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语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Sugar painting, one symbol of traditional Chinese art, uses hot liquid sugar to create objects on a marble (大理石) or metal surface. As     1     unique art form in China, it is said to go back around 600 years ago to the Ming Dynasty. Over time, its charm is gaining more     2     (recognize) and attention.

    3     is so breathtaking about sugar painting is its production process. With hot sugar poured from a small in spoon onto a flat surface, the outline of the figure     4     (draw) with a thick stream of sugar. Then     5     (relative) thinner sugar is added to support the outline and fill in the figure of the body in     6     (combine) patterns, supported by a wooden stick. The painter has to work quickly,     7     (make) sure he gets every shape just right before the sugar cools down.

Today the chance to appreciate this classic art form is much     8     (small) than it once was, but it still has the power to amaze     9     (tourist) who come across talented street artists who make these amazing creations. Hopefully, sugar painting, whether it serves as a delicacy     10     an artistic treasure, will continue to last for generations.

2024-03-27更新 | 359次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024届辽宁省盘锦市高级中学高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Orion Jean通过参与全国善举演讲比赛开始了他的善举使命,创立了“善举竞赛”活动,旨在帮助需要医疗、食物和书籍的儿童,他的行动激发了社区的积极变化。

2 . Orion Jean, a young boy from Texas, initiated an extraordinary mission of kindness and inspired others. His journey_________when he participated in the National Kindness Speech Contest. Giving a speech about the_________ of kindness to transform a nation, Orion won a $500 cash prize. Instead of spending it on himself, he chose to use it to give those in need a_________.

So the little boy, who said his parents always taught him that “kindness is a virtue that should be_________above all others,” came up with the idea of the Race to Kindness campaign. It_________doing good deeds in his community.

Orion set out to help children requiring_________treatment. He thought there was no better way to_________a kid than a toy. So he used the winnings to buy as many toys as possible and_________a toy fair to get over 600 fun toys donated to the Children’s Health Hospital in Dallas.

After the toy fair, he launched a/an_________“Race to 100,000 meals” to help food-insecure people in his community.__________with a local nonprofit organization, he helped feed people who might not have had a meal for Thanksgiving.

In May 2022, to provide books to children who lacked__________to them, Orion launched the “Race to 500, 000 Books”. It centered on poverty-stricken areas, __________those known as “book deserts”. The result? Many people__________the chance to show their love to strangers. So the goal of “500, 000” was exceeded (超越).

Orion’s story is an example of how a wave of positive__________is generated by one individual’s kindness. “The Race to Kindness” is grateful to everyone who comes together to be a__________system in time of need.

A.submitted toB.caught upC.cared for.D.focused on
A.tried outB.jumped atC.turned downD.put forward
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . When children are growing up, what they see in their families is what they tend to consider normal. That means family traditions and other activities are generally seen as just normal. If a family eats dinner together or spends time talking with each other, that’s what the child absorbs and internalizes.

Our family traditions are declining as we move toward a more isolated (孤立的) society. How many families no longer share meals around the dinner table, instead choosing to watch TV or text friends on their phones? This tends to isolate and disconnect family members from each other. It also stops families from communicating and catching up on each other’s lives.

For those of us who grew up in a household where families shared meals together and spent time talking with each other, chances are that we are passing along those traditions to our own families. The problem is, children today often want to spend their time in front of screens rather than people. Cell phones, computers and other attention-grabbing devices often mean parents get resistance to traditional family togetherness time. This pressure can lead to parents giving in and letting children do what they want rather than fight with them over sitting at the dinner table. This creates a new normal that no longer values the idea of families and the society at large, connecting with each other.

Family and community traditions are important, not just for the current shared experiences, but for the future as well. Since children internalize their experiences, that means generations to come may not know what it’s like to sit together around the dinner table and truly connect as a family.

That is why it is so important that parents and caregivers create boundaries of behavior that help to keep family traditions alive. If you remember the shared experiences you had with your parents and grandparents, you know the important bonding that took place during those times. It is this shared experience that brings people closer together and is well worth preserving.

1. What is the phenomenon the author describes at the beginning of the text?
A.The increase in shared family meals means a shift towards isolation.
B.Increased use of technology replaces traditional family interactions.
C.More and more children prefer to spend quality time with the family.
D.Family members are more likely to share their updates with each other.
2. What is the central concern expressed in paragraph 3?
A.The inability of parents to understand technology.
B.The challenge of preserving traditional family values.
C.The influence of technology on children’s education.
D.The necessity of controlling children’s digital devices.
3. What can be inferred about future generations if current trends continue?
A.They will be more addicted to advanced technology.
B.They will maintain stronger and closer family bonds.
C.They may create new and irreplaceable family traditions.
D.They may not understand the value of family gatherings.
4. How does the author view the role of parents in preserving family traditions?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When Hurricane Ian made landfall on the southwest Florida coast as a Category 4 storm, it brought strong winds and heavy rain. It was a deadly hurricane, attacking more than four million people, and causing serious flooding and at least 150 deaths. However, during the disaster, there was one innovative community that weathered the storm well: Babcock Ranch, the brainchild of Syd Kitson.

