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1 . A new study shows that increases in extreme winter weather in parts of the US are linked to quickened warming of the Arctic (北极).

Over the past four decades, warming in the Arctic has been far more definite than that in the rest of the world and has caused a rapid decrease of summer sea ice. Heating in the Arctic has ultimately disturbed the circular pattern of winds known as the polar vortex (旋涡). As a result, it got stretched out of shape and slid southward off the pole. Scientists believe this vortex stretching process led to the deadly Texas cold wave in February this year.

“The polar vortex over the Arctic usually locks in cold air at the poles and does not easily move south. The stronger the winds, the more the air inside is kept, and the colder it gets,” explained lead researcher Dr. Judah Cohen, who’s a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). “Melting (融化) ice in the Arctic and rising temperatures can disturb the Arctic vortex, making cold air no longer locked in the Arctic? but move some farther south.”

The researchers say that their findings are based on both observations and modelling and they show a physical link between climate change in the Arctic, the stretching of the polar vortex and the impacts on ground.

The researchers believe their work could improve predictions about the beginning of extreme cold winter events. The research team also believes that their findings will help people understand that global warming is complex and perhaps let go of the idea that colder winters mean climate change isn’t happening. “In the past, these cold extremes over the US and Russia have been used to justify not reducing carbon, but there’s no longer any excuse to not start reducing emissions (排放) right away,’’ said Dr. Cohen.

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The efforts made by scientists.B.The definition of polar vortex.
C.The decrease of summer sea ice.D.The formation of Texas cold wave.
2. What is the function of polar vortex?
A.Making the wind stronger.B.Helping cold air move freely.
C.Speeding up the melting of ice.D.Keeping cold air from escaping.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Global warming is just alarmist.
B.Weather-gone-wild pattern is a fantasy.
C.Reducing emissions is a pressing matter.
D.Weather forecast has never been a perfect science.
4. In which column of a website can the text probably be found?
2022-01-01更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济宁市2021-2022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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2 . Scientists have found something strange has been happening among sensitive bird species in the Brazilian Amazon in recent years. Not only were the birds declining in number, but their bodies were also shrinking in size. “We found that size was not only shrinking for those sensitive species-it was declining for everyone, “said researcher Vitek Jirinec of Louisiana State University. Jirinec’s findingsare contained in a new study published in the journal Science Advances last Friday.

The study examined 77 species over a 40-year period, during which time the rainforest had become warmer. It found they were rapidly evolving perhaps because smaller birds remove heat more efficiently as they have more surface area in relation to volume. Brian Weeks of the University of Michigan explained it this way: “You could imagine lots of little ice cubes in a glass of water, as opposed to one big ice cube, and the little ice cubes melt faster because smaller things have larger surface area-to-volume ratios(比),so they exchange heat more quickly. “Weeks didn’t work on this particular study, but he did research the size of more than50 species of migratory (迁徙的) birds in North America a few years back. He too found that nearly all of them were shrinking decade by decade.

The two studies strengthen the idea that birds all over the planet, migratory or not, may be changing shape due to a warming climate. Weeks said these sorts of changes should concern all of us. “All around the world, people depend on natural systems. Complete natural systems provide more economic benefits to humanity than the entirety of the world’s GDP, so they matter to you whether or not you know it, Weeks said. Jirinec thought the timing of his paper’s publication could not be more fitting. The study came out on the same day as the conclusion of the UN climate change conference in Glasgow. So those results really stressed the common consequences of the actions for the planet.

1. What was a cause of the birds becoming smaller in size?
A.The decrease of birds’ number.B.The sensitiveness of birds.
C.A warming climate.D.The development of birds.
2. How did Brian Weeks explain birds’ getting rid of heat?
A.By example and comparison.B.By analyzing the data.
C.By giving enough evidence.D.By observation and research.
3. Which of the following best describes the findings of the two studies?
4. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce two studies.B.To explain a natural phenomenon.
C.To praise the conference in Glasgow.D.To make people focus on climate change.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I first realized that plastic was a serious matter for our planet during my travel in Western Australia. One day about 12 years ago, I stopped at a supermarket along the Coral Bay coast ta buy some groceries. But the lady at the counter told me that the supermarket didn’t sell any shopping bags to prevent plastic in the ocean and help preserve the endangered turtles(海龟) living in that area. After a first reaction of surprise, I gathered all purchases in my arms and left, reflecting on what I had been told.

