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1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A.The tourist and the travel agent.
B.The passenger and the airport assistant.
C.The customer and the ticket booking officer.
2. What causes the man’s problem?
A.The departure time is changed.
B.The IT team doesn’t work effectively.
C.The boarding system has technical problems.
3. What can we know from the conversation?
A.The man missed the flight.
B.The man will get a privilege of boarding.
C.The man’s flight has been rescheduled already.
昨日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市2024-2025学年高三上学期9月调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . A month ago, when we were brainstorming ideas for my column, my editor approached me with a challenge: spend $10 at the local second-hand store Goodwill and turn my finds into new treasures. I hesitated. I was doubtful about my ability to turn trash (废物) into treasure. But the New Year seemed like a good time to push the limits of my creativity, so I made up my mind to give it a shot.

I took my $10 and went to the Goodwill. I spent over an hour digging through shelves, looking for something I could safely upcycle. I was not especially handy, so I didn’t want to use anything with breakable bits. I also didn’t want to damage an old hardcover book for the purpose of decoration.

Therefore, I took a step back and decided to choose a project before I picked my items. I thought back to an article I once wrote on container gardening and decided that I could make a pretty planter out of almost anything. With my new goal in mind, I chose a basket and a bag of stones I could use for drainage (排水) for plants.

It felt cheap to just fill the containers with soil, but my limited skills left me with few tools at home. Plus, I needed plants. So I picked up paint and plants from the market. Then I sprayed (喷) the basket. I never seemed to be able to add enough color to the basket. I figured it might look better when it dried. Next morning, although I followed a number of online recommendations, I found my workspace was a mess after watering my precious plants in their new home.

The process of turning trash into treasure was stressful, but the finished products have found a place in my home. Unconsciously, I have fallen in love with it and hopefully, I will gain some of the skills that will take my game to the next level next year.

1. Why did the author regard the editor’s suggestion as a challenge?
A.For lack of enough time.B.For being short of creative ideas.
C.For the complexity of the task.D.For being inexperienced in recycling.
2. Which word best describes the author’s character according to paragraph 2?
3. What inspired the author to grow plants?
A.A planting project.B.An article about gardening.
C.The editor’s words. D.The items found in the Goodwill.
4. What does the author’s upcycling lead to finally?
A.A messy workspace.B.A new career path.
C.Valued parts of home.D.Better painting skills.
昨日更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市黄梅县育才高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What will the first week be like?
2. What is important for the listeners in the first week?
A.To help one another.
B.To be clear about their work.
C.To try to remember everything.
3. Why are the listeners advised to talk to many people?
A.They can get useful information.
B.They can get familiar with them.
C.They can get suggestions from them.
4. Who will assist the listeners in finding their areas for improvement?
A.The speaker.B.The manager.C.The new formal employees.
昨日更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省黄冈市2024-2025学年高三上学期9月调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . In November 1996, the National Art Museum of China received a donation of 117 paintings, sculptures and installations made after 1970 by European and US artists. Featured artists include important figures of modern and contemporary art, such as Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Gerhard Richter and David Hockney.

The donation was made by German collectors Irene and Peter Ludwig. The couple traveled in many Chinese cities in the 1980s and 1990s, witnessing what was happening following the country’s reform and opening-up. Peter Ludwig, an industrialist who held a PhD in art history, initialed a donation agreement with the museum in May 1996 but died two months later. His widow Irene Ludwig attended the donation ceremony and exhibition.

Yang Lizhou, then the museum’s vice director, recalled that when Peter Ludwig visited China to discuss about donation, he was not very determined but said “YES” after Yang told him that one quarter of the world’s population would support and remember him for his generosity.

The museum has toured the Ludwig collection in many cities over the past two decades, broadening people’s vision of fine arts. Many Chinese artists and art researchers had their first look at a real Picasso and also, got to know about the scope and depth of contemporary art. And now it exhibits 50 works from the collection to again mark the importance of the couple’s contribution to Chinese art circles and art education.

This portrait of Peter Ludwig shows a highly recognizable style of pop art figure Andy Warhol. Warhol portrayed many celebrities of various fields, including art, literature, movie, music and politics, in the 1970s, such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. Sketchy lines and a combination of bright colors highlight the subject’s distinctive personality, and bring him closer to the audience.

The Ludwig donated another three Picasso paintings, in which Man and Woman by a Flower Vase was completed three years before he died. The painting expressed fascinations of love and the burden it brings by merging the images of a woman and a man, where they seem physically independent while bound by scarfs reluctantly which made the man look dejected. This painting is distinctive from other masterpieces of Picasso.

