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1 . We all notice bright colors. People who opt for striking attire (服装) and shiny decorative items, hear everything from, “No one is going to miss you at the party” to, “I would never have the guts to wear that.” But according to research, those comments may be both accurate and expected.

Adam D. Pazda and Christopher A. Thorstenson examined how we perceive people at first impression who wear bright colors. They specifically examined the effect of chroma, which means color intensity in a practical way. They found that targets, both male and female, who were wearing or surrounded by high-chroma colors were perceived as more open and extraverted (外向的) than in a low-chroma setting. They concluded that chroma is a variable of perception that can influence first impressions of personality. Drilling down further, they found that high-chroma colors enhanced some viewer perception on personalities, but not other traits: such as emotional stability, agreeableness, reliability, responsibility or innovation. These observations are important because some job capitalize on some of the traits (特征) inferred through bright colors.

Pazda and Thorstenson recognize what job seekers no doubt consider as they look for a career to match their personal disposition: in some occupations, success is fueled by possessing certain personality traits. They give examples of industries such as sales and marketing as well as customer service where individuals with outgoing personalities tend to excel. Accordingly, applicants for these positions may be viewed more favorably and judged as more competent if they wear highly chromatic clothing.

Regarding the generality of their results, Pazda and Thorstenson note that one of the drawbacks of their study was their use of participants living in the United States, which means their findings may not predict results in other cultures. They note the possibility that chroma may influence the perception of personality traits differently in non-Western countries, and that high-chroma clothing may be perceived as varying from social norms in other cultures.

1. What does the underlined word “guts” mean in paragraph 1?
2. Which personalities are believed to relate to people wearing high-chroma colors?
A.Innovation and creation.B.Openness and extraversion.
C.Responsibility and reliability.D.Emotional stability and agreeableness.
3. What does the last paragraph focus on?
A.The possible limitation of the research.
B.The explanation of the research methodology.
C.The benefits of high-chroma colors in various jobs
D.The universality of high-chroma colors across cultures.
4. Which of the following can best describe the overall tone of the text?
A.Critical and skeptical.B.Informative and objective.
C.Persuasive and promotional.D.Evaluative and judgmental.
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As the cold of winter loosened its hold and spring was approaching, I found myself in the quiet process of recovery. The world outside my window, once full of life, now seemed like a distant, unreachable place. Each day was a repetition of the last, a cycle that mirrored my own struggle to regain my strength and find hope in a future that felt dark and uncertain.

One afternoon, as I sat mindlessly by the window, a flash of movement caught my eye-a swallow (燕子) under the roof. It was a delicate creature, with its elegant wings. For a moment, it seemed to look at me, its eyes bright and curious, as if it recognized a fellow soul.

“A swallow,” I whispered, looking at the lovely creature, whose liveliness formed a contrast with the silence of the room.

The swallow’s daily visits became a comforting rhythm, as steady as the dawn’s arrival. Each time it appeared on that branch, it wasn’t just a sign of spring; it was like a friend. I found myself looking forward to its daily appearances. Its presence became a flicker (闪现) of warmth in my otherwise lifeless days.

One day, the swallow was not alone; it had been joined by a mate. Together, they began the merry work of building a nest under the roof. Inspired by their joyful spirit, I decided it was time for me to take control of my own life. I began to set small, achievable goals, mirroring the swallows' tireless work on their nest.

However, life can be unpredictable. Just when the nest was almost done, a storm blew in out of nowhere, tearing the nest apart. I watched from my window, my heart aching for the swallows and their broken dream.

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I was worried I would never see the beautiful creatures come back.


Finally, the swallows’ new nest took shape.

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3 . Every May, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosts Air Quality Awareness Week with the goal of sharing information on air quality and how it affects health, as well as encouraging people to apply knowledge of air quality to their daily lives. Here are some events that may help you be air aware and prepared.

Asthma (哮喘) and the Impacts of Climate Change

In honor of World Asthma Day, EPA Asthma Program welcomes Jenna Riemenschneider, the Director of Advocacy and Special Projects at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. She will present the event and talk about the cause of Asthma and how to prevent it.

When: October 3, 2: 00 pm

Where: Click here to join the meeting

Screening of Unbreathable

The District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environmental Air Quality Division will cooperate with multiple universities to host a screening of Unbreathable. The event will include a screening of the movie and a discussion of academic experts and advocates.

When: November 13, 2: 00 pm

Where: Click here to join the meeting

Sun Tran Transit Workshop

A Transit Workshop will be led by Sun Tran for downtown employees and residents to learn about bus, shuttle (班车) and street car options for travel. Other travel reduction resources will also be available.

