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阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Thousands of Americans take part in the National River Cleanup Day every year, organized by the nonprofit American Rivers since 1991. The event brings communities together to become responsible protectors of local waterways. However, the day-to-day work is largely done by full-time guardians like “riverkeepers” “baykeepers” or “waterkeepers”.

Fifty years ago, many U. S. waterways were even worse than they are today. Rivers were often dammed or changed, and pollution was poisoning water ecosystems. River fires had become surprisingly common, with Ohio’s Cuyahoga River experiencing its tenth fire in 100 years in 1969. New York’s Hudson River was also full of industrial waste and waste water by the mid-1960s.

This inspired various citizen-led actions, including supportive groups like Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, founded by folk singer Pete Seeger in 1966. The effects on fish angered local fishermen, who used a 1888 federal (联邦的) law to take on polluters directly in 1966. This led to the formation of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association, renamed Riverkeeper in 1986. Other protection groups around the country soon borrowed its name and strategies. In 1999, the Waterkeeper Alliance (联盟) was founded to unite and support all the “keeper” groups in the U. S. and abroad.

Today, the alliance includes more than 350 organizations and branches around the world, protecting over 2.75 million square miles of waterways on six continents. Riverkeeper found early success with two federal laws: the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1888 and the Refuse Act of 1899. These laws banned pollution of U. S. waters and offered awards for reporting law-breaking behaviors.

Riverkeepers now work to protect rivers by monitoring waterways and finding sources of pollution. They have various methods for doing so, including going on boats to check, testing water quality at different sites and looking into who might be causing pollution. They investigate potential (潜在的) polluters and determine whether legal action is necessary. Riverkeepers make sure waterways are clean and safe for animals and people living there.

1. What is the main purpose of the National River Cleanup Day?
A.To fund waterway protection projects.
B.To promote American folk river culture.
C.To raise people’s awareness about water pollution.
D.To encourage communities to tend their local waterways.
2. How did the original Riverkeeper group benefit other protection groups?
A.By hosting cleanup events annually.B.By forming the Waterkeeper Alliance.
C.By sharing its name and successful methods.D.By asking the government for stricter laws.
3. What is the overall impact of the Waterkeeper Alliance on global waterways?
A.They standardized water quality testing globally.
B.They removed industrial pollution in the world.
C.They protected large areas of waterways worldwide.
D.They prevented all future river fires from occurring.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly focus on?
A.Sources of river pollution.B.Responsibilities of riverkeepers.
C.Methods for cleaning waterways.D.Impacts of federal laws on river protection.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Children’s Art Competitions

Campus Art Competition

This global competition invites students aged 3-19 from hundreds of schools to create artworks in various media to explore the theme (主题) “Campus Life”. The deadline for entries is July 31, 2024. Amazon voucher (消费券) prizes range from £20 to £100 for individual, pair. and class winners. Each school can hand in up to ten entries.

Tabernacle Art Competition

Held annually (一年一次地) at MOMA Machynlleth in Wales, it challenges artists to hand in a new piece inspired by the theme “On a Windy Day”. Two age groups — ages 12-17 and under 11. Entries close on June 14, 2024, with cash prizes of £100 for the older group and £50 for the younger group. There is a £5 entry fee for those under 18.

Ocean Awareness Competition

Now in its 13th year, this U. S. -based competition aims to address the climate problems through art created by 11-18-year-olds worldwide. The deadline to enter is June 10, 2024. Cash prizes range from £1, 000 for Gold to £100 for Honorable Mention. The theme for 2024 is “Tell Your Climate Story”, encouraging children to share their personal experiences and insights about the changing climate.

Flair Open Art Prize

It is an opportunity for 13-16-year-olds in the UK to express their identity through art. The theme, “Identity”, encourages exploration of “Who am I? ” and “This is Me. ” Entries can be paintings or photographs. Winners will be awarded a Macbook Pro. Children must hand in a photo of their artwork and a short statement explaining its significance. The deadline is to be announced.

