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1 . Looking for Something Fun to Do with Your Children? Discover Tekapo, a stunningly beautiful lake, which is situated in the South Island of New Zealand. Its blue waters are surrounded by snow-capped mountains, making it an ideal spot for visitors. The following are must-do activities.

Milky Way Magic

Experience the magic of the Milky Way with Silver RiverTM! Our Milky Way Magic tour based in the heart of the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve is the perfect place to embark on your stargazing journey!

Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)

Entry Fee: $20 per adult, $10 per kid

Petting Zoo Experience

Come to visit our petting Zoo and feed our farm animals. We provide food with every entry for you to hand feed the animals and during the Spring or Summer season you can bottle feed our baby lambs.

Duration: 60 Minutes (approx.)

Entry Fee: $59. 00

High Country Station Tour

Our High Country Station Tour is an incredible way to see and learn about farming in the Mackenzie High Country. Bring your own food to hand feed our friendly farm animals. This is definitely the way to discover Lake Tekapo!

Duration: 120 Minutes (approx.)

Entry Fee: $99. 00

Contact Us

Check-in: 48 a D’Achiac Drive

(State Highway 8 next to Balmoral Farmyard)

LakeTekapo, New Zealand 7945

Phone: +64 27 900 0335

Email: hello@tekapo. com

1. How much should a couple with two kids pay to visit Milky Way Magic?
2. What do Petting Zoo Experience and High Country Station Tour have in common?
A.They require advance booking.B.They offer courses on farming.
C.They provide food to feed animals.D.They involve interaction with animals.
3. What is the text?
A.A travel journal.B.An advertisement.
C.A research paper.D.A geographic report.
2024-08-10更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . You may feel it start as a dull headache. Before long, you might not know where you are or what time it is. The heat roof masting millions of people across the Pacific Northwest and swaths of Canada, has already claimed hundreds of lives. A study published last month in Nature Climate Change found 37 percent of heat-related deaths is caused by global warming between 1991 and 2023. As temperatures tick ever higher, that figure may well rise.

The following is what happens if you’re one of the next people whom extreme heat kills, according to W. Lawrence Kenney, an expert at Penn State University. First, your brain sends a series of messages to your sweat glands telling them to increase sweat production. Then your heart starts beating faster to pump blood to the skin while blood flow is also directed away from your liver, kidneys, and gut. That’s your body attempting to make your skin hotter than the air outside, hoping to move heat away from you.

If your body fails to cool you down, its internal temperature might start to climb from a normal level of between 97 degrees and 99 degrees Fahrenheit to somewhere closer to 104 degrees and 105 degrees. “These are the situations where people die of classical heat stroke,” Kenney said.

At that temperature, the tissues in the brain become affected. You may feel it start as a dull headache. Before long, you may lose consciousness. While you struggle to stay awake, the overmuch internal heat harms your gut. Your body will likely cause an inflammatory (炎性的) response. Left untreated, what follows is a series of organ failure that leads to all but certain death.

We are learning more about how to avoid overheating. A 2019 study by University of Sydney researcher Ollie Jay found that electric fans cooled body temperatures and reduced cardiovascular (心血管的) strain in hot, humid weather. But in dry heat, fans actually increase body temperature —meaning access to air conditioning is crucial. But the most likely assurance against dying of extreme heat is avoiding the rise of global temperatures. Changing that requires rapidly reducing fossil fuel use and finding ways to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than we release. “Efforts so far have remained pitifully insufficient,” Kenney said.

1. What is the main issue discussed in paragraph 1?
A.The increasing number of heat-related deaths.
B.The changes brought about by global warming.
C.The research published in Nature Climate Change.
D.The hot weather near the Pacific Northwest and Canada
2. What does your body react in extreme heat conditions?
A.The brain sends incorrect instructions.B.The body helps to reduce the skin temperature.
C.Sweat increases sharply and blood flows slower.D.Heart rate increases and blood flows to the skin.
3. What is likely to happen if your body fails to cool down?
A.The skin temperature will reach its peak.
B.Headache will cause your gut inflammatory.
C.Organ failure and a high risk of death will appear.
D.The internal heat will make you struggle to stay awake
4. What is suggested as the most effective way to avoid overheating?
A.Increasing the use of electric fans.B.Installing air-conditioners in homes.
C.Decreasing fossil fuel use and carbon emissions.D.Reducing cardiovascular strain in humid weather.
2024-07-25更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The Jourdain family — Lydia, 44, husband Ben, 51, their daughters Isla, 14, and Alyssa, 11 — began writing postcards in September to cheer patients up.