When: November 25, 2: 10-2: 50 pm

Where: Basement Conference Room C, 201 Stone Avenue, Tucson

Change is in the Air: A Community Conversation

The program is designed to discuss on some questions. What challenges have asthma patients faced? How to prevent? What is unjust about the air quality in my community? How are air sensors used to inform the public and engage with public health and local government?

When: December 4, 2: 00-5: 00 pm

Where: The Cleveland Public Library, 525 Superior Avenue, Cleveland

1. When can you attend the Screening of Unbreathable event?
A.October 3.B.November 13.C.November 25.D.December 4.
2. How many activities are concerned with the prevention of asthma?
3. What will you do if attending Sun Tran Transit Workshop?
A.See a movie concerning air quality.B.Talk about the usage of air sensors.
C.Know about travel reduction methods.D.Acquire some knowledge of climate change.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to Make a Marathon Feel Easier

Marathon runners get to influence their effort-based decision making in two ways: firstly by increasing their motivation and, once that is maxed out, by reducing perception of effort, which can be better thought of as “making it feel easier”.     1     But here are some techniques to make that marathon feel more achievable.

Studies have found if we learn to accept unpleasant feelings as something that must be suffered, we perform better and our perception of effort reduces. Before a marathon we do this by “preparing ourselves” for the discomfort ahead. The aim is not to make it too scary but try to control or resist the fears.     2    

You have a long day in front of you, so you may as well try to enjoy it. You can distract yourself from the miles ahead by looking for things to make you smile.     3     Anything that gives you a relief from the discomfort in your body is fair game.

    4     Chunking is a technique where you break down the distance into bits that feel much more manageable and have a goal or a -treat for each one. You can chunk into distance, landmarks, places you’ll see supporters or based on nutrition consumption.

Finally, keeping in mind your technique, create your instructional secret, which is the short phrase you repeat in your head to remind your body how you run at your best.     5     Mine is “head up” but yours might be about your body position, placement or technique. So, head up into your marathon, smile when it gets tricky and pick a tool to make it feel easier.

A.Keep your head up, look forward and run.
B.You can do it each time you pass a drinks station.
C.Accept the fact that you are doing something difficult.
D.Realizing you have dozens of miles to run can be fearful.
E.They can be the best supporter signs, or your favorite costumes.
F.It is often the phrase a coach would remind you about in a training session.
G.Motivation is usually easy to find but perception of effort needs more thought.
今日更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省2024-2025学年高三上学期毕业班第一次调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The film was awful. After an hour, I whispered to my wife, “Come on, let’s go home.” She replied, “No way. We’ re not throwing away thirty dollars.” “That’s no reason to stay,” I protested. “The money’s already gone regardless of whether we stay or leave. This is the sunk cost fallacy (谬误) at work!” But she just stared at me angrily and I had to sink back down in my seat.

The sunk cost fallacy is most dangerous when we have invested a lot of time, money, energy, or love in something. This investment becomes a reason to carry on, even if we are dealing with a lost cause. The more we invest, the greater the sunk costs are, and the greater the urge to continue becomes.

The sunk cost fallacy is frequently seen in investors. Often they base their trading decisions on acquisition prices. “I lost so much money with this stock (股票). I can’t sell it now,” they say. This is unreasonable. The acquisition price should play no role. What counts is the stock’s future performance. Strangely, the more money a stock loses, the more likely investors tend to stick by it.

This behavior is driven by a need for consistency. After all, being consistent means being reliable. We really dislike it when things don’t match up. If we stop a project halfway, we admit that we once thought differently. Carrying on with a meaningless project delays this painful realization and keeps up appearances.

“We’ve come this far ...” “I’ve read so much of this book already...” “But I’ve spent two years doing this course...” If you recognize any of these thought patterns, it shows that the sunk cost fallacy is at work in a corner of your brain.

Of course, there may be good reasons to continue investing in something, but make sure not for the wrong reasons, such as to make non-recoverable investment s look reasonable. Wise decision making requires you to forget about the costs in the past. No matter how much you have already invested, only your assessment of the future costs and benefits counts.

