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1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What are the members asked to do?
A.Collect money for the children.
B.Help prepare for the yearly event.
C.Invite teachers to attend the yearly event.
2. Which is the thing that should be done for the party?
A.Cooking the dinner.B.Making everyone sign up.C.Cleaning up before the party.
3. Where does the money for the Christmas festival come from?
A.Normal membership fees.B.The government.C.Every member.
4. Who will be given the presents?
A.People who attend the party.
B.Children who have no parents.
C.The members of the organization.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市台安县高级中学2024-2025学年高一9月份月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . OpenAI on Thursday announced its most direct threat yet to its strong Big Tech rivals: a search engine that uses artificial intelligence built in from the beginning.

The company is testing SearchGPT, which will combine its AI technology with real-time information from the web to allow people to search for information in the same way they talk to ChatGPT. The search engine is currently in an early test for a limited number of users. With the new feature, OpenAI will be directly competing with Google, which has for years dominated the online search market. SearchGPT could also pose a threat to Microsoft.

With SearchGPT, users will be able to ask questions in natural language, and they’ll receive answers that they can then follow up on with additional questions. But unlike ChatGPT, which is often reliant on older data to generate its answers, SearchGPT will provide up-to-date information, with online links to what the company says are “clear and relevant sources.” The tool will also show a sidebar with additional links to relevant information.

The OpenAI search engine could promote generative AI after Google has experimented with early efforts to incorporate chatbots and AI-generated answers into the search experience. But Google quickly pulled back on use of the feature after it provided false, and in some cases totally nonsensical information, in response to some users’ queries.

The launch of Google’s tool also raised concerns among some news publishers and similar concerns could arise with OpenAI’s search engine. However, OpenAI said Thursday that it partnered with publishers to build the tool and give them options to “manage how they appear” in SearchGPT’s results.

1. What can be learned about SearchGPT from paragraph 2?
A.It is not well-developed and still under test.B.It challenges Google, but beats Microsoft.
C.Lots of users have tried it online up to now.D.It has controlled the online search market for years.
2. Which is the advantage of SearchGPT?
A.Provision of infinite questions.B.Easy access based on previous data.
C.Natural communication via ChatGPT.D.Latest information with additional links
3. What is OpenAI’s attitude towards SearchGPT’s result?
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.OpenAI Will Combine Search Engine and ChatGPT
B.SearchGPT Becomes Popular among Users Currently
C.OpenAI Is Taking on Google with a New Artificial Intelligence Search Engine
D.Google’s Launch of AI Search Engine Was a Failure Due to False Information
昨日更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市普通高中2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。这篇文章讲述了特殊教育老师Kim Stemple在波士顿医院与疾病斗争期间收到朋友赠送的一枚奖牌,这个简单的举动极大地鼓舞了她,并启发了她创立慈善机构“We Finish Together”来帮助那些经历困难时期的人们。

3 . Kim Stemple, a special-education teacher, faced terrible diseases during her stay in a Boston hospital. While ________ with depression in her hospital room, Stemple received an unexpected present from a friend: a medal.

Before Stemple got too sick to ________, she had been a marathon runner and the medal brought back her racing memories. It served as a much-needed pick-me-up, ______ her of the strength and perseverance she once possessed. ________, it worked like a charm ________ her spirits and renewing her determination.

Inspired by this life-changing ________, Stemple began to think about how such a simple act could bring hope to others going through ______ times. And from this_______of inspiration, her charity, We Finish Together, was born. This initiative _______ medals from strangers — runners, dancers, swimmers, singers, and even spelling bee winners — and donated them to individuals in need.

Part of the process _______ the donor writing a personalized note on the ribbon , giving the recipient a unique ________ to someone who cares. Indeed, for those who were ________ in hospitals and battling health challenges, being presented with a medal and reading the warm ________ really made a big difference. It ________a reminder that they were not alone in their struggles and that support was always ________to them.

A.took overB.put downC.acted asD.dropped out
昨日更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第二十中学2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A phenomenon that concerns many parents is that American children are not learning to read. And schools are struggling to improve the dropping test scores: focusing on phonics(拼读法). But in doing so, they are ignoring something of equal importance: the role knowledge plays in helping children become good readers.

To be clear, not all kids suffer from poor reading skills. International comparisons indicate that American children below the age of 10 are competent at identifying words and summarizing the main topic of a text.

However, once kids enter middle school and standardized tests begin measuring deeper levels of reading comprehension, scores decline. By age 15, only 14 percent of U. S. children are good at reading and nearly 20 percent are failing to read at a baseline proficiency(基线水平). Most ninth- graders in the country are not skilled at absorbing and using information obtained from written material.

