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1 . Natalie Doan, 14, has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway, New York. Living just a few blocks from the beach, Natalie can see the ocean and hear the _______ from her house. It’s the ocean that makes Rockaway so special.

On October 29, 2012, that ocean turned _______. That night, Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast, and Rockaway was hit especially hard. Fortunately, Natalie’s family _______ to Brooklyn shortly before the city’s bridges closed. When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neighborhood _______. All around her, people were suffering, especially the _______. Natalie’s school was so damaged that she had to _______ attend a school in Brooklyn.

In the following few days, Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys. Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others _______. Teenagers climbed dozens of _______ of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings. Natalie’s choice was to help. The men and women helping Rockaway recover _______ Natalie, so she decided to create a website page matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to ________. Natalie posted introduction about a boy named Patrick, who lost his baseball card collection when his house burned down. Within days, Patrick’s collection was ________.

In the coming months, her website page helped lots of kids. ________, Natalie also worked with other organizations to bring much-needed supplies to Rockaway. Her efforts ________ her a famous person.

Today, the scars (创痕) of ________ are still seen in Rockaway, but ________ is in the air. The streets are clear, and many homes have been rebuilt.

A.in ruinsB.at riskC.in ragsD.at sea
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . New research from the University of Portsmouth has shown a marked increase in shipping in the North East Atlantic. Scientists now warn that more monitoring is required to help protect sea life.

Researchers at the University of Ponsmouth have discovered that rates (率) of shipping in the North East Atlantic area rose by 34 per cent in a five-year period. The research is the first detailed survey of shipping activity in the North East Atlantic. Researchers used data from over 530 million vessel (船) positions recorded by Automatic Identification System(AIS). They looked at the change in shipping between 2013 and 2017 across ten different vessel types. In total the study area covered 1.1 million km², including waters off Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,Iceland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal. Spain, and the UK.

Lead author, James Robbins said: “This change is likely to put more pressure on the marine (海洋的) environment, and may influence the protection of at-risk species. Renewed monitoring effort is needed to make sure that protective measures are enough to save species under threat in a changing environment.”

Some of the greatest shipping increases were found in areas close to the Spanish coast. The Espacio Marino de la Costa da Morte saw a rise of 413 percent in vessel activity. It is an area used to protect seabirds.

Dr. Sarah Marley, Visiting Researcher at the University of Portsmouth, said: “Shipping is the most widespread human activity in our oceans, carrying a set of threats-from unnoticeable effects like underwater noise pollution to serious results when ships hit whales.”

Professor Alex Ford. from the University’s Institute of Marine Sciences, said: “Given the well-documented effects that shipping can have on the marine environment, it is necessary that this situation continues to be monitored-particularly in areas used to protect vulnerable (脆弱的) species which may already be under pressure.”

1. What can we say about the new research?
A.It started in 2013.B.It is the first of its kind.
C.It was carried out by AIS.D.It covers the whole Atlantic.
2. What do the underlined words “This change” in paragraph 3 refer to ?
A.Rapid population growth.
B.Rising global temperatures.
C.The huge increase in shipping.
D.The disappearance of marine life.
3. What does Dr. Sarah Marley want to tell us in paragraph 5?
A.Shipping plays an important role in the local economy.
B.Shipping can be a danger to the marine environment.
C.Noise pollution is closely related to human activity.
D.Marine areas should be monitored more carefully.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.New waterways across the Atlantic
B.The shipping industry in the North East Atlantic
C.New research opens windows into life under the water
D.Sea life needs better protection from an increase in shipping
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Climate Acts Must Focus on Youth

Children and young people are bearing the burden of climate change. However, they are consistently overlooked in the design and content of climate policies and related measures. The rights of the youth need to be put in a central place in a country’s climate change plan as extreme weather events are threatening their lives and destroying the infrastructure critical to their well-being.

The scientific community has sounded the alarm that climate change is a global emergency, and the risks of deadly drought, frequent floods, heat waves, extreme weather, and poverty will significantly worsen.

Over half a billion children live in high flood zones and nearly 160 million live in areas of extremely high drought, said a report released in 2015 by the United Nations Children’s Fund, or UNICEF. Polluted air has a huge impact on children’s brain development. It is estimated about 2 billion children live in areas with air quality that is well above international pollution standards. Air pollution, lack of safe water, undernutrition is strongly linked to pneumonia, a leading cause of death among children, killing nearly 2, 400 children a day. The increase of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever has the greatest impacts on children, for example, 90 percent of the disease burden that is attributable to climate change is born by children under the age of five. The UNICEF report said all these challenges are exacerbated by climate change.

Through the intergovernmental cooperation on climate change, the UN has made it clear the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in raising. Actively responding to climate change is not only imperative, but also key to sustainable development for generations to come as children and young people are the future of mankind.