1. Which competition offers the highest cash prize valued at £100?
A.Campus Art Competition.B.Tabernacle Art Competition.
C.Ocean Awareness Competition.D.Flair Open Art Prize.
2. What is special about the Flair Open Art Prize?
A.It includes two age groups.B.Its deadline for entries is unknown.
C.It belongs to a global competition.D.It is hosted annually in the United States.
3. What is the common requirement for the four art competitions?
A.Entry fee should be paid.B.A written statement is needed.
C.A specific theme must be followed.D.The artworks must be delivered in person.
2024-07-23更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了106岁的得克萨斯州人Laverne Biser对日食的热爱。他自1963年开始使用自己设计的设备观察日食,并且为了追求这一爱好独自周游世界,希望捕捉每个罕见的日食的最佳景色。

3 . Texan Laverne Biser, now 106 years old, was born in 1918 and began viewing solar eclipses (日食) with his own self-designed equipment in 1963. His lifelong love for this phenomena took him across the globe to catch the best possible views of each uncommon eclipse. Laverne, a retired engineer who is into astronomy (天文学) and building things, has traveled worldwide to pursue his hobby on his own.

His strong interest in eclipses has even influenced family vacations and events, such as his daughter Carol’s wedding date. “I told my parents about two possible dates for my wedding-one on June 3rd and one on July 8th. My dad said, ‘If you want me to give you away, you’ll have to pick the earlier date. I won’t be here on July 8th.’He had an eclipse to get to,” shared Carol.

Laverne has photos from each of the thirteen eclipses he saw, considering each one unique. One of his favorite photos was taken during the 1979 eclipse in Williston, South Dakota. However, he knows that number 13 may be his last eclipse, as there won’t be another total solar eclipse to be seen from the United States for another twenty years.

No doubt, Laverne appreciated his most recent eclipse as much as the previous twelve. In advance of the big event, he said, “It’s really something — there’s nothing like that dark sky in the middle of the day. I always feel like a lucky man when I see it. It reminds me that no matter where we are in life, we’re all just a little spot in the universe.”

1. Why did Laverne Biser design equipment himself?
A.To observe solar eclipses.B.To photograph his family vacations.
C.To save money for his family.D.To help with his engineering job.
2. What can be learned about Laverne Biser from the text?
A.He has no plan to retire from his own position.
B.He values family events over personal interests.
C.He may miss the next solar eclipse due to his age.
D.He usually gives away his money for scientific research.
3. Which of the following can describe Laverne Biser according to the last paragraph?
A.Creative and energetic.B.Reflective and appreciative.
C.Curious and generous.D.Positive and responsible.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Laverne Biser’s life story.B.The science behind solar eclipses.
C.Laverne Biser’s influence on his family.D.Laverne Biser’s love for solar eclipses.
2024-07-23更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Remember! No skateboarding or leaving the house no matter what!” Dio was unhappy at it upon hearing his parents repeat his punishment. He was so disobedient (不听话) that he had been forced to stay home while his parents went to work. Dio looked through the pages of his book mindlessly.

He would usually ride on his skateboard when he was free but his parents had kept it hidden from him. Dio’s mind was fixed on the skateboard. Just then, an idea came to his mind. He rose from his bed and thought “They must have kept the skateboard somewhere in the attic (阁楼). They have always forbidden me from going up there!” He could not bear the boredom of being at home so he decided to disobey his parents. Dio took a chair and placed it in front of the attic. After numerous attempts, he managed to climb up into it. Taking his phone from his pocket and turning on the flashlight, he searched for the skateboard until he found it. He jumped down, ran back into his room, locked his door, set up a decoy (替身) to take his place and together with his skateboard, jumped over the wall. He rushed out of the house without thinking twice.

Without any safety equipment, Dio was on his way. Dio rode on his skateboard feeling the soft wind kissing his skin. He started skating towards the local park near their house. Dio was on the top of the world. Suddenly, a little kid appeared on his path. Dio knew that he could not stop the skateboard in time to avoid the kid. He was skating at a high speed and drops of sweat formed on his forehead. With his face as pale as a sheet, he knocked on a rock and was sent flying into the air. It all happened so quickly. He prepared for the crash as he closed his eyes.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

He landed on the ground heavily and heard his parents calling out to him.


