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1 . The Best Bakeries in Paris

Le Grenier à Pain
152 Rue Oberkampf, Paris

Winner of the 2010 prize for Best Baguette in Paris, this famous bakery located in the heart of Montmartre is run by Michel Galloyer. The decoration is appealing, with the breads and cakes strikingly presented. The almond (杏仁) bread is amazing, and the chocolate pies are second-to-none. Breads are reasonably priced, while the chocolate pies are slightly above average, but in this instance, worth the extra cents.

8 Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris

Established by Pierre Poilane in 1932, this bakery has stood the test of time. Son Lionel continues to bake bread in the original wood-fired oven. Sourdough bread baked from stone-ground flour is a specialty here, as are delicate butter cookies. The unique online ordering system offers potential original gifts, or the chance to keep up your bread habit if your trip to Paris is temporary.

Maison Kayser
14 Rue Monge, Paris

Three generations of Kaysers have established a number of bakeries across Paris, where they sell their unique variety of bread, comprising a mix of milk, hazelnuts and honey. The multigrain loaf has a notably light and fluffy (松软的) texture and makes for a perfect breakfast treat. Ready-made sandwiches and salads are a lunchtime feature at this Latin Quarter bakery.

Au 140
140 Rue de Belleville, Paris

Au 140 counts a list of awards to its name. The official supplier to the presidential palace in2001, its baguette was named the best in Paris that same year. Talented baker Pierre Demoney also earned the bakery second prize in Paris’ croissant competition. Au 140 features a large selection of organic breads to choose from, which are worth the detour (绕路).

1. Which is the most famous food of Le Grenier à Pain?
A.Almond breads.B.Chocolate pies.C.Butter cookies.D.Multigrain cakes.
2. What do Poilâne and Maison Kayser have in common?
A.They were established in the 1930s.B.They both won several prizes in Paris.
C.They are family-owned businesses.D.They bake bread in a traditional way.
3. Where can customers buy organic food?
A.152 Rue Oberkampf, Paris.B.8 Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris.
C.14 Rue Monge, Paris.D.140 Rue de Belleville, Paris.
2 . It was ______ of me to break his cup.
2024-09-13更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
3 . I have exchanged my ideas ______ the famous novelist, so I feel more confident about my future.
2024-09-13更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
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4 . It’s hard for me to find him.
2024-09-13更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
5 . — Nearly three years ______ since we first entered this school.
— It’s so hard to say goodbye to our teachers and classmates.
A.are passingB.passedC.will passD.has passed
2024-09-13更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2024-2025学年高一上学期新生开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Here’s What Paris’s Most Luxurious Hotels Are Serving Up for the Summer Olympics.

Hôtel Barriere Fouquet’s Paris

Hôtel Barriere Fouquet’s Paris, just steps from the Arc de Triomphe, is delighting guests with a special treat in honor of its landmark neighbor: a chocolate creation copying the Arc. This sugary masterpiece will be placed in all guest rooms for the entire duration of the Games. To celebrate both Paris and the Olympic spirit, atop the arc stands a graceful gymnast, frozen in mid-air, symbolizing athletic professional skills.

Hôtel Plaza Athénée

The Hôtel Plaza Athénée is the place to see and be seen during Fashion Week, and the two weeks during the Olympics will be no exception. The hotel has partnered with Mathieu Forget, a celebrated photographer known for a unique collaboration bringing together the worlds of art and sports. Forget has created five fascinating photographic compositions featuring athletes seemingly defying gravity within the hotel’s iconic spaces.

Le Meurice

In celebration of the Summer Olympics, Le Meurice, known as the original Parisian Palace hotel, is celebrating wellness on the inside and outside. The hotel’s spa is offering a limited-time treatment to refresh guests both physically and mentally. To further enhance the wellness experience, guests can enjoy wellness specialties created by famous chef Clémentine   Bouchon.

Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris

Located just steps from Arc de Triomphe, Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris is launching a menu of cocktail s drawing inspiration from past host cities of previous Summer Olympics. The hotel is also hosting a few exhibitions in honor of the Olympics, including photographs featuring legendary athletes, Muhammad Ali’s boxing glove, a basketball signed by the NBA’s   Dream Team, and torches from previous Olympiads.

1. What is special about Hôtel Barriere Fouquet’s Paris?
A.It will introduce guests to its neighboring hotel.
B.It will put a sugary copy of the Arc in the guest room.
C.It will organize sports games during the whole summer.
D.It will teach guests some athletic professional skills.
2. Which hotel features health service for the guests?
A.Hôtel Barriere Fouquet’s Paris.B.Hôtel Plaza Athénée.
C.Le Meurice.D.Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris.
3. What do the four hotels have in common?
A.They are preparing for the Summer Olympics.
B.They are all located near the Arc de Triomphe.
C.They are famous as the original Parisian Palace hotels.
D.They are launching various cocktail s to attract tourists.
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What difficulty did the speaker have when starting to learn French?
2. Why did the speaker go to France?
A.To settle there.B.To look for a job.C.To continue to study.
3. What did the speaker think of her French after she arrived in France?
4. What is the most important in learning a language according to the speaker?
A.Mastering the grammar rules.
B.Knowing a large number of words.
C.Using the language in real life.
2024-07-25更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试题(含听力)
书信写作-演讲稿 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 学校决定开展向航天女英雄王亚平学习的英文演讲活动,请你按下面要求写一篇演讲稿,先简单介绍王亚平的个人信息,再谈谈她的优秀品质( personality ),最后说说你打算如何向她学习。不少于120词。
1. Personal information: Age :43
Birthplace: a small village in Shandong Province
Hobby: sports
2. Personality: love our motherland; overcome many difficulties; never give up
3.Your plans:

Hello, everyone! It’s my honor to introduce an astronaut hero —— Wang Yaping.


