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My friend Carole’s birthday was approaching and I wondered what to give her as a gift. I had two pots of beautiful flowers and I knew Carole liked flowers. However, the two pots of flowers were rare and I brought them from a forest very far away, which took me great effort. So, I hesitated.

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky on one warm June morning when Carol e and I started out for a day of shopping. We had learned of a quilt (被子) shop which had unique quilts created by skilled women from a nearby company. Carole’s heart was set on finding a blue- and- white quilt to put the finishing touch on her guest bedroom.

We parked the car next to the only traffic light in town, heading towards the quilt shop. But next door, a newly opened small store that sold pretty clothes, shoes, etc. attracted us. So we first walked into this store, where we admired the most wonderful collection of umbrella s we had ever seen. As I ran my fingers across one special umbrella, I heard myself whisper, “These are the most beautiful umbrellas...”I loved the items so much.

A sales clerk hurried to my side. “Perhaps you’d like to try one of them out,” she suggested. I opened the attractive umbrella. Underneath it, I felt wonderfully carefree and sheltered from the whole world. But with new things to buy, there was no money for expensive umbrellas. Besides, even if I could afford one, it wouldn’t be a practical purchase. Back in the second grade, I had once eyed a beautiful, pink umbrella in a department store window. “I need a beautiful umbrella,” I said to my mother. “No, you need a practical umbrella,” she said. “Besides, you might lose it.” With tears in my eyes, I put down that pink umbrella!

Coming back from my memory, I told the clerk, “Thanks for showing me the umbrella.” Then, I headed next door to the quilt shop, a few steps ahead of Carole.


When her steps caught up with mine, I noticed a long, thin box under her arm.


Back home, I took the umbrella sent by Carole and walked towards my flowers.

2024-09-18更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省镇江市实验高级中学2023~2024学年高二下期末考试英语试卷
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The birth of the little girl, Melody, cast a shadow over her family. The words the doctor said to Dana and Jeff completely shook them, “Your daughter was born with a cleft lip (唇裂).” It was impossible for the couple to hide their sadness. They couldn’t believe it was true until they saw their daughter in person. Seeing her cleft made Dana and Jeff heartbroken more than anything. It broke their heart to imagine the kind of life Melody would lead in the future.

Fortunately, Dana and Jeff saw a ray of hope when the doctor told the couple that their daughter’s condition was treatable with a cleft lip surgery (外科手术). Rather than feeling stressful like the first few days, they promised themselves they never wanted their daughter to suffer from that. They would spare no effort to support Melody.

Nothing is precious than their little angel, and Dana as well as Jeff was ready to do anything for Melody. After bringing Melody home, they immediately began looking for clef surgery options. However, no matter where they turned, getting Melody the surgery she needed was expensive, and the various treatments and medications she needed in the following would also be much more costly than the young family could afford.

Then came the thrilling moment when Jeff browsed through a medical forum one evening, he stumbled upon (意外发现) a post about a nonprofit organization that specialized in cleft lip surgeries for children. The organization, named Smileatfuture, is dedicated to providing free surgeries to families who could not ford the procedure. The couple had seen a lot of photos and read a lot of stories about children who had cleft surgeries sponsored by Smileatfuture, and the results were incredible. The idea that Melody could grow up with hardly a scar (伤疤) where her cleft was lit a fire under the couple. Without any hesitation, Dana and her husband reached out to Smileatfuture and handed in an application for medical aid.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Everything went more smoothly than Dana and Jeff had expected.


The big day for Melody’s surgery finally came.

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Ally worked with her mother in their vegetable garden every day. The produce from their garden was sold at market. This was how they made their living. Ally’s job was to make sure the plants were never too dry. Each day Ally carefully watered any plant that needed water. Ally helped take care of the garden in other ways, too, so the vegetables would be healthy and ready for the market. Ally often pretended the plants were beautiful roses, like Mrs. Smith’s prize flowers.

“Foolish girl!” her mother spoke angrily. “Flowers can’t be eaten!”

“But Mother, people buy flowers.”

