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1 . Chinese scientists say they have developed a robotic fish that can remove microplastic particles from water environments. Researchers working on the project say the robots could help to clean up plastic pollution in oceans around the world.

The robotic swimmers are about 1.3 centimeters long. They are made of a soft chemical Compound. The robots are designed to absorb microplastics while moving through the water. The project was launched by a team at Sichuan University in southwestern China. The researchers said the robots have already performed well in shallow water and they plan to carry out more tests in deeper waters. The scientists reported their findings in a new study in Nano Letters. The publication comes from the American Chemical Society, a nonprofit organization supported by the U.S. Congress. The robotic fish were built to target microplastic particles, which are smaller than five millimeters. Studies have confirmed that microplastic pollution has been discovered in many natural environments. The material comes from the breakdown of manufactured plastic products and industrial waste.

The team said the robots can be controlled by light. Turning “a near-infrared light laser” on and off causes the fish’s tail to move back and forth, the American Chemical Society said. The robotic fish can swim up to 2.76 body lengths per second. The researchers said this is faster than most similar soft robots. Wang Yuyan was a member of Sichuan University’s research team. She told Reuters news agency that the small, lightweight robot is currently being used to collect microplastics for research purposes. But Wang added that the team plans to expand that use so the robot fish can remove larger amounts of microplastic waste from deep ocean areas. The fish can take in different kinds of microplastics and even repair itself when damaged, the researchers said. And if a robot fish is accidentally eaten by a real fish, it could safely digest the material, the team added. Wang said similar robots could be developed to be placed inside the human body to remove unwanted materials or disease.

1. Why has a robotic fish been created?
A.To remove disease in people.B.To clean up pollution in oceans.
C.To remove unwanted materials in body.D.To remove microplastic particles in water.
2. What will happen to the robotic fish when eaten by a real fish?
A.It will be harmless.B.It will repair itself.
C.It will take in microplastics.D.It will collect microplastics.
3. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The purpose of the robotic fish.
B.The function of the robotic fish.
C.A further introduction of the robotic fish.
D.Potential application of the robotic fish.
4. What is Wang Yuyan’s attitude to the future use of the robotic fish?
2022-11-17更新 | 328次组卷 | 5卷引用:山东省泰安市2022-2023学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Coral reefs in Florida have lost an estimated 90% of their corals in the last 40 years. This summer, a marine heat wave hit Florida’s coral reefs. The record high temperatures created an extremely stressful environment for the coral reefs, which are currently also experiencing intense coral bleaching (白化).

A coral is an animal, which has a symbiotic relationship with a microscopic algae (藻类). The algae gets energy from the sun and shares it with the coral internally. The coral builds a rock-like structure, which makes up most of the reef, providing homes and food for many organisms that live there. Coral bleaching is when the symbiotic relationship breaks down. Without the algae, the corals appear white because the rock skeleton becomes visible. If the bleaching continues for an extended period, the corals can starve to death without the energy.

Florida is on the front lines of climate change. It is also on the cutting edge of restoration science. Many labs, institutions and other organizations are working nonstop to protect and maintain the coral reefs. This includes efforts to understand what is troubling the reef, from disease outbreaks to coastal development impacts. It also includes harvesting coral spawn (卵), or growing and planting coral parts. Scientists moved many coral nurseries into deeper water and shore-based facilities during this marine heat wave. They are digging into the DNA of the coral to discover which species will survive best in future.

There are some bright spots in the story, however. Some corals have recovered from the bleaching, and many did not bleach at all. In addition, researchers recorded coral spawning. Although it’s not clear yet whether the larvae (幼虫) will be successful in the wild, it’s a sign of recovery potential. If the baby corals survive, they will be able to regrow the reef. They just have to avoid one big boss: human-induced climate change.

1. What does the underlined word “symbiotic” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What caused the coral bleaching?
A.The rock skeleton.B.The microscopic algae.
C.The high temperatures.D.The symbiotic relationship.
3. Which is not the efforts scientists made to help coral reefs?
A.Transferring coral nurseries.B.Growing and planting coral spawn.
C.Researching the DNA of the coral.D.Figuring out the reasons for problems.
4. Which of the following best describes the impact of scientists’ efforts?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Buildings, pollution, poor soil, insects, and even car crashes can add to tree loss. However, between 2016 and 2021, the city of Seattle in Washington state was reported to have lost about 255 hectares of tree covering, for which climate change was blamed. Then came the driest summer on Seattle’s record books in 2022. The drier conditions and hotter temperatures have left many trees with brown leaves, naked branches, and extreme seeding. These are all signs of tree stress.