Thank you!

2024-07-19更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省吉林地区普通高中友好学校联合体2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Here are some wonderful high school programs abroad.

Honors Spanish Language & Culture

While all our programs are useful, this program is for students with the drive to grow their Spanish and cross-cultural understanding to the max! You have to take a language ability test to ensure you can speak Spanish well.You will live in a local family and go on cultural activities and short trips.

Leadership & Service in Public Health

In this program, you should assess the health needs of communities in Santiago and participate in field-based public health education initiatives (倡议). Alongside a local nongovernmental organization, take part in activities that encourage children and teens to form healthy habits, like healthy eating, physical activities, and enough sleep.

Service in Young Cancer Patients Development

You will dive into the workings of a local nongovernmental organization in Mérida. Its mission is to improve the lives of young, disadvantaged cancer patients and improve their chances of recovery. Undertake meaningful tasks that support this mission and see the effect on the community. Living with a host family, you’ll fully experience local traditions to better understand your service.

Advocating (提倡) for Social Justice

Develop your social justice advocacy skills! Join other students who want to make a difference! Learn about a local nongovernmental organization that provides care for special groups. Reflect on your own cultural background, identity, and social condition in your local community.Your experiences in a homestay family will encourage you to be a participant of the change that matters for now and the future.

1. What is a requirement for joining the first program?
A.To be required to live independently.B.To be native speakers of Spanish.
C.To pass a language ability test.D.To focus on short trips.
2. What does the program in Santiago aim to promote among children and teens?
A.Physical activities only.B.The number of skills.
C.Medical treatments.D.Healthy lifestyle.
3. What do the third and fourth programs have in common?
A.Both focus on the health of cancer patients.
B.Both involve living with a host family.
C.Both are centered around social justice.
D.Both require a background in social work.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Among the self-flying planes, advanced electric cars, and model space stations on display at a collection of Chinese goods in Shanghai in May was a decidedly untechnical item of the past: White Rabbit creamy candies. This year the sweets turn 80.

Since the sweets appeared, the rabbit has reinvented itself many times. The most recent one was in November when it teamed up with a high-end American fashion firm. It produced giant rabbits on handbags costing up to7,500 yuan, as well as dresses, jackets, and a gold White-Rabbit necklace. For many of its followers, the milky taste recalls a childhood when few other treats were available. Tapping into nostalgia (怀旧之情) in the Chinese market, the cooperation enables White Rabbit to develop new followers across the Pacific.

China’s first domestic toffees (太妃糖) were produced in 1943 with Mickey Mouse on the wrapper. When such Americana fell out of favour in the 1950s, it was replaced by a big white rabbit, which gave the brand its name, Dabaitu. Soon, the stylized blue-and-white cartoon rabbit became popular. However, the fortunes of the sweet stopped in the 1970s. As foreign goods poured in, White Rabbit lost its domestic lead.

Then the rabbits fought back. In 2018 the first supplies of White Rabbitlip balm (润唇膏) sold out within hours. The following year, the producer teamed up with Godiva, a chocolate company, to make White Rabbit ice cream. And people lined up for hours to buy the newly launched White Rabbit milk tea at a pop-up shop in Shanghai. Besides traditional candies, the company has since launched perfumes, body wash and hand cream. In 2021, the company opened a shop in Shanghai selling all manner of branded products.

White Rabbit’s cooperation with luxury brands received a boost this year from the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit. The sweet maker has taken full advantage of “guochao”, a phrase meaning “national wave”. It refers to the fashion that Chinese-made goods inspire the nostalgia and national pride among the young.

1. Why could White Rabbit’s cooperation with fashion firms develop new followers?
A.It develops a unique taste for people of all ages.
B.It reminds people of their childhood memories.
C.It finds people’s desire for high-quality products.
D.It turns fashion brands’ customers into sweets fans.
2. What happened to White Rabbit in the 1970s?
A.They settled on the logo of their brand.
B.They tended to target younger customers.
C.They cooperated with Mickey Mouse toffees.
D.They faced strong competition from foreign goods.
3. How could White Rabbit keep growing according to Paragraph 4?
A.By keeping innovating new products.
B.By focusing on its stable user group.
C.By drawing ideas from traditional festivals.
D.By greatly expanding overseas markets gradually.
4. What could be a suitable title for the text?
A.Chinese old candy brand is regaining popularity
B.Chinese sweets are experiencing a big change
C.Young people are turning to Chinese brands
D.Guochao is greatly influencing Chinese brands
2024-07-18更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省辽源市田家炳高中五校第七十七届期末联考2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般