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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Food waste contributes to ever-growing landfills (垃圾堆).    1     If you want to help the environment in your own way, you can start by reducing, or better yet, completely erasing food waste in your home. To give you an idea of where to start, here are some tips:

Don’t buy too much food whenever you go grocery shopping.    2     However, if your family cannot eat all the food before it goes bad, then it just adds to food waste. Taking several short grocery shopping trips every week instead of one long trip may help keep you from buying too much food, thereby cutting back on food waste.

Always make a shopping list.    3     That’s because you already know what things you need. Moreover, a list will prevent you from buying food items that you already have at home, which can help reduce the amount of potential food waste.

    4     For meats, you have to keep them in the freezer while fruits and vegetables should be stored in the crisper compartment (保鲜室). Although these tips may seem simple, they can help greatly reduce the amount of food waste that your family produces.

Use the “First-In-First-Out” method. For example, placing the newly bought foods at the back of the fridge or cupboard will encourage people to use the ones that are in the front row. This will ensure that you know what you have and reduce food waste.     5    

A.It can help keep your grocery trips short.
B.Having a fully filled fridge may look nice.
C.Your fridge may be too crowded to function well.
D.It is a waste of your money, as well as your effort.
E.Some people like to store up food for emergencies.
F.Foods need proper storage to prevent them going bad.
G.If you can’t see what foods you have, you’ll forget them.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Laundry day isn’t exactly fun for most people, but it can be quite unpleasant for the Earth. Washing clothes can release microplastics that are accumulating in the world’s waterways at alarming rates.     1     . Here are some expert-backed strategies to turn laundry day greener.

·Choose efficient machines

The machines you use have a significant effect on the amount of energy and water you save or waste.     2     , while newer, high-efficiency washers use less water and energy with lower temperatures and higher spin speeds. Therefore, it makes more sense economically and environmentally to upgrade machines.

·     3    

Avoid small loads, but don’t crowd a machine, which can make it work harder. And take a look at the amount of detergent(洗涤剂)you’re using. The extra detergent will be harder to clean out, extending washing and drying times.     4    

·Read up on green products

Companies large and small have met consumer demand for products with no harsh chemicals.     5     . Don’t buy products with lots of chemicals you can’t identify or pronounce. And don’t forget the packaging. Powdered or solid products are easier to package and ship than liquids.

A.Wash clothes by hand
B.Rethink your laundry habits
C.They use less energy than standard models
D.Older appliances can waste many resources
E.But not all products are what they claim to be
F.Two to three tablespoons for detergents are enough
G.Luckily it’s getting easier to clean your clothes while staying green
2022-09-08更新 | 333次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省历城第二中学等学校2022-2023学年高三上学期10月月考联合考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on “loss and damage” was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all. The plan is that richer countries will pay money into a special fund that will be used to help poor countries.

Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years, poorer countries have been asking richer countries for money to help to protect communities from the effects of climate change. Richer countries have produced the most greenhouse gases, but poorer countries are often the worst affected by extreme weather conditions because they are less well equipped to face extreme climate events.

Brazil’s newly elected President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva made a speech about preserving the largest rainforest on Earth, the Amazon. During the last 50 years, more than 17% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed to make way for farms and towns. However, in his speech, Lula promised that there would be zero deforestation (伐树) in the Amazon by 2030. The conference didn’t just focus on world leaders. It brought together more than 45,000 people to discuss how climate change is affecting their lives. Climate refugees (难民) also had their voices heard. Tshilombo from the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya said, “Refugees don’t only flee because of war or conflict. It’s also about drought, the effects of climate change.”

Some countries weren’t happy with the overall outcome of COP27 because decisions weren’t made on cutting the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, etc. The UK Government’s Alok Sharma said, “I’m incredibly disappointed.”

However, this deal was a great achievement for developing countries. Sherry Rehman, the climate minister for Pakistan, said, “I am confident we have tuned a comer in how we work together to achieve climate goals.”

1. What is a successful outcome of the COP27 climate conference?
A.The deal on loss and damage.
B.The deal on using fossil fuels.
C.The deal on rainforest preservation.
D.The deal on helping climate refugees.
2. What has made it difficult for developing countries to fight against climate change?
A.More greenhouse gases.
B.Massive deforestation.
C.Shortage of money and supplies.
D.Terrible weather conditions.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.Climate change is influencing people’s lives.
B.17% of the Amazon rainforest was destroyed.
C.Many factors lead to the appearance of refugees.
D.There will be less deforestation in the Amazon by 2030.
4. What would Sherry Rehman probably agree with?
A.Never put off till tomorrow.
B.Many hands make light work.
C.Knowledge starts with practice.
D.No way is impossible to courage.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Wuyi Mountain, as a national nature conservation area, is well-known for its clear water and beautiful peaks. There is little doubt    1    it attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad annually.