Located 30 miles inland, Babcock Ranch is an environmentally friendly and fully sustainable town that Syd Kitson and his partners hoped would be hurricane proof. Its homes are built to go through severe weather without losing essential services like electricity, water, or the Internet. A significant factor in its design is that power and. Internet lines are buried to avoid wind damage. Additionally, large ponds surround the development to protect houses from flooding. As a backup, streets are designed to absorb floodwaters and spare the houses.

Central to Babcock Ranch’s sustainability is its extensive use of solar energy. The community possesses an 870-acre solar farm with 700,000 individual panels operated by Florida Power & Light, capable of powering 30,000 homes — far more than the 5,000 residents currently living there. At night and on cloudy days, a natural gas generator kicks in to fill the gap.

Hurricane Ian served as a true test for the community. While the surrounding regions suffered, Babcock Ranch’s minimum damage and quick recovery showcased its effective design against natural disasters. Residents even opened their community center, doubling as a storm shelter, to the victims from other hard-hit communities.

Kitson’s vision for Babcock Ranch is not just about creating a sustainable and resilient (适应性强的) community but also about learning and improving. He hopes that the lessons learned from Babcock Ranch can be applied to other developments, contributing to more climate-resilient communities across the United States. This approach reflects a growing awareness of the need for sustainable and resilient urban planning in the face of increasing climate challenges.

1. What does the underlined word “weathered” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What do we know about Babcock Ranch from the text?
A.Its streets allow houses the capability to take in floodwaters.
B.Its design guarantees availability of power in the hurricane.
C.Its solar farm lacks the ability of producing sufficient power.
D.Its main source of electricity supply is provided by natural gas.
3. What is the central theme of the fourth paragraph?
A.Babcock Ranch’s community and social life.
B.Babcock Ranch’s future expansion strategies.
C.Babcock Ranch’s resistance to natural disasters.
D.Babcock Ranch’s novel technological innovations.
4. How does Kitson find the future of Babcock Ranch?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . In August 2022, Don Powell from Orchard Lake Village, Michigan, found a wooden doll (玩具娃娃) couple, Mary and Shelley, inside his custom-designed mailbox. Initially assuming it was a mistake, he left them there out of curiosity. Over time, the dolls’ living space expanded with the addition of furniture like a bed, a painting and a stove. Don responded humorously, requesting a refrigerator. A year later, the dolls still reside there, amusing neighbors who follow updates on the local Nextdoor page.

The Powells had paid a local craftsman (工匠) $250 to create a mailbox that looked like their house, which included windows and solar-powered ceiling lights. This mailbox provided a large and bright space for the growing collection of doll furnishings.

Despite potential fines for non-postage items in mailboxes, Don didn’t consider removing the dolls, as the mail carrier found it amusing and it didn’t stop mail delivery. The Powells regularly discovered new items for the dolls, especially during holidays. For example, Halloween saw the dolls temporarily disappearing and replaced by skeletons (骨骼), and Christmas brought festive decorations.

The doll family grew, with the addition of a cousin, Shirley, and a service dog named Maggie. A note mentioned their gratitude for a one-story house compared to their previous multi-story dollhouse.

Don even contributed to the setup by adding a small letterbox to avoid confusion with their mail. He enjoys the mystery-and community enjoyment, resisting the idea of an outdoor camera to uncover the responsible party. The story continues to attract neighbors, who often stop by with questions and enjoy the lighthearted community spirit it brings.

1. What can we learn about the doll family from the first two paragraphs?
A.Don and Nancy Powell were expecting to find the dolls in their mailbox.
B.The local community was unaware of the dolls living in Don’s mailbox.
C.The doll family shared the big and bright house with the Powell couple.
D.Someone may have left the doll family and additional items on purpose.
2. Why does the author mention the mail carrier?
A.To emphasize the legality of the dolls’ placement.
B.To illustrate the mail carrier’s disapproval of the dolls.
C.To show the mail carrier’s amusement and acceptance.
D.To discuss changes in delivery due to the dolls’ presence.
3. Which of the following best describes Don Powell’s character?
A.Community-minded and humorous.B.Conventional and disciplined.
C.Disinterested and approachableD.Indifferent and responsible.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How to Construct a Creative Custom Mailbox
B.The Legal Issues with Dolls in Custom Mailbox
C.The Disappearance and Return of Dolls in Michigan
D.A Unique Mailbox Brings Joy to a Michigan community
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . While there are many books available that explore resilience (韧性), the following are our favorites based on their contribution to our theoretical understanding and practical application of the concept.

