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1 . We believe that there is more to education than preparation for a job. Children must be prepared for all aspects(方面) of their future work, personal relationships, creative activities, dealing with money matters, independence, and parenthood.

But it would be unrealistic(不现实的) to provide an education which took no consideration of the needs of employers.

What type of training does the business world regard as important?

Many young people applying for jobs were, in the employers’ opinions, very weak in the basic skills of handwriting, grammar and spelling. “Though additional education at university level improved the students’ general ability,” a report states, “in basic skills the standards remained stubbornly low.”

There are different opinions about whether standards have gone down in recent years. What is certain is that employers do not believe the standards are now high enough. Do technological changes make greater demands upon the students’ abilities?

We should also remember that the job expectations of young people have increased. Girls who would have once become shop assistants or hairdressers now want to be secretaries. Boys who sought an apprenticeship (学徒工作) 20 years ago now desire to have an engineering degree. But it is still the same girls and boys with the same degree of ability. No wonder there are problems in reaching the “necessary standards” of the business world.

Many employers believe that it is important for teachers to have experience outside the world of college and school. They should work for a while at some other kinds of job “to see how the world of business is different from their own”. The teaching occupation and society in general need a greater understanding of manpower needs and therefore of “the desired” direction of the education system.

1. The article mainly talks about _________.
A.no education among young people
B.meeting the educational requirements of employment
C.the problem of unemployment
D.the weaker standards of education
2. In the writer’s opinion, education should ________.
A.pay more attention to students’ academic ability
B.only meet the needs of employment
C.be suitable to all aspects of being an adult, including employment
D.center on grammar
3. The underlined part “the same girls and boys” in Paragraph 6 refers to _________.
A.those who are likely to be unemployed
B.those who have just left middle school
C.those who are looking for jobs far beyond their abilities
D.those who might have become shop assistants, hairdressers and apprentices in the past
4. It’s suggested that teachers should ________.
A.never change their jobsB.improve their teaching methods
C.spend more time on their school workD.get some work experience outside school
2023-10-13更新 | 25次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 7 Careers A卷 基础夯实 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册单元测试AB卷
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2 . There is a time when many Americans question whether a college degree is worth its cost. However, a recent study found Americans who completed college or university are more likely to have friends and are less lonely than those who only finished high school.

Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life, said that in general Americans are experiencing a “friend recession”, meaning a decline in their number of friends. Cox noted, “Americans have fewer close friends today than we did in the early 1990s. But men and those without a college degree are particularly affected because they seem to have experienced a much more dramatic decline over that period.”

The Center questioned 5, 054 people this past summer. It found Americans with a college degree feel more socially connected and are more active in their communities than people who didn’t go to college. As a result, those who completed college report feeling less lonely.

Previous research showed that Americans who didn’t go to college are less likely to marry. A 2012 study found that college-educated women are much more likely to get married than women who dropped out of high school. A 2013 study of people born between 1957 and 1964 found that both men and women who didn’t finish high school are less likely to marry than those with more education.

Today, 65 percent of college-educated Americans over age 25 are married. About 50 percent of people with a high school diploma, or who dropped out of high school, are married. Those numbers were different in 1990, when marriage rates among the college graduates were at 69 percent, compared with 63 percent for those who did not go to college, says a Pew research report.

The American Community Life Survey found around 1 in 10 college graduates say they have no close social connections. That number rises among Americans without a degree, where almost 1 in 4 say they have no close friends.

1. When was the study carried out according to the passage?
A.When psychological problems arose sharply.
B.When the number of college graduates declined.
C.When Americans experienced a friend recession.
D.When concerns about college costs appeared.
2. Why are some studies mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To provide evidence for the research.B.To analyze the reasons for loneliness.
C.To show the importance of marriage.D.To compare differences in generations.
3. In which column of a magazine may this passage appear?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Social problems in the American society.
B.Reasons for Americans’ low marriage rates.
C.Links between education and social interaction.
D.Discussions about whether to get a college degree.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As countless unmade beds and unfinished homework assignments prove, kids need rules. Yet how parents make demands can powerfully influence a child’s social skills, psychologists at the University of Virginia recently found after the conclusion on a study investigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Initially 184 13-year-olds filled out multiple surveys, including one to assess how often their parents employed psychologically controlling strategies, such as threatening to withdraw affection. The kids rated, for example how typical it would be for Dad to suggest that “if I really cared for him, I would not do things that caused him to worry” or for Mom to become “less friendly when I did not see things her way.”

