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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Last Saturday, David was taking a walk in the park near his home when he noticed a woman with a boy of about eight years old. When David passed them, he heard the woman yell. “How stupid you are! You’re good at nothing.” David stopped and looked at the little boy. The boy said nothing. He just stood there, looking upset.

David was reminded of his English teacher Mrs Brown in middle school. After he entered a middle school, David lacked self-confidence because he was often made fun of by others. He was often told that he was good at nothing, which David behaved. But one day it all changed.

One day, in an English writing class, Mrs Brown asked them to read a novel. They were asked to write a new chapter of the novel after they finished reading it. A few days later, David handed in his story. He didn’t give it much thought. But the next day, to his surprise, the comment “well done” from Mrs Brown came into view the moment he turned to the page where the story was written. When David read that, he almost burst into tears. He never expected to be praised one day. He suddenly gained some self-confidence.

That day after he returned home, he wrote a short story and gave it to Mrs Brown the next morning. And again he was praised. David became very interested in writing. He often wrote short stories and asked Mrs Brown to read them improve writing skills. One year later, David joined the school newspaper and became an editor of it. He was no longer that boy who lacked self-confidence. He gained his confidence, and was hopeful about his future.

He succeeded in entering a college and kept writing. Several years after graduating from college, he had his first book published. With some more books coming out, he became famous as a writer in his country. And he owed his success to Mrs Brown’s encouragement. Without her encouragement, his life might be very different now.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Inspired by his own life story, David decided to do something for that boy.


The mother was ashamed when she heard that.

2024-05-06更新 | 208次组卷 | 56卷引用:湖南省邵阳市武冈市2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?
A.She needs to put off her test.
B.She has to give up her travel plan.
C.She wants to visit another city.
2. What does Diana want Peter to do?
A.Help her with her study.
B.Teach a geography lesson.
C.Take a book to her friend.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Students of a Nanjing senior high school brought joy to the elderly and brightened up their day by     1     (volunteer) at a local nursing home last weekend. The nursing home,     2     (locate) on a housing estate, has more than 150 senior citizens, some of     3     are over 90 years old.

Though it was the first time that many of the students     4     (take) part in a volunteer programme like this, they were eager to share various interesting topics     5     the residents, such as how to use mobile phones and go online on the computer. After lunch the residents and the young volunteers amused themselves with art     6     (activity) which included Chinese painting and calligraphy. They enjoyed each other’s company so much that Su Ming, 16, said he hoped to return to the nursing home     7     (regular) to spend time with the seniors that he made friends with.

Wang Hong, the programme organizer, said, “I was     8     (concern) that the students and the senior residents wouldn’t get along easily, but it turned out     9     (be) the exact opposite. I can say that today’s activities have made     10     big difference to the lives of the residents as well as the students.”

2023-12-29更新 | 150次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖南省张家界市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Food festivals are a common occurrence in the UK and take place in all sorts of places and at all sorts of times. Whatever your taste, there’s a food festival to match — no matter how specialized.

1. Meatopia

This three-day, London-based festival takes place at the end of August and is a meat lover’s paradise. In addition to a range of legally sourced meat products, from juicy burgers to tender steaks, attendees can listen to live music, watch butchery demonstrations, and attend informal meat-based workshops.

2. The National Honey Show

If you have a sweet tooth, then it could be that the National Honey Show, which started in 1921 and is the largest event of its kind, is the place for you to be. This three-day event attracts many local entries who showcase their sweet golden honey, some of which is sold globally.

3. The Orange Sauce Festival

Have you heard about a festival that is devoted only to orange sauce? Held in Cumbria, this sweet, fragrant festival has been running for 3 years. What attracts people most is a competition to find the best homemade orange sauce. There are thousands of participants from over 30 different countries across the globe, bringing their local snacks to share here.

4. The Ginger and Spice Festival

If you’d prefer something with a little more kick to it, then you could attend The Ginger (姜) and Spice Festival held in Market Drayton. Unlike other food festivals, it celebrates its town’s historic connection to Robert Clive, who returned from India with ginger. Because of this, they specialize in baking gingerbread, but also sell a range of traditional spices from mild to hot.

1. What do Meatopia and the National Honey Show have in common?
A.Both of them last for three days.B.Both of them hold workshops.
C.Both of them originated from London.D.Both of them have a long history.
2. If you are interested in foreign food, which festival do you like best?
A.The Meatopia.B.The Ginger and Spice Festival.
C.The National Honey Show.D.The Orange Sauce Festival.
3. What is special about the Ginger and Spice Festival ?
A.It has something to do with a historic figure.
B.The ginger used in the festival is from India.
C.It sells spicy food.
D.The food is cooked by Robert Clive.
2023-12-26更新 | 127次组卷 | 17卷引用:湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校2021-2022学年高一下学期入学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . You know that classics like Little Women and To Kill a Mockingbird started as novels. But you probably didn’t know that these other famous movies also came from books.