Developing Resilience: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach—Michael Neenan

Michael Neenan uses a cognitive-behavioral(认知行为) approach to increase resilience in clients. In his insightful book, Neenan explores what we mean when we talk about resilience and discusses why one person can overcome multiple challenges and crises at the same time while another failed.

Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges—Steven Southwick, Dennis Charney, and Jonathan DePierro

Now in its third edition, this in-depth and valuable book will become a fundamental resilience resource to be revisited repeatedly. Steven Southwick, Dennis Charney, and Jonathan DePierro offer deep insight into resilience as a complex product of genetic, biological social, and psychological factors.

Resilience: A Practical Guide for Coaches—Carole Pemberton

While this is a relatively short book at less than 200 pages, resilience coach Carole Pemberton packs a great deal of practical and helpful information in it on how to coach clients to overcome difficulties and achieve their potential.

The Resilience Club: Daily Success Habits of Long-Term High Performers —Angela Armstrong

As a strategic leadership partner, Angela Armstrong supports leaders in delivering sustainable high performance using a series of resilience habits. She believes that with the right tools and mindset, we can deal with life’s challenges and say yes to the exciting opportunities that present themselves. Her goal is for clients to develop a balanced set of resilience habits that support managing and handling both challenges and opportunities as they arise.

1. Of the four books, which book is worth rereading?
A.Developing Resilience: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
B.Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges
C.Resilience: A Practical Guide for Coaches
D.The Resilience Club: Daily Success Habits of Long-Term High Performers
2. What made Angela Armstrong’s book stand out?
A.Focusing on building resilience through daily habits.
B.Analyzing the possible reasons for potential failure.
C.Updating relevant information of biological factors.
D.Offering valuable suggestions on addressing pressure.
3. What do the four books have in common?
A.They have three coauthors.B.They are based on examples.
C.They share the same theme.D.They adopt common methods.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一则新闻报道。这篇文章主要讲了Keith McDermott急切地想帮助96岁的母亲再次说母语,于是他在社交媒体上发出了呼吁,并得到了大量善意的回应。

7 . Desperate to help his 96-year-old mother to speak her mother tongue again, Keith McDermott made an appeal on social media and was met with a flood of kind responses. The old lady, Ray, was moved to tears after talking on the phone with one of the enthusiastic respondents in Welsh.

Ray moved to America after meeting her husband when she was only 18, hence waving goodbye to her life in Wales. She continued to speak Welsh with her mum-keeping a little bit of home. But she lost her beloved mum four decades ago and hadn't spoken Welsh ever since.

Despite suffering from short-term memory loss and sometimes not remembering what she has done recently, Ray's childhood memories in Wales remain clear. “She wants to return but I know, given her age, such long-distance travel is out of the question.” said Keith, “Once she mentioned ‘I wish I could speak Welsh again but I suppose I never will.’ It was then that I thought I should make her wish happen.”

So Keith, 70, posted on social media in the New York Welsh area asking for any Welsh speakers that could speak Welsh with his mum. And he was touched, as well as a little shocked, to receive over 30 responses within half an hour. Keith thanked everyone and eventually asked Melisa to give his mum a phone call. “Speaking with Melisa, her (Ray's) Welsh was a little rusty. A few more Welsh conversations and I think she'd be fluent again,” added Keith.

“When you have a parent in their nineties, you will find you two have something in common: you're both old, so I am very sympathetic to my mother's feelings of loneliness and isolation (孤立). I'm feeling it myself.” Keith hopes to set up more Welsh phone conversations for his mum and Melisa has promised to send Ray some short stories in Welsh to remind her of her life in Wales.

1. Why did Keith post a message on social media?
A.To gather American Welsh speakers.
B.To help his mum speak Welsh again.
C.To slow down his mum's memory loss.
D.To track down his family's Welsh origin.
2. How did Keith feel after seeing the responses?
A.Surprised and moved.B.Concerned and thankful.
C.Sympathetic and excited.D.Astonished and isolated.
3. What is conveyed in the story?
A.Social media contribute to closer family ties.
B.Mother tongue means more than a language.
C.Childhood experiences shape one's later life.
D.One will be more sensitive when getting older.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A community noticeboard.
B.A health magazine.
C.A language-learning website.
D.A local newspaper.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . SEA Summer High School Programs 2022

Science at SEA

Science at SEA is a four-week program for rising high school juniors and seniors, as well as recent high school graduates, which focuses on the coastal and offshore marine environment around Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The program includes a shore component on the SEA campus in Woods Hole and a sea component aboard the Sailing School Vessel (SSV) Corwith Cramer.