We are all glad to see children and young people are encouraged to play a key role in addressing climate-related risks by promoting environmentally sustainable lifestyles and setting an example for their communities.

1. What’s the author’s main purpose in the first paragraph?
A.To give a summary.B.To give some evidences.
C.To express his emotions.D.To put forward his view.
2. How does climate change impact young children?
A.It harms children’s health.B.It has a huge impact on children’s education.
C.It reduces births of new babies.D.It leads to the change of children’s lifestyle.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the issue?
4. Who are probably the intended readers of the text?
A.Engineers.B.Environmentalists.C.Sports fans.D.Music lovers.
2023-03-30更新 | 139次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届广西柳州市高三第三次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . When Alex Lin was 11 years old, he read an alarming article in the newspaper about e-waste. The article said that people were throwing away their e-waste in places it should never go. This was dangerous, the article said, because e-waste contains poisonous chemicals and metals like lead. These harmful substances (物质) can leak into the environment, getting into crops, animals, water supplies — and people.

Alex showed the article to a few of his classmates. They were worried too. But what could they do about this problem with e-waste? How would they even start? “The first thing we did,” Alex says, “was to learn more about the problem.” Alex and his friends spent several weeks gathering information about the chemicals in e-waste and their effects on humans. They learned how to dispose (处理) of e-waste properly and how it could be recycled. “Then,” he says, “we had to find out what the situation was in our town. So we sent out a survey.”

What they found shocked them: Of the people who answered the survey, only one in eight even knew what e-waste was, let alone how to properly dispose of it. Alex and his friends went into action. They advertised in the local newspaper and distributed notices to students, asking residents to bring their unwanted electronics to the school parking lot. The drive lasted two days, and they collected over 21,000 pounds of e-waste.

The next step was to set up an e-waste drop-off center for the town and to find a responsible company to recycle the waste. That was when Alex and his friends learned another scary fact about e-waste — some irresponsible recycling companies don’t break down the e-waste and dispose of it safely themselves. Instead, they ship it overseas to countries such as China and Nigeria, where local environmental laws are not applied. “We checked carefully online to make sure the company we chose didn’t do this,” Alex says.

Because of the work of people like Alex and his team, more and more people are getting the message about safe disposal of e-waste. As Alex says, “Today’s technology should not become tomorrow’s poisonous trash.”

1. What can we learn about Alex from paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?
A.He was curious about chemistry experiments.
B.He possessed a strong sense of responsibility.
C.He set out to solve the problem individually.
D.He formed the habit of reading newspapers.
2. What does the underlined word “drive” mean?
3. Why did some companies transport the e-waste to other countries?
A.Lack of available space was the reason for shipping.
B.Recycling was totally banned in their own country.
C.They were running their companies on a tight budget.
D.They were not charged with insecurely disposing it.
4. What’s the suitable title for the text?
A.Reusing School ComputersB.Recycling Electronic Waste
C.Meeting a challengeD.Doing Scientific Experiment
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . I first came to Berwickshire for a job-to be the Ranger for the Berwickshire Marine Reserve.I was then Senior Ranger for St Abb’s Head National Nature Reserve and I set up my own business, In Our Nature, offering wildlife journeys,walks,talks and courses in 2020. There’s so much I love about Berwickshire.Its stunning scenery. Its variety of landscapes and habitats and range of amazing wildlife, both above and below the water. Its friendly people. In places you can feel like you are a million miles from anywhere, when in reality you’re just an hour’s drive from Edinburgh.

The thing that supports everything on the Berwickshire Coast is its varied and fascinating geology(地质).The jewel in the crown is Siccar Point. With its world-famous non-conformity(均变),it’s considered the birthplace of modern geology. The geology not only shapes the landscape, but it also impacts on the wildlife, forming varied habitats from steep sheltered valleys and towering cliffs to sheltered sandy bays.

There’s nothing I like more than being out in nature and sharing my passion with others, so starting up In Our Nature was a no brainer. In the warmer months I offer tours on land and sea to help folk enjoy the amazing wildlife and scenery of the Berwickshire Coast. In the darker months my online courses help people learn about wildlife in the hope that it will increase their enjoyment of the marine and coastal environments they spend time in.

My favourite spot on the Berwickshire Coast has got to be a place called Petticowick. The views up the coast and inland to the Mire Loch are second to none. It’s a place where you can marvel at geology which covers unimaginable periods of time. You can listen to and watch thousands of seabirds that return to the cliffs to breed each spring. Or witness all the amazing activity of the breeding seal colony on the beach below during the early winter.

