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语法填空-短文语填(约90词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Imprinting is a form of learning in     1     a very young animal fixes its attention on the first object it has visual, auditory, or tactile experience with and then follows that object. Over the last few months, panda caretakers in China     2     (dress) up like the animal to make back-to-nature training more authentic for the cubs. The keepers wear panda costumes when dealing with the animals to try to make the pandas feel at home and to limit their interactions     3     humans. They hope the dress-up will make the animals’ transition to the wild     4     (easy) in the long run.

2022-12-05更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市首都师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三12月初阶段性质量检测英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约50词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

A series of water-conserving and recycling designs have been put into place     1     (improve) water usage for snow making, human consumption and other purposes, according to the Beijing 2022 organizing committee.

Around 90% of the snow     2     (use) at the Alpine skiing venue for the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics was reported artificial, while artificial snow     3     (be) also a feature of Vancouver 2010 and Sochi 2014.

2022-11-19更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市昌平区第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期11月学情调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Buck’s first day on the beach was a nightmare. Every hour was filled with shock or surprise. He had been suddenly removed from civilization and thrown into the heart of a primitive world. Here there was neither peace nor rest, nor a moment’s safety. It was essential to be constantly alert, for these dogs and men were not town dogs and men. They were savages, all of them, who knew no law but the law of Club and Tooth.

Buck had never seen dogs fight like these, and his first experience taught him an unforgettable lesson. He was fortunate that it was Curly who was the victim, not himself. Curly, in her friendly way, tried to make friends with a husky dog. The dog was the size of a full-grown wolf, but not half as large as Curly was. There was no warning: only a fast jump, a metallic cut of teeth, and a jump back. Curly’s face was ripped open from eye to mouth.

It was wolf fighting, to strike and jump away, but there was more to it than this. Thirty or forty huskies ran to watch. They surrounded the fighters in a silent, watching circle, all licking their lips. Curly rushed at the husky, who struck again and jumped away. He met her next rush with his chest in a strange way that knocked her over. She never got up again. This was what the watching huskies had waited for. They closed in on her, snarling and yelping. Curly was buried, screaming in pain, under the dogs’ bodies.

1. Why did Buck have to be ‘constantly alert’?
A.He couldn’t fall asleepB.He was worried about Curly
C.He had to make sure he was always safeD.He was in a lot of pain
2. What does ‘The Law Of Club & Tooth’ mean?
A.You must have a tooth and club in the wildB.The strongest make the rules
C.The weakest must survive in the wildD.The tooth must fight the club
3. How do wolves fight?
A.Run at the enemy non-stopB.First to strike wins
C.Attack and step backD.Wolves only use their paws to fight
4. Which of the following phrases best explains this passage?
A.Dogs will always fight other dogs for food
B.Buck wanted to help Curly, but he was afraid of the huskies
C.The only way dogs can survive is by eating other dogs
D.Only the strongest shall survive in the wild
语法填空-短文语填(约80词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

The trip to Mount Huangshan leaves me a deep impression. The scenes are so breathtaking. The rolling sea of clouds will remind you how tiny we humans are. The hot spring at the foot of the mountain will undoubtedly help you get     1     (refresh)! The amazing thing is that the colder the temperature gets, the     2     (hot) the spring!

What comes next is the endless series of steps. You can’t help wondering     3     hard it was then for the people to put all those rocks into place.

2022-10-14更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约90词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Forrest, a biologist, uses a metal clicker to count every penguin he sees. It’s not easy. He is part of a team     1     (work) on the Antarctic environment. The survey will help scientists better understand the Antarctic environment. Over the years, the number of penguins in Antarctic     2     (go) down. Scientists say climate change is making the ocean warmer. “Penguins give us an idea about what is going on in the ocean around us,” Forrest says. This year, robotics engineers fly a drone to help him record each colony’s     3     (locate) and size.

2022-10-14更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约530词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . The environmental practices of big businesses are shaped by a fundamental fact that offends our sense of justice. A business may maximize the amount of money it makes by damaging the environment and hurting people. When government regulation is effective, and the public is environmentally aware, environmentally clean big businesses may out-compete dirty ones, but the reverse is likely to be true if government regulation is ineffective and the public doesn’t care.