1. What made Peter finally decide to donate his collections?
A.Yang’s encouragement.B.His passion for fine arts.
C.China’s reform and opening-up.D.His wealth and a PhD in art history.
2. What is the influence of the couple’s donation?
A.Making the museum more splendid.
B.Laying a solid foundation for Chinese art circle.
C.Widening Chinese people’s horizon of elegant arts.
D.Deepening people’s understanding of traditional art.
3. What does the underlined word “dejected” in Para 6 mean?
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.The important figures of modern art.
B.A German couple’s shining achievements.
C.A generous gift package from a German couple.
D.The significance of a German couple’s donation.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . The Best Bakeries in Paris

Le Grenier à Pain
152 Rue Oberkampf, Paris

Winner of the 2010 prize for Best Baguette in Paris, this famous bakery located in the heart of Montmartre is run by Michel Galloyer. The decoration is appealing, with the breads and cakes strikingly presented. The almond (杏仁) bread is amazing, and the chocolate pies are second-to-none. Breads are reasonably priced, while the chocolate pies are slightly above average, but in this instance, worth the extra cents.

8 Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris

Established by Pierre Poilane in 1932, this bakery has stood the test of time. Son Lionel continues to bake bread in the original wood-fired oven. Sourdough bread baked from stone-ground flour is a specialty here, as are delicate butter cookies. The unique online ordering system offers potential original gifts, or the chance to keep up your bread habit if your trip to Paris is temporary.

Maison Kayser
14 Rue Monge, Paris

Three generations of Kaysers have established a number of bakeries across Paris, where they sell their unique variety of bread, comprising a mix of milk, hazelnuts and honey. The multigrain loaf has a notably light and fluffy (松软的) texture and makes for a perfect breakfast treat. Ready-made sandwiches and salads are a lunchtime feature at this Latin Quarter bakery.

Au 140
140 Rue de Belleville, Paris

Au 140 counts a list of awards to its name. The official supplier to the presidential palace in2001, its baguette was named the best in Paris that same year. Talented baker Pierre Demoney also earned the bakery second prize in Paris’ croissant competition. Au 140 features a large selection of organic breads to choose from, which are worth the detour (绕路).

1. Which is the most famous food of Le Grenier à Pain?
A.Almond breads.B.Chocolate pies.C.Butter cookies.D.Multigrain cakes.
2. What do Poilâne and Maison Kayser have in common?
A.They were established in the 1930s.B.They both won several prizes in Paris.
C.They are family-owned businesses.D.They bake bread in a traditional way.
3. Where can customers buy organic food?
A.152 Rue Oberkampf, Paris.B.8 Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris.
C.14 Rue Monge, Paris.D.140 Rue de Belleville, Paris.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

“When is the best time to go to Disneyland?” The answer     1     that question depends on your preferences, but there are factors to consider     2     (guide) your decision. You could go in the middle of the week in February, on a sunny day     3     there are no school holidays to avoid crowds, but there won’t be any fireworks.     4     you could think about going in the summer when all the rides are running, days are long, and you can see the fireworks and other nighttime     5     (show), but the heat and long lines come.

    6     (general), the best time to visit Disneyland is during the summer and holidays. At these times, Disneyland hours are the longest, meaning more hours to play, more things to do, and more rides to experience. Rides are also     7     (likely) to be closed for maintenance then, which means there’s     8     (little) chance of missing them. However, the weather can be so hot that you’ll worry you might melt. Though the hours are long, the place     9     (crowd). Hotel rates will also be at the year’s highest,     10     (increase) your total trip cost. Your trip is all about you, so it is up to you to pick your own ideal time of the year.

7日内更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳市南山中学2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . How to deal with your homework? As a senior student, you might face the cruel fact that homework is so much that you could not finish them on time. It’s usually unnecessary to do homework because those that you have done might be only papers which are thrown away into a trash bin to add money to class. If you are a student with principles, you must struggle with the way to finish it.     1    

Uncover the potential of time.

Time is like water in sponges, if you want to press it, you might find that Lu Xun was cheating you. Zhang Jianyu, a famous educator, suggested that you could spare time when teachers are in class.     2     You could put your homework under the book that the teacher is using to make you finish homework in the classroom safely.


To finish your homework, you could turn to the Internet for help. Some software might help you a lot.     4     Because the answers on these apps are always standard.

Help each other.

The best friend is the people who want to help you do your homework positively. So you could ask your friends for help. And remember that you still need to help them sparing no effort.

Think about the price.

If you couldn’t finish the homework,     5     Once thinking this, you might want to finish them. And if not, just enjoy your holiday and make your day.

All these are my suggestions, which you should consider carefully before putting those into practice. Last but not least, hope you can have a nice holiday!

A.To finish homework quickly, just copy it.
B.But remember don’t copy it completely.
C.Follow those tips may be helpful to deal the different situation.
D.Obtain help from Internet.
E.you might felt depressed when you think the sense of duty as a student.
F.Because using the time to do homework is better than thinking other meaningless things.
G.you might be punished by your teacher like cleaning your class.
7日内更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省宁津县第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期创新学部9月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . The best times to visit Kaua’i are August-October and April-June, with agreeable wealth and discounted travel expenses. While the rainy season from November to March attracts win escapists, be warned: Peak season rates apply.


With the departure of summer’s crowds, autumn offers hotel savings and less competition from tourists. The weather remains pleasant, with highs in the mid-to-low 80s and lows in upper 60s.

