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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In the rich and diverse Chinese traditional culture, hairpins (发簪), or “fazan” in Mandarin, stand out as elegant    1     (symbol) of heritage and beauty. Once playing    2    essential role in the daily clothing of ancient Chinese, they are now making a remarkable comeback among modern youth,    3    reflects a renewed passion for traditional culture.

Hairpins in ancient China were not    4     (mere) tools for holding hair in place; they were actually artworks, representing the wearers’ social status and personal taste.    5     (make) from a variety of materials and often decorated with    6     (detail) designs of flowers, birds, or dragons, these hair accessories   (配饰) carried profound cultural meanings and aesthetic (美学的) values.

In the past several years, amidst the fast-paced life of technology and globalization, a growing number of young Chinese    7     (rediscover) the fascination of the hairpin and offered it new meaning. This time it is not just about fashion; it’s an opportunity for them    8     (preserve) their cultural identity.

Modern designers are also breathing new life into the traditional hairpin, mixing ancient designs with contemporary aesthetics to appeal    9    the younger generation. These hairpins are not only worn with traditional hanfu dresses but have also found their way into everyday modern wardrobes,    10     (serve) as a unique bridge between the past and the present.

2024-06-08更新 | 89次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县中学高三下学期高考适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . In response to the rumor that “80% of Tsinghua graduates go abroad”, Tsinghua University clearly stated: “NO!”

Data show that the proportion of 2023 graduates of Tsinghua University going abroad for further study is 8.0%. Among them, the proportion of undergraduate students (本科生) studying abroad is 15.6%, and the proportion of undergraduate students studying in China is 65.2%. The proportion of master students (研究生) going abroad for further study is 5.9%. The proportion of domestic advanced education was 6.9%. In addition, according to the “Tsinghua People” mini-program registration information of Tsinghua Alumni Association, most of the alumni (校友) who have studied abroad in the past 20 years have returned to work after completing their studies and play a backbone in all walks of life.

What industries do Tsinghua graduates go into? According to the statistics of Tsinghua University, 83.0% of the graduates of 2023 are employed in key units in important fields related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, covering many important industries such as national defense science and technology, manufacturing and energy industries, information communication and Internet, public administration and service institutions of higher learning and research institutes.

Where do Tsinghua graduates go? According to statistics provided by Tsinghua University, 53.8 percent of its 2023 graduates are employed outside Beijing. In the past 10 years, most graduates of Tsinghua University have gone to work outside Beijing, and the number of employment in the national defense and military industry and the western region has continued to rise.

The university also announced the most employable employers for the class of 2023. Among them, the top two state-owned enterprises are China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and State Grid Corporation, and the top two private enterprises are Huawei and BYD.

1. What percentage of Tsinghua undergraduate students studying abroad in 2023?
2. What is the “Tsinghua People” referred to in Paragraph 2?
A.An international school.B.An application.
C.A charity organization.D.A private enterprises.
3. What fields are most graduates of Tsinghua employed in according to the text?
A.Internet and energy industries.
B.Tea trade and public administration.
C.Gardening technology and national defense.
D.Pet rescuing and information communication.
4. How does the author prove that “80% of Tsinghua graduates go abroad” is no true?
A.List data.B.Give examples.C.Make comparisons.D.Classify facts.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The aim of establishing school rules and regulations is to encourage good behavior, teach students self discipline (自律), and maintain a harmonious learning environment to match the image and reputation of our school. School rules and regulations are applicable to all students.

Role of the parents

The primary duty and responsibility of the parents is to educate their children by example to respect the dignity of others. They are also very influential in developing among their children the virtues of love, justice generosity, industry and honesty which are important to their lives.

Attendance and punctuality

School schedule: Students should be in their classrooms prepared to work by 7: 30 am. Regular attendance and punctuality are important for the academic progress of the students. Students must be regular in their attendance and have at least 80% attendance in order to sit for tests and examinations. Absence lasting for more than three days has to be accompanied by a medical certificate.


English is the only language to be used by students in school (except during the other language lessons).


One of the most important aspects of education is discipline, which is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, efficiency, and character. The basis of all discipline is the principle of respect — respect for one’s self,for others, and for all children.

