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1 .

Hope Book Club

A book club is a small group of persons that are reading the same book in order to share different feelings and opinions about the book.

The book club meets once a month for an hour of lively discussion. All students (3+), teachers and parents are welcome! Here you can discover a new world, learn new ideas and make new friends!

What you should do:
★You will read the book on your own and then discuss your reading in the book club.
★You must keep up with your reading so that you can join as a part of your group. The book club will decide what pages or chapters you will read.
★You should take down notes and thoughts as you read.
★Everyone in the book club is expected to join in the discussion.
More tips:
★Keep our place clean.
★No pets and no smoking.
★Take good care of books and return them on time.
★You must ask for leave if you cannot join in the discussion.
Kids from 3—7: Free;
Kids from 8—18: 10 dollars a month;
Adults: 15 dollars a month.

If you are interested, call 487-256-656 or 487-266-545, send an email to hopebook@yahoo.com or visit our website at www.hopebookclub.com.

1. How much should a couple with a 6-year-old son pay for being in the club for two months?
A.30 dollars.B.60 dollars.C.75 dollars.D.90 dollars
2. How many ways are mentioned here to get more information about the club?
3. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.Books aren’t allowed to be taken out of the club.
B.Joining in the discussion is encouraged in the club.
C.You can choose your favourite books to read in the club.
D.The members in the club don’t have to finish what they need to read.
2022-10-18更新 | 591次组卷 | 26卷引用:青海省西宁市海湖中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次阶段考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Do you want lots of success in school and in your friendship? If you want to learn how to balance your friendship and study, read on.

• Talk about your goals for school.

Share what academic success looks like for both of you.     1     Before the semester starts, sit down and discuss what you’d both like to achieve.

• Share tips and tricks with each other.

Exchange study techniques to learn how to be more successful. Maybe you know some learning methods like making a list of key ideas and reviewing them one hour a day. Chat about how you’ll both try to master your subjects.     2    

• Remind each other to take your health seriously.

Put your wellness above everything else to succeed in school.     3     Get at least 8 hours of rest. Make sure to eat nutritious meals that will keep you energized. When you take care of yourselves, you’ll both reduce stress and improve your academic performances.


Remember that you both can overcome any challenges with enough effort. In order to get the most out of your studies, keep a “growth mindset”, an optimistic outlook that lets you see any difficult topic or task as an opportunity to learn.

• Prioritize (优先安排) exams and finals.

    5     When you and your friend are in the middle of a finals week or have a huge assignment to prepare for, that should come first. Block out times on your schedules that need all your focus.

A.Keep positive attitudes about school.
B.Fight for any challenges enthusiastically.
C.Your methods will be always encouraging.
D.Give each other space during more intense periods.
E.It’s important to be clear about what your goals are.
F.You’ll lift each other up and get an extra edge in class.
G.So you can both be at your best physically and mentally.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In a first of     1     (it) kind in China, Shenzhen, a city that pioneered reform and opening-up in China, will allow fully autonomous vehicles     2     (run) on roads in certain areas without human control equipment.     3     city in Guangdong province revealed a new regulation tailored for smart connected vehicle management in China, which is scheduled to come into force on August 1.

The new regulation, which is set to fill the legal gap for domestic intelligent connected vehicles, said automakers don’t     4     (necessary) have to equip fully autonomous vehicles with manual driving mode and corresponding (相应的) devices, and nor do they have to have human drivers.

But such fully autonomous vehicles can only drive on certain roads and sections     5     (select) by Shenzhen’s traffic management department, according to the regulation, which was published on the official website of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress.

The regulation classified autonomous vehicles     6     three types: conditionally autonomous driving, highly autonomous driving, and fully autonomous driving. Conditionally autonomous and highly autonomous vehicles must have manual driving modes and corresponding devices, and     7     (equip) with drivers.

Meanwhile, the regulation     8     (clarify) rules for responsibilities and auto insurance coverage in the event of car accidents     9     involve autonomous driving, which is expected to promote the fast     10     (develop) of self-driving vehicles.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . A girl is smiling at me from a picture on my desk. She is one of my sponsor (资助) children. I didn’t spend much money helping her. The joy from helping her gives me, however, is over the picture.