The researchers followed up with the subjects at ages 18 and 21, asking the young adults to bring along a close friend. These pairs were asked to answer questions that were purposefully written to cause a difference of opinion. “We wanted to see whether they could handle a disagreement in a healthy way,” says study leader Barbara Oudekerk, now at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Statistics.

In the October issue of Child Development, Oudekerk and her colleagues report that the 13-year-olds who had highly controlling parents floundered in friendly disagreements at age 18. They had difficulty stating their opinions in a confident, reasoned manner in comparison to the kids without controlling parents. And when they did speak up, they often failed to express themselves in warm and productive ways.

The researchers suspect that controlling parents affect their child’s ability to learn how to argue his or her own viewpoint in other relationships. Although parents do need to set boundaries, dominating strategies imply that any disagreement will damage the bond itself. Separate findings suggest that parents who explain the reasons behind their rules and turn disagreements into conversations leave youngsters better prepared for future disagreements.

The consequences of tense or dominating relationships appear to worsen with time. This study also found that social difficulties at 18 predicted even poorer communication abilities at age 21. Psychologist Shmuel Shulman of Bar-llan University in Israel, who did not participate in the work, thinks these conclusions convincingly reveal how relationship patterns “carry forward” into new friendships.

1. What did the researchers from the University of Virginia do in their research?
A.They asked kids about how they got along with their parents.
B.They surveyed some parents about what rules kids needed.
C.They inquired into what the kids’ friends thought of them.
D.They traced their subjects for nearly eight years.
2. The phrase “floundered in” (in paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to ___.
A.struggled withB.dealt withC.looked overD.took over
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Shmuel Shulman thinks more evidence is needed for the new research.
B.Controlling parents’ influence on their kids gets stronger as time goes by.
C.21-year-olds are more eager to be free of parents’ control than 18-year-olds.
D.Kids can handle disagreement better if their parents get along well with each other.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Pushy parents could harm their kids’ social skills.
B.Kids should learn what friendly disagreements are.
C.Parents; affection matters in terms of kids; personality.
D.Few parents explain the reasons why they set boundaries.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . The world has changed greatly since Herman Fisher met Irving Price and Helen Schelle in 1930. The trio (三人组) founded Fisher-Price, maker of popular toy series such as Thomas & Friends, Power Wheels, and Little People. Companies like Fisher-Price are exploring how the world of toys and parenting will change with the development of technology. Fisher-Price recently cooperated with Continuum, a global innovation designer. Together, they created a short video called The Future of Parenting, along with a short essay explaining the thoughts behind the video.

One thought of the video explores how parenting will change when the teens of today raised with data-providing devices such as Fitbit and iPad begin raising kids of their own. Is this a generation that will desire data in all of their kids’ toys? The answer may be “yes” and perhaps the product appearing in the video will appeal to them.

If you interpret the video as a clear vision of the future of parenting, you won’t be blamed for fearing holograms (全息图) will take over your house as a mom or dad. The benefit of holograms in the video is their potential for giving traditional toys the ability to personalize responses, depending on the age and development of the child playing with the traditional toy.

Of course, you might ask yourself, “Do data-providing toys have an advantage over traditional toys in terms of their effects?” The answer may be negative. Lego, a traditional brick toy-maker, on all counts remains a successful company. And studies point out its toys’ benefits to children’s creativity. In addition, recent research demonstrates that toys containing data can potentially prevent language development, compared with traditional puzzles and bricks.

On the one hand, parents know that they should limit their kids’ screen time to keep them healthy, and the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidance on daily screen time. On the other hand, technology can be wonderfully engaging and can provide excellent educational opportunities for children. Nothing is perfect and we should embrace every aspect of a new thing.