“No one in our poor village wastes money so foolishly. Look after the vegetables. That’s our living.”

Ally knew her mother was right. The only person in the village who made money selling flowers was Mrs. Smith. She grew roses and sold them to flower shops in Austin. Every year she won first prize at the Austin Rose Festival.

Ally envied Mrs. Smith. If she could sell flowers like Mrs. Smith, she would be able to buy things for her mother. But roses were expensive to start, and Ally could only dream about growing them.

One day, Ally visited Mrs. Smith to see her flowers again. Mrs. Smith was inspecting her roses when she arrived. The garden of flowers springing up thrilled Ally. How she wished she could grow such flowers! And even win a prize at the festival!

Mrs. Smith broke her daydream. “Child, come to see the flowers again? Do you know what’s required to grow such flowers?” She chuckled. “Stick to your vegetables.”

Mrs. Smith returned to her gardening, ignoring the sad look on Ally’s face. Then she pulled up what looked like a weed (野草).

“What’s that?” Ally asked.

“A weak plant. Unworthy of my time.” Mrs. Smith said before throwing it over the fence into the field beside the garden.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: Ally smiled and had an idea.
Paragraph 2: On festival morning, Ally went to greet her own little plant as usual.
2024-08-21更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省威海市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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4 . 假定你是李华,你校英文报Opinion栏目本期话题为“Original Photo or Edited Photo for Resume (简历)?”请写一篇短文,发表你的观点。
1. 词数80左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Regarding the topic of “Original Photo or Edited Photo for Resume”, I prefer

2024-08-21更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省威海市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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Surprise (times two)!

My friend Ollie has lived with his grandmother, Abuela, since he was a baby. Abuela is the kindest, smartest, funniest person imaginable! On the morning of Mother's Day, I invited them to my house for a party.

“I love any kind of party if there's a cake!” Ollie said.

“Of course.” I chuckled, “I made a card for my mom, but I still want to find some present to go with it”. Ollie also wanted to buy roses for Abuela, but everything is so expensive at the flower store that he can barely afford a leaf!

Just then, our neighbor, Mrs. Nishikawa who was watering her garden, waved and called, “Good morning, kiddos!” Ollie waved back. “Good morning, Mrs. Nishikawa! Your garden is always so pretty.”

“Oy! It's a mess.” She groaned. “My back has been acting up, and I haven't weeded for days.” Ollie and I were eager to offer help. Half an hour later, both of us had a big pile of weeds. Mrs. Nishikawa smiled and said we could choose whatever flowers we liked for Mother's day bouquets (花束).

We clipped, arranged, and wrapped everything in big sheets of sparkly paper and string. Ollie and I both said that these look just as good as the ones at the store and even better.

As we headed back with flowers in arms, we came up with a plan. Nobody would think to look in my bedroom closet, a perfect place to hide these, except my two cats. It was a good idea that at the exact right time, we would shout “Surprise!” and amaze everybody. But you know perfect plans don't always work out perfectly.

Everybody elegantly sipped tea and not-so-elegantly gobbled cake. Then we took turns saying things we loved and appreciated about Abuela and my mom. Right when they were chatting, Ollie and I snuck (溜走) off to get our surprise.


“NO!” I yelled as soon as our cats dashed out of the bedroom.


“How can you get so beautiful flowers?” Abuela and my mom asked.

2024-08-16更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Gathering fallen branches for firewood in the forest, an old woman heard a deep groan(呻吟) . It sounded like a large animal. At first, she was frightened, but when it groaned again, she thought: “That animal, whatever it is, is in pain.”

With a kind heart towards all living things, she ventured towards the sound. Eventually, she found a large, very sick bull(公牛). “Don’t worry,” she said, patting his head. “I’ll look after you. I know all sorts of cures for diseases.” Somehow the sick bull understood. He gathered up all his strength, struggled to his feet, and followed her towards her home.

On their way, they crossed paths with the bull’s former owner. “Hey, old woman! Where are you taking my bull?” the man called out, with a mix of surprise and annoyance.