It is easy to blame a business for helping itself by hurting other people. But blaming alone is unlikely to produce change. It ignores the fact that businesses are not charities but profit-making companies, and they are under obligation to maximize profits for shareholders by legal means.

Our blaming of businesses also ignores the ultimate responsibility of the public for creating the conditions that let a business profit through destructive environmental policies. In the long run, it is the public, either directly or through its politicians, that has the power to make such destructive policies unprofitable and illegal, and to make sustainable environmental policies profitable.

The public can do that by accusing businesses of harming them. The public may also make their opinion felt by choosing to buy sustainably harvested products; by preferring their governments to award valuable contracts to businesses with a good environmental track record; and by pressing their governments to pass and enforce laws and regulations requiring good environmental practices.

In turn, big businesses can exert powerful pressure on any suppliers that might ignore public or government pressure. For instance, after the US public became concerned about the spread of a disease, transmitted to humans through infected meat, the US government introduced rules demanding that the meat industry abandon practices associated with the risk of the disease spreading. But the meat packers refused to follow these, claiming that they would be too expensive to obey. However, when a fast-food company made the same demands after customer purchases of its hamburgers dropped, the meat industry followed immediately. The public’s task is therefore to identify which links in the supply chain are sensitive to public pressure.

Some readers may be disappointed or outraged that I place the ultimate responsibility for business practices harming the public on the public itself. I also believe that the public must accept the necessity for higher prices for products to cover the added costs of sound environmental practices. My views may seem to ignore the belief that businesses should act in accordance with moral principles even if this leads to a reduction in their profits. But I think we have to recognize that, throughout human history, government regulation has arisen precisely because it was found that not only did moral principles need to be made explicit, they also needed to be enforced.

My conclusion is not a moralistic one about who is right or wrong, admirable or selfish. I believe that changes in public attitudes are essential for changes in businesses’ environmental practices.

1. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that environmental damage__________.
A.is the result of ignorance of the public
B.requires political action if it is to be stopped
C.can be prevented by the action of ordinary people
D.can only be stopped by educating business leaders
2. In Paragraph 4, the writer describes ways in which the public can__________.
A.reduce their own individual impact on the environment
B.learn more about the impact of business on the environment
C.raise awareness of the effects of specific environmental disasters
D.influence the environmental policies of businesses and governments
3. What pressure was given by big business in the case of the disease mentioned in Paragraph 5?
A.Meat packers stopped supplying hamburgers to fast-food chains.
B.Meat packers persuaded the government to reduce their expenses.
C.A fast-food company forced their meat suppliers to follow the law.
D.A fast-food company encouraged the government to introduce regulations.
4. What would be the best heading for this passage?
A.Will the world survive the threat caused by big businesses?
B.How can big businesses be encouraged to be less driven by profit?
C.What environmental dangers are caused by the greed of businesses?
D.Are big businesses to blame for the damage they cause to the environment?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Massive snowstorms and a blast of chilly air swept across northern China in the first week of November, leaving many people shivering(颤抖)in the freezing cold.

At the same time, a global conference on climate change-COP 26-was held in Glasgow, Scotland, where the key topic was how to curb(抑制)the trend of global warming. So why are we experiencing such a frigid(寒冷的)winter on a warming planet? The cold snap(寒潮)and global warming, two seemingly opposing forces, are not contradictory, Zhou Bing, chief expert at the China Meteorological Administration’s National Climate Center, told China Daily.

Against the backdrop of a warming planet, China has seen a growing average temperature in winter, which has increased by 0.41°C every decade since 1961, according to Zhou. But in some cases, the country has also experienced freezing cold-for instance, the icy weather that hit the country in early 2008. Global warming does not appear evenly, but triggers more extreme heat and cold, Zhou explained. Global warming has changed the patterns of Earth’s atmospheric circulation, affecting the local climate via sea-air or land-air interaction. In October, La Nina, the periodic(周期的)cooling of ocean surface temperatures in the central and east-central equatorial(赤道的)Pacific, started to affect China, bringing more cold air to the country, said the National Climate Center. Between 1951 and 2020, a total of 15 La Nina events occurred in China. Ten of them brought lower-than-average winter temperatures, according to the National Climate Center.