It started as a way for Isla to fulfill the volunteering requirements for her Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award but grew into an activity for the whole family. Mrs Jourdain and her husband have lost friends and family to cancer, which played a key role in them wanting to partake in the project. “Now every Sunday evening, I say ‘postcards, people’ and we all sit down around the kitchen table and write together. We thought it would be a nice way to boost the patients’ spirits,” Mrs Jourdain said.

She thought it was nice because they had got such a range of ages between them, so it was quite a variety of things that they wrote about or if they were all writing about the same thing, it was done in different ways.

“Sometimes we may write about something that we have attended. For example, last weekend, Isla went to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and she wrote about that. Sometimes it's more about the gardening and the weather and we may comment on the art or people on the postcard we are writing on.

The postcards are given to the charity From Me to You as part of its “donate a letter” scheme, which sees them read by the charity, filtered, repackaged and delivered to hospitals, cancer centres or individuals at home.

Mrs Jourdain said she hopes to “inspire” others to take part. “It’s so simple, but can have such an impact and I just think we need to reignite the love of a letter,” she said. “Something handwritten is so lovely and personal and cannot be replicated (复制) in an email or text.”

1. What is the main reason for the Jourdains to join the activity?
A.To inspire others to write letters.B.To raise money for cancer patients.
C.To fulfill the volunteering requirementsD.To uplift people suffering from diseases
2. What can we learn about the postcards?
A.They are sent to patients after a processB.They are attached to volunteers' donations
C.They are mainly about art in different ways.D.The content focuses on the patients' daily life.
3. What does the underlined word “reignite” mean in the last paragraph?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Fulfilling a Dream of Patients with Postcards
B.Messages in Postcards Inspire a Little Writer
C.Putting Smiles on Faces of Patients with Postcards
D.Simple Words in Postcards Impact the Whole World
2024-07-22更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题

4 . Simba was a gift to the DaLuca family in Florida. The moment their daughter Molly and Simba met, they became best friends. Simba’s sweet _______ even made him a “fan favorite” around the neighbourhood. “He was _______ to be our dog,” Molly’s mom, Donya said. Simba really _______ his deep love for this family.

One day, Molly was in the backyard playing, and _______ , Simba was right by her side. Then, suddenly, Molly’s mom saw Simba jumping forward _______ . As it turns out, Simba was lunging (猛扑) at a (an) _______ snake.

When the snake made its way over to the pair, Simba _______ himself between Molly and the snake. After the first bite, many dogs would have fled. But Simba stood his ground. Bite after bite, Simba _______ the tiny human he loved so much.

Mom put Molly and Simba into the car and _______ the brave dog to the vet immediately.

It turns out the snake bit Simba 3 times, and he had blood ________ from his leg. The vet gave the dog an injection of antivenom (抗蛇毒血清). For a time, it was ________ if Simba would pull through. Thankfully, though, he did. The vet also ________ muscle damage to Simba’s leg. Molly’s prayers for her 4-legged best friend were ________ , and Simba made a full ________ !

“I just feel sometimes there’s no greater ________ than a dog’s.” said Donya.

A.as usualB.after allC.as randomD.at ease
2024-07-22更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Many people in the West only know the name Confucius from the fortune cookies they may get at the end of     1     meal in a Chinese restaurant. These contain a piece of paper with a saying, often     2     (begin) with the words “Confucius says. ” The problem is that the sayings often     3     (credit) to Confucius are just as fake. Just as fortune cookies are not really Chinese and are seldom if ever found in China. They     4     (actual) were invented in San Francisco, USA, in the early 1900s. In fact, most of the time the quotes related     5     Confucius in fortune cookies are things that Confucius never said, and in some     6     (case) may even be contrary to what Confucius really     7     (teach). As a consequence, while nearly all Westerners have heard that he was one of the     8     (great) Chinese philosophers, most have no clear idea who he really was and what he believed. Confucius was a government official in the state of Lu, in     9     is now Shandong, China. His real name was Kong Qiu, but within China he is most often called Kongzi,     10     means Master Kong. The name Confucius is a Western version of Kong Fuzi, which is another way to say Master Kong in Chinese.