July 21 — August 13       Expense: $4,000

SEA Quest

SEA Quest is a two-week program that welcomes high school students and recent graduates. Participants will gain hands-on experience conducting field research, sailing at all ship, and understanding of the complexities of creating and managing marine reserves. They return home with a broader sense of the ocean's importance to our planet and the need to preserve this precious resource for future generations. Life here is fast-paced. No prior sailing experience is necessary. Strong desire to learn is required!

July 11 — July 22             Expense: $3,200

SEA Cape

This three-week summer program at SEA offers current high school students the opportunity to study the marine environment from a variety of perspectives: scientific, historical, and literary. Participants live and study at our campus in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

June 27 — July 14            Expense: $3,800

SEA Expedition

This two-week summer program for high school students, including graduating seniors, is centered on learning by doing. SEA Expedition is a multidisciplinary experience that welcomes students to participate in every aspect of a challenging offshore sailing and oceanographic expedition, and occurs entirely aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. Life at sea is fast-paced and tough.

July 5 — July 17               Expense: $3,500

1. Which program lasts the longest?
A.Science at SEA. B.SEA Quest. C.SEA Cape. D.SEA Expedition.
2. What is necessary for participants in SEA Quest?
A.Previous experience in sailing.B.Great eagerness to study the sea.
C.Ability to conduct scientific experiments.D.Knowledge of sea resources preservation.
3. What is special about SEA Expedition?
A.It offers opportunities of sailing.B.It entirely takes place on a ship.
C.It features many relaxing activities.D.It allows graduates to participate in.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Finger painting is an art that most people have experienced in childhood. But there are still people who know little about this art form. Finger painting is a simple activity that involves dipping(浸;蘸) fingers in paints and then using fingers to create objects and shapes on a piece of paper. All you need is a table at elbow height, a few sheets of plain paper, and a few bottles of watercolor.

When engaging kids in this activity, one should use non-toxic(无毒的) paints only. If not available in the market readily, non-toxic paints can be made at home easily. Preferably, the paints should also be eatable. Finger paints come in bright colors and can be purchased relatively inexpensively. Adults can save money by making their own finger paints using a mixture of cornstarch, food coloring and water.

It is a common fallacy that finger painting is for children alone; rather it’s an activity that can be enjoyed by adults in equal measure. Adults can use rubber gloves while painting to avoid dirty marks of paints on their hands. When a group of people are gathered for an exercise of finger painting, it can be a great way of creating a bond between the group. Art and painting parties are a popular concept in the West. Organizations can also use finger painting as a team-building activity by making participants paint together on a large canvas(画布).

There’s no limit to the expression of feelings in finger painting. All one needs to do is go all out and put all their feelings on a piece of paper by dipping their fingers in paints. While painting, one may unconsciously choose colors that reflect their emotions. For example, you may choose the color red to express your anger or green to express hope. At times you may be confused, and the painting will help you describe your confused state of mind. Once you get your emotions on paper, you are likely to feel relieved.

So what are you waiting for? Plan a finger-painting session soon, and experience the joy.

1. What can we know about finger painting?
A.Most people loved it in their childhood.B.The preparation for it is quite difficult.
C.Kids learn it much faster than adults.D.Finger painting is easy to carry out.
2. What should people do when there are kids involved in finger painting?
A.Prepare safe paints for them.B.Have parents stay with them.
C.Use paints of bright colors.D.Buy inexpensive paints.
3. What does the underlined word “fallacy” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What does the example in Paragraph 4 show?
A.Finger painters can find artistic inspiration from emotions.
B.Finger painting provides freedom of self-expression.
C.Finger painting shows people’s emotions correctly.
D.Finger painters have a wide choice of colors.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

These days, doctors are using a new approach to healing, which is called tapping. This approach combines     1     (wise) from Chinese medicine with talk therapy (治疗).

By simply tapping points along the body while     2     (confirm) your emotional state, you can release cellular energy. By feeling those emotions, you process and clear them through     3     power of love and forgiveness. Tapping provides a healthy way to process difficult emotions, even from experiences that     4     (happen) in the distant past. The practice draws from acupuncture (针灸), a healing method from     5     (tradition) Chinese medicine that dates from thousands of years ago.

Acupuncture opens energy highways in the body by sticking thin needles into the skin. Tapping takes a similar approach, but uses touch instead of needles     6     (promote) the flow of energy throughout the body. It may sound strange or impossible     7     first glance. But scientists believe that the method works because it excites the central nervous system,     8     causes the body to release helpful chemicals.

Everyone may have experienced some sorts of emotional discomfort in their lives. Although painful, it’s important to develop healthy ways to process their     9     (experience). Healing practices like tapping help release these emotions,     10     (active), so you can process and heal from difficult emotions.

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