Dio woke up in the hospital to the sound of crying.

2024-07-23更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是一位富有创造力和同情心的体育老师Lauren Watts,她通过巧妙的方法帮助了一位身体有残疾的学生Jorgy实现跳绳的梦想。

5 . Each student has different needs, so to be a good teacher, one has to get creative. Lauren Watts, a Physical Education teacher at Harrisburg Elementary School in Fort Mill, is a great _______ ! Last year, she made a big difference in the life of Jorgy, an 8-year-old student with _______ .

Jorgy became _______ while the rest of the class was learning to jump rope. It seemed impossible for him to _______ it in his wheelchair, so he went to Lauren with his _______ . He said to Lauren, “I really want to jump rope like all the other kids.” _______ by Jorgy’s desire. Lauren found a way to _______ him.

The solution she came up with was _______ ! She used her stomach to push Jorgy’s wheelchair forward while expertly turning the _______ up and around them, ________ him to join the fun. A video of this heartwarming moment showed Jorgy ________ taking part alongside his classmates. This experience gave Jorgy more ________ and even earned him a cool nickname: “Jump-Roping Jorgy”. Now, he inspires others with the belief that if you try hard enough, you can ________ anything.

Lauren’ s act of kindness teaches us that being a good ________ means finding creative solutions to assist every student. By making sure no one is ________ , she shows the true meaning of teaching with heart and creativity.

A.left outB.asked forC.turned toD.depended on
2024-07-23更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Two old and wealthy brothers made a bet on whether a man could survive a month in London with a million-pound bank note. At that moment, they     1     (spot) a penniless young man-Henry wandering on the pavement. He had gone sailing but was carried out to sea     2     landed in Britain by accident. The brothers,     3     thought he was the man for it, gave him a million-pound bank note in an envelope, just telling him there was some money in it. However, they asked him     4     (postpone) opening it until two o’clock.

Henry entered a restaurant,     5     (hesitate) to order at first, but he was so hungry that he ordered a good meal for     6     (he). Because of his poor appearance, the owner of the restaurant and the waiter served him     7     a rude manner. Having waited in     8     (patient) towards 2 o’clock, he opened the envelope and was surprised to see a million-pound bank note. The owner and the waiter were even more surprised to see it.     9     (eventual) , they changed their attitude towards him completely. More interesting     10     (story) were following.

2024-07-23更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
7 . 假定你是李华,你校交换生Peter打算在下学期创办音乐社团,并邀请你参加。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
1. 表示愿意参加;
2. 你的想法和建议。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter,


Li Hua

2024-07-22更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Elephants, like humans, may have the ability to give arbitrary (任意的) names to each other, according to an analysis of recordings using machine learning.

The research showed that African elephants produce calls with name-like elements for specific individuals. What’s more, those individuals know their names, giving a quicker response than others when calls addressed to them are played back on a speaker. “I had noticed from years back that when an elephant gave a contact rumble (低鸣) , within a group of elephants, I would see one individual lift its head, listen and give an answer,” says Joyce Poole at Elephant Voices, a small organization that studies elephants and aims to protect them.

More than 600 recordings made by Poole have now been analyzed by Michael Pardo at Colorado State University and his co-workers. The recordings included contact rumbles, made when the receiver is out of sight, and greeting rumbles, made when one elephant approaches another. The researchers knew which individuals were calling and responding in each case. In a quarter of cases, the software created by the team was able to tell which individual was being addressed. a result significantly better than chance.

The researchers then played back some of the rumbles to pairs of elephants, including the “named” individual. They found that the named elephant responded more vigorously: they approached the speaker faster, made calls in response faster and also made more calls altogether than the other individual that wasn’t addressed by name. They seem to be using arbitrary sounds as names, just as humans do, says Poole.