According to Nicholas Johnson, a tree expert for Seattle City Parks, if this warming climate continues we are going to have a lot of trees die. Just like people, under the heat trees get weak.

Researchers from France and Australia studied the effect of hotter temperatures and less rain on more than 3,100 trees and plants in 164 cities across 78 countries. They found about half the trees in the cities were experiencing climate conditions beyond their limits. They also found that by 2050 nearly all trees planted in Australian cities will not survive.

It’s not the gradual change but these extreme swings of too much water, too little water, too much wind, and terrible storms that are going to cause these rapid changes. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed about 10 percent of the trees in New Orleans, Louisiana. And in 2021, Hurricane Ida uprooted many new tree plantings.

To settle the problem of tree loss, non-native trees have been brought to cities for some time. In the city of Bellevue, Washington, experts are growing different kinds of trees specifically for climate change. On city grounds, they are planting baby giant sequoias, just a few centimeters tall. The giant sequoias are not native to the Pacific Northwest area. But the trees can deal with the lack of rain and insects. Once these trees are established, they grow incredibly fast. Having many different kinds and ages of trees is important to keeping urban forests alive.

“Life always finds a way,” said Nicholas Johnson. “And in Seattle, people are helping life find a way.”

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The bad condition of trees in Seattle.
B.The terrible climate in Seattle in recent years.
C.Natural reasons for tree loss.
D.The signs of tree stress.
2. What is endangering the trees in Australia cities?
C.Extreme climate.D.Car crashes.
3. How do tree experts solve the problem of tree death?
A.By improving planting methods.
B.By changing the kinds of trees.
C.By treating trees as babies.
D.By improving the soil quality.
4. Which is Nicholas Johnson’s attitude to the future of trees in cities?
2023-05-07更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛市青岛二中2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了大堡礁的概况和Ben Southall为其保护工作所做出的努力。
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There was a job vacancy for taking care of the Great Barrier Reef!

    1     (locate) off the coast of North-east Australia, it is the     2     (large) living thing on the planet. About     3     size of Japan, it even can be seen from outer space. More than 25 million years old, the Great Barrier Reef is made up of living coral     4     (grow) on dead coral. Now this unique and delicate place is under threat from pollution and climate change.

    5     (get) this job, the candidates needed to prove why they were the best person to do the job. Out of the thousands of applicants, eleven     6     (elect), including a young woman from China. Eventually, Ben Southall from the UK received the job offer.

Ben did a lot during his time     7     an island caretaker. Besides blogging, he made an umber of appearances on television to argue in favor of its     8     (defend). Whether it was a genuine job offer     9     an eye-catching marketing event isn’t really important. The most important thing was that people all over the world became aware of the beauty of the ocean in the area. What’s more, they came to understand the delicate balance     10     the environment exists in and what can, and must, be done to protect the reef. That way, it will remain a safe habitat for wildlife and a dream destination for tourists.


5 . I live in a town, about half a mile from the banks of a river, It had been raining buckets that week and there were _________ warnings for nearby areas, but not where I was.

As a precaution (预防), I’d _________ sandbags outside my garden door just in case water managed to flow through. As I fell asleep, I was _________ by the sound of rushing water.When I swung my legs off the bed, I was _________ to feel cold water already up to my kneesand rising fast. Trembling, I _______ my phone on the table and _________ the flashlight. Water was coming from the garden door. The river must have _________ burst its banks and broke the sandbags. And now I had to get out--fast!

With the water up to my waist, in bare feet I started to paddle (蹚水) to my only _________ the door leading to outdoors. Finally, I made it to that door and _________ to pull it open, but the water’s __________ was high. Anyhow, with great efforts, I made a __________ of about 30 centimeters, enough for me to get through. Rushing down outside, I __________ that if I hadn’t woken up in time, I would have drowned. Many houses around us were __________ , including a home for the disabled.

I learned to be grateful through the experience and determined to live each day to its __________ .I will remember a famous saying: “Don’t remember the day when you lost everything. Remember the day you__________ .”

A.annoyedB.shocked       C.embarrassedD.relieved
A.showed offB.threw   awayC.switched onD.set aside
A.recoveredB.matteredC. survivedD.matured

6 . The idea that having narrow local focus leaves little room for anything but a selfish mindset is a misconception, according to a new study that found that concern for local affairs could help with global environmental conservation.

You might have heard of NIMBY which means “not in my back yard” and describes an individual or group opposed to a new addition to the neighborhood, typically a factory, roadway or power station. Nimbyism and parochialism(眼界狭小), which is a focus on a local area,   can go hand in hand, and there are concerns that parochialism paves the way for prejudice, narrowmindedness, and selfishness.

