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1 . Acts of kindness are wonderful in so many ways. They_________the recipient and they're also a great reminder of all the_________acts that are taking place in the world. With the media full of CO VID-19-related_________, these selfless acts are increasingly important. This was just the_________when Steve Farmer shared a recent uplifting event on his Facebook page that_________him.

Farmer posted how he'd gone to work after the quarantine(隔离)was lifted and had forgotten his work pass. _________, he had to lock his bike just outside an underground station next to his office. When he returned for his_________in the evening, he found just his lock that had been cut and the bike was_________

The London worker thought he'd never_________his bike again. However, as he went to ask at the station about any potential__________that had filmed the robbery, a rail worker, Abdul Muneeb, rushed over to him and asked him to unlock the__________bike lock to prove he was the__________. Farmer. then explained how Muneeb said "I have your bike" with a__________he would never forget.

With the lock undone, Muneeb told Farmer how he'd__________someone cutting the bike lock earlier on during his shift. He stopped the man from__________the bike and then wheeled it to a__________place. Muneeb__________four hours after his shift had ended so he could see the bike__________to its rightful owner.

As Farmer quite__________posted, “The world needs more Abduls, who is a legend(传奇)of a man and a__________to his employer.”

A.left outB.turned downC.happened toD.accounted for
A.By accidentB.As a resultC.At lastD.In return
2021-04-30更新 | 139次组卷 | 4卷引用:山西省大同市灵丘一中、广灵一中2020-2021学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Everyone wants to be regarded as a reliable person. Being reliable is really necessary when it comes to maintaining(维系)friendships and doing well at work. Read on for ways to be more reliable.

Try not to over-promise.     1    But it could lead to bad results when you take on too much, and then can't keep it. So next time you are asked to do something, weigh the pros and cons (权衡利弊)and take time before you respond.

    2    If you’re uncertain about hanging out with someone, say so sooner rather than later. Nothing is worse than showing up to meet someone, only to put them off five minutes before they should arrive. Don't be this person. Offer an apology, and cancel the plan well ahead of time.

Don't demand credit. People who demand praise for the things they've done often lose the goodwill that comes from the help they provided.     3    So there's no need to post it on Facebook or go fishing for praise.

Respect everyone's time. The biggest rule of reliability is to have respect for other people's time. If you tell someone you can meet at a certain time, you've made a promise.     4    When you're late, you're wasting other people's time at will. And you may therefore give others an impression of being untrustworthy!

Be as truthful as possible. If you failed to finish the work on time, say so. If you don't understand the task, be honest about it. Don't hide or bend the truth and avoid spreading unreliable information.     5    

A.Change plans in advance.
B.Hang out with other reliable people.
C.It' s impolite to say "no" to a friend's request.
D.Your friends and co-workers know that you helped out.
E.Being on time shows others that you are a person of your word.
F.Saying "yes” to everything seems to be agreeable and thoughtful.
G.Telling the truth will let people come to see you as a person of reliability.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Don't brag(炫耀),but be proud of what you've done. These two pieces of advice were tough to balance before Facebook existed.    1    We are unable to draw a line between a humble bragging and a straight-up bragging. But we certainly know that oversharing doesn't do your friendship any favors.

Social media like Facebook bring us convenience.    2    Once upon a time, only your family and close friends would be there to see you eagerly open presents on Christmas morning. Now the photo you take on your iPhone will likely become a touch-up Instagram in about 15 seconds. Maybe you just post it subconsciously. But your sharing behavior could easily be considered annoying or even narcissistic(自恋的).

    3    Maybe we should all be asking ourselves the question before hitting the share button. As our personal fame grows alongside our social media presences, so does the number of people we could potentially impress or bother.

According to Therapist Jessica Michaels, providing "emotional context" may help prevent what might be seen as a bragging. Think about how you say something, not just what you say. Frame it in a way that makes it more of a sharing idea. For example, if you plan a party for Christmas, you could post "Hey friends of mine! Let's plan this together. Maybe we could all go." instead of saying "Oh I can't wait to enjoy my party."     4    

Remember, the original intention behind social media is a connector, and your true best friends definitely do want to know when things are going good for you. Next time when you post a photo of your fantastic winter vacation, for example, make sure to tag your friends.    5    

A little bit of social media love goes a long way!

A.To post or not to post?
B.Will it make me a celebrity?
C.Tell them you wish they were by your side.
D.They are the most important friends in our life.
E.Meanwhile, they can put us in danger of oversharing.
F.It makes a big difference how you express your ideas.
G.Even today's share-it-all social media haven't made it any easier.
2021-04-24更新 | 143次组卷 | 3卷引用:山西省太原市2021届高三模拟考试(二)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般