1. Why does the author mention his film-watching experience?
A.To describe a scene.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To state the writing purpose.D.To provide background information.
2. How are investors affected by the sunk cost fallacy?
A.They keep holding the falling stock.B.They become more confident in the stock.
C.They value the stock’s future performance.D.They ignore the acquisition price of the stock.
3. What matters in making decisions according to the author?
A.Evaluating the lost costs.B.Focusing on consistency.
C.Seeking help from others.D.Weighing up potential profits.
昨日更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . At a class meeting in Glacier Peak High School, when the teacher asked students what they want do if they knew they wouldn’t fail, most wanted to be very rich or start a business. But the blind (盲的) Ali Steenis said she wanted to drive a car. The room went silent and everyone was kind of taken aback by it, but she didn’t give it much thought.

Weeks later, Ali and her classmate Brooklyn Dana were sitting at a school hall. The lights were weak and a row of smaller tea lights illuminated     (照亮) a way in the hall. Suddenly, Ali told Brooklyn it looked pretty. She explained she can see lights when the area around her is dark. Suddenly, Brooklyn had an idea of making Ali’s wish come true.

Brooklyn told their teacher his idea and the teacher praised it and told him, “We had a car that had a brake (刹车) on the right side.”

The ideas was simple: Lay out a track (车道) lined with lights in the school parking lot (停车场), Ali could drive in and do it on the 18th birthday.

The preparation took a lot of helping hands. When Brooklyn shared the idea with the manager of the South Everett Home Depot, he jumped on board. The company brought many Christmas lights. Some people from the Home Depot came out on Saturday to fix the lights in the cold.

The day finally came. Ali’s family drove her to the school. Ali thought they were just picking up some friends before heading to Seattle to celebrate her birthday. At the school, her friends told her the secret. Ali said she was completely caught off guard and was really excited. She got behind the wheel for the first time in her life. With the help of another teacher, they slowly headed down the illuminated track.

Ali drove three laps (圈). She said while a part of her would have loved to keep going, she couldn’t wait to thank her friends and those who helped make her dream come true.

1. How did other students feel on hearing Ali’s wish?
2. What gave Brooklyn the idea of meeting Ali’s wish?
A.Ali could see lights in the dark.B.Ali enjoyed watching tealights.
C.Ali had the natural ability to drive.D.Ali could drive a custom-made car.
3. How did Brooklyn help Ali?
A.By building Ali a parking lot.B.By making a specialized track.
C.By adding Christmas lights to a car.D.By teaching Ali how to drive safely.
4. What can we learn from Paragraph 6?
A.Ali drove the car all by herself.B.The track was protected by guard.
C.The driving plan took Ali by surprise.D.Ali planned to spend her 18th birthday at school.
昨日更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东实验中学越秀学校2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a snowing Monday night. Mava received an invitation from her friend Lily, asking Maya to attend her birthday party next Wednesday evening. To Maya’s amazement and excitement, the invitation looked like it came from Hogwarts. It would be a Harry Potter-themed costume party. As Lily’s good friend and as one of the millions of Harry Potter fans, Maya definitely accepted the invitation without a second thought. Her favourite character was Harry’s best female friend Hermione. Maya admired her not just because she was extremely clever and a bit of a know-it-all, but also for her bravery and a positive mindset. Every time faced with difficulty, she always had a way out. Maya was so eager to wear Hermione’s costume that she couldn’t wait to make preparations for it. She made a list of things to buy, which consisted of a f lark V-neck sweater, a white collared shirt with the Gryffindor tie, a skirt, stockings, Mary Jane shoes, a black cloak (斗篷) and of course a scarf of bee color.

With the list in hand, Maya happily went to tell her mother, Sarah, all about it. Sarah was weaving a sweater in the living room. After learning Maya’s plan, Sarah thought it was not necessary to buy all the clothing for they cost a lot and Maya had already had a dark V-neck sweater, a white collared shirt, many skirts, stockings and a pair of Mary Jane shoes. Therefore, she advised her daughter to rent or buy a second-hand black cloak and a brown and golden scarf. But Maya insisted that all the costumes should be brand-new. “Hermione is more about books than looks. Just remember to keep things tidy, simple and modest.” Sarah stopped weaving and told her daughter. Maya agreed with her mom, but she still wanted a new cloak and a new scarf.

Looking at the half-weaved sweater, Maya got an idea.
Over the following days, Maya was making her cloak while Sarah was weaving the scarf.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In the vast and wind-swept steppes of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, there exists a great connection between the people and their music. The connection     1    (present) by the appealing melodies(旋律) of the morin khuur,     2     two-stringed instrument often referred to as the horse-headed fiddle (琴). The morin khuur is used during ceremonial contexts, such as weddings, festivals and religious celebrations, where it connects     3    (participant) with their cultural heritage and their ancestors.