But researchers found the exact opposite to be true in a new study published. The researchers argue that positive parochialism can inspire a larger awareness of global environmental problems and encourage people to action.

“We did not find evidence that parochialism was necessarily negative and inward -looking,” said Patrick, a researcher for the study. “It can be those things, but there's no necessary conflict between feeling connected to your local area and feeling connected to the wider world. ”

For the study, the researchers reviewed documents from the 1987 Parish Maps project. The researchers showed how the Parish Maps project also demonstrated a passion for the environment and conservation. The researchers say that the Parish Maps project is a strong example of “positive parochialism”, and shows that thinking locally can influence a global mindset.

“For a long time,   it has been generally agreed that if we want people to think about global affairs they need an international worldview-but this may not be the case,” said Patrick. “Given where we are now in terms of trying to encourage people to make changes to help the environment, positive parochialism offers something that has been overlooked.”

1. Which behavior can best illustrate NIMBY?
A.Criticizing a friend for his selfish action.
B.Accepting a proposal beneficial to locals.
C.Supporting a neighborhood construction plan.
D.Objecting to building an airport in the neighborhood.
2. Why does the author mention the Parish Maps project?
A.To explain how to protect the environment.
B.To offer an example of positive parochialism.
C.To encourage people to take part in the project.
D.To stress the importance of global mindset.
3. How does Patrick feel about “positive parochialism phenomenon”?
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Parochialism, a better practice?
B.International view, more popular?
C.Thinking locally, acting globally
D.Bigger thinking, better environment
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Wang Tianchang and his family moved into the Gobi Desert 22 years ago. They have been fighting with the desert ever since,     1     (become) a symbol of China’s anti-desertification (防治荒漠化) campaign.

As     2     native of Gansu Province, Wang grew up with the Gobi Desert. In 1998, Wang’s family moved into the desert. They started planting bushes (灌木). To fund their efforts, they sold most of their farm animals and there were only 6 sheep left to support themselves. To make matters     3     (bad), the trees they had planted in the first two years     4     (blow) away by strong winds, because they weren't familiar with the environment. Then they learned that adaptable grasses were ideal for holding down the sand. A bush     5     (know) as the sweet-vetch has an 80 percent survival rate even in severe desert conditions,     6     has become a key part of the Wang’s efforts.

Now, although Wang is suffering from serious health     7     (problem) and is in his late 70s, he has no plans       8     (quit) his mission. His efforts have not gone unnoticed and have won several honors for his contributions     9     local greening. The Chinese government not only appointed (委任) Wang Tianchang and his sons as forest ranchers (大农场主), but also started funding their work. The family’s home is now surrounded by a     10     (beauty) vegetable garden, proving that land can in fact be transformed from the desert.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . If you’re a real fitness addict, you certainly know the ultimate running challenge is to take part in a marathon. It seems every major city and town around the world hosts an annual marathon, with thousands of athletes running an exhausting 42.1 kilometres. While many runners’ motivation is to beat their personal best and cross the finishing line without collapsing, they’re also doing it for a good cause — to generate funds for charity.

But like other major events, the marathon also generates a massive carbon footprint. Thousands travel – some by plane — to the location, and waste from food packaging and goody bags gets left behind by viewers and runners.

This is becoming a big issue for cities — how to host a worthwhile event, encouraging people to exercise and help charities, while protecting the environment? Several cities have developed formal plans to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable ideas. One event in Wales, for example, introduced recycling for old running kit. It’s something that this year’s London Marathon tried to tackle by reducing the number of drink stations on the running route, giving out water in paper cups and offering some drinks in eatable seaweed capsules. They also trialled new bottle belts made from recycled plastic, so 700 runners could carry water bottles with them during their run.

Meanwhile, some people still think running a marathon could be our best foot forward in helping the planet. Dr Andrea Collins from Cardiff University told the BBC: “Training for a marathon makes you more sustainable in day-to-day activities. I started walking or running to work every day. Being environmentally friendly while training kind of sticks with you and becomes a way of life.”

So while you may not be the top runner in a marathon, let’s hope the event, in terms of sustainability, certainly is!

1. What can we know about a marathon from paragraph 1?
A.Everyone desires to join in it.B.Athletes can finish it with ease.
C.Local governments disapprove of it.D.It can contribute to charitable causes.
2. What does this year’s London Marathon mainly feature?
A.Holding a sustainable event.B.Raising funds for charities.
C.Encouraging people to exercise.D.Recycling old running facilities.
3. What is Dr Andrea’s attitude to running a marathon?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Make Marathons GreenerB.How to Run Marathons Properly
C.Participate in Marathons ActivelyD.What Is Left Behind after Marathons
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . Noise pollution has a long-term effect on tree populations that may persist even after the sources of noise are removed, according to research published Wednesday.

