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阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Do you know that forests cover an estimated 38 percent of the total land surface of the European Union (EU)? And that these extensive areas covered with trees and underbrush need to be protected so they can continue to do good for the environment for the next generation? Now the EU has just come up with is ambitious new “Forest Strategy”.

Forests can fight against climate change and prevent biodiversity loss They can reduce the impacts of climate change by cooling down cities, protecting us from heavy flooding, and reducing drought impacts. They are valuable ecosystems that are home to a major part of the world’s plants and animals. But forests also improve our health and well-being through functions like water regulation, erosion (侵蚀) control and air purification. And they serve as ideal settings for “recreation, relaxation and learning, as well as securing livelihoods”.

This new European- wide forest conservation vision takes in an impressive commitment to plant a minimum of three billion additional trees over the next decade. This is an ambitious plan but a long overdue one because forests have been battered by severe weather and human impacts, particularly the demand for wood over the last ten years. As the EU Observer puts it,“extreme weather events and the increasing demand for forest services and products, driven by wood-based bioenergy and international trade, have accelerated tree cover loss in the last decade.”

This EU strategy takes into account the complexity of ; forest sustainability. Observation, knowledge exchange, ongoing monitoring and close cooperation between public and private organizations and individuals are also key elements in this new continent- wide forest protection strategy.

This is a future- focused blueprint, designed to protect these precious green areas, and ensure that the trees and greenery are here to stay!

1. Why are two questions raised in the beginning?
A.To tell us the EU’s forest coverage.
B.To call on people to protect forests.
C.To explain the reason for the strategy.
D.To encourage more forest expansion.
2. What does the author intend to show in paragraph 2?
A.The urgency of the strategy.
B.The importance of forests.
C.The background of the strategy.
D.The environmental role of forests.
3. What does the underlined word “battered” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Planting Trees for the World
B.Irreplaceable Benefits of Forests
C.EU’s Action to Protect the Earth
D.Taking Forests into the Future
2022-03-30更新 | 272次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022届山东省 聊城市高三第一次模拟考试(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For years, twice a day Aadya Joshi walked past a dump filled with smelly rubbish in her neighbourhood of south Mumbai on her way to and from school. Originally it was meant to be the garden of the local police station. When she was 15, during her summer holidays, Joshi decided to do something about it. “I walked into the police station and was like, ‘Can I please clean your garden?’” recalls Joshi. “It took three or four weeks to eventually convince them that I was not going to give up halfway and leave them with more work.”

The plot of land covers an area of 60 square meters, about a quarter of a tennis court. But, over the course of four Sundays in the summer, with help of local residents, Joshi did more than clear it. She replanted it with native Indian plants and trees. Joshi said, “The first day that we cleaned up I made the mistake of not wearing gloves and I was sick for two weeks.”

The idea for native planting came from Joshi’s reading on the Miyawaki method of afforestation (植树造林) and the work of University of Delaware ecologist Douglas Tallamy. These both argue that planting the right trees can have a significant impact on restoring insect and animal biodiversity. The results in Mumbai were instantaneous: monkeys now hang out at the police station, and butterflies and birds have made the garden their home.

After creating the garden, Joshi developed a database of 2,000 plants unique to the Indian subcontinent and last year was awarded the annual Children’s Climate prize, founded by Swedish energy company Telge Energi. Her advice for others looking to follow in her footsteps: “If you bite off more than you can chew in the beginning, you will be stuck and lose motivation,” she says. “But something small, like your neighbourhood police station, it’s very manageable.”

