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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . We are all creatures of habit. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, brush our teeth, have morning coffee and travel to work, following the same patterns every day.     1    

Behavioral scientists who study habit formation say that many of us try to create healthy habits the wrong way.     2     Here are two tips, backed by research, for forming new healthy habits.

    3     For many of us, our morning routine is the strongest, so that’s a great place to build a new habit. While brushing your teeth, you might stand on one foot to practice balance. Many of us fall into end-of-the-day patterns as well. Do you tend to sink into the sofa after work and turn on the TV? That might be a good time to do a single daily yoga pose.

    4     Wendy Wood, a research psychologist, calls the forces that get in the way of good habits “friction”. In one study, researchers changed the turning of lift doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close.     5     Many people are therefore convinced that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the lift. It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment. Just slowing down the lift got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the lift went back to normal timing.

A.It was just enough of a delay.
B.Why do we stop doing what’s good for us?
C.But why is it so hard to form new healthy habits?
D.We probably form new habits when we clear away the barriers.
E.The better way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit.
F.It explains why friction prevents the progress of forming good habits.
G.For example, we set big goals to lose weight without taking proper steps.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When my editors asked me to report on forest bathing, I packed a swimsuit. I assumed it must involve getting in the water. It turns out, my interpretation was too literal.

I met certified Forest Therapy (治疗) guide Melanie Choukas-Bradley at an urban forest in Washington, D. C. Here, I began to get it. Forest bathing isn’t a bath or a hike. We did walk the forest trails, but we wandered with no particular destination in mind.

The aim of forest bathing, Choukas- Bradley explained, is to slow down and throw oneself in the natural environment. She helped us be aware of the smells, tastes and sights of the forest. We took in our surroundings by using all our senses. As we passed through a stand of trees, we touched the trunks. We smelled the black walnuts, which give off a lovely fragrance (香气). We got a little shower of ripe mulberries, too. “Close your eyes and just breathe.” Choukas-Bradley told us. After I opened my eyes, the green looked a lot greener. And I began to see things I hadn’t noticed before.

“A forest guide helps us be here, not there,” says Amos Clifford, the founder of the Association of Nature & Forest Therapy, the organization that certifies the guides. They support what the forests could offer us, inviting us into practices that deepen physical presence, pleasure, and partnership with nature. When we connect with nature in this way, we are connecting with ourselves.

Clifford’s goal is to encourage health care proyiders to integrate forest therapy as a stress- reduction strategy. In the United States, work- related stress accounts for up to $190 billion in health care costs each year. “It’s my hope that the health care system will include forest therapy into the range of services,” Clifford says.

1. What is forest bathing?
A.A hike up the mountain.B.An adventure in the woods.
C.A swimming in open water.D.A guided nature healing practice.
2. How can we benefit from forest bathing?
A.By improving our awareness.B.By doing intense training.
C.By experiencing nature mindfully.D.By carrying out eyesight tests.
3. What can a guide help forest bathers do?
A.Locate and pick ripe fruits.
B.Put exercise plans into action.
C.Identify different trees and birds.
D.Concentrate on the surrounding nature.
4. What can we learn from Clifford’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Health care system needs updating.
B.Nature- based therapy costs too much.
C.Stress- related diseases are commonly seen.
D.Forest therapy could be an alternative treatment.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Emily Harper sat at her desk, staring blankly at the math problems in front of her. Numbers and variables danced confusingly across the page, laughing at her every effort. At school, Emily was known for her artistic talents, but math had always been her weakness, No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t make sense of it.

Her struggles only worsened in the 10th grade. The pressure to keep up with her classmates grew, and the poor grades shook her confidence. Her parents decided to step in. “We need to find you some help,” her mother gently suggested one evening.

Then came Mr. Jenkins, a retired local teacher known for his unique teaching style. Emily was initially resistant; the idea of spending extra hours on a subject she hated seemed like a punishment. But - she unwillingly agreed, knowing something had to change.

Their first session was tense. Mr. Jenkins, sensing her frustration, didn’t dive straight into problems. Instead, he asked about her interests. When Emily spoke passionately about her painting, he smiled. “Math is like art, Emily. It has patterns and beauty if you know where to look.”

Doubtful but inspired, Emily listened as he began to explain concepts through visual examples. He used colors and shapes, turning abstract numbers into something almost tangible (有形的). For the first time, math seemed less like a foreign language and more like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

However, progress was slow. Weeks passed with, minimal improvement, and Emily’s patience wore thin. A particularly difficult quiz left her in tears, convinced she was sure to fail. Mr. Jenkins said, “Remember, Emily, every artist starts with a blank canvas. Masterpieces aren’t created overnight.”

Encouraged by his firm belief, Emily pushed on. She began to see the connections between the steps, how each solution followed a logical path. Small victories in practice problems gave her some hope. Mr. Jenkins was always there, celebrating her successes, no matter how minor.


Gradually, Emily’s confidence grew with Mr. Jenkins’ help.


Emily’s heart raced when the results day arrived.

完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Cooking has always been a small enjoyment of mine, About a decade ago, I found great _________ in creating delicious meals from beginning, However, a series of _________, including a few unfortunate cuts, left me _________ to cook. So I gradually distanced myself from _________, relying more on my husband to cook or takeout, Recently, however, I decided to _________ my love for cooking, and it’s been transformative.

Getting back into cooking wasn’t easy. Memories of past accidents with my hands remained, and the fear of   _________ myself again appeared. However, as the _________ of living continued to rise, I realized that relying only on restaurants wasn’t sustainable. So, with _________, I stepped back into the kitchen.

One _________ that has truly refueled my passion for cooking is Julia Child’s Beef Bourguignon (红酒炖牛肉). When the movie Julie and Julia came out, I fell in love with cooking but never __________ this classic French dish. It’s certainly a __________ of love, requiring a lot of time, __________, and attention to detail. From seasoning the beef with salt and pepper to mixing it with wine, every __________ is a joyous celebration of flavor and technique. Making it for the first time gave me a sense of __________, reminding me why I fell in love with cooking.

Cooking doesn’t have to be a __________ — it can be a form of self- expression.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . In a digital, global world where thinking critically and generating new ideas count, a cradle-to-career approach to educating children must be mindful of how children learn to learn, not just what they learn. The Intellectual Lives of Children allows readers to look into the minds of kids as they explore and learn in everyday moments, emphasizing what constitutes real learning.

Children are born with playful curiosity. They ask questions about everything — Why does a tree have leaves? Why does the Sun come up? These questions help children discover the causal relationships among things — all with the guidance of adults.

Yet explorations take time. As Engel writes, “when children are allowed