1. Why did the author go to Berwickshire?
A.To do sightseeing.
B.To make friends.
C.To work in a reserve.
D.To study wildlife.
2. What do the underlined words “The jewel in the crown" mean?
A.The highest part.
B.The most attractive part.
C.The valueless part.
D.The advanced part.
3. How does the author help people get to know wildlife in darker months?
A.By providing online courses.
B.By sharing her experiences.
C.By offering tours on land.
D.By organizing trips to the sea.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.Modern geology needs further study.
B.Petticowick should be well preserved.
C.People should not take advantage of nature.
D.The author is enthusiastic about Berwickshire.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . The essence (本质) of fast fashion is to make clothes inexpensively and quickly, to get new trends and styles into stores and online as soon as possible, and it comes at a high social and environmental cost. Keeping production costs low means they can make their clothes cheap, using cheap labour in unsafe working conditions, and in countries with bad environmental regulations.

Throw-away culture is deeply rooted in our society; three in five of our clothing pieces are thrown out within a year. Fast fashion brands keep the consumers hungry and feeling like they need more by attracting them with newness and convincing the consumers that they need what they’re selling. This only results in increasing textile waste as people no longer want but throw it away.

Criticisms of the fast fashion industry include its negative environmental impact: water pollution, the use of toxic (有毒的) chemicals and increasing levels of textile waste. Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally, after agriculture. Fast fashion companies rely on their products being made cheaply and quickly, so they avoid talking when it comes to being aware of their impact on the environment. Greenpeace’s recent Detox Campaign showed that many brands use toxic and dangerous chemicals in their supply chains, and many of the chemicals are either banned or strictly controlled in lots of countries.

In conclusion, the fast fashion industry has a bad effect on our environment through fast fashion brands’ ecological practices and only continues to make the problem last for a long time in the future through extreme consumerist culture. In order for change to happen, the common people need to open their eyes and take measures to prevent the fast fashion from growing.

1. What’s one of the characteristics of fast fashion?
A.Causing a lot of anxiety.B.Making people buy old clothes.
C.Selling most clothes through stores.D.Producing clothes quickly.
2. Why are fast fashion clothes cheap?
A.They are mainly sold online.B.They are made in unsafe countries.
C.They are made by cheap labour.D.They save the cost of advertising.
3. How does the society think of throwing away clothes according to the author?
4. What’s the way to change fast fashion mentioned in the text?
A.Changing fast fashion brands’ working conditions.
B.Changing clothes stores’ sales model.
C.Introducing stricter laws for factories.
D.Raising public awareness of preventing fast fashion.
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7 . The idea of turning recycled plastic bottles into clothing is not new. During the last five years, a large number of clothing companies, businesses and environmental organizations have started turning plastics into fabric to deal with plastic pollution. But there’s a problem with this method. Research now shows that microfibers could be the biggest source of plastic in the sea.

Dr. Mark Browne in Santa Barbara, California, has been studying plastic pollution and microfibers for 10 years now. He explains that every time synthetic clothes go into a washing machine, a large number of plastic fibers fall off. Most washing machines can’t collect these microfibers. So every time the water gets out of a washing machine, microfibers are entering the sewers and finally end up in the sea.

In 2011, Browne wrote a paper stating that a single piece of synthetic(合成的) clothing can produce more than 1, 900 fibers per wash. Browne collected samples from seawater and freshwater sites around the world, and used a special way to examine each sample. He discovered that every single water sample contained microfibers.

This is bad news for a number of reasons. Plastic can cause harm to sea life when eaten. Studies have also shown that plastic can absorb other pollutants.

Based on this evidence, it may seem surprising that companies and organizations have chosen to turn plastic waste into clothing as an environmental “solution.” Even though the science has been around for a while, Browne explains that he's had a difficult time getting companies to listen. When he asked well-known clothing companies to support Benign by Design-his research project that seeks to get clothes that have a bad effect on humans and the environment out of the market, Browne didn’t get a satisfying answer. Only one women’s clothing company, Eileen Fisher, offered Browne funding.

1. What has happened during the past five years?
A.Fabric has become much stronger.B.Plastic pollution has been less serious.
C.Many plastic bottles have been reused.D.Microfibers have been greatly improved.
2. What does Browne think of washing synthetic clothes?
A.It is adding microfibers to the clothes.
B.It is worsening environmental problems.
C.It is making synthetic clothes last longer.
D.It is doing great damage to washing machines.
3. What can be inferred about Browne’s Benign by Design research project?
A.It has achieved great success.B.It hasn’t got anything done.
C.It is known to very few people.D.It is facing some difficulties.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.It’s important to learn to recycle
B.It’s never easy to solve pollution problems
C.Recycled plastic clothing: solution or pollution?
D.Are human beings moving forward or backward?
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Today, I made a trip to observe Tibetan antelopes. I was struck by their beauty when I watched them moving slowly across the green grass. Also I was reminded     1     the danger they are in. They are being hunted     2     (illegal) for their valuable fur.

