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One day in 1964, my mother came home from work and announced that she had found a pet for the family. My sister asked what it was. My mother said it was a poodle dog named Pepe.

I couldn’t believe my sister wanted a poodle dog — especially one with such a strange name. But she had made up her mind.

Pepe arrived the next night, his short tail bobbing (摆动) happily. I remained distant, thinking poodles should have stayed in France. My sister played with him until bedtime, and he begged for more attention. I ignored him.

He was a skilled digger, so our backyard fence wouldn’t hold him. We tied him; he pulled out of his collar (颈圈). We drove stakes (木桩) into the ground; he dug them up. We put a harness on him, staked the ground and tied him to the laundry pole; he was still waiting for me at the front door at the end of the day, smiling happily.

Every day, he asked me with his eyes to play with him or take him somewhere. At night, he would wait until I fell asleep, leave his bed by the wall heater and jump onto the end of my bed.

One night, I was in a half dream state. Suddenly, my throat and my eyes hurt, and some animal was whining (哀鸣) in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw fog in my room. I wondered who left the window open. Pepe whined and nibbled (咬) on my blouse. Then I woke up and realized that it wasn’t fog in my room — it was smoke.

I couldn’t breathe standing up, so I got down on the floor and crawled (爬行) beneath the smoke. Pepe followed my every move, his curly-haired stomach struggling on the ground. If I hadn’t been so scared, I would have laughed.

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We finally arrived in the kitchen, where the smoke was very thick.


I turned off the burner (炉子) and crawled to open the back door.

2024-01-27更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高二上学期期终教学质量调研测试英语试卷
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For most people, adopting (收养) a pet is one of the best decisions that they can ever make in their lives. In addition to giving an animal a home and a loving family, the owner will find the company of a pet brings more happiness than expected.

For someone like Maria, having a pet was very suitable. She was all alone after moving to a new apartment in Brazil, which made her feel lonely.

So when she found a cute black puppy named Chips, she knew she had to take him home. Maria thought that Chips would be able to fill the emptiness that she had been experiencing from living all alone.

Maria was right. Once she took the puppy home, they immediately bonded. However, as Maria had to work during the day, she was worried about leaving Chips home alone in her apartment. She was also worried that his crying would upset her neighbors.

One night, when she returned home, outside her door was a package with a folded note attached to it. Maria knew that she was in trouble. She hoped that she would not be evicted (驱逐) from her new apartment because of Chips. She loved Chips so much, and she was afraid that she might have to get rid of him because he made too much noise whenever she was away. Maria was frightened and wondered who could have left it at the door because she had little contact with the people in the building except her neighbor, Angelia. In fact, they only said hello few times.

However, when she noticed the names on the folded note, she found that it wasn’t addressed to her but to her dog, Chips, and that it was “written” by another dog named Corote. Maria opened the package first and found a few toys for pets.


Curious, Maria opened the note and started reading it.


With Chips following her, Maria knocked at Angelia’s door.       

2024-01-26更新 | 121次组卷 | 4卷引用:江西省上饶市广丰区大千艺术学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
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It was 3: 34 in the morning. I was in our apartment on the 22nd floor.

I went to bed at around 2 o’clock in the morning, but for some reason I woke up a minute or so before the quake started. I was comfortable in my bed, about to fall asleep again when suddenly the bed started moving a little. That bed used to move a lot, so I just thought it was my wife rolling over. I looked over to her and she was fast asleep. She wasn’t moving.

My first thought was: OK, it’s just another small quake. We used to get a lot of small quakes in Chile. But this one kept going and then got a bit stronger. It was enough to wake my wife up and she asked me, “Is the room shaking?” It is our way of asking: Are we experiencing a mild earthquake? The noise of the perfume bottles hitting each other in the bathroom and the hanging wine glasses clanging against each other in the dining room confirmed what was happening. I thought, OK, this is just a strong quake, no reason to get out of bed.