In order to form proper habits and attitudes, the following rules for good conduct are expected to be followed by every student:

•Respect for all school property (所有物) and the school uniform;

•Observe silence in specific areas;

•During school hours, students are required to be in their respective (各自的) classrooms;

•Possession and use of cell phones are strictly prohibited in the school.

1. What will happen if a student misses more than 20% of the lesson?
A.He won’t take part in the exams.
B.He won’t take this class anymore.
C.He will have to receive extra classes.
D.He will receive physical punishment.
2. Which of the following is forbidden in the school?
A.Staying in areas for silence.
B.Throwing uniforms casually.
C.Speaking English in math classes.
D.Entering the classroom in free time.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A test guide.B.An academic newspaper.
C.A school website.D.An educational magazine.
2024-06-08更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县中学高三下学期高考适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Thai wildlife officials have laid out a plan to bring peace to a central Thai city after at least a decade of human-monkey conflict (冲突).

The monkeys that hang around Lopburi are a major tourist draw. But after years of conflicts with residents and visitors, and several failed attempts to bring peace with population controls, local people and businesses have had enough.

The monkeys often try to take food from humans, sometimes leaving people with injuries. In March a woman got her knee hurt after a monkey pulled her off her feel, and another man was knocked off a motorcycle by a hungry monkey.

The authorities hope to catch some 2,500 monkeys and place them in massive wildlife preserves, said Athapol Charoenshunsa, the director-general of the Department of National parks, Wildlife and plant Conservation. They’ll work with wildlife experts to find a way for a limited number of monkeys to stay freely in the city, he added.

“I don’t want humans to have to hurt monkeys, and I don’t want monkeys to have to hurt humans,” he told reporters during a news conference in Bangkok. “I expect the first period of the operation to start within weeks, and I believe the wildlife preserve will be able to contain (容纳) thousands of them and will solve the problem very quickly.”

Athapol said they are also working in other areas of Thailand that are facing problems with monkeys. He said 52 of the country’s 77 provinces often report monkey problems.

The monkeys are said to be a symbol of the province, about 140 kilometers north of Bangkok, where the ancient Three Pagodas temple celebrates a yearly “Monkey Buffet” festival. However, some have complained about the city’s monkey troubles on tourists and residents feeding the animals, which they say drew monkeys into the city, helped with their numbers, and got them used to getting food from humans.

1. What does the underlined phrase “have had enough” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.They are fond of those moneys.B.They hope to feed more monkeys.
C.They are troubled by those monkeys.D.They want to protect those monkeys.
2. How will the authorities deal with those monkeys?
A.Cut off the monkey’s food supply.B.Catch them for use as research subjects.
C.Enclose them in a zoo to entertain tourists.D.Cut down the numbers of them in the town.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The significance of those monkeys.
B.People’s different opinions on those monkeys.
C.The environmental problems caused by those monkeys.
D.Reasons why monkeys become a symbol of the province.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Thailand Residents Suffered from Too Many Tourists
B.Thailand Decides to Limit Monkeys in Tourist Town
C.Monkeys Serve Special Meaning in the Thailand Town
D.People in Thailand Try to Improve the Life of Monkeys
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Mary Lee seemed to have everything. She was very beautiful with a wonderful figure and an attractive face. She was very rich. Her clothes were better than anyone else’s and she had more of them. Her books were always new and expensive as were her pens, school bags and bicycle. She was very clever too and without appearing to do very much work. She was always the first in all the examinations and always answered all the questions, while the rest of the class were still thinking.

With all this, or really because of all this, no one liked Mary Lee. She was too good, too clever and she was also very proud. No one was quite good enough to talk to her or to be seen with her or to be her friend. And so, with all her proud ways and riches and brains, she was lonely but she did not care because she was always the best in everything. She was like a princess in the class. She always thought that the other students kept their distance from her because she was too excellent. “Lions and tigers are always lonely, and only the weak get together,” she told herself.

