily, stretching their necks as long as they could to look aggressively at each other. It’s __ to witness the “impolite” side of Canadian geese. Hence, I couldn’t help __ my morning walk, standing still to watch these “gentlemen” quarreling. Interestingly, after a short while, a truck roared past their feast, disturbing their __ conversation. The two geese were equally __ by the massive “monster”, thus giving up their conversation.

Would they start quarreling again? I stood still, __ the ridiculous question and waited. Beyond my expectation, right after the truck’s passing by, the two geese immediately lost their ___for quarreling as if they had forgotten all about what had happened. Even the two turned around and left the __ in opposite directions as if nothing had happened. They left only me there, imagining what might have happened without the __.

They got along harmoniously again. Sometimes it’s not that bad to be __.

A.draw onB.focus onC.feed onD.try on
A.finding outB.dealing withC.looking intoD.wondering about
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6 . The San Bernardino Valley is an oasis of life. Research by entomologist Bob Minckley shows that this area has the highest concentration of bee species in the world.

Minckley collected bees at 45 sites throughout the valley from 2001 to 2009. In a recent paper, Minckley stated that 497 species of bees live within just over 6 square miles of the valley, a modest area for such a study, 10 times smaller than Washington D.C. These 497 species represent 14 percent of all the nearly 4,000 bee species found in the United States.

Minckley hopes his work will help people appreciate the importance of the San Bernardino region and the vast diversity of bee species on Earth. Laurence Packer, an entomologist at York University, says that this research helps reveal where the greatest species richness of bees occurs, which is important for understanding patterns of bee diversity and what drives it. “Such long-term studies, which are relatively rare, are necessary to acquire a good understanding of an area’s diversity, especially in dry places where rainfall varies,” he adds.

One reason for this bee diversity is that the valley lies at a place where vast, abundant biomes(生物群系)live together. Perhaps counterintuitively(违反常理地), bee diversity is low in the tropics, where plant diversity is the highest. Dry but ecologically diverse areas such as the San Bernardino Valley seem to have the right mixture of variables to ensure high bee diversity.

This hot spot of bee diversity faces several threats. In 2020, the government built 30-foot-high steel fencing along the entire border of the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge. The most ecologically damaging aspect caused by the wall’s construction may be the massive quantities of water withdrawn from the place’s aquifer(含水层)to make concrete for the base of the wall. If the lowered levels of water affect plants, then it could potentially hurt the bees as well. For the bees, the drying up of springs will have an impact especially on those species that rely on spring-fed habitats.

1. What is Bob Minckley’s statement about the number of bee species based on?
A.Public opinions.B.Personally collected statistics.
C.Studies by former scientists.D.Journals about nature.
2. What is Laurence Packer’s attitude to Minckley’s research?
3. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4?
A.Features of regions with abundant species.
B.Threats to the survival of bees in dry areas.
C.The effect of plant diversity on the ecological environment.
D.The reason for the high concentration of bee species in the valley.
4. How would the construction of the border wall affect bee species?
A.It will lead to severe water pollution.
B.It will cause the aquifer levels to drop.
C.It will destroy flowers around the border wall.
D.It will occupy a large area of bees’ habitats.
2023-07-06更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省仁寿第一中学校北校区2022-2023学年高二上学期十二月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What’s the weather like in the man’s city now?
A.Windy and snowy.B.Sunny and windy.C.Cold and wet.
2. What does the man ask the woman to prepare for?
A.A violent storm.B.A heavy snow.C.A light wind.
3. What will the woman do?
A.Get ready for the hurricane.B.Go to the beach.C.Call the man this evening.
2023-07-02更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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8 . Look out the window or walk over to a patch of soil near your home. It could be reddish brown, black, dark gray or even the colour of rich, dark chocolate. If it’s moist enough, run your hands through it. It may separate into thick clumps that can hold water and later release it. With a few exceptions—such as desert sites—this is how good soil behaves.

In fact, the number of microscopic organisms that live in a shovelful of rich garden soil exceeds the number of plants and animals inhabiting the entire aboveground Amazon rainforest. And the Amazon is known for having more plants and animals than any other land-based habitat.

Soil is what supports life on Earth. Most people give it little thought, but it feeds us and the ecosystems around us. It is where countless species make their homes. It collects water, pulls pollutants from the air and helps support the planet’s atmosphere. Soil is one of Mother Nature’s unsung heroes.

And while most soil looks like it’s static, just sitting there unmoving, it actually hosts plenty of activities. Its earthworms may be digging tunnels. Worms are weightlifters. But they aren’t the only ones making changes. Other creatures below ground are too tiny to see with the unaided eye. These include one celled creatures called protozoa (单细胞生物). They improve soil by eating bacteria and releasing nitrogen, which helps plants grow.

And then there are all those bacteria. Most people think of them as dangerous. In soils, they not only serve as prey to beneficial protozoa, but also perform an environmental service. They help recycle dead plant parts and animal tissues into nutrients. They even turn some pollutants in soil and water into more of the nutrients that can sustain the diverse species that make up lively ecosystems beneath our feet.