When an earthquake starts to get stronger, we have learnt that we have to open the front door because they sometimes become stuck when the building starts to sway (摇晃). So, I went to open the front door while my wife went to see how the kids were. They were still fast asleep. However, on the way to the front door, the shaking increased considerably. When I turned around to go back to the bedroom, the full force of the earthquake started to hit. I had never felt an earthquake that was so strong. I couldn’t move forward and I had to hold onto the wall to stay up on my feet.

The earthquake gave a final strong push of intensity (强度) and then our lights went out. This is the only time in my life when I honestly thought I was going to die.


The terrible shaking eventually stopped.


Once we were ready, we woke the kids up.

2024-01-25更新 | 94次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省湘西州2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
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During the 25 years we’ve lived in our home, many cats have appeared on my porch (门廊), gazing through the glass door, silently begging for food. Well, what can I do? Certainly not ignore their lovely faces. Even as my husband says “Don’t feed these cats, Caren,” I am opening the door, with cat food bag in hand. These cats usually stay a few days, maybe a couple months before disappearing into the woods.

One evening while feeding the horses, I saw something move. I turned just in time to glimpse a black tail disappearing under our shed (小棚). Later, I saw a skinny young cat sneak around and finish the leftovers. The next time I saw her, she had a companion, a black male cat. I made sure to put out enough food for the both of them.

Pretty soon, they were appearing at dinnertime with our other cats. I named them Minnie and Freddy. I would give them food in separate containers, but they would walk up and down until I went back inside. Then, with no human near, they would devour their meals. This went on for a couple of weeks. One day, Freddy didn’t show up. We never saw him again.

But Minnie kept sticking around our room, dividing time between the shed and the porch. She was no longer skinny and looked quite nicely. I congratulated myself on her newfound health. However, she kept gaining weight —especially around her middle. Yup, she was pregnant (怀孕的).


We fixed up a small place in the shed for Minnie.


From that day on, our family grew not only with Minnie but also with her adorable babies, creating a harmonious and loving environment for all of us to cherish(珍惜).

2024-01-24更新 | 78次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省上饶市私立新知学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
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Freddie Forbes stared in awe (敬畏) at the platform in the packed school hall. The headmaster marched onto the stage, followed by the captains of the school soccer team and rugby side. Freddie watched enviously (羡慕地) as each was presented with an honors jacket for their contribution to the school’s sporting success over the previous year. When the next presentation of honors jacket would come around, Freddie knew there was little hope that he would be the receiver of one of these treasured items of clothing.

“I wish you all a happy summer holiday,” the headmaster announced. “Although most of you will be going away to sunnier parts, there are others who will be staying near their home. The local council has asked the school to undertake a project over the next six weeks to help clear up litter around the area and separate it for recycling. If anyone is interested, come to my office and you will be supplied with a litter picker, bags and heavy-duty gloves.”

Freddie knew he would be at a loose end over the holiday, so he went to the office along with four other boys to pick up the equipment needed to gather up the rubbish which littered the streets around the school. When he arrived home, his mother looked at him curiously as he placed the equipment on the kitchen table.

“What is this all about?” she asked with a smile on her face. “Mum, I’m an average pupil and I’m not very good at sports,” he replied. “This waste recycling is one way I can contribute to the good name of the school.”

“Just as long as you don’t get fed up and stop half way through,” said Mum.

“I have made up my mind to stick this out through thick and thin,” Freddie said confidently.


Over the next few weeks, the other boys dropped out of the project.


Hearing his name called by the headmaster, Freddie nervously made his way to the platform.

2024-01-24更新 | 85次组卷 | 6卷引用:海南省2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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This is a true story of my grandfather James. In the 1930s, Grandpa was a school kid and took a part-time job in a theater. One day, during a break when the audience were going to the bathroom, he was shocked to see three very huge rats which crossed the aisles (过道) and went under the seats. Grandpa feared the audience would be hurt.

When the movie was over, Grandpa told the manager what he saw. The manager was anxious, and said they couldn’t use poisons to drive the rats away. Grandpa suggested putting cats in the theater at night when it was closed. The manager agreed and gave grandpa the task of putting the cats in the theater at night, but grandpa had to be there in the morning to remove the cats and any dead rat that might be around.