But I’m concerned that the increasing number of tourists has had a negative impact    2    the environment. Garbage    3    (throw) around. Enterprises producing tourism-related products burn fossil fuels,    4    (cause) smog in the air. Restaurants release oily water into the river, making it dirty and smelly. “What should I do to help restore the    5    (harmony) ecological system here?” That is what I have been thinking about. Therefore, on behalf of the students of our school, I put forward the following suggestions.

To begin with, the government is supposed to adopt     6    (policy) to restrict the volume of tourists. Next it can carry out inspections into enterprises    7    (regular) and fine those who fail to solve pollution problem properly.

In addition, it is also the government’s responsibility    8    (seize) every opportunity to educate people to reduce their carbon footprints. It’s believed that if the government takes appropriate actions and    9    (put) environmental reforms in effect, we won’t have to be trapped in this environmental chaos. Only then can Wuyi Mountain head towards    10     sustainable future.

5 . The idea that having narrow local focus leaves little room for anything but a selfish mindset is a misconception, according to a new study that found that concern for local affairs could help with global environmental conservation.

You might have heard of NIMBY which means “not in my back yard” and describes an individual or group opposed to a new addition to the neighborhood, typically a factory, roadway or power station. Nimbyism and parochialism(眼界狭小), which is a focus on a local area,   can go hand in hand, and there are concerns that parochialism paves the way for prejudice, narrowmindedness, and selfishness.

But researchers found the exact opposite to be true in a new study published. The researchers argue that positive parochialism can inspire a larger awareness of global environmental problems and encourage people to action.

“We did not find evidence that parochialism was necessarily negative and inward -looking,” said Patrick, a researcher for the study. “It can be those things, but there's no necessary conflict between feeling connected to your local area and feeling connected to the wider world. ”

For the study, the researchers reviewed documents from the 1987 Parish Maps project. The researchers showed how the Parish Maps project also demonstrated a passion for the environment and conservation. The researchers say that the Parish Maps project is a strong example of “positive parochialism”, and shows that thinking locally can influence a global mindset.

“For a long time,   it has been generally agreed that if we want people to think about global affairs they need an international worldview-but this may not be the case,” said Patrick. “Given where we are now in terms of trying to encourage people to make changes to help the environment, positive parochialism offers something that has been overlooked.”

1. Which behavior can best illustrate NIMBY?
A.Criticizing a friend for his selfish action.
B.Accepting a proposal beneficial to locals.
C.Supporting a neighborhood construction plan.
D.Objecting to building an airport in the neighborhood.
2. Why does the author mention the Parish Maps project?
A.To explain how to protect the environment.
B.To offer an example of positive parochialism.
C.To encourage people to take part in the project.
D.To stress the importance of global mindset.
3. How does Patrick feel about “positive parochialism phenomenon”?
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Parochialism, a better practice?
B.International view, more popular?
C.Thinking locally, acting globally
D.Bigger thinking, better environment
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Scientists visiting tiny Henderson Island in the South Pacific recently made an alarming discovery.     1    They calculated there were 38 million pieces of plastic. “This is not an issue to ignore. We need to do something now to protect the sea.” said one scientist.

Plastic waste in the sea has long been known about, but only now are we discovering the true extent of the problem. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, so all the plastic ever produced still exists somewhere. Around 95% of plastics made are not recycled, and large amounts enter the sea. Currents(洋流) collect this waste in large circular systems called “gyres”.     2    

The problem gets worse as plastic breaks down into very small pieces, or “micro plastic”,     3     Humans also eat these fish, and micro plastic has even been found in tap water around the world. The plastic on Henderson Island accounts for just 2 seconds’ worth of global annual plastic production. That production will be three times by 2050.

    4     While diving in Greece, young Boyan Slat noticed there was more plastic waste than fish. He decided right then to dedicate his life to solving this problem. Boyan thought, why move through the sea when the sea can move through you? So he started The Ocean Cleanup project, which places very long floating barriers in the Pacific. Currents then concentrate the waste naturally so it can be collected and recycled. He hopes to reduce the patch by 50% in just five years.

“Sea plastic is a symbol of the negative effects of our lifestyle and technology,” he says. “    5     Protecting the sea from plastic is a good place to start!”

A.it goes unnoticed and finds its way to human bodies.
B.This is eaten by fish and leads to massive species loss.
C.To work with the currents would help collect the waste.
D.Our aim should be to create a new lifestyle for this century.
E.However, there are some young minds working to clean up the sea for future generations.
F.Although remote and previously untouched by humans, the island was covered in plastic waste.
G.One of the largest is in the Pacific Ocean, an area now known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.