1. What can we learn from Joshi’s words in the second paragraph?
A.The work was enjoyable and rewarding.
B.The garden was too large to clean.
C.The cleaning was hard and dangerous.
D.Joshi was sick of the cleaning work.
2. What does the underlined word “instantaneous” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from Joshi’s advice in the last paragraph?
A.All roads lead to Rome.
B.Time and tide wait for no man.
C.The longest journey starts from the first step.
D.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To demonstrate the environment problems.
B.To call on attention to India’s young people.
C.To persuade readers to donate to a environment program.
D.To advocate a teenager’s efforts in caring about the world.
2023-01-13更新 | 239次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Coral reefs are the rainforests of the ocean. They exist on vast scales and are equally important havens of biodiversity. Reefs occupy 0.1% of the oceans.     1    

Corals are useful to people. Without the protection which reefs afford from crashing waves, low-lying islands such as the Maldives would have flooded long ago, and a billion people would lose food or income. However, reefs are under threat from rising sea temperatures. Heat causes the algae (海藻) with which corals are living together to generate toxins (毒素) that force those coral to leave.     2    

Research groups around the world are coming up with plans of action to see if that will help, such as identifying naturally heat-resistant corals and cross-breeding such corals to create a new type.     3     Without carbon reduction and decline in local, coral-killing pollution, even resistant corals will not survive the century.

Doubters doubt humanity will get its act together in time to make much difference.

    4     Carbon targets are being set and ocean pollution is being dealt with. Countries that share responsibilities for reefs are starting to act together. Scientific workarounds can also be found. Natural currents can be applied to facilitate mass breeding. Sites of the greatest ecological and economical importance can be identified to maximize bang for buck.

    5     It could serve as a blueprint for other ecosystems. Hard-core greens — those who think that all habitats should be kept unspoiled — may not approve. But when entire ecosystems are facing destruction, the cost of doing nothing is too great to bear.

A.This can cause a coral’s death.
B.But there are grounds for optimism.
C.And they host a quarter of marine species.
D.Coral’s global ecosystem services are worth up to $10trn a year.
E.This mix of natural activity and human intervention is important.
F.This research can also be brought to bear on trying to save entire ecosystems.
G.However, the assisted evolution of corals does not meet with universal enthusiasm.
2023-05-02更新 | 240次组卷 | 2卷引用: 山东省青岛第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A Plastic Ocean is a film to make you think. Think, and then act. We need to take action on our dependence on plastic. We’ve been producing plastic in huge quantities. Drinking bottles, shopping bags and even clothes are made with plastic.     1     What happens to all the rest? This is the question the film A Plastic Ocean answers.

The film begins as a journey to film the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale. But during the journey the filmmakers make the shocking discovery of a huge, thick layer of plastic floating in the Indian Ocean.     2     In total, they visited 20 locations around the world during the four years to make the film.

In the film there are beautiful shots of the seas and marine life.     3     We see how marine species are being killed by all the plastic we are throwing in the ocean. The message about our use of plastic is painfully obvious.

    4     In the second half, the filmmakers look at what we can do to deal with the problem. They present short-term and long-term solutions. These include avoiding plastic containers and recycle as much as you can. The filmmakers also stress the need for governments to work more on recycling programmes.

We make a shocking amount of plastic. Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, and at least 8 million of those are thrown into the oceans. The results are very harmful, but it isn’t too late to change.     5    

A.It has raised public concern all over the world.
B.In conclusion, we only have one earth to live on.
C.But the film doesn’t only show the negative side.
D.These are contrasted with plastic rubbish thrown around.
E.Once you’ve seen the film, you’ll realize it is time to do our part.
F.This causes them to travel globally to look at other affected areas.
G.We live in a world full of plastic, and only a small amount is recycled.
2023-01-19更新 | 251次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东省滕州市第一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
完形填空(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Biodiversity is a concept that's commonly referenced, yet regularly misunderstood. The complex_______ not only refers to the unbelievable variety of life on Earth, but to how everything from genes to entire ecosystems interact to make the planet habitable. The bad news: science shows that biodiversity is _______ worldwide at a faster rate than at any time in human history. That’s obviously devastating for everything in nature--including us.

“If biodiversity disappears, so do people,” says Dr. Stephen Woodley, field ecologist and bio-diversity expert with the International Union for Conservation of Nature. “We are part of the _______ and we do not exist without it.”

Preventing such a catastrophe, says Woodley, begins with understanding why biodiversity is declining, and then taking action to _______ course.

“The two greatest _______ of biodiversity loss are habitat loss, primarily on land, and overexploitation, primarily in the ocean,” Woodley says. He explains that we can solve these problems by permanently _______ more lands and oceans and managing them for their conservation values.