“I find the results quite reasonable,” says Thorsten Balsby at Aarhus University in Denmark, who studies parrots that live in much larger groups. He points out that in large populations with hundreds or thousands of individuals, learning names would be very difficult.

Joyce Poole thinks her study is just the beginning when it comes to understanding elephant communication. “There are layers of complexity (复杂性) in elephant communication that are going to take some time to uncover, so I think we’ll have lots more exciting discoveries in the years to come.” she says.

1. What can we know about African elephants from Paragraph 2?
A.They tend to overlook contact rumbles.
B.They are incapable of telling calls directed at them.
C.They recognize and respond quickly to specific calls.
D.They communicate with each other by physical touch.
2. What did Michael Pardo do in the research?
A.He analyzed Joyce Poole’s recordings.B.He observed elephants in the wild.
C.He recorded over 600 calls himself.D.He worked with Poole to record rumbles.
3. What does the underlined word “vigorously” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. How does Joyce Poole feel about the future of elephant communication studies?
2024-07-22更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Are you guilty (内疚) of bad computer habits? You might not even realize it.     1     So you should break the following bad computer habits for a healthier digital life.

Snacking at the screen

    2     However, crumbs (碎屑) can damage your keyboard and become a suitable place for bacteria (细菌) to grow. Touching your skin after typing on a crumb-filled keyboard might as well harm your skin.

Leaving the computer on around the clock

Convenience often gets the better of protection, but leaving your PC or laptop on all the time can wear it down and waste electricity.     3     Your computer and your energy bill will thank you.

Marathon gaming time

Gaming can be an attractive hobby, with hours flying by as you’re addicted to the screen. However, over-gaming can lead to physical and mental stress, resulting in poor sleep, weakened immunity (免疫) , and even mental health issues.     4     After an hour of gaming, a 10-minute break can do wonders.

Using public computers carelessly

Saving passwords on your personal computer is acceptable, but doing the same on public computers is a no-no. It’s extremely easy for someone with tech to know how to get those passwords and access your personal information. Be extremely careful when using public computers.     5    

So, in today’s world, where digital wellness is becoming increasingly important, let’s break bad habits and have a healthier, more mindful approach to our digital lives.

A.Remember to take a rest
B.Make it a habit to shut it down when you’re done for the day.
C.Who doesn’t love eating snacks while looking through the web?
D.However, some things you do daily can harm your tech and yourself.
E.Don’t you know a little comfort now could lead to a big headache later?
F.Always exit the computer and never save passwords on public machines
G.It’s best to shut down your computer correctly to avoid any possible damage
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 容易(0.94) |

10 . It’s no secret that the Internet is home to some people with bad purposes. But staying safe online doesn’t require you to turn your Internet off.     1    .

Use safe public Wi-Fi networks

There are fake(冒充的)Wi-Fi hotspots to attract web surfers in. Once someone connects to such a Wi-Fi, the hacker(黑客)can see basically everything they do online. You should never use an unsafe public Wi-Fi network.     2    . And if you do use one, avoid entering any of your accounts online.

Only enter sites that start with https://

Need to see your checking account balance? If you’re about to enter an site, make sure the address starts with https: //and not http: //.     3    . And it means the site is encrypting(加密)your data. You may also see a lock symbol next to the site address.

Turn your Bluetooth off

A team of researchers have found that some people are able to take advantage of the weakness in a Bluetooth connection, and then listen to and change the content of nearby Bluetooth communications.     4    , if you’re not paired to your phone and actively using it. You might even save some of your phone’s battery(电池)by doing that.


Most computers remind users to copy and store their data, and it’s worthwhile taking the time to do it once in a while. Reserving data can be a lifesaver if your computer breaks down. You can bring your computer back to its normal use with the stored data.

A.Reserve data
B.Turn to the official site
C.The “s” stands for “safe”
D.So it’s best to turn it off
E.It is usually unlocked with no password
F.And you’d better avoid going online outdoors
G.Instead, remain careful and take a look at these easy tips for Internet safety
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