The next day, grandpa found two cats. At the end of the night when the movie was over, he brought the cats into the theater as “night guards”. Then, he left and headed home, excitedly thinking about how many dead rats there would be when he went to the theater in the morning.

The next morning, grandpa hurried to the theater to take care of the cats and all of those dead rats before he went to school. After reaching the theater, he opened the front door, to his surprise, the two cats rushed out of the door and down the street at once. Confused, grandpa entered the theater and turned on the light. To his surprise, he couldn’t find one dead rat.

Soon, grandpa and the manager found out that the rats were so big that the cats were actually scared of them. Grandpa wondered how to deal with the problem. When grandpa got home from school that day, he told his parents what had happened. They laughed and told him that the best way was to get a Rat Terrier dog. They said it’s a type of dog that is good at killing rats. Although grandpa doubted it, he decided to have a try.


Grandpa reached the local dog shelter and asked if they had a Rat Terrier.


To check whether the dog had killed any rats, the next morning grandpa got up very early.

2024-01-24更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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In her small town, Emma was known for her love and respect for all living creatures, and she believed that humans and animals should coexist peacefully and harmoniously. One day, while hiking in the nearby woods, Emma spotted a wounded (受伤的) deer caught in a hunter's trap. Without hesitation, she carefully freed the deer and nursed it back to health.

Over the next few weeks, Emma devoted her time and energy to caring for the deer. She visited it every day after school, bringing fresh fruits and vegetables. She carefully examined its wounds, applying some medicine to help it get better and prevent infection. As the days went by, the deer began to regain its strength, and Emma was overjoyed to see it stand on its legs once again.

Emma also took the time to learn about deer behavior and their natural habitat. She researched the best foods to feed the deer and created a comfortable place for it to rest in during the day. She even made a small water fountain to ensure that the deer had access to clean drinking water.

As the weeks turned into months. Emma watched as the deer grew stronger and more confident. It would often follow her around the backyard, nudging (轻推) her playfully with its nose. Emma felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that she had played a part in saving this beautiful creature's life.

One sunny afternoon, as Emma sat in her backyard reading a book, she heard a familiar sound. She looked up and saw the deer standing near her, looking at her with gentle eyes. It was clear that the deer had fully recovered and was ready to return to the wild.

Emma felt a sense of sadness but also knew that it was time for the deer to go back to its natural habitat. She opened the gate and watched as the deer bounded away, disappearing into the forest. From that day on, Emma continued to care for animals in need, knowing that she had made a difference in the life of at least one creature.

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Months later, Emma had almost forgotten about the deer when one day, she received an unexpected visitor.


From that day on, the deer became a regular visitor to Emma's backyard.

2024-01-22更新 | 56次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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When Evan was 13, he wanted to have a dog. His mom Octavia refused since raising a dog would need lots of attention and care.

The boy once joined the Forest Exploration club of his school where Octavia taught. And the mother was in charge of the club. One morning, guided by Octavia, Evan and his schoolmates went hiking in a forest. During the hike, some purple flowers caught Evan’s eye. Evan thought those beautiful flowers could surely impress his mother. So he walked to the riverside secretly to pick those flowers. Unfortunately, Evan got separated from the group and got lost.

He anxiously kept walking, hoping he could catch up with the group. Suddenly, a dog appeared. At first, Evan thought it might be a wolf, so he tensed and stood there still. When the dog got closer, he saw its tail wagging (摇摆) gently.

“Oh, buddy. You scared me,” he said, petting the dog. “You must be a stray (走失的) dog, huh?” The dog looked at him with the most sincere expression. Evan wanted to find his way home, not only for himself but also for the animal. Therefore, he walked again. The moment Octavia realized Evan was gone, she and others began looking for Evan desperately, but in vain.

It was getting darker and colder. Evan discovered a cave. He went inside and made a fire to keep warm. He knew his mom and other schoolmates must have been searching the forest for him. “Buddy, let’s wait here and see if we can hear my group calling,” Evan told the dog. And they sat near each other. Before long, Evan fell asleep.