I can still remember the first time that I decided to help a child. It was many years ago, I was only a middle school student. I had a little extra (额外的) money each month. I didn’t feel like buying anything, though. A few years ago, we lost everything in a house fire. That fire bought me a lot. I cleared that I didn’t need a lot of things to be happy. From then on I began to care about the suffering of children in poor countries. With my mom’s help, I soon found a few groups and joined them. They were helping others around the world.

It felt so good being able to reach out and help others in need. It felt so good being able to make even one life better. I could feel the love growing in my head and beginning to change me. This feeling makes us into better people with bigger hearts. It helps us to love, to be kind, and to make this world a better place.

1. The writer began to sponsor a child ________.
A.when he studied in the middle schoolB.before his house had a fire
C.when he felt like buying somethingD.before he had a little extra money
2. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “suffering”?
3. What’s the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Why the writer helped poor children.B.How the writer found a few groups.
C.When the writer began to care about others.D.How the writer felt after helping others in need.
4. Which of the following is true?
A.The writer needed a lot of money to be happy before.
B.The writer spent much money on his sponsor child.
C.The writer spent lots of money doing shopping every month.
D.After joining the groups, the writer changed a lot in his heart.
5. From the passage, we can learn that the writer is a ________ person.
2022-08-22更新 | 63次组卷 | 2卷引用:青海省玉树州第二民族高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Here we’ve got three tips to help you start an exercise habit that can stick. It’s a lot easier than you think.


You don’t have to be a marathoner to get meaningful health benefits from exercise. Experts say even daily activities, which include mopping the floor, organizing a room or carrying groceries up the stairs can reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.

So remind yourself that it’s not a choice between hours-long workout or nothing at all. Instead, think of starting an exercise routine like standing up from your chair and sitting back down repeatedly.     2    

Focus on how exercise makes you feel great

There are so many positives that happen when you move. It improves all the tasks that demand focus and creativity. It helps you generate energy. It boosts mood.     3    . When you feel better, you will bring more enthusiasm and energy to your work and the people working around you.

Forget long- term benefits like weight loss or better overall health.     4    . Actually, they’re not super motivational in real-time and can be disheartening when you don’t see results quickly.

Figure out what kind of exercise and workout location makes you feel good

If weightlifting in a crowded gym gives you anxiety, try to get a set of weights for home or follow workout videos on YouTube or ride a bike in the park.     5    .

A.Start small and every movement counts
B.They often take much longer time to achieve
C.Focus on immediate payoffs like improved mood and energy
D.In short, any movement helps to clear fat and sugar out of blood
E.Remember, when you have more energy, you’re a happier person
F.Keep trying until you find a workout routine that makes you happy
G.No matter how modest those goals are, they create this feeling like I can do more
2022-08-14更新 | 128次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县高三第三次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Don’t ask astronomers to choose between the old Hubble Space Telescope and the new James Webb Space Telescope. “Comparing Hubble and Webb is like asking if you will love your second child as much as your first one,” said Susan Mullally, a scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. They are very different but equally loved.

Webb is expected to detect light from the universe’s first stars, beyond Hubble’s range. This light will show how the original stars looked 13.7 billion years ago. Hubble has stared as far back as 13.4 billion years, discovering the oldest and farthest object ever observed. Astronomers are eager to close the 300 million year gap with Webb and draw ever closer in time to the Big Bang, the moment the universe formed 13.8 billion years ago. “It’s like looking at the picture book of our kids and missing the first two years. We are trying to figure out where they come from,” explained NASA’s chief scientist Thomas Zurbuchen.

Hubble sees what we see, with a little ultraviolet and infrared thrown in. Webb has infrared vision. That’s why Webb needs to run at -240℃. To stay cold, Webb carries a five-layer shelter to keep it from sunlight. Between each layer of the shelter, whose size is as big as a tennis court, there is a gap so heat can escape out the sides.