The experience in that trip made me more conscious about my impact and pushed me to adopt various habits to travel and live more sustainably. For example, I always carried a cotton bag when I went shopping.

My travel to Indonesia was another life-changing experience that strengthened my determination to turn to a zero-waste lifestyle. In Indonesia, finding safe drinkable water was always a challenge, so I traveled with my water bottle, managing to avoid almost entirely the use of plastic during my trip.

However, I was seriously struck by my stay on the Libaran Island, where a sustainable and turtle conservation project was launched 10 years ago. Despite the big efforts by the project staff and the community in cleaning up the beaches and creatively reusing plastic, the shore was washed daily with tons of plastic coming from the tides. Walking on a carpet of plastic that almost prevented me from seeing the beach underneath was quite shocking.

Facing this global issue in person, I felt a sense of sadness and anger that soon turned into determination: to do as much as possible to reduce plastic in my life. Sometimes we might feel helpless in front of big problems, but we should be aware that small changes could actually make a difference step by step!

1. How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
A.By reflecting on the present life.
B.By looking into the future environment.
C.By introducing the previous achievements.
D.By recalling the past shopping experience.
2. What did the author decide to do after the trip about 12 years ago?
A.Cut back on travel.B.Shop less frequently.
C.Lead a green life.D.Rurify drinking water
3. What do we know about the project in paragraph 4?
A.It had no clear goal.B.It didn’t work out very well.
C.It met the islanders’ needs.D.It was aimed to prevent turtle attacks.
4. What does the author think of the plastic problem?
A.It is demandingB.It is manageable.
C.It is easy to solve.D.It’s lacking in attention.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Hunger and malnutrition still exist in the world. Luckily, there are exciting, creative solutions to solving the extra food coming from restaurants, grocery stores, and farmers.     1    

On June 7, 2022, Spain adopted a draft bill on leftovers. Food businesses will have to submit their plans to reduce food waste.     2     Restaurants will soon be required to provide containers for customers to take home their leftovers. Although this may seem like normal practice, in Spain, this is not the custom. With this upcoming law, diners can request their leftovers to be wrapped in recycled packaging for no extra cost.     3     Supermarkets will also be asked to donate their unsold food to food banks and neighborhood organizations.

    4     It can help reduce greenhouse gasses, ensure there is more food for the hungry, and save money in an economic depression. It may also heal nature as there’ll be less demand to destroy forest to grow crops and raise livestock. This, in turn, could reduce the usage of water and decrease pollution in the agricultural sector.

Along with France and Italy, Spain is paving the way for other countries to address this global issue. Spain hopes to enforce these new laws by 2023 and is also developing an awareness program to educate the consumer. Much food waste also comes from within the household.     5     Hence, teaching children about food waste is a big step towards making the world a better, less hungry place.

A.As the proverb goes, “Charity begins at home.”
B.If restaurants fail to do this, they could be fined.
C.Joint efforts are needed to deal with this global issue.
D.As a famous saying goes, “One good turn deserves another.”
E.Reducing food waste is of great significance in a hungry world.
F.Instead of being thrown out, unused food will soon be repurposed.
G.This new bill will impress upon the public a new attitude towards food waste.
2023-01-15更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济宁市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Every day people board planes,get on trains and ready themselves for an adventure. But what about the deep sea? Although it covers 70 percent of the Earth's surface,we hardly stop to think of it as a tourist destination. However, the travel industry has made great advancement in creating aquatic(水中的) hotspots.

From the luxury to the relatively modest,underwater resorts have been popping up in recent years. For those with a truly adventurous spirit and some money to spend,you can even rent your own submarine. Staffed with a captain,a personal chef and a butler(管家),Oliver’s Travels’ submarine,the Lovers Deep,is a unique getaway. For those looking for a slightly different experience,there is Jules'Undersea Lodge in Florida,US,named after Jules Verne,the author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Other sectors of the emerging underwater tourism industry have brought a bit of art to the deep sea. According to the BBC,“there's a move to combine underwater tourism with art tourism to attract a new kind of traveler." Underwater museums and exhibits like the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park in Grenada and Australia's Museum of Underwater Art allow visitors to see incredible sculptures in a truly magnificent atmosphere. Underwater archaeological(考古的)sites have also become popular destinations, such as the ones in Turkey, where people can visit sunken cities.