So, what is deep reading comprehension, and how might we promote it in schools? When reading fiction or poetry, deep comprehension involves using clues in the text to make inferences about the characters’ underlying (隐含的) emotions. When it comes to the sciences, deep comprehension consists of calling up relevant background knowledge and integrating it with information from the text. High- schoolers will read history or journalism and ask: Who wrote this, and what agenda was the writer promoting? In a word, deep comprehension means taking advantage of prior knowledge to dynamically engage with writers and their works.

The process of teaching kids to read better through knowledge acquisition must start early. Data gathered at home, schools and in labs show that 1- to-3- year- old children who have conversations with older people learn to read more easily than children who do not.

And it’s not just the quantity of conversation that matters. The information in those discussions shapes better literacy skills. Exploring conversation is key to helping children to become good readers. Such discussion leads to reading comprehension skills that go beyond the shallow standards we’ve set.

1. What do US schools pay little attention to?
A.Test scores.B.Student equality.
C.Word pronunciation.D.Knowledge acquisition.
2. What’s the purpose of paragraph 3?
A.To show the necessity of deep reading comprehension.
B.To state the impact of tests on reading comprehension.
C.To present the students’ bad academic performances.
D.To prove the significance of the school reading guide.
3. Which can help improve children’s reading comprehension skills?
A.Reading more good works.B.Ignoring the author’s inner emotions.
C.Engaging in deep discussions.D.Focusing on conversations in books.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.Finding new methods of developing better reading skills.
B.Improving deep reading comprehension of US students.
C.What skills can be acquired from early conversations.
D.Why reading comprehension is important to students.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。主要介绍了由一群高中生发起的一个开创性的模拟项目 “美人鱼社会项目”的起因、经过和影响。

5 . In the depths of the ocean, a society grows energetically that has long remained a myth to the human world: the mermaids (美人鱼). Recently, a groundbreaking simulated (模拟的) project — the “Mermaid Society Project” — has been started by a group of high school students in a social science class. This project aims to address real-world environmental concerns from an imaginative viewpoint and this unique social initiative has caught the attention of both students and society.

The project began as school work, where students were tasked with exploring and suggesting solutions to environmental issues. However, the team, led by the far-sighted student, Amelia, took a fearless leap by suggesting communicating with the mythical mermaid civilization to learn about their sustainable practices and apply them to human society.

Amelia and her team set out on a journey to the underwater city of Aquaria, where they were welcomed by the mermaid queen, Marina. The mermaids, known for their harmony with nature, shared their knowledge of marine life preservation, waste management, and energy conservation. The students were surprised by the mermaids’ use of giant algae (海藻) as a renewable resource for food, shelter, and energy.

The project has since expanded beyond the school, with the support of environmental organizations and the local community. The students have organized workshops and seminars to educate people about the mermaids’ sustainable practices. They have also organized an activity to reduce plastic waste, inspired by the mermaids’ zero-waste lifestyle.

The “Mermaid Society Project” has become a symbol of hope for environmental conservation. It has sparked a conversation about the importance of learning from other species and cultures to create a more sustainable future. The project has also opened doors for further research into the mermaid civilization, promoting a new era of interspecies cooperation.

1. What was the original purpose of the project launched by the high school students?
A.To create a documentary about marine life.
B.To study the history of mermaid civilization.
C.To explore and propose solutions to environmental problems.
D.To organize a cultural exchange program with mysterious mermaids
2. How did Amelia and her team approach the mermaid civilization?
A.Through school work.B.By conducting underwater research.
C.By inviting mermaids to their school.D.By visiting the underwater city of Aquaria.
3. What sustainable practices did the mermaids share with the students?
A.Using giant seaweed.B.Hunting marine animals.
C.Giving up using plastics.D.Burning waste for energy
4. How has the project impacted the local community and the students’ school?
A.It has led to a decrease in school admission.
B.It has caused a decline in the local economy.
C.It has started a talk about environmental protection.
D.It has increased the use of plastic products in the community.
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市普通高中2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . How to Stand Up for Yourself

For most of us, it’s pretty easy to stand up for someone else. It’s not hard to say your friend deserves a raise at work or your mom should ask for a second opinion at the doctor.     1    , we somehow have all kinds of painful stories about how it’s selfish or unkind to advocate for our own needs. So how do you go from being everyone else’s advocate to learning how to stand up for yourself? These are the steps I would like to share with you.

Strengthen your self- worth.     2    . Let me explain. Where financial worth is about keeping more money than you spend, self- worth is built in the same way, but instead of dollars, we’ re collecting and keeping more self.

Get comfortable saying no. The next time someone asks you for a favor or to join a committee, consider if you can afford to say yes.     3    . If you can’t afford it, you could also try something like “That doesn’t feel good to me” or “That doesn’t work with my schedule”.