2024-07-22更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Does alien life exist? It’s a question many people have tried to answer.     1     AI is a type of program that allows a computer to learn from experience and perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. AI works by taking in lots of data, then making predictions based on it.

The research team used their AI method to analyze different materials and determine whether they were biotic (生物性的) or abiotic.     2    

To train the AI program, the researchers gave it data on 134 biotic and abiotic materials. The program then used that knowledge to predict whether things like human hair, bones, teeth, eaves, coal, and chemicals were alive or not.       3    

    4     “We may be able to find a life-form from another planet.” said Robert Hazen of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC. “If we do find signs of life elsewhere, we can tell if life on Earth and other planets derived from a common or different origin.” For now, though, the team is focused on ancient rock samples from Earth to learn more about life on our own planet and where it originated. For example, the tool could be used to settle a disagreement among scientists about 3. 5-billion-year-old rocks from Western Australia.     5     However, others think the rocks just have unusual patterns.

The AI could also be used to examine samples from Mars collected by the Perseverance over. NASA put this wheeled robot on the red planet to search for evidence that Mars has the right conditions to support life. Perseverance is gathering rock samples that will be brought to Earth in 2033.

A.People’s answers are various.
B.Some experts believe AI can’t tell their origin.
C.The researchers said the AI was 90% accurate.
D.The scientists also think the AI tool could detect alien life-forms.
E.Some experts believe the rocks contain Earth’s oldest fossil samples.
F.Now scientists have identified a new method for finding alien life using AI.
G.The AI also could tell whether a biotic sample was currently living or a fossil.
2024-07-15更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Last year, in San Antonio, Dr. Pascal Badiou carefully implanted an outer ear on a woman born without right ear. For Badiou, a recognized expert in the field, such a procedure would normally be routine. But this case had a unique aspect: For the first time, the ear he was implanting was the product of a 3D bioprinter using the woman's own cartilage (软骨) cells.

The ability to 3D print human organs is astonishing. Nearly 106, 000 Americans are currently on waiting lists for organ donations, and 17 die each day while waiting, according to the federal Health Resources and Services Administration. A 3D bioprinting process that uses the patient’s own cells to grow organs would potentially curb that waiting list.

In 3D bioprinting, the name of the game is cells. The process begins by generating the cells that researchers want to bioprint, which are then instructed to become organ specific cell types. The cells are then turned into a printable bio-ink, mixing them with extra materials to give them a toothpaste-like consistency (黏稠度). The bio-ink is loaded into syringes (注射器) and squeezed out of a nozzle (喷嘴). Once it is finished, the printed tissue is sometimes connected to a pump that drives oxygen and nutrients through it. Given time, the tissue develops on its own and increases in both maturity and function

“The 3D bioprinter gives you several advantages, ” says Atala, director of Wake Forest Institute. “Instead of making these tissues and organs by hand one at a time, you can automate the printer to do it. What’s more, we can more precisely locate the cells where they’re needed, and lower overall cost for the increased scale. And in terms of organ transplant, a new organ made of a patient's own cells makes rejection far less likely. ”

It sounds science fiction, but it's already happening. “I think that in 10 years we will have organs for transplantation,” says Atala. “We will start with simple organs like skin and cartilage, but then we'll move on to more complicated tissues — eventually the heart, liver, kidney.”

1. What makes the implant operation special?
A.Humans first successfully implanted an outer ear
B.It made Dr. Badiou a recognized expert of his field.
C.The 3D bio-printed product was used in implanting.
D.The implant procedure was designed by 3D technology.
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The advantages of 3D bioprinting.B.The urgent need of 3D bioprinting.
C.The potential market of organ donations.D.The increasing number of organ donations.
3. What can we learn about the process?
A.The cells are mixed to increase consistency.
B.The printed tissue can develop itself by time.
C.3D bioprinter generates organ specific cell types
D.The tissue drives oxygen and nutrients through a pump.
4. What can we infer from what Atala says?
A.Lowering overall cost leads to the increased scale.
B.3D bioprinted organs minimize the risk of rejection.
C.More complicated tissues will replace simple organs.
D.3D bioprinter precisely locate the organs that are needed.
2024-07-15更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Mui suffers from a very rare and severe skin disorder called harlequin ichthyosis (丑角样鱼鳞). It’s something she could have easily let ______ her. But for the people who take the time to get to know Mui, they can’t help but be impressed by her energy and ______ spirit!