My guide Zhaxi told me     3     1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelope,     4     population dropped sharply because of shooting and habitat loss. Luckily, the government     5    (take) effective measures to save this species. Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes to keep     6    (they) safe from attacks. Finally, with all of the     7     (effort), the antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope     8     (remove) from the endangered species list. However, the government does not intend     9     (stop) the protection programmes, because the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.

There is a long way to go to protect wildlife. Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop     10     (be) a threat to wildlife and to our planet.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . A librarian in Indonesia’s Java island is lending books to children in exchange for trash they collect in a creative way to clean up the environment and get the kids to read more.

Each weekday Raden Roro Hendarti rides her three-wheeler with books piled up at the back for children in Muntang village to exchange for plastic cups, bags and other waste that she carries back.

She told Reuters she is helping to get the kids reading as well as make them aware of the environment. As soon as she shows up, little children, many accompanied by their mothers, surround her “Trash Library” and request for the books. They are all carrying waste bags and Raden’s three-wheeler quickly fills up with them as the books fly out. She’s happy that with her mobile service, the kids are going to spend less time on online games as a result.

“Let us build a culture of literacy from young age to lessen the harm of the online world,” Raden said. “We should also take care of our waste in order to fight climate change and to save the earth from trash,” Raden said.

She collects about 100kg of waste each week, which is then sorted out by her colleagues and sent for recycling or sold. She has around 6,000 books to lend and wants to take it to neighbouring areas as well.

Kevin Alamsyah, an 11-year-old reader, searches for waste lying in the village. “When there   is too much trash, our environment will become dirty and it’s not healthy. That’s why I look for trash to borrow a book,” he says.

The literacy rate for above 15-year-olds in Indonesia is around 96 percent, but a September report by the World Bank warned that the outbreak of COVID-19 will leave more than 80% of 15-year-olds below the minimum reading proficiency level identified by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

1. Which of the following is not likely to be exchanged for a book from the “Trash Library”?
A.A plastic cup.B.A new three-wheeler.C.A waste bag.D.A broken basin.
2. How does Kevin Alamsyah probably find the “Trash Library”?
3. What message does the author convey about 15-year-olds in Indonesia?
A.They are financially poor.B.They read widely.
C.They would lose their identities.D.They should do more reading.
4. Which of the following proverbs best describes Raden’s work as a librarian?
A.Knowledge is power.B.It is never too old to learn.
C.Kill two birds with one stone.D.There is no royal road to learning.
2022-04-20更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届广西南宁市高中毕业班第二次适应性测试(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . There exist a great variety of national parks that are representative of the different regions of the world. To reveal and maintain the great diversity of the interactions between humans and their environment, and to protect living cultures and preserve the traces (痕迹) of those which have disappeared, these sites have been included in the World Heritage List.

Lushan National Park, China

Mount Lushan, in Jiangxi, is one of the spiritual centres of Chinese civilization. Buddhist and Taoist temples, along with landmarks of Confucianism blend (融合) effortlessly into a strikingly beautiful landscape which has inspired countless artists who developed the aesthetic (美的) approach to nature found in Chinese culture. Special attention has been placed on protecting the cultural heritages and their settings as a whole.

Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada

In addition to its particularly beautiful scenery, Dinosaur Provincial Park — located at the heart of the province of Alberta’s badlands — contains some of the most important fossil discoveries ever made from the “Age of Reptiles”, in particular about 35 species of dinosaur, dating back some 75 million years. These fossils are valuable materials for scientists to study the history of the earth.

Kaziranga National Park, India

In the heart of Assam, this park is one of the last areas in eastern India undisturbed by a human presence. It is inhabited by the world’s largest population of one-horned rhinoceroses, as well as many mammals, including tigers, elephants, panthers and bears, and thousands of birds.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

These volcanic islands are inhabited by a population of around 5,700 giant lizards, whose appearance and attacking behaviour have led to them being called “Komodo dragons”. They exist nowhere else in the world and are of great interest to scientists studying the theory of evolution.

1. Why are these above parks included in the World Heritage List?
A.They are famous worldwide.
B.They have gorgeous landscape.
C.They are representative of the different regions.
D.They have important values and need protecting.
2. What can you do in Lushan National Park, China?
A.Know about religious culture.B.Enjoy being with animals.
C.Study the theory of evolution.D.Learn the history of the earth.
3. Which national part is a better choice for people who are interested in mammals?
A.Lushan National Park, China.B.Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada.
C.Kaziranga National Park, India.D.Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
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