7 . The World Wildlife Fund for Nature - WWF - reports that nearly 3 billion animals were killed or displaced by Australia’s wildfires in 2019 and 2020. The number, reported in late July, was about three times higher than an earlier WWF estimate. “It ranks as one of the worst wildlife disasters in modern history,” said WWF - Australia Chief Executive officer Dermot O’ Gorman.

The WWF said it used different methods to estimate wildlife populations, including information from over 100, 000 studies. The scientists created models to estimate the number of creatures found in areas destroyed by fire. Project leader Lily Van Eeden from the University of Sydney said the research was the first continent - wide examination of animals affected by wildfires. “Other nations can build upon this research to improve understanding of bushfire impacts everywhere,” she said.

Those creatures that fled destroyed habitats faced a lack of food and shelter or the likelihood of moving into already occupied habitats. Researchers said the destruction will cause some species to become extinct before their existence is even recorded. “We don’t even know what we are losing,” said Chris Dickman, a professor of ecology at the University of Sydney. “These were species that were here and now they have gone. . . It’s almost too tragic to think about,” Dickman added.

The WWF report calls for improvements in habitat connectivity to help species escape from fires. It also calls for identifying and protecting habitat that was not burned to help save threatened species. An expanded report on the study is expected later this year.

The wildfires started in September 2019 and continued through March of this year. Scientists say the fires were fueled by higher than normal temperatures and years of drought in the Australian bush. The fires caused 34 human deaths and destroyed nearly 3, 000 homes. The WWF said that over the past year, it had raised money from donors to allocate emergency aid to the front lines of the fires to help injured and displaced wildlife.

1. What do we know about Australia’s wildfires in 2019 and 2020?
A.They were the worst disasters in history.
B.Over 3 billion animals died in the wildfires.
C.They caused more damage than calculated earlier.
D.Most animals moved to already occupied habitats.
2. How did Chris Dickman feel about the extinction of some species?
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The wildfires last a whole year.
B.The wildfires were caused by the heat.
C.The wildfires also cause damages to humans.
D.The wildfires were soon under control with donations.
4. What lesson can we learn from the text?
A.Humans shouldn’t occupy wildlife habitat.
B.Humans shouldn’t overestimate the bushfire.
C.We should raise money for wildlife protection.
D.We should develop the methods to prevent wildfires.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It is long known that there are benefits from being in nature. Living around trees can help you live longer. Walking in the woods is good for your mood. But it’s not just what you see that makes an impact. A group of scientists from the U. S. and Canada studied the advantages of nature using their ears instead of their eyes.

“Our research team studied the acoustic (声学的) environment for quite a few years, but from the view of the negative impacts of noise pollution,” Rachel Buxton, the post-doctoral researcher and bird expert says. “However, I’ve always been curious about what are the beneficial impacts of natural sounds.” Being a bird expert made him interested in sounds.

For their research, Buxton and her team identified three dozen studies that examined the health benefits of natural sound. Some examples they found reported in those studies included decreased pain, lowered stress, improved mood, and better cognitive (认知的) function. With these results in hand, they then listened to audio recordings from 251 sites in 68 national parks across the United States.

“We found many sites beneficial to health in parks—sites with abundant natural sounds and little disturbance from noise,” Buxton says. “Yet, parks that are more heavily visited or near urban areas are more likely to be flooded with noise. That means many park visitors are not gaining the health benefits found in more quiet spaces.”

Interestingly, Buxton says, there was also some evidence that natural sounds have benefits over silence. There was also evidence that more different types of natural sounds—more types of birds singing versus just one type of bird—have benefits over fewer sounds.

“Also, a really interesting result was that listening to natural sounds with road noise had more benefits than just listening to noise,” she says. “So although you might not be getting the same health benefits as a quiet environment with lots of natural sound, even in a city if you have noise in the background, listening to natural sounds still delivers some health benefits.”

1. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By listing examples.B.By making a comment.
C.By providing some accurate data.D.By presenting a widely held view.
2. What is Buxton’s previous study centered on?
A.The bad effects of noises.B.Birds’ habitat environment.
C.The causes of noise pollution.D.Humans’ visual interest in nature.
3. Which paragraph best supports “Quiet environment with natural sounds has a better effect”?
A.Paragraph 3.B.Paragraph 4.C.Paragraph 5.D.Paragraph 6.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Advantages of being in nature.B.Different types of natural sounds.
C.Well-being from sounds of nature.D.Relationship between sounds and moods.
2022-10-14更新 | 292次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省潍坊市(安丘、诸城、高密)三县市2022-2023学年高三10月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Six relatives crowded in a small air pocket, day after day. A hopeless teenager grew so thirsty that he drank his own urine (尿液). Two frightened sisters were comforted by a pop song as they waited for rescuers to free them.