Key Events:

Kaua’i Mokihana Festival

Kaua’i Marathon

Kaua’i Chocolate & Coffee Festival


Many folks visit Kaua’i during colder months to escape chilly weather, but they encounter its worst weather then. Average rainfall is high, especially in December. Don’t worry about rain ruining your trip as showers are brief. Plan ahead and book early for peak travel season.

Key Events:

Waimea Town Celebration

Prince Kuhi o Festival


Kaua’i weather is picture-perfect in spring (high 70s to low 80s) and so are the hotel rates (low season). For the fewest crowds, book your vacation for early spring, before schools break.

Key Events:

Kaua’i Art Festival


Kaua’i hotels sharply increase prices for summer family vacations. Remember, for a summer trip, book months ahead and be prepared to pay winter rates. It’s challenging to resist; the weather is ideal for beaches, with temperatures ranging from the mid-70s to mid-80s.

Key Events:

Koloa Plantation Days

1. Why do people like visiting Kaua’i during December-March?
A.To attend an art festival.B.To get away from cold weather.
C.To take part in marathon.D.To enjoy beach sunbathing.
2. To avoid peak travel and find best hotel deals, when should you plan a Kaua’i vacation?
A.In December.B.In February.C.In June.D.In August.
3. Where is the article possibly taken from?
A.A science magazine.B.A research paper.C.A news report.D.A guidebook.
7日内更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省益阳市2024-2025学年上学期9月第一次教学质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . FUTURE STARS — SUMMER EDITION — Digital Exhibition

About this Event

Experience the Magic of Art at Future Stars Summer Edition, a Spectacular Digital Art Show at The Holy Art Gallery in London.

The Holy Art Gallery is thrilled to announce the much-anticipated Summer edition of Future Stars, a physical art show that will leave you thrilled and inspired. Join us on a journey through the fascinating world of art, showcasing exceptional artworks by talented artists from around the world!

This event will feature a selection of artworks across various mediums, including paintings, sculptures, mixed media, and more. Each piece has been thoughtfully chosen to showcase the immense talent of creatives from every part of the world.

At The Holy Art Gallery, we believe in the power of art to bring joy and inspiration to people’s lives. That’s why we have carefully designed this Summer edition to create a magical atmosphere that will transport you to a world of wonder and awe. Prepare to be attracted by stunning visuals, complex details, and thought-inspiring concepts that will light your imagination.

Book your FREE TICKETS now and secure your spot at the Summer edition of “Future Stars London” digital exhibition! The admission is FREE, and there will be an open wine bar for the audience!

Private Viewing on Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 19:30 — 2:00 Open to the public until August 25th

The Factory, 21 — 31 Shacklewell Ln, London, E82DA

Tickets for FUTURE STARS — SUMMER EDITION — Digital Exhibition can be booked here.

Ticket InformationTicket Price
Private viewing/Opening eventFree
General AdmissionFree
1. What makes the exhibition special?
A.A free entry.B.An open coffee bar.C.A selection of art works.D.A hands-on experience.
2. For what purpose is this event arranged?
A.To bring the visitors to a virtual world.B.To advertise the art works by talented artists.
C.To create an academic atmosphere for the city.D.To bring pleasure and inspiration to the art fans.
3. Which of the following is a proper time to visit the exhibition?
A.August 20th.B.September 16th.C.October 25th.D.December 12th.
7日内更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省阳泉市2024-2025学年高三8月月考英语试卷
完形填空(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . A couple, who began raising money for _______ 40 years ago after their daughter’s battle with cancer, are about to _______the l million mark. Their youngest daughter Sally Kay was_______with cancer when she was a teenager. She _______successful chemotherapy (化疗) and totally recovered from the disease at the age of 18. On their way home after her final surgery and chemotherapy, Sally said, “Mum, I’m one of the _______ones so I’d like to give something back.” This got her parents Mike and Bridget Locke thinking. The couple decided to raise money for, _______research to find a cure and they have stuck to their promise raising £956,000.

The devoted pair have spent the past four decades working _______ to raise cash for Cancer Research. They have raised thousands through supermarket collections, breakfast mornings and golf events. Mike discovered a love of making marmalade (橘子酱) and has sold over 2,000 jars all for charity .

It became their _______job after Mike retired 30 years ago. “It makes me feel I’ve done something_______ ,” Mike said.“I’ve enjoyed it because l think l m doing something useful with my life.” Bridget, a former local newspaper our journalist, said, “I think it’s in my blood to raise money, Even as a small child during the war, I used to do a collection and was given a(n) ________for raising more than the other girls.

Mike, who was awarded a Member of the British Empire in 2007 for his services to Cancer Research, added. “A few years ago, I mapped it out on a graph and worked out that we should hit the1 million mark by the time l turn 90.Well, I________ it to 90 but we still haven’t hit l million.” So he has ________ a fundraising page online to get the £44,00. He needs to________ his target. Sophie Bus son from Cancer Research said,” What Mike said and his family have achieved is extraordinary. Their ________will enable scientists to find new ways to________, diagnose and treat cancer and we are incredibly grateful to him.”

A.raised upB.cut upC.set upD.broke up
7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省玉溪第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
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