1. What are companies like Fisher-Price currently exploring?
A.The impact of technological advances on toys and parenting.
B.The way to be an outstanding global innovation designer.
C.New ideas of making short videos of creative toys.
D.Techniques used to produce popular toy series.
2. According to the author, teenagers raised with data-providing devices may ___________.
A.be fond of devoting themselves to improving technology
B.be afraid of the negative impact of electronic toys
C.pass their preference for such toys on to their kids
D.show great creativity and imagination
3. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.
B.Comparisons of the effects of two kinds of toys.
C.Suggestions on how to choose suitable toys.
D.Advances in technology used to make toys.
4. What does the author want to show at the end of the text?
A.Love me, love my dog.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.Everything is a two-edged sword.
D.Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Why is science education important in our schools? Science is everywhere.     1     As children grow up in an increasingly technologically and scientifically advanced world, they need to be scientifically literate (有文化的) to succeed. Ideally, teaching the scientific method to students is teaching them how to think, learn, solve problems and make informed decisions.     2    

Governmental guidelines and tests often focus on middle and high school level STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.     3     Not only does science education teach young learners problem-solving skills that will help them throughout their schooling, it also engages them in science from the start.

Kids usually form a basic opinion about the sciences shortly after beginning school. If this is a negative opinion, it can be hard to engage those students in science as they grow older.     4     By doing so, students will be encouraged to learn the sciences throughout school.

    5     It connects students’ lives with important problem-solving and critical (批判性的) thinking skills. Teaching these skills through science education gives students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.

A.Science education gives children more choices.
B.Engage young students with interesting materials.
C.The process of questioning is more direct in science.
D.Science education is one of the most important subjects in school.
E.We are surrounded by technology and the products of science every day.
F.But many educators believe science education should begin much earlier.
G.These skills are important to every aspect of a student’s education and life.
2023-09-04更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 单元检测-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the world’s first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher, Will. Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar(化身,   虚拟人物)that turns up on the students’ desktop, tablet, or smartphone screen when called.   

Thanks to a digital camera and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have, but also picks up non-verbal signals. For example, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way communication not only helps draw the students’ attention, but also allows the program’s developers to monitor their involvement(参与)and make changes if needed.   

Vector’s Chief Digital Officer, Nikhil Ravishankar, believes that Will—like avatars could be a new way to attract the attention of the next generation. He says, “Using a digital human is a very popular method to deliver new information to people, and I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver rich and educational experience in the future.” Greg Cross, the Chief Business Officer for Soul Machines, states that kids who have grown up in this digital time adapt to new technology quickly, and he hopes to develop the idea of digital humans in the area of educate further.   

The program, in place since August 2018, has been a great success so far. However, no matter how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon. For one, the avatar’s knowledge base is severely limited. But more importantly, even the smartest digital avatars could never predict and react to all the unexpected situations that educators have to deal with on a daily basis. However, it could come in handy as a “personal teacher”, providing kids with one-on-one help on the subjects or even topics.

1. What can be inferred about the digital teacher from the last paragraph?
A.It has entered many homes as kids’ private teacher.
B.It will teach in class in place of human educators.
C.It’s good at handling unexpected situations.
D.It remains to be improved.
2. What is mentioned about Will in the first paragraph?
A.He is a human-like robot teacher.
B.He is the first robot teacher in the world.
C.He is a digital teacher teaching in a school.
D.He will walk across the classroom to you when called.
3. In what way does the digital teacher help the students?
A.By taking part in discussion.
B.By changing teaching methods.
C.By communicating with students.
D.By monitoring students’ behavior.
4. What is Greg Cross’s attitude toward the digital teacher?
2023-09-03更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Making a difference单元综合能力测试-2021~2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . More than 80 colleges are creating a website where students will be able to apply to dozens of them. Some of the top names in higher education are joining the effort under a group called the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success, whose goal is to simplify the application process, especially for low-income students.

The website not only gives students one place to send their applications, but also gives them tools to get started years in advance. On the site, students will be able to request advice from college admissions offices and they can create digital portfolios(文件夹) with the help of their teachers and instructors.

Members of the coalition(联盟) include private universities such as Harvard and Stanford and public counterparts such as the University of Virginia, University of Florida and Ohio State University. The colleges came together to fix a problem: Complex admissions processes deter students from applying and those who come from low-income families can’t afford the instructors and classes within reach of their wealthier peers. High schools, for example, can already buy software to help instructors track their students through the application process, but many can’t afford it.

More than 600 colleges now accept the standardized Common Application. Unlike the Common Application, which aims to create a uniform application process among schools, the new website aims to help students dive deeper into many distinct applications. It will give them a place to store their checklists and essays and invite anyone to provide feedback and edit.