As the end of term drew near, the pupils including Mary Lee began to think about the most important prize of all. This was the prize, offered by the principal, for the best essay to be written on one of two subjects: Happiness and Friendship. All the teachers and pupils paid close attention to the prize, for it was really a great honor. “I needn’t worry about that,” thought Mary Lee, as the others began to read and to think about the essay. “I shall easily win. After all, my compositions are always better than the other students’.”


“Pride goes before a fall,” they say and it certainly did in the case of poor Mary Lee.


Mary Lee suddenly realized that how silly she had been.

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,本文围绕 “什么让星期一变得郁闷” 以及这种感觉是否只存在于我们的脑海里展开讨论。

6 . Ask most people which day of the week they fear the most and the answer is likely to be Monday. The first day of the working week can make us depressed.     1    

The most depressing day of the year is the third Monday in January, when it’s cold and dark outside. This day was named “Blue Monday” by psychologist Cliff Arnall. Even if there was little science behind Blue Monday, it’s probably true that the sound of our alarm clock on any Monday morning means the coming of a new working week and possibly the end of our weekend of fun.     2     It’s what psychologists call an emotional shift, and no other part of the week has a transition(过渡) like it.

Apparently, Monday means the end of weekend lie-ins.     3     According to a website, “If you can’t stand your job, then the Monday blues can be very real.” And it can be especially difficult to start another seemingly endless workweek. Your case of the Mondays can have a negative impact on your performance, productivity and the people around you.

    4     Feeling a bit low shouldn’t be confused with more serious depression, caused by other factors. Claudia Hammond, an author and presenter, argues that this low feeling might be untrue.     5     She mentions an Australian study of how people reflected on their mood and found the day that scored the lowest was in fact Wednesdays. So, when Monday comes, maybe we should give it a second chance!

A.But is Monday as bad as we like to think it is?
B.What exactly makes us feel down remains unknown.
C.Weekends are definitely happy days in all countries.
D.That’s why the feeling is described as the Monday blues.
E.There is a strong cultural idea that we don’t like Mondays.
F.Our Monday mood can be based on a direct comparison to the day before.
G.It’s back to the routine and the realization that there are five days of working ahead.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较难(0.4) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In southern China, there is a famous road     1    (build) across Poyang Lake, which lies in the north of Jiangxi Province, China and is known as China’s second     2     (large) lake. People in China also call it “the most beautiful road under the water.”

This road is sure     3     (attract) a lot of attention towards the end of May every year. A lot of people come out of     4     (curious). The water level of the lake is so close to the surface of the road,     5     makes the view ahead broad and bright when people drive along. It’s as though they were taking a boat across the lake. The feeling is     6     (simple) wonderful!

For the next few months, this road is not above the surface    7    under the water. When the water level of Poyang Lake starts to go up, the road surface becomes unseen. However, drivers can still drive across the lake safely     8     watching the guardrails(防撞护栏) fixed on either side of the road. For thrill-seeking motorists, it’s like     9     (drive) an amphibious(水陆两栖的) super car. Then in a few days, the entire road     10     (flood) with the continuously rising water. A few months later, the road will reappear.

完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It's amazing how friendships can blossom in such a short time. I met Julia in December, but we have been _________ since. Being in lockdown is really _________ and I ever said to her that we should both go shopping in the same supermarket. That way we could see each other at a _________ of six feet away.

This morning when she _________ me, asking if I was going to the store, I told her I was feeling really low and just didn't have the _________ to even go to the store. Actually, the _________ of being inside has set in. It's been getting, _________ and today was one of those days. We have had pouring rain these days so even going for a walk hasn't been a(an) _________.

A short time later, she came to my _________ with a bag of shopping and from six feet away, she __________ a bag of stuff for dinner, my favorite chocolates, a face mask, and hair products! From six feet away, I felt like crying __________ tears. I was so moved, although not being able to __________ her.

That's what best friends are! They don't __________ how much money you make and what you do for a living. If you've hit rock bottom, they just __________ you back. And that's what she proved: __________ aren't necessarily about people who you've known the longest, but those who come into your life and say, "I'm here for you."

A.put up withB.run out ofC.depend onD.care about
2021-09-10更新 | 140次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024届云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县中学高三下学期高考适应性考试英语试题
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