To detect the universe’s first and darkening stars, Webb requires the largest mirror ever made for astronomy. The mirror spans more than 6.5 meters, yet is lighter than Hubble’s, which is 2.4 meters across. The mirror consists of 18 smaller pieces, each of which is the size of a coffee table and coated with very thin gold, an ideal reflector of infrared light.

Hubble circles 530 kilometers above the earth. Webb is 1.6 million kilometers away at what’s called the second Lagrange point (L2). This is where the gravitational forces of the earth and the sun balance, requiring minimal fuel for a spacecraft to stay there. Webb will constantly face the night side of Earth as the spacecraft and planet run around the sun in unison (同步).

1. What does Thomas Zurbuchen mean?
A.Webb will help scientists see the Big Bang.B.He wants to find some of his kids’ pictures.
C.New space telescopes are better than old ones.D.Webb might detect the light of the first stars.
2. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The distance Webb can see.B.The type of shelters Webb has.
C.The unique mirror Webb carries.D.The position Webb is put in.
3. Why is Webb put at the second Lagrange point?
A.It is the coldest area in the universe.B.It is the darkest position above the earth.
C.It is the farthest place any spaceship can reach.D.It requires the least fuel for Webb to work normally.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Differences Between Hubble and WebbB.Problems With Hubble Space Telescope
C.Advantages of Infrared Space TelescopesD.Rapid Development of Space Telescopes
2022-08-14更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县高三第三次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了刚刚逝世的反种族隔离的著名领导人Desmond Tutu。

7 . Desmond Tutu may always be remembered as the Nobel Peace Prize winner who has helped Nelson Mandela to bring an end to the racial separation in South Africa. Yet his most extraordinary and unique feature was his laugh. Tutu always began his talks with amusing stories. If his jokes fell flat, he would just keep laughing until his audience laughed with him and left with a smile on their faces.

In many conflicts, religious figures encourage their followers to take extreme actions. In contrast, Tutu always used his moral authority to calm down the angry crowds. This put him at odds with many leaders from Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC), who argued that some forms of violence were necessary to force the white government to change.

South Africa’s white government also wanted to discredit him. But he always seemed to come out on top. One day, many unemployed blacks were encouraged by the white government to gather in front of Tutu’s home. They were told that they lost their jobs due to the international sanctions that Tutu had called for. When Tutu got wind of this, he raced home, invited the angry blacks into his garden and turned on the charm. Eventually, everyone ended up laughing and crying with him.

“Tutu felt with the people. In public and alone, he cried because he felt people’s pain. And he laughed when he shared their joy,” said Thabo Makgoba, a religious leader of Cape Town.

If South Africa had been a free society in Tutu’s younger years, he might have been a comedian. He loved telling stories with his eyes wide and his face full of joy. But in the racially separated world, few options were open to him. He first tried teaching but found that the education system was controlled too tightly to allow any freedom of speech. So, in 1961, he decided to be a churchman, perhaps the only job that gave him a platform, an audience and the opportunity to speak with relative freedom beyond the control of the government.

1. For what should Desmond Tutu be remembered according to the author?
A.His heart-felt laugh.B.His inspiring speeches.
C.His Nobel Peace Prize.D.His funny facial expressions.
2. What is many ANC leaders’ attitude toward a certain degree of violence?
3. What does Thabo Makgoba say about Desmond Tutu?
A.He loved the people whole-heartedly.B.He was well accepted by all parties.
C.He was too weak to be a good leader.D.He was wrong to call for sanctions.
4. What would Desmond Tutu have chosen to be if he had had choices?
A.A teacher.B.A churchman.C.A comedian.D.A politician.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . TV Shows the Whole Family Can Enjoy

The Baby-Sitters Club

The show is based on the book series written by Ann M, Martin.

The time for each episode (集) is about 30 minutes.

The Netflix Original series returns for its second season on October 11. The new season will see the Baby Sitters Club continue to expand their babysitting business and face the hardships that come with being teenagers.