At some point, he heard the sound of animal growling (低声吼叫) and noticed the dog at the entrance of their shelter. The dog was growling at something that Evan couldn’t see well. But there was another animal growling back. Evan wiped his eyes and tried to see what made the dog so alert and angry. He then saw a big fox, and said to himself, “Thank goodness! I’m not alone!” But he was still frightened. The fox moved forward, wanting to attack Evan.


Without stepping back, the brave dog continued barking, ready to attack the fox.   


“It’s my mom! Let’s go!” Evan excitedly told the dog and ran to Octavia.

2024-01-20更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省实验中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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For as long as I can remember, my parents raised me with dogs, cats, birds and fish in the house, and I felt the most comfort with these pets in my surroundings. As an only child, I grew up talking to these animals since I never had a partner to play with at home.

I created characters for each of the pets and I included them in my imaginary adventures, tying capes onto the dogs, who were changed into superheroes, and giving headwear to the cats, who became girls. Even after I began attending pre-school, I’d eagerly await my return from school so that I could relay all the exciting details to my pets who would listen and pretend to be slightly interested in my wandering. In fact, I probably communicated with my pets more than I did with my friends, since these animals offered a sense of safety which no individual could provide. It never felt strange for me to talk with members of different species and I always felt satisfied after I spoke with them.

Imagine the shock I faced when I realized that certain cruel persons badly treated their pets. Over the spring break of third grade when I visited Aunt Judy and my cousins in Philadelphia, I met her one-eyed cat, Gordon. A cold, skinny creature, I firstly avoided directing my attention towards the cat. Aunt Judy must have noticed my strange behavior, so she took me aside and explained that the Gordon’s owner had deserted him. The cat was extremely unhealthy and injured when Aunt Judy discovered him.

After she had found medical treatments for the cat, my aunt decided to keep him because Aunt Judy said, “The unwanted animals are the ones most in need of someone to love them wholeheartedly.” After my aunt’s advice, I spent additional time to know Gordon and as days passed, he grew less afraid of me and I became more willing to love him.


Para 1: It broke my heart to see his sad eyes.


Para 2: No creature loves such a lonely end to their life.

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The Mango Tree—A Friend of All

It was a usual cheerful and playful day for Dorothy. The only difference was that her family had shifted to a new apartment. Although she had been in the new house just two days, Dorothy had already started liking her new home very much, not only because of the spacious rooms, but also because of a large mango tree which had lovingly extended its branches across the balcony of her house. The mango tree not only gave a beautiful view but also served as a home for a large number of birds and small animals. Dorothy’s mother was also fond of plants and had kept many potted plants in the balcony.

A week passed by. On a Sunday morning, Dorothy was awakened by a loud noise in her neighbourhood. She ran towards the balcony and, to her surprise, found some people chopping (砍) off the beloved mango tree. She ran up to her mother and explained the matter.

Dorothy and her mother looked down from the balcony. They saw the women under the guidance of Mr. Denver, cutting the mango tree down. Mr. Denver was the resident of the ground floor apartment. He said angrily, “Look, I am getting this job done under my expense. This tree is blocking my view. I cannot see my car properly because of this annoying tree.” Dorothy and her mother understood that there was no point in having an argument with Mr. Denver.

From then on, Dorothy tried all possible ways to take her revenge (报复) against Mr. Denver for cutting her beloved mango tree. She did many tricks such as sticking the gum on his call ng bell, pouring sugar in his balcony to attractants, jumping on the floor to create noise, etc.

Days passed by. One morning, as Dorothy was helping her mother water the potted plants kept in the balcony, she couldn’t take here yes away from the fresh green leaves coming from the injured mango tree. Dorothy couldn’t hold her excitement and started jumping with delight.

        Several days later, Dorothy’s parents decided to invite Mr. Denver and his family for dinner.
        Mr. Denver received Dorothy’s mother’s gift warmly with a smile.
2024-01-13更新 | 107次组卷 | 5卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市哈尔滨市六校联考2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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