The old woman pulled herself up, her ancient back as straight as a sword, and she spoke with a tongue that was just as sharp: “Now listen, your bull was abandoned and full of suffering.”

“Right,” admitted the man. “He is very sick, and he smells rotten. We can’t stand his stench anymore, so we drove him into the woods to end his days.”

When he said this, the old woman glared angrily, she wagged her finger and declared, “It is wrong to abandon a living creature who has served you well, even if he is dying. I’m to take him home and look after him myself.”

The man laughed at her, shrugging in disbelief. “You’re wasting your time! He’ll never recover.” The old woman continued, leading the bull towards her home. The villagers whispered praises and words of support as she passed by.

When she reached home, she cleaned the bull, gave him water and medicine, and placed him on a comfortable bed of straw. His strength grew daily, and his once-dull coat became shining. The villagers felt amazed at the old woman’s good fortune.

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Word spread quickly to the bull’s previous owner.


The villagers cheered for the old woman.

2024-08-16更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省宜宾市普通高中2023-2024学年高二下学期期末学业质量监测英语试题
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Good friendship can get people through almost anything. Many times, a good friend will know what you need before you even ask for it, and they’ll want to offer a helping hand. That’s what happened to two friends in Caddo Hills High School. When one differently abled young man needed help, his friend went above and beyond.

When Brandon and Tanner met, Brandon was using a hand-push wheelchair. The chair was becoming kind of a pain for Brandon as he had to push his way down the halls from class to class around Caddo Hills High School. “My arms would get really tired and I would have to stop and take rests,” said Brandon.

Sometimes when they were together, Brandon would ask Tanner to push his wheelchair. Tanner was happy to help. Most often, Tanner would offer to help and he noticed how hard using this wheelchair was on his friend. Tanner thought that if his friend had had an electric wheelchair, life would be easier for him. But Brandon’s family was unable to afford it. Seeing how much his friend struggled in his wheelchair, Tanner made up his mind to do something about it, “He’s just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor. I just felt like I needed to do it and I wanted to do it” Tanner explained.

Then the enthusiastic high school student became devoted to getting his friend a wheelchair. He got an after-school job at an auto repair shop and he worked there every afternoon. In order to help his friend out, Tanner worked part-time for two years. All of the money he earned went towards saving for a self-powered wheelchair. That moment finally came in late February, when he would present Brandon with a life-changing gift during the school day.


Initially, Tanner had planned on giving Brandon all the money he had saved.


Brandon cried when he first got the wheelchair.

2024-08-16更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省安顺市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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Life at 16 took an unexpected turn when my parents decided to move our family from Texas to Arizona. In just two weeks, I had to say goodbye to my beloved teachers, dearest classmates and my best friends. I felt a sense of blame toward my parents for what seemed like turning my world upside down. I told everyone I’d be returning to Texas as soon as possible.

Upon arriving in Arizona, I made sure everyone knew I had friends waiting for me back in Texas. I was determined to keep my distance, firmly believing that I’d be leaving soon. The first day of school was a painful experience as I missed my friends in Texas badly. My life felt like it had come to an end.

Eventually though, things got a little better. In my art class, sitting just three seats away from me in the same front row was an outgoing girl with the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. Her talent in art shone through her creations, and her lively spirit drew me in. I saw inspiration and connection in her that I so badly needed. Gathering my courage, I decided to talk to her. “Hi, my name is Sheila; what’s yours?” I asked with a Texan accent.

The girl next to her thought that I was asking her. “Emily.” “Oh, hi, Emily,” I played along. “What’s your name?” I asked again, focusing my attention on the blue-eyed girl. She looked behind her, not believing that I could be asking her for her name. “Jessie,” she answered quietly. “Hi, Jessie!” I smiled and returned to my work, awkward but satisfied. Little did I know, that chance encounter would change the course of my life.

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Sharing the love for art, Jessie, Emily and I quickly developed close friendship.


As time passed, the pain of leaving Texas gradually disappeared.