Exploring Earth's bodies of water has brought more awareness to the importance of protecting oceans and the animal life that calls them home. British sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor,whose artwork can be seen in multiple underwater attractions around the world, feels this is key. “Most people just see the surface of the ocean and it is hard to think of something so plain and enormous as fragile. We don't regard our oceans as sacred(神圣的)and we should.”

1. What does the underlined expression "popping up" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Appearing suddenly.B.Changing constantly.
C.Working properly.D.Moving unexpectedly.
2. Why does the author mention underwater museums and exhibits in Paragraph 3?
A.To prove the power of art.
B.To explain a new travel rule.
C.To introduce a new travel trend.
D.To recommend popular destinations.
3. What is the author's attitude towards underwater tourism?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Enormous resources are there for exploration in the ocean.
B.Underwater vacation has brought huge commercial benefits.
C.Artists consider it tough to protect underwater environment.
D.Underwater travel has a positive effect on ocean protection.
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述Leila Taheri小时候经常在Welsh Harp湿地玩耍,长大后再去湿地时发现那里污染严重,垃圾满地,于是她从捡垃圾开始,致力于保护湿地的环境,最终她的努力得到回报,越来越多的当地人意识到了保护环境的重要。

6 . Leila Taheri used to go to the Welsh Harp wetland as a schoolgirl. At that time, the 160-hectare nature ______ was home to various birds, also Taheri’s perfect playground. She ______ played baseball there, forgetting to go home.

In August, 2020, 37-year-old Taheri ______ the wetland and the kind of dump-like (垃圾场般的) surroundings ______ Taheri. Because of pollution, birds populations had been ______. To make things worse, the nearby residents paid little attention to the wetland.

A strong ______ to do something controlled her. Taheri decided to begin with a litter pick. She ______ her neighbors to join in. In one month, they ______ 70 bags of rubbish. Then, Taheri expanded the work into more general environmental activism. ______ monthly litter picks, they also worked with some bird protection organizations. Currently, they are trying to ______ a planned bridge across the wetland, for it will destroy birds’ habitat despite the advantage of ______ the locals a few minutes’ walk.

Taheri’s efforts ______. More and more locals are now more environmentally ______, more involved, and have come to see the value of her work. She makes a real ______ not only to the Welsh Harp, and but for the wider community. Just as Taheri says,“Don’t stand______, do something about it.”

A.Due toB.Apart fromC.As forD.Instead of
A.went outB.ran outC.paid offD.took off
2022-07-15更新 | 196次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省济宁市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation are now thought as the top source of green-house gases. One of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to reconsider how much, and how often, you travel.

Going car free for a year could save about 2. 6 tons of carbon dioxide, according to a study from the University of British Columbia. How can you stop using a car? Try taking a train, bus or better yet, riding a bike.

But let’s be realistic. You will likely need to use a car this year. So, when you do, here are some tips to make your trip more climate-friendly. Driving efficiently can help to reduce emissions. Go easy on the gas and brakes and drive like you have an egg under your foot. Regularly service your car to keep it more efficient. Keeping your tires pumped correctly can re-duce emissions. Low tire pressure will hurt your fuel economy. Air conditioning and frequent city driving can make emissions go up. So cut down on these as often as possible. Use cruise control (定速巡航) on long drives-in most cases, this can help to save gas. Don’t weigh your car down with extra things that you don’t need on your trip.

Fly often? Taking one fewer long round-trip flight could reduce your personal carbon footprint significantly. If you use public transportation often and fly less, your carbon foot-print might still be relatively sustainable, but if you drive and fly a lot, your emissions will be sigher. If you can’t avoid flying, you can offset them by donating money to sustainable proacts, such as supplying efficient stoves to rural homes, or projects which help farmers deal with crop waste environmentally.

1. What does the author think of going car free?
2. Which can be adopted to save fuel of your car?
A.Maintaining your car properly.B.Using cruise control in the city.
C.Stepping hard on the gas and brakes.D.Geiting rid of all the necessary loads.
3. What does the underlined word “offset” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Make up for.B.Team up with.C.Set foot in.D.Put up with.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.How to save fuel when driving carsB.How to reduce your carbon footprint
C.Reduce carbon footprint by all meansD.Lower carbon footprint in transportation
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans by 2050. That is what a new report from the World Economic Forum and Ellen MacArthur Foundation warns. If the current trend continues, the report said, oceans will contain one ton of plastic for every three tons of fish in 2025. By 2050, plastics will weigh more than fish. The problem is that each year at least 8 million tons of plastics end up in oceans around the world. This is the same as dumping the contents of one garbage truck into the ocean every minute.