Each college will have its own portal(入口) where students can submit applications, but they’ll all be accessible through the same site. The portfolio tool will let students add any extra information they want. Artists can include samples of their work and musicians can link to performance videos.

1. What is the aim of the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success?
A.To make applying for college easier.
B.To give students more choices of subjects.
C.To donate money for low-income students.
D.To increase the quality of higher education.
2. What do we know from the passage about Harvard University?
A.It is the founder of the website.B.It is the most famous among them.
C.It is a public counterpart.D.It is a private university.
3. What does the underlined word “deter” most probably mean?
4. What can we infer about the software mentioned in the 3rd paragraph?
A.It is hard to use.B.It is very practical.
C.It is very effective.D.It is very expensive.
2023-08-31更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 Poems B卷 能力提升 2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册单元测试AB卷
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是新华学校的学生会主席李华,你校将于下个月举办“青年发展论坛 (Youth Development Forum)”。请你给未来学家Naisbitt先生写一封邮件,邀请他以“未来的教育”为主题发表讲座。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:futurologist 未来学家
2023-08-27更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Looking into the Future单元测试-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Starting this fall, primary and middle school students in China will have at least one weekly course on labor education, according to a new curriculum (课程) standard released by the Ministry of Education (MOE).

Labor education ranges from household chores to on-campus labor and community volunteer services, generally 3 types according to the new standards: the first refers to everyday chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances (家电); next is productive labor, including agriculture, making traditional handicrafts (手工艺品), and applying new technologies such as 3D printing; the third type is service work, including volunteer work. The new curriculum also calls for a week of extracurricular and off-campus activities designed for labor education once every school year.

A recent study showed that primary and middle school students in China only spend an average of 12 minutes a day on chores, compared to 72 minutes in the US, 42 minutes in South Korea and 30 minutes in France. Many countries start students’ labor education at a young age. Finland begins to develop students’ life skills in primary school. Spinning, woodworking, cooking and other craftsmanship classes are offered. In Germany, pupils have two labor classes per week. Electronics, office technology, sewing, housekeeping, and career guidance are all taught there.

Adding labor education was out of concern that the country’s youngsters do too little housework and look down on physical labor jobs. Due to great academic pressure, schools tend to put their academic curricula on the top, and parents sometimes see household chores as distractions (分心). But, according to the MOE, labor education must be strengthened to help students develop social values, an interest in labor and finally an all-around development.

1. Which of the following belongs to productive labour?
A.Maintaining home appliances.B.Doing some cooking.
C.Selling traditional handicrafts.D.Planting crops.
2. How much time do primary and middle school students in France spend on chores daily?
A.Twelve minutes.B.Forty-two minutes.
C.Thirty minutes.D.Seventy-two minutes.
3. What is the fact about labour education in Finland?
A.It is considered more important than academic learning.
B.The country starts labour education in primary school.
C.There are only a couple of labor education courses.
D.Students have two labour classes every month.
4. Why does the MOE demand labour education should be strengthened according to the last paragraph?
A.It can help with their development of social values.
B.It can improve students’ performance on learning.
C.It can help exercise their special talents.
D.It can enrich students’ off-campus life.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Tiger Parents Do No Good to Kids’ Development

Digging through kids’ school bags, looking up all the assignments, sitting beside them going through each item, and finally     1     (have) all the homework checked with a name signed is a daily routine for most Chinese parents, as     2     (require) by teachers. A demanding task especially after a long day’s work at office, isn’t it?    3     (luck), some parents in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, have been liberated. A local primary school has recently announced that parents will no longer have to sign their names on their kids’ homework, as students should be responsible     4     their own assignments.

Making mistakes is     5     essential part of the process of understanding. Who cares how much you     6     (score) in your homework after you have settled down in life and found your directions? The     7     (able) to realize one’s mistakes and learn from them is what matters, which is also the main purpose of education.Why not give students a chance     8     (find) out and correct their mistakes themselves?

It is by no means parents’ duty to go through the kids’ assignments.     9     parents are supposed to do is to create a friendly studying environment for kids, and teach them to be an independent learner. After all, independent learning is much     10     (important) than high scores.

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