That's the mission of the global Campaign for Nature, a partnership of the Wyss Foundation and the National Geographic Society. Instead of simply protecting 30 percent of the Earth, the_______ also encourages nations, in full partnership with local communities, to focus on the right 30 percent. Those areas, says Woodley, _______ the most important biodiversity, such as endangered species and ecosystems and rare species and ecosystems.

The campaign also recognizes the importance of_______ local rights. Local peoples manage or hold tenure(保有权) over lands that support about 80 percent of the world's biodiversity, making it ________ for these communities to be full partners in developing and implementing strategies.

________, protecting the health of key biodiversity areas is vital for tackling climate change, says National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Enric Sala. Pairing the international Paris Agreement to combat climate change, Sala's paper asserts, “would ________catastrophic(灾难性的) climate change, conserve species, and secure essential ecosystem services.”

“Biodiversity is stability,” says Sala. “Trees, wetlands, grasslands, peat bogs(泥炭沼泽), salt marshes(盐沼), healthy ocean ecosystems, mangroves(红树林), and plants ________ much of the carbon pollution humans put into the atmosphere. Yet, right now, less than half of the planet is in its natural state, which isn't enough.” Bottom line: Nature needs us to act-now. “Moving to Mars is not a(n) ________,” Sala adds. “The only conditions for our life and for the prosperity of human society are here on Earth ...we are ________ protecting it.”

A.worried aboutB.confident inC.responsible forD.good at
2020-11-02更新 | 900次组卷 | 9卷引用:2020年新高考I卷(山东卷)完形填空变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Concrete has served as the foundation stone of the construction industry for hundreds of years. However, the process of producing concrete is one of the most environmentally unfriendly processes in the world. In the process, not only is carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) released into the air by the energy used to heat the limestone, but the limestone itself also gives out a huge amount of the element.

Luckily, a number of start-ups throughout the world are using creative thinking to make the construction industry a whole lot more friendly for the planet.

A Canadian company called CarbonCure, has found a way to inject (注入) concrete with carbon dioxide itself. Not only does this trap the carbon dioxide into the concrete, keeping it from running away into the atmosphere, but it also creates a super strong material called calcium carbonate, which reduces the total amount of concrete that needs to be used.

California-based Brimstone, is creating carbon-negative concrete by doing away with limestone entirely and instead using silicate rock, a material that does not release carbon dioxide when heated. Instead, the process produces magnesium (镁) , which absorbs carbon dioxide, as the basis for their concrete.

Additionally, researchers at Australia’s RMIT University have recently released a study showing that adding coffee grounds instead of sand to concrete could make it much stronger, reducing both the amount of sand used, as well as the amount of concrete that would need to be used in the final product.

The biggest barrier at this point is convincing members of the industry that the new types of concrete are safe to be used, according to Stacy Smedley, director at a nonprofit focused on decarbonizing construction.

Hopefully these new solutions to the environmental problems of concrete will soon be widely adopted. Given the significant part the construction industry has in releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, great improvements can be made when more environmentally-friendly materials are used.

1. What is the environmental issue associated with traditional concrete production?
A.The high demand for energy.B.The processing of waste materials.
C.The mass release of carbon dioxide.D.The use of non-renewable resources.
2. How does CarbonCure deal with the environmental impact of concrete production?
A.By using silicate rock as the basis.B.By putting carbon dioxide into concrete.
C.By replacing sand with coffee grounds.D.By absorbing carbon dioxide with magnesium.
3. According to Smedley, what is the major challenge facing these solutions?
A.Difficulty in making profits.B.Convincing the public of the convenience.
C.Lack of funding for research.D.Removing the industry members’ safety concerns.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To promote an alternative to concrete.B.To advocate environmental protection.
C.To introduce new ways to produce concrete.D.To emphasize the significance of creativity.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡上。

About 385, 000 people from 192 countries take part in the yearly project to count birds. The event    1    (launch)for the first time 25 years ago.

Steve and Janet Kistler from the American state of Kentucky are among those     2    (involve) themselves in it. They’ve done so every year    3    the now-international tradition started in 1998. For Moira Dalibor,     4     schoolteacher from nearby Lexington, this is her first event. She’s leading a group of students and parents to a garden     5    (collect) data.