These earthquake survivors were among more than a dozen people pulled out of the rubble (瓦砾) alive Friday after spending over four days trapped in extremely cold darkness following the disaster that struck Turkey(土耳其) and Syria(叙利亚). The disaster has already killed more people than Japan’s Fukushima earthquake and tsunami, with many more bodies yet to be recovered and counted.

Relatives wept and chanted as rescuers pulled 17-year-old Adnan Muhammed from a basement (地下室) in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, near the quake’s epicenter (震中). He had been trapped for 94 hours. For one of the rescuers, Adnan ‘s survival hit home hard: “I have a son just like you,” she told him after giving him a warm hug. “l swear to you, I have not slept for four days... I was trying to get you out.”

The building was only 600 feet from the Mediterranean Sea (地中海) and narrowly avoided being flooded when the serious earthquake sent water pouring into the city center. A trapped woman told her would-be rescuers that she had given up hope of being found and prayed to be put to sleep because she was so cold.

Even though experts say trapped people can live for a week or more, the chances of finding more survivors were quickly waning. Death is closing everywhere: deadhouse and graveyard were unbearable, and bodies wrapped in blankets and tarps (防水油布) in the streets of some cities.

Temperatures remained below freezing and many people have no shelter. The Turkish government has distributed millions of hot meals, as well as tents and blankets, but was still struggling to reach many people in need.

The U.N. refugee agency estimated that as many as 5.3 million people have been left homeless in Syria. Reporters said Friday that the agency is focusing on providing reliefs.

Syrian President Bashar Assad and his wife visited survivors in the Aleppo University Hospital. It was the leader’s first public appearance in an affected area of the country since the disaster.

Turkey’s disaster-management agency said more than 20,200 people had been confirmed killed and more than 80,000 injured.

More than 3,500 have been confirmed killed in Syria, bringing the total number of dead to nearly 24000. Some12,000 buildings in Turkey have either collapsed or stood serious damage. Turkey’s vice president (副总统), Fuat Oktay said more than 1 million people were being housed in temporary shelters.

1. According to the article, recently there were disastrous earthquakes happened in ________.
A.AmericaB.JapanC.Turkey and SyriaD.the Mediterranean Sea
2. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE ?
A.The earthquakes have already caused lots of buildings to collapse and people homeless.
B.All survivors have been rescued already.
C.The earthquakes did not bring much impact on the disaster area.
D.Reliefs were supplied in time.
3. According to the article, the underlined word “waning” is closest in meaning to________.
4. What did the government do after the big disaster ?
A.Syrian government organized rescuers to help.
B.Syrian government is focusing on providing reliefs.
C.The Turkish government has distributed meals and provided temporary shelters.
D.Turkey’s top politicians visited survivors and rescuers.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Over the last two days in December last year, nearly 30 tornadoes caused great damage across six states—from Arkansas in the south to Illinois in the midwest. More than 100 tornado warnings were issued—the most ever for a day. The tornado in Kentucky caused at least 50 people’s deaths, which was described as the worst in this state’s history.

As one of the largest countries in the world, the United States is also one of the most geographically various countries—from deserts to forests to miles of coast line. While this comes with many advantages, it unfortunately leaves the country easily damaged by all kinds of natural disasters.

Different parts of the United States face different types of natural disasters. The west coast is at risk of wildfires, earthquakes, and even volcanic eruptions. The southern part of the country is frequently hit by tornadoes, and the east coast faces the threat of serious hurricanes every year. Midwestern areas near rivers are often flooded by huge floods, and these are the worst floods in American history.

The governments reviewed the weather event in each state’ s history that caused the highest number of deaths to determine the worst natural disaster in every state, Thanks to their location and geographic research, some states made preparations ahead of time to avoid mass-casualty (重大伤亡的) weather events.

However, many other parts of the country have been less fortunate, experiencing massive storms and floods. Many such events, like the 1900 hurricane that hit Galveston of Texas, killed so many people that it was impossible to get an exact number of final deaths, especially during that time.

American weather continues to become more changeable. In 2018, there were 14 weather events that caused over $ 1 billion in damage. And in many parts of the country, these weather events could become even more destructive (毁灭性的) because of global warming.

1. What do we know from the figures in paragraph 1?
A.America suffered from serious natural disasters.
B.Tornadoes were the greatest threat to Americans.
C.The tornado in Kentucky was the worst in America.
D.Less and less natural disasters hit America.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The worst floods in American history.
B.The earthquakes in the west coast of US.
C.The hurricanes along the east coast of US.
D.The natural disasters in different parts of US.
3. Which of the following can best describe American’s weather in the future?
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.A Serious Tornado in KentuckyB.A Weather Report from the US
C.Tornadoes Causing Great DamageD.Common Natural Disasters in the US
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