Despite modernization and urbanization, the morin khuur     4    (remain) a precious part of daily life for many families in Irmer Mongolian. The instrument is also included into the educational system, where it is taught in schools as part of the efforts     5    (preserve) cultural heritage and promote     6    (tradition) music education, passing down both musical techniques and cultural values     7     one generation to the next.

As the world develops, ancient traditions give way to modernity,     8     the morin khuur is a lasting reminder of the sustained spirit and rich cultural treasures of ethnic Mongolians. Its melodies echo(回响) through time,     9    ( carry) with them the stories, dreams, and miracles of a people     10    (deep) connected to their land, their horses, and each other.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . For many people, the cruelest part of daily life is the transition between wakefulness and sleep. When you should be sleeping, you want to be awake; when you should be awake, you want to stay asleep. It is easy to regard sleep as a torment: hard to attain and then hard to give up, day after day.

It is no major revelation to most people that enough sleep improves well-being. One recent study of more than 30,000 UK residents found that people who increased their quantity of sleep over a four-year period got about the same happiness benefits as they would have from eight weeks of treatment, or from winning up to $280,000 in a lottery. Well-rested people are more social and have more positive emotional experiences with co-workers and romantic partners. Sleep loss, however, lowers happiness by degrading emotional-memory recall and encouraging a negative mindset, which results in depressive working atmosphere and poor interpersonal relationship.

If all of this seems obvious, why don’t we sleep more? Physical conditions, poor sleep habits, work, stress, and young kids are all common barriers to proper sleep. However, another barrier comes purely from within, when we simply put off going to bed because we are doing other things that seem more important at night, but that we regret when it’s time to get up. It is what scholars call “bedtime procrastination (拖延)”. Bedtime procrastination seems illogical, but the explanation is fairly straightforward. It happens when a person bears some deep resistance to being “told” what to do, especially in an area as personal and fundamental as when to go to bed. It is likely because she hates being told what to do in other parts of her life, and she fights back by fully using her own authority and staying up.

1. What does the underlined word “torment” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. How is the second paragraph developed?
A.By using quotes.
B.By giving a definition.
C.By making a comparison.
D.By providing explanations.
3. What may cause bedtime procrastination?
A.A crying baby.
B.Pressure from work.
C.Drinking too much coffee.
D.Unwillingness to follow routines.
4. Which column of a news website may the text be taken from?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章围绕非洲女性Melody Mnisi加入WSO后获得新生展开,介绍了WSO通过提供摄影课程来促进非洲人参与野生动物保护。

10 . “I never could have imagined this is how my life could turn out,” says Melody Mnisi. “Now it’s my dream to introduce young people to nature and to inspire young African women like me to believe anything is possible.” Melody is a 23-year-old South African and has just qualified as a field guide. Despite growing up very close to Kruger National Park, a world-famous safari (游猎) destination, she never had the chance to see or enjoy its wildlife. “This was something for white people, not poor black people like me,” she says. “I always wondered what was on the other side of the fence.” But everything changed for Melody when she completed a Wild Shots Outreach (WSO) photography course, learning how to use a camera and going on her first-ever game drive. “I could not believe my eyes, seeing all this wildlife and capturing my memories and stories,” she says. “It is such an honor to be in nature.”

WSO is the educational outreach arm of Wild Shots, a photography conference in Africa that ran for nine years prior to 2020. Its aim is to engage disadvantaged young Africans in wildlife conservation through photography and by providing an introduction to the natural world, helping to nurture (培育) the conservationists of tomorrow.

The initiative came about in 2015 and was the passion project of Mike Kendrick, a life-science teacher and photographer. Moving to the Greater Kruger area to live in the bush, Mike was discouraged to see the lack of engagement between young South Africans and their natural environment. Not only that, in six years of helping to run Wild Shots, he did not come across a single wildlife, landscape or outdoor photographer of color in South Africa.

1. What can we learn about Melody Mnisi?
A.She helped set up WSO.B.She was born a photographer.
C.She was grateful to be a field guide.D.She shared photos of wildlife online.
2. What has changed Melody’s life?
A.WSO photography course.
B.Her willingness to help others.
C.Mike Kendrick’s encouragement.
D.Her curiosity about the safari destination.
3. Which is among the reasons why WSO is held?
A.To raise money.B.To prevent illegal hunting.
C.To stop wildlife trade.D.To nurture wildlife protectors.
4. What might be talked about following the last paragraph?
A.Comments from Melody.B.The promotion of WSO.
C.Poor life of South Africans.D.The details of photographs taking,
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