Legends of the Hidden Temple

The show is based on the kids’ game show from the 1990s.

The time for each episode is an hour.

Though the new game show is aimed at adults, kids will also enjoy watching teams take on challenges to try to find the treasure within the ancient temple. Some of the challenges can be frightening for younger children, so this is perhaps best enjoyed by families with older kids.

Doogie Kameāloha, M. D.

The show is based on Doogie Howser, M, D. in 1989.

The time for each episode is about 30 minutes.

It stars Peyton Elizabeth Lee as Lahela “Doogie” Kameāloha, a medical school graduate who is trying to figure out how to manage being a doctor and a teenager at the same time.

Star Wars: Visions

Each episode of the show is about 15 to 20 minutes long.

This Disney series is made up of independent stories. That means viewers don’t need to watch anything in order. You can simply watch each story as you please without feeling like you have missed something. It was created by artists from all over the world.

1. Which show lasts the longest for each episode?
A.The Baby-Sitters Club.B.Legends of the Hidden Temple.
C.Doogie Kameāloha, M.D.D. Star Wars: Visions.
2. What bothers Lahela “Doogie” Kameāloha?
A.Balancing her different roles.B.Catching up with others in studies.
C.Expanding her babysitting business.D.Getting admitted to a medical school.
3. What’s special about Star Wars: Visions?
A.It is based on an old game show.B.It talks about artists’ experiences.
C.It consists of independent stories.D.It is set in a treasure-filled temple.
2022-08-14更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县高三第三次模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Most people drink tea in the world. But tea does not mean    1    same thing to different people. In different countries, people have different ideas about    2    (drink) tea.

In China, for example, tea    3    (serve) usually when people get together. Chinese people drink it    4    home or in tea houses anytime of the day. They often use hot water to boil tea    5    (leaf).

Tea is also important in other    6    (Asia) countries. People in these countries have a special way of serving tea. They hold a tea ceremony in their houses when important guests come. It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in their houses.

In the United States, people usually drink tea at breakfast    7    they drink it after meals. Americans usually use tea bags    8    (make) tea. This way is faster and    9    (easy) than the way of making tea in teapots. In summer, most Americans drink    10    (ice)tea. They like to put some ice in their tea.

2022-08-13更新 | 147次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届青海省海东市第一中学普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语模拟试题(一)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Consumers who want to help the environment can do so most effectively by reducing consumption. Wrapping paper alternatives can reduce the need for various resources to be consumed.    1    No matter what the gift is, there is a wrapping paper alternative to make the gift-giving experience even more special.

One extremely low-cost wrapping paper alternative is to use the Sunday comics. These are bright, colorful, and fun, and will probably be passed around and read as the receiver opens the gift. Children and adults alike will appreciate this attractive wrapping paper alternative. Clear cellophane (玻璃纸) can also be used over the comics newspaper.    2    

Re-used gift wrap, if not damaged, is another free wrapping paper alternative. Torn edges can be cut off and high-quality ribbon will last through many uses. Newsprint roll ends are often given away by newspaper offices and can be decorated with markers, paints, rubber stamps, or stickers.    3    With their permission, you can use their artwork as a wrapping paper alternative.

Any wrapping paper alternative can be made unique by adding decorations that are readily available.    4    Flowers, or stems of a fragrant plant add a special touch to the wrapped gift.

    5    For people with a lack of time or creativity, there are also commercial and available alternatives to gift wrap such as wrapping paper with recycled content or environment-friendly wrapping paper. A thoughtful consumer can wrap gifts in a variety of attractive ways without harming the environment.

A.This will create a smooth, shiny look.
B.Children often like to see their artwork displayed.
C.Old calendars can be used as a wrapping paper alternative.
D.They can also offer a creative and unique presentation for gifts.
E.The gift bag will likely be passed on to wrap a gift for someone else.
F.Shapes, photos, or words cut from magazines can personalize the gift.
G.There are many other ideas for creating a unique wrapping paper alternative.
2022-08-13更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届青海省海东市第一中学普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语模拟试题(一)
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