Another reason for the chilly weather is the warming Arctic, according to the BBC. The Arctic is warming two to three times as fast as any other place on Earth, said Zhou, adding that the polar vortex, a rotating(旋转的)pool of cold, dense air weakens as the temperature goes up, pushing the cold Arctic air southward. So will this winter be particularly cold? Unlike a series of cold waves that cool down the nation gradually, people will experience the quick-freeze effects several times, and a cold winter is likely, a Beijing-based climate expert told the Global Times.

The official forecast also said that northern China will see more snow than average and southern China less rainfall than average.

1. Why is global warming mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To illustrate its relationship with chilly air.B.To introduce the climate expert Zhou Bing.
C.To describe the weather condition in the world.D.To stress the importance of the conference-COP26.
2. What does the underlined word in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. What’s the result of the fast warming of the Arctic?
A.Our country will be cooled down slowly.B.The south of our country will see more snow.
C.The whole world will become extremely warm.D.There will be sudden drops in air temperature in our country.
4. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A textbook.B.A news report.C.A review.D.A travel brochure.
阅读理解-七选五(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Dog adoptions, and sales of supplies like dog food and dog toys, soared during Covid-19. For a lot of people, knowing they’d be working from home for months made the idea of adopting a dog much more attractive.    1    , here are some tips to try.

Research dog food

People or pets, feeding someone is a great way to not only show love, but to feel love. Anyone who has invested time in creating a great meal for their family knows that the experience of cooking helps them feel closer to the people eating.    2    . Instead, you should spend some time researching the best kinds of dog food for your pet. The more time you spend looking into what kind of dog food will help your buddy thrive, the more connected you’ll feel. Feeding your dog healthy food will also help her stay healthy and comfortable.

Work with a trainer

    3    . Working with a professional trainer, in person, or even over Zoom, can help you get a better understanding of who your dog is. This can be especially helpful if you adopted an older dog that already has certain habits. The more comfortable and secure you feel with your dog, the more you’ll come to love them.


Sometimes loving a specific dog is about getting into dogs in general. Reading dog stories, looking at dog pictures, watching dog shows and videos can all make you feel more loving towards dogs in general, which will in turn help you feel better about your own dog. Instagram is an easy way to get your cute dog fix!

Give it time

We all love the stories about the person who walks into a shelter and falls in love with a dog. But, just like with people, it’s not always love at first site. Sometimes, we think that if we don’t love a dog right away, it’s a problem    5    This can be especially true of rescue dogs. Rescue dogs who have been moved around from house to house or shelter to shelter may take longer to trust you. But once your dog trusts you, you’ll find them harder to resist.

A.Play with your dog
B.Read about other dogs
C.If you’re having trouble connecting with your new dog
D.In reality, some relationships just take more time to build
E.When you find your friendship needs more time to develop
F.You could make your own dog food, but most people don’t
G.Sometimes we have trouble bonding with a dog because we don’t understand that dog
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Whether you believe it or not, there is a festival that honors the monkeys. Called “The Monkey Buffet Festival”, it is celebrated in the city of Lopburi. You may find this surprising, but when you ask some locals about the cultural significance of this festival you will find that there is really nothing! The Monkey Buffet Festival is supposed to be for business — a creative and unique way of attracting and increasing tourists in Thailand.

However, you may ask why, of all the animals in Thailand to honor with a festivity, choose monkeys? Interestingly, this is due to ancient folklore (民间传说) that tells the story of Hanuman, a Hindu monkey deity (神) who is believed to have rescued a bride (新娘) from a ten-headed evil spirit. It was said that Hanuman discovered Lopburi, and these monkeys, the ones living in Lopburi receiving a feast every year, are his descendants.

The yearly Monkey Buffet Festival started in 1989 organized by a local businessman. Nowadays, the festival is a major tourist event and travelers from all over the world come here to see these huge numbers of monkeys filling their stomachs.