Becca Rodomsky-Bish,    6    works at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in New York, is the project’s leader. The Lab organizes the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) along with the National Audubon Society and Birds Canada. “Every year we see increased participation, and 2022 was a big jump,” Becca said. In India, which had the     7    (high) participation outside the US last year, tens of thousands of people submitted bird checklists.

The worldwide data goes into the eBird database used by scientists for research on different bird     8    (population). The GBBC is part of a rise in “citizen science" projects in which volunteers collect data about the    9    (nature) world for use by researchers. The information helps researchers track the numbers of different kinds of birds, which then helps with their     10    (protect).

2023-05-13更新 | 221次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届山东省聊城市齐鲁名校大联盟高三下学期三模英语试题
书信写作-报道 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,你校最近组织高二学生去附近的河岸清理垃圾。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动介绍;
2. 活动意义。
1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A Successful Cleanup Activity

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Research has found that using wood for construction instead of concrete and steel can reduce emissions. But Tim Searchinger at Princeton University says many of these studies are based on the false foundation that harvesting wood is carbon neutral (碳中和). “Only a small percentage of the wood gets into a timber (木料) product, and a part of that gets into a timber product that can replace concrete and steel in a building,” he says. Efficiencies vary in different countries, but large amounts of a harvested tree are left to be divided into parts, used in short-lived products like paper or burned for energy, all of which generate emissions.

In a report for the World Resources Institute, Searchinger and his colleagues have modelled how using more wood for construction would affect emissions between 2010 and 2050, accounting for the emissions from harvesting the wood. They considered various types of forests and parts of wood going towards construction. They also factored in the emissions savings from replacing concrete and steel.

Under some circumstances, the researchers found significant emissions reductions. But each case required what they considered an unrealistically high portion of the wood going towards construction, as well as rapid growth only seen in warmer places, like Brazil. In general, they found a large increase in global demand for wood would probably lead to rising emissions for decades. Accounting for emissions in this way, the researchers reported in a related paper that increasing forest harvests between 2010 and 2050 would add emissions equal to roughly 10 percent of total annual emissions.

Ali Amiri at Aalto University in Finland says the report’s conclusions about emissions from rising demand are probably correct, but the story is different for wood we already harvest. “Boosting the efficiency of current harvests and using more wood for longer-lived purposes than paper would cut emissions,” he says. “We cannot just say we should stop using wood.”

1. What is wrong with previous researches according to Searchinger?
A.They got wrong statistics.B.They used an incorrect concept.
C.They included too many factors.D.They were applied in limited countries.
2. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The process of the new research.B.The background of the new study.
C.The challenge of the new research.D.The achievements of the new study.
3. When will the emissions drop off greatly according to the new study?
A.When wood grows slowly.
B.When wood is largely used to make paper.
C.When wood is largely used in construction in countries like Brazil.
D.When wood is largely harvested in countries like Brazil.
4. What is Ali Amiri’s attitude toward the new result?
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Rising sea levels are threatening coastlines in China, for example in     1     (city) such as Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou. If sea levels rise by one meter, more than 92,000 square kilometers of China’s coast could be flooded. This could potentially force 67 million people     2     (move) away. Almost two-thirds of the ice in Asia’s glaciers (冰川) could disappear if average global temperature rises beyond 1.5℃ by the end of the century. If that happens, the impacts     3     China will be felt in multiple areas, from water availability, to agriculture, and to biodiversity.

The good news is     4     China is becoming a global leader on climate action. For example, over the last five years, China     5     (use) more solar and wind energy than any other country in the world. China is also the largest clean energy investor in the world —     6     (spend) some $130 billion in new energy in recent years.

The development of electric vehicles is particularly     7     (inspire) in China. More than 50 percent of electric vehicles in the world     8     (sell) in China every year. And China is now a world leader in the     9     (promote) of clean energy technologies.

Ecological civilization has become the cornerstone (基石) of China’s long-term development strategy, much like climate action is     10     important part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

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