Not all plastic ends up in the ocean because someone throws a plastic bottle into the water. Plastic containers and other trash thrown onto streets and sidewalks often are swept into oceans. Unlike other types of trash in the ocean, the plastic never bio-degrades. There is a way to slow the amount of plastics going into the oceans — people can recycle more. Currently only about 14 percent of plastics are recycled. Research in Europe shows as much as 53 percent of plastic could be recycled using available technology. The report says that another solution is using less plastic for packaging products. But that is not likely to happen.

“Given plastic packaging’s many benefits, both the possibility and desirability of an across-the-board dramatic reduction in the volume of plastic packaging used is clearly low, ”the report said. But the authors note reducing the use of plastics should be tried“where possible. ”For decades, scientists warned that plastics are killing fish. Research shows that fish are dying from choking after eating plastics. Another cause of death is that plastics cause“intestinal blockage and starvation, ”the environmental group said.

1. Why is the garbage truck mentioned in Paragraph 1 ?
A.To explain how plastics end up in the ocean.
B.To warn people against the ocean pollution.
C.To clarify the seriousness of the problem.
D.To point out some details of the report.
2. Why is plastic more dangerous than other types of trash?
A.There is too much of it.B.It poisons the ocean water.
C.It is from different sources.D.It is hard to break down.
3. What is the author’s attitude to the suggested solutions?
4. What can we infer from the text?
A.People are not aware of the problem.B.Recycling is limited by lack of technology.
C.Plastic packaging has become part of our life.D.Fish in the ocean will be replaced by plastics.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假定你是李华,上周六你校在图书馆举办了一场学生英语演讲比赛,主题为“是否应该进行海洋探索”。现在请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1.写作词数应为80 左右;

An English Speech Contest on Ocean Exploration

阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Last year, wildfire spread through Boulder, Colorado. It wasn’t a hot summer day. It wasn’t a forested neighborhood. It was winter in the suburbs (郊区) . More than 1,000 homes and buildings burned.

Large parts of the country that don’t have wildfires are now at risk. They include nearly 80 million homes and buildings. That is what new data shows. Over the next 30 years, the risk will only grow. The group First Street Foundation created a program called Fire Factor. People can go to a website to learn what their wildfire risk is in 2022 and in 2052. Right now, about 16% of Americans live in risky places. By 2052, that will go up to 21%.

California will likely suffer a lot from wildfire. That’s partly because it is so big and partly because of its weather. So California will be on the top of the at-risk list. But nearly half of all at-risk Americans in 2052 will live in the southern half of the U.S. The South will be home to the largest number of people at high risk: 32 million. States like Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, and North and South Carolina will be “in the line of fire,” so to speak, and so will southwestern states like Arizona and New Mexico.

People are doing many things to make fire risk worse. They are moving to places where wildfire is a natural yearly event. They are building homes right next to plants and trees that can burn. Climate (气候) change has increased heat and dryness. That means any spark (火花) at any time can cause a big fire.

As with many climate threats, wildfires put minorities at the greatest risk. By 2052, about 44% of all Native Americans will live in places at majors risk from wildfire. Nearly 1 in 4 Hispanics will. People who don’t speak English or own cars will have a harder time learning about and getting away from a fast-moving fire.

1. What problem did Boulder have last year?
A.Strange weather.B.Widespread wildfires.
C.Huge loss of forests.D.A rapid drop in populations.
2. What does the new data show?
A.About 16% of Americans are safe now.
B.The risky areas of wildfire are increasing.
C.The risk of wildfire will be lowered in 2052.
D.Nearly 80 million homes are burnt down by wildfire.
3. What does the underlined word “minorities” in paragraph 5 mean?
A.groups with foreign population.B.groups with native population.
C.groups with large populationD.groups with small population
4. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Reasons why wildfire risk is worse.B.Dangers humans may face in the future.
C.Actions taken by humans to prevent fire.D.Suggestions for self-protection in wildfire.
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