Man-made noise from industry and the building of infrastructure such as roads and pipelines has increased greatly since the middle of last century. While previous research has documented the short-term effect noise has on tree populations as it scares off pollinators (传粉者) such as insects and animals, few studies have covered the long-term effect.

Researchers in the United States looked at tree populations in New Mexico that had been “hearing”a high level of man-made noise for 15 years. They found 75 percent fewer pinyon pine seedlings (矮松苗) in noisy places than quiet ones.

Then they looked at other places in New Mexico, where sources of noise had recently been added and then removed, and examined how populations recovered. The team assumed that populations of the trees — in this case pinyon seedlings — would recover as the pollinators would return to the places once the noise had disappeared. Instead, they found a long-term drop in seedling numbers as the birds refused to revisit the places.

“The effects of human noise pollution are growing into these woodland communities,” said Clinton Francis, lead researcher from California Polytechnic State University. “What we’re seeing is that removal of the noise doesn’t necessarily immediately result in a recovery of ecological function.”

Jennifer Phillips, co-author of the research, said the findings showed how the effect of noise pollution could put pollinators off even after the noise is removed. “Animals like the birds that are sensitive to noise learn to avoid particular areas.” said Phillips. “It may take time for animals to come back to pollinate trees in these previously noisy areas, and we don’t know how long that might take.”

As governments continue to face growing evidence of the damage to nature caused by urbanization (城市化), Phillips held that the influence of noise pollution should also be factored into planning decisions.

1. What does the underlined word “persist” mean in paragraph 1?
2. How did Clinton Franci’s team carry out the research?
A.By studying cases in New Mexico.
B.By challenging the previous research.
C.By recording the routines of pollinators.
D.By following the sources of noise pollution.
3. Which of the following would Phillips most probably agree with?
A.Noise pollution kills large numbers of birds.
B.Governments should take measures to remove noise.
C.Ecological recovery contributes to the removal of noise.
D.It’s hard to tell when birds will revisit previously noisy places.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Removing noise enables plants to grow better.
B.Pollinators play a role in increasing plant population.
C.Noise pollution has long-term effects on plant populations.
D.Man-made noise does great harm to woodland communities.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . For most of human history, people raised crops and livestock to feed their households rather than to sell them for profit. This began to shift after the Industrial Revolution, which saw the rise of plantation farming.

Industrial farming not only increased the crop-growing areas, but changed the techniques used by farmers. Instead of switching the crops that were grown on a field each year, entire plantations would be devoted to a single crop. This approach and intensive modes of farming led to destruction of local biodiversity and land worsening — within years, fields would cease to produce crops.

Plantations of the 18th and 19th centuries were a “get rich quick plan” rather than a long-term investment. Once a field became unusable, plantation owners would simply move on to new land. Up to the end of the 19th century, wide areas of our planet were still not claimed by global modernity. But today, while we are quickly running out of vegetative (覆盖植被的) land, this mindset continues. “Farmers still hold the view that land is cheap and limitless,” said Crystal Davis from the World Resources Institute. “Most of them just cut down more trees, when new land is needed.”

“To meet our ecological goals, we need to stop turning natural ecosystems to farmland,” Davis said. “We can achieve this in part by bringing back the land’s ecological wholeness and productivity.”

Davis points to the 20×20 initiative (倡议), which has seen 18 South American and Caribbean countries commit to recovering 50m hectares of land by 2030. It includes a number of projects aimed at introducing agroforestry (混农林业) practices to cocoa and coffee farms in Colombia and Nicaragua. There farmers are encouraged to grow crops while introducing more trees to their land.

1. What can we learn about industrial farming?
A.It existed for most of human history.
B.It changed farming methods.
C.It increased crop production steadily.
D.It reduced crop-planting areas.
2. Which of the following do most farmers do at present?
A.Abuse the land for quick profit.
B.Desert wide areas of plantations.
C.Adopt modern technology to farm.
D.Plant more trees to satisfy global need.
3. What can be inferred about the 20×20 initiative?
A.It advocates eco-friendly farming.
B.It involves countries around the world.
C.It encourages farmers to develop more land.
D.It focuses on increasing cocoa and coffee output.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.How Can We Take up Farming?B.How Can We Feed the World?
C.Meeting Our Ecological GoalsD.Shifting to Regenerative Agriculture
共计 平均难度:一般