1. What’s the purpose of mentioning the Amazon rainforest in the second paragraph?
A.To indicate the rich species in the Amazon rainforest.
B.To introduce the rich soil in the Amazon rainforest.
C.To stress the variety of microscopic organisms in the rich soil.
D.To illustrate biodiversity aboveground the Amazon rainforest.
2. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.Soil is something that supports life on Earth.
B.Soil provides a variety of benefits to our planet.
C.Soil determines the quality of our ecosystems.
D.Soil is the Mother Nature’s unsung hero.
3. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text?
A.The soil in the desert behaves as well as good soil does.
B.Most people give thought to soil for it supports life on Earth.
C.Most soil indeed hosts plenty of activities though it looks quiet.
D.The bacteria in soils almost do no good to the environment.
4. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Categories of the Soil on EarthB.The Disappearance of the Rich Soil
C.Biodiversity in the Amazon RainforestD.Healthy Soil Supports Life on Our Planet
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9 . New research shows that Goliath frogs — the world’s largest frog species, found in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea — build ponds for their eggs and tadpoles, moving rocks more than half of their body weight in the process. A team of researchers from Cameroon and Germany studied the animals, which can weigh up to 6.6 pounds and measure more than 13 inches in length when fully grown. The heavy labor that the frogs do could explain their size, scientists believe.

The research led by a team from Berlin’s Natural History Museum found that the frogs could change existing natural ponds or create new nests in small ponds, about 3 feet wide and 4 inches deep, along river banks in Cameroon. “They sometimes move rocks weighing up to 4.4 pounds. We think that this activity may explain why adult frogs need to be giants in the first place,” said Marvin Schäfer, lead author of the study. As well as being strong, the frogs have also proved themselves to be anxious parents, raising their young in ponds away from potential predators.

“Giant frogs are the first African amphibian species now known to actively prepare or even construct breeding sites for their young,” said Mark-Oliver Rödel, project leader and president of conservation group Frogs & Friends. This shows how little we know about the biology, even of some of the most spectacular creatures of our planet.

Scientists hope the research will help conservation efforts devoted to the rare frogs, which are considered endangered. Shrinking habitat, climate change and pollution are the main drivers of species loss and are threatening more than 40% of amphibians, a report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)found in May.

1. What does the research discover about Goliath frogs?
A.They are only found in Cameroon.B.They can lay their eggs in the trees by rivers.
C.They can move heavy rocks to build ponds.D.They are the only African amphibian species.
2. Why do Goliath frogs create new nests?
A.To change natural ponds.B.To keep their young safe.
C.To stay away from polluted water.D.To adapt to the changing seasons.
3. What does the author intend to say with Mark-Oliver Rödel’s words?
A.People need to make more efforts to know creatures better.
B.Giant frogs are becoming an endangered species in Africa.
C.Climate change is responsible for species loss in the world.
D.Animals habits are changing due to environmental pollution.
4. Which section of a magazine is this text probably taken from?
A.Sports and music.B.Science and technology.
C.Nature and geography.D.Business and culture.
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10 . In ancient Egypt, the rich soils along the Nile River supported roughly 3 million people. Now there are 30 times that number of people living in Egypt, with the Egyptian population soaring from 45 million in the 1980s to over 100 million now.

Just 4% of Egypt’s land is suitable for agriculture, and that number is reducing quickly due to the urban and suburban development. “It’s not an overstatement to say that this is a crisis,” said Nasem Badreldin, an expert at the University of Manitoba. “Satellite data shows that Egypt is losing about 2% of its farmland per decade due to urbanization, and the process is speeding. If this continues, Egypt will face serious food security problems.” According to one analysis, the amount of farmland near Alexandria dropped by 11% between 1987 and 2019, while urban areas increased by 11%. In recent years, the Egyptian government has promised to end unlicensed building on farmland, which remains a difficult task to fulfill.

Urbanization isn’t the only factor to reduce Egypt’s farmland. Sea level rise of 1.6 millimeters per year has contributed to the salinization (盐碱化) of farmland in Egypt. About 15% of Egypt’s richest farmland has already been damaged by sea level rise and saltwater intrusion (侵入). One response to the loss of farmland has included efforts to green parts of the desert. For instance, Farouk El-Baz, Boston University scientist, has planned to build highways, railways, water pipelines, and power lines to promote the establishment of new farmland in deserts west of the delta.

While that project hasn’t been finished, much of desert has turned into farmland in recent decades. The satellite photos show new farmland along the Cairo Highway. A mixture of center-pivot irrigation (灌溉) and drip irrigation makes farming in this area possible. “It is certainly possible to establish new farmland from the desert by tapping groundwater resources, though it’s a little expensive process,” said Badreldin.

1. What does the underlined “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The urban expansion.B.The reduction of farmland.
C.The suburban development.D.The growth of population.
2. How many factors are mentioned that have caused the loss of farmland?
3. What is Badreldin’s attitude to the establishment of new farmland?
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Food Security Problems in Egypt
B.Urbanization Along the Nile River
C.Agricultural Development Along the Nile River
D.Egypt’s Disappearing Farmland
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