    4    . It’s easy to fall into this trap because you tend to get praised for this habit. But when you place more importance on what others may think of you, you are probably devaluing yourself.     5    . Then, you end up in a desperate cycle of performing for others and hoping to gain worth. To break this habit, instead of relying on niceness and agreeableness, start leaning toward the courage to not be liked all the time and the strength to endure (忍受) rejection.

A.Stop people- pleasing
B.But when the tables are turned
C.Though satisfying others’ needs pleases us more
D.Be aware whether you can afford to gain self- worth
E.As your self- worth drops, your urge to please others rises
F.To do it, you actually have to keep more value than you give away
G.Think about what it will cost you in terms of finances, energy, health and time
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章通过叙述Anne Mortlock第一次独自旅行的经历,包括她的犹豫、决定、旅行的过程、感受以及旅行中遇到的人和事,向读者展示了一个关于勇气、探索和成长的故事。

7 . Going on your first solo (独自的) holiday can be a frightening prospect — in fact, it took Anne Mortlock three years to pick up the courage to book her first adventure.

Anne Mortlock initially felt hesitant about traveling alone, but was encouraged by her sister, a travel agent, to take her first solo trip with Just You, a tour company catering to solo travelers. Her first voyage took her to China, which she found “just perfect”, prompting her to quickly book another adventure to Namibia.

In Namibia, Anne experienced what she called “happy to be alive” moments, including an unforgettable encounter with a herd of elephants during a game drive. The sight was so awe- inspiring that it made her speechless. She chose to capture the essence of the moment rather than trying to record it with her camera. Other highlights included an optional cruise (乘船游览) in Walvis Bay, where she enjoyed dolphin sightings along with oysters and champagne.

The natural beauty of Namibia’s deserts and sand hills left a lasting impression on Anne, as did the iconic trees of the Petrified Forest, which are believed to be 700 years old. She appreciated the guidance of a local tour guide who introduced them to unique locations, such as a mountaintop offering unique views of the plains below.

Traveling with a diverse group of fellow solo adventurers, Anne developed lifelong friendships. She explained: “The group was a nice mix of ages and everyone had such a mix of life stories and experiences — they were a fascinating bunch of people to travel with. These connections were so impactful that four of us in the group planned future activities together back in the UK.”

Now filled with confidence to explore more of the world, Anne is looking forward to traveling to Vietnam with her sister and brother- in- law. She also has her eye on Costa Rica and another African adventure, though she has yet to decide on a specific destination.

1. What does the underlined word “prompting” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Which can best describe Anne when she was in Namibia?
A.Delighted and grateful.B.Surprised and proud.
C.Regretful but relieved.D.Tired but excited.
3. What can be inferred about Anne’s fellow solo adventurers?
A.They are mostly young people.B.They make Anne’s travel colorful.
C.They have a spirit of adventure.D.They show Anne around many sights.
4. From which section of a website can the text be seen?
A.Sports.B.Celebrities.C.Events & Festivals.D.My Footprints.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I took a trip to visit New York with my dad after graduating from high school. One of the places on his list for us to visit was a “rare violin shop”. We made our way down the crowded streets and stopped in front of a tall building.

This building was not what I had pictured. I’d been imagining a street-level shop, open to the public, with some interesting and older violins on display. As we walked inside, we were greeted by a receptionist who asked if we had an appointment, since they were by appointment only. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole and decided to give up the visit. However, my dad eagerly told her, “No, we didn’t but, my daughter plays the violin with her high school orchestra. And we would love to just pop inside and browse! Don’t mind us!”

The receptionist gave him an odd look but excused herself to talk to a well-dressed man, who told us that since he had no other appointments right now, he would love to give us a tour.

The starting price for a violin here, we found out, was 10 thousand dollars. He showed us around a very private-feeling and swanky-looking condo (奢华的工作间) , pointing out a room where he casually mentioned he would chat with Joshua Bell when he came by. My jaw was on the floor the entire time.

At the end, the man picked up a Stradivarius and asked me to play a string while he held it. And he triumphantly said, “There! Now you’ve played a Stradivarius.”

I don’t remember the man’s name, but meeting him is a real stroke of luck for me and I’m grateful that he decided to show a no-appointment, non-customer visitor around. His warm behavior helped inspire me to continue pursuing my instrument after high school!

1. What kind of violin shop had the author expected to visit?
A.Tall and magnificent.B.Mysterious and odd.
C.Popular and fascinating.D.High-end and professional.
2. How did the author feel after being greeted by a receptionist?
3. According to Paragraph 4, what might Joshua Bell be?
A.A receptionist.B.A celebrity.C.A salesman.D.A shopkeeper.
4. What can be concluded from the passage?
A.The shop overprices its customers.B.Stradivarius is a mass-market brand.
C.The author enjoys her visit to the shop.D.The well-dressed man is a great violinist.
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9 . When Mayumi Watanabe tells people what she does for a living, most people widen their eyes in disbelief, not just because she is quite tiny. “I can see they’re thinking, ‘How can such a tiny woman drive a big truck? ’ ” Watanabe, who is 152 cm tall, said as she prepared for the busy run-up to be a truck driver.