Mui’s “never quit” attitude is especially inspiring when you take into account all of the difficulty she has ______ . She’s never known her biological parents. But she was ______ with her adoptive parents, Tina and Roger, when she was very young-something that greatly helped ______ her to be the strong and courageous woman she is today.

Tina and Roger never ______ to be adoptive parents. But over 20 years ago, while living in Hong Kong, the couple felt a calling to volunteer as foster parents. That’s when they started visiting Mui at the Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital. Mui was only a few months old when the ______ began, and over time, the baby and this kind couple formed a close ______ .

But when Mui was ______ to an institution for the mentally disabled, simply ______ there was nowhere else for her to go, Tina and Roger felt ______ to act. Roger explains, “She was effectively being ______ away from the rest of society in a home for the mentally disabled. She has no mental disability. Now, we had to make the ______ .”

They say their decision to adopt Mui made no sense to anyone else. But they knew this little girl ______ them, and they had fallen in love with her. ______ , they became Mui’s new parents—a true blessing for the long road that Mui had ahead.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文

A Move to a New Life

I was shocked when my parents told me we were moving from Baton Rouge, Louisana, to New York. First, I complained about not being able to make new friends and not knowing anything about New York.

My mom said, “You’ll make new friends, and it’s not like you know anything about Baton Rouge anyway.

I protested, “But I don’t want to leave Louisiana. The weather is perfect here!”

My mom shot me a disapproving look and said, “You’ll get used to the weather in New York.”

I remember thinking about running away and joining a circus somewhere, but then I remembered that circus animals smell really bad, and I would miss my parents. So I wandered around the house pick picking up random things, like my baseball and glove, and throwing them into a cardboard box. I felt like a big, heavy rain cloud I was hanging over my head.

Within three days, all the furniture we were taking e taking with us was packed into a moving van (小型货车). Oder things were ready to be sold for nowhere near what we paid for them. Little by little our yard sale decreased until no one even looked at the well-worn coffee table, chewed-up plastic toys, and slightly damaged coffee cups—all of which I had my teeth on at one time or another

The next day was Monday, and we got up early to beat the traffic. I’ll spare you the details of how boring it was to sit in a van and watch each tree as it passed by only to see another tree getting closer until it a so passed by. Halfway there, we stopped at a motel (汽车旅馆) to spend the night. This time, no one could sleep because of the smell coming from the heater in the room. By the time we finally made it to New York, it was the middle of the night, and my head was already drooping (低垂) on to my shoulder.


When I woke up, I didn’t find a smog-filled city as expected.


As I got used to this new setting, I realized that I didn’t have to be afraid of change

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |


Nowadays, many countries are making the important change from fossil fuels to clean, green and renewable sources of energy. Fossil fuels produce emissions, but renewable energy sources cause limited damage to the environment.

Here are the main types of renewable energy, with facts and examples from around the world.


Solar panels turn heat from the sun’s rays into electricity, and solar heaters use that energy to heat water directly. Germany has the highest solar capacity in the world, but China is the world’s largest market and the largest producer of solar technology.


The power of water turns turbines which produce electricity. Since ancient times, watermills have been used a lot. Most of the renewable energy in China comes from hydropower plants, such as the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest power station.


This has been a natural source of energy for thousands of years. Today, heat from below the earth’s surface heats water into steam that turns turbines to generate electricity. The USA has the largest capacity, with over 80% generated in California. The Yangbajing Power Plant is the largest geothermal plant in China.


Tall turbines are turned by the wind to produce electricity. Wind “farms” are built on land, or offshore, to take advantage of more frequent and powerful winds at sea. The world’s largest wind farm is the London Array. It has 175 wind turbines and is 20 km off the coast of England. Researchers think China could meet all her electricity demands from wind by 2030. Wind farms in provinces such as Gansu have an endless wind supply.

1. Which country is the top in solar capacity worldwide according to the passage?
A.China.B.Germany.C.The USA.D.England.
2. Which type of energy in China will play the greatest role in the future according to the passage?
3. In which column of a newspaper could the passage be found?
2024-06-27更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市沂水县2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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