Hidden Figures

This film told the story of real-life Katherine Johnson and other female African-American mathematicians who helped drive the United States into space in the 1960s. It was actually based on a 2016 non-fiction book and the movie did boost sales of the book.

Forrest Gump

The 1994 movie which was based on the book by Winston Groom won six Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor for the star Tom Hanks. Although the movie’s critical and box-office success gave the book a huge boost, it’s the film that made its mark on pop culture history.

The Girl on the Train

Paula Hawkin’s psychological thriller, about a woman on a train who thinks she sees something strange out of the window, was a huge success. But unlike the fast—paced, can’t-be-put-down quality of the novel, the movie was boring.

Field of Dreams

It’s hard to describe the plot of this movie: Ray Kinsella hears a voice telling him to build a baseball field in his Iowa cornfield, and what happens next explores the themes of lost dreams, childhood heroes, and healing the pain of the past. The 1989 movie is based on W. P. Kinsella’s 1982 original, Shoeless Joe, but cuts out some extra characters.

1. Which is the best choice for a person who loves math?
A.Hidden Figures.B.Forrest Gump.
C.The Girl on the Train.D.Field of Dreams.
2. Who has won the Academy Award for Best Actor according to the text?
A.Tom Hanks.B.Winston Groom.
C.Paula Hawkin.D.W. P. Kinsella.
3. What is special about Field of Dreams?
A.It is a romantic comedy.B.It presents several themes.
C.It shows all the figures in Shoeless Joe.D.It was released in 1982 for the first time.
2023-12-19更新 | 92次组卷 | 16卷引用:湖南省部分校2021-2022学年高一下学期基础学科知识竞赛英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the conversation mainly about?
A.Fighting fires.B.Detecting fires.C.Using fires.
2. How many fires did California have in 2020?
A.Around 50.B.About 400.C.Over 8600.
3. What size of fire can the new satellites discover?
A.Size of a car.B.Size of a plane.C.Size of a sports field.
4. What is more important to the woman?
A.Saving animals.B.Saving the trees.C.Saving humans.
阅读理解-七选五(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . The eyes are the windows of the soul (心灵). Having a pair of bright, clear eyes is very important, so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.


Don’t read while lying down or walking. Relax after every hour of reading. Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes. Don’t stare at (盯看) the sun or try to read in the darkness.     2     This can damage your eyes easily.

Get your eyes checked often.

Not many people have this habit, but it is necessary. If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes, get them checked quickly.     3    

Rest your eyes whenever you can.

You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes. A small break will relax your eyes.     4    

Besides, be careful when you choose your glasses.     5     Make sure your glasses are right for you. If you don’t feel right, get your glasses changed.

A.Develop good habits of using eyes.
B.It also helps to protect you from getting eye problems.
C.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.
D.Glasses that aren’t suitable for you could bring you trouble.
E.Even if you’re wearing sunglasses, never look directly at the sun.
F.Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.
G.Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 读后续写

I always wondered how people would react if I tried to approach a stranger for help in a busy place like a street corner or in a bustling mall. I personally have hurried past a stranger who tried to catch my attention in a busy place.

Yesterday I had a taste of being stuck in such a desperate situation where your only hope of help would have to come from a total stranger.

I was in a busy shopping mall buying a large piece of luggage. After the purchase in one of the large and expensive shops, I picked up my phone from my pocket to call my driver waiting in the parking lot and my phone was dead.

I then requested the shop assistant selling me the luggage, which was not cheap at all, if she could ring the number of my driver for me. She replied, still all smiles, “I’m sorry Sir, but it is the shop policy that we cannot use mobile phones while working in the shop.”

As I was wondering what kind of policy that was, I saw a nice-looking teenage boy coming toward me. Remember my wife’s interesting theory that beautiful people are more likely to give you a hand when you’re in trouble, I thought I might have a chance. But before I could say a word, he walked past me. It turned out he simply didn’t see me.

I waited in the mall but it seemed nobody bothered to look at me. Disappointed and tired, I got out of the shop on to the busy street in front. I stood there with people rushing by, looking at their faces to see if they will show kindness to me. I began wondering how many times I had reacted to strangers like the shop girl and the teenager.

注意:1. 续写的短文词数应为100左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

That was when I saw a young mother with her two kids.


Finally a man wearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeans seemed to notice me.

2023-11-21更新 | 548次组卷 | 36卷引用:湖南省长沙市明德中学2021-2022学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般