The Monkey Buffet Festival is a unique event that will give you a new perspective (视角) on how monkeys are treated in Lopburi. It may be a strange festival, but promises a lot of fun especially for people who love animals. These long-tailed monkeys are very used to humans, so tourists have no need to worry that they will go away seeing people getting near them. However, this could be disadvantageous as well. They can be very aggressive (好攻击的) and have been known to take glasses and wallets away from tourists. So keep an eye on monkeys hanging from trees in the area.

Visit Lopburi in Thailand and enjoy the Monkey Buffet. What are you waiting for? Mark your calendar for the last Sunday of November and experience the festivities with the cute little monkeys. Where else can you find a festival where monkeys are fed with jellies, candies, sausages, and a can of Coke to drink!

1. Why is the Monkey Buffet Festival held?
A.To ask people to protect the wild animals.
B.To spread Thai cultural significance.
C.To develop tourism in Lopburi.
D.To show respect to monkeys.
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The reason why monkeys are honored.
B.The way the festival is organized.
C.The influence of the festival.
D.The history of Lopburi.
3. What did the author want to do in the last paragraph?
A.Call on people to care about monkeys.
B.Encourage people to attend the festival.
C.Ask people to reflect on their actions toward nature.
D.Discuss the relationship between humans and nature.
2022-07-30更新 | 117次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东直门中学2021-2022学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Chemists have spent the past century trying to make plastics that will break down in seawater. As it is, most plastics appear to take centuries to fully degrade in the ocean. But that may change. Scientists have just designed a new plastic that can break down in seawater within weeks, not decades or more.

Back in the 1930s, scientists created a now-popular plastic out of corn and potato starch (淀粉). It’s known as polylactide, or PLA. It’s a polymer (聚合物), which is a molecule made by linking many building blocks — called monomers — into a long string. Scientists had hoped PLA would quickly break down in the environment. And in some places, like compost pits (堆肥坑), it does. But not in seawater. Even after three years in ocean water, PLA remains largely unchanged.

Timo Rheinberger is a PhD student at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. His work on polymers has focused on boosting PLA’s breakdown. As part of that work, he became part of a team that just added some RNA-inspired breaking points to PLA. They put those breaking points in places where monomers in the PLA molecules are linked.

They weakened the links that joined up to 15 percent of a PLA’s monomers. Then, they soaked their samples in artificial seawater and measured how fast these tweaked versions of PLA broke down. The expected final product of PLA’s breakdown was a small molecule called lactic acid. So, they tested for that too.

As the team had hoped, seawater attacked the weakened links between monomers, splitting the polymer chain apart. The more breaking points the researchers added to the polymer, the faster the PLA broke down.

When they weakened 15 percent of PLA’s monomer links, the polymer broke down entirely within just two weeks. When they weakened only 3 percent of the links, the breakdown took about 2 years. This suggests the team can design how quickly PLA will break down in water by adjusting how many weakened links it has.

Mehlika Karamanlioglu teaches biomedical engineering at Istanbul Gelisim University. She, too, has studied environmental breakdown of PLA. “It’s a new approach,” she says of the Dutch technique. Theirs is also “a preliminary study,” Karamanlioglu says. So, more testing must follow. Scientists want to know how the strength of the new PLA compares to old PLA.

Rheinberger agrees. “You need a lot of material to start those studies,” he adds. And so far, his team has made only small amounts of the modified PLA.

Karamanlioglu notes the Dutch team also tested the breakdown of its PLA in artificial seawater. “I wonder if they checked [the water] for pollution,” she adds. If there were microbes (微生物), those microbes may have produced molecules called enzymes that sped up the PLA’s degradation.

1. What can we learn about PLA from the passage?
A.Lactic acid prevents the breakdown of PLA.
B.PLA breaks down faster in artificial seawater.
C.PLA’s breakdown relies on that of monomers.
D.Compost pits are the best places for PLA’s breakdown.
2. What does the underlined word “preliminary” in Paragraph 7 probably mean?
3. What is Mehlika’s attitude towards the findings of the Dutch team?
4. What can be learned from the last three paragraphs?
A.Mehlika is confident about the application of the new PLA.
B.The cleanness of water also affects the breakdown of PLA.
C.The new PLA has better strength than the old PLA.
D.The new PLA have been produced in large amounts.
共计 平均难度:一般