When she started driving her truck, Watanabe was an exception, as all her co-workers were men. Figuring out routes in the days before E-maps was not the only aspect of the job with which she struggled. Expressway truck stops did not have women’s toilets, and heavy-vehicle cabs appeared to have been designed entirely with male drivers in mind.

Watanabe is now a director of Heartful, the first among Japan’s 62, 000 trucking firms to employ only female drivers. Japan’s $300 bn freight and logistics (货运和物流) field is looking to women to address what industry insiders believe could be disastrous changes in the aging labour market.

In an attempt to make trucking, with its punishingly long hours, more attractive, the Japanese government will limit drivers’ overtime at 960 hours a year, or 80 hours a month, from April. However, transport companies warn that it will cause an outflow from a job in which most drivers depend on large amounts of overtime to make ends meet. But for Watanabe, there are also signs of a bright side in the industry.

In the two decades that Watanabe, 43, has been driving trucks around her company’s base in Fukui, toilet facilities have improved, while improved seat design and steering (操纵) technology have made her job much easier. With more women driving large trucks, companies are starting to customize their vehicles to better suit them, including fitting cabs with curtains to give the drivers more privacy during rest breaks.

Watanabe’s extra hours will fall sharply from April. “A lot of drivers will just quit,” she said. But she has no intention of joining them. “Driving gives me a sense of freedom.”

1. What aspect of Mayumi Watanabe surprises people the most?
A.Her great enthusiasm for trucks.B.Her positive attitude towards life.
C.Her busy schedule at the end of the year.D.Her presence in a male-centered profession.
2. What did Watanabe struggle to do in her daily work?
A.Develop competence in driving a truck.B.Get along well with her male co-workers.
C.Fit into the uncomfortable working conditions.D.Determine driving routes through digital maps.
3. What is the significance of women in Japan’s freight and logistics industry?
A.They help ease the labour shortage.B.They improve customer satisfaction.
C.They promote equality in the workplace.D.They contribute to better labour management.
4. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Technological advancements in trucking.B.Benefits of having more women in trucking.
C.Positive changes made in the trucking industry.D.Reasonable demands from women truck drivers.
7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省部分高中2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . My passion for the field of dietetics (营养学) started at a very young age. Ever since I can remember, I have been dreaming of becoming a pastry chef.

I grew up being part of various sports teams. As I grew older, I noticed how food influenced my performance as an athlete. I started reading more about nutrition and signed up for an introductory nutrition course during my first year of college.

However, I noticed when I entered my dietetics classes, that I looked quite different from most students. I was the only ethnically diverse student in my classes.

My mom was born in Austria and my father in Iran. They met in Austria and moved to the U. S. before my brother and I were born. They exposed us to their own traditional cultural foods, and I grew up eating a combination of Iranian and Austrian dishes.

I remember never having a taste for school cafeteria food, so I always requested my mom pack me lunch. She would pack me leftovers from dinner, such as a kuku sabzi, a Persian egg and herb frittata, or schnitzel with dartoffelsalat, a typical Austrian dish of fried breaded chicken. At times, I felt embarrassed about my meals, and would hide these from my peers to avoid the horrible question of, “Ew, what is that?” However, over time, and once I became a qualified RD (注册营养师), I realized my unique background allowed me to connect more deeply with others from different cultures.

I encouraged my clients to share what they grew up eating and what foods were customary to their unique upbringing. I developed nutrition recommendations for my clients that included traditional food from their heritage culture. These experiences and my dual heritage background empowered me to encourage my clients and other RDs to proudly share their unique cultural foods, to stop feeling embarrassed, but instead embrace our differences and increase cultural awareness in the field of dietetics.

1. What made the author take the nutrition course in college?
A.His dream of being a pastry chef as a child.
B.His thirst for dietetics knowledge all his life.
C.His awareness of the effect of food on his sports.
D.His lack of essential nutrition for physical health.
2. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The author’s favorite dishes.
B.The author’s mixed identities.
C.The author’s culture tendency.
D.The author’s childhood memory.
3. Why did the author dislike being asked about his meals?
A.They looked very odd.
B.They were not authentic.
C.They had a terrible taste.
D.They involve cultural secret.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To criticize people’s cultural prejudice.
B.To share his unique growth experiences.
C.To advertise food from his hometown.
D.To encourage accepting cultural diversity.
7日内更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第二十中学2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
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