2024-08-15更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Years later, I might still remember that small library. It was a winter day when I came to the library. The sunlight was bright but not warm. It was a typical southern winter day, windless but cold.

The winter vacation was crucial for me, and studying in the library could efficiently improve my studies. I stood in front of the door with my backpack. On the board on the door read: “Community Library”. I pushed the door open. Behind the service desk sat an old man with gray hair and dark skin, wearing reading glasses. When he saw me, he pushed his glasses up.

“Hello, I live nearby. My home is small and noisy. Can I study here?” I asked. The old man looked me over and nodded. I then moved to a table in the corner. After lunch every day, I would come to the library. Most of the time, it was just the old man and me, and the only sound was the hum (嗡嗡声) of the old air conditioner.

When I felt too cold or tired of reading, I would get up and move around. Gradually, the old man would ask me if I needed hot water. Sometimes he brought me subject-related books. We had brief conversations sometimes. The old man grew up in the countryside and didn’t have much education. He worked in a factory when he was young, and after retiring, he came to the community library to work.

Every day, I studied until sunset. When it was about time for the old man to get off work, I would pack up and get ready to leave. He would also stand up and tidy up. After I left, he would close the door, ending his day’s work.

One afternoon, I went to the library to return some books. The old man was very happy that day and handed me a book, saying, “I found a book on the far right of the shelf in the corner. I’m sure you’ll like it” I nodded, took the book, and thanked him.


A week later, I went to return the book, only to find an old lady locking the door.


“Then why did the library close around 4 pm during the last few weeks?” I asked.

2024-08-05更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省部分名校2023-2024学年高二(新高三)下学期7月期末联考英语试题
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Upon her arrival at the South Pole Penguin Research Lab, Mary observed her friend Tom tenderly caressing a penguin cradled in his arms. As the offspring of the lab’s scientific staff, Mary and Tom were frequently in the presence of emperor penguins, which were under scrutiny to discern how they coped with the harsh climatic conditions — a knowledge that could be instrumental in enhancing human endurance in extreme environments.

“We’re thirteen, Tom. It’s the age to mature and cease interacting with the lab’s penguins as if they were playmates,” Mary remarked, commencing her cleaning duties. “These creatures are subjects of research, not domestic animals.”

“But these avians are responsive to my touch!” Tom defended, his exhalation manifesting as a mist in the icy atmosphere. “You’re merely attempting to become a penguin whisperer once more,” Mary retorted, a soft grin playing on her lips as she shook her head. The penguins exhibited a playful demeanor as they strolled, plunged, swam, and frolicked in pursuit of their live piscine quarry before partaking in their meal.

A sudden blare of an alarm, accompanied by the flashing of red lights, interrupted the scene, indicating an issue at hand. The siblings hastened to investigate. “The temperature has plummeted further — there’s ice crystallizing on the water’s surface,” Tom observed. Despite the perpetual cold, Mary had never witnessed ice forming in that location before. Upon inspecting the habitat monitor, she realized that the temperature had dipped significantly. “The heating system must have malfunctioned!”

Promptly, Mary dispatched a message to their parents' research team, who were immersed in field studies outside. With the adults indisposed, the children were left to manage the plummeting temperatures until reinforcements arrived.

As they waited apprehensively, time seemed to dawdle, and the escalating cold induced shivers. “I ponder what emperor penguins accomplish amidst such frigid conditions, considering they remain at the Pole throughout the winter rather than migrating to warmer climates,” Mary mused. “They huddle,” Tom replied. “They cluster so closely that those in the core remain sufficiently warm.” “What occurs with the ones on the periphery?” Mary inquired. “They press inward toward the center, then subsequently migrate back to the periphery, and once again grapple against the flow of their peers to regain the warmth of the huddle’s heart. This behavior was documented by scientists in the early 21st century,” he stated, his gaze fixed on the sizable assembly of penguins within the lab.


“I have an idea to stay warm!” Tom shouted excitedly.


Two and a half hours later, the parents returned with help.

2024-08-04更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省五华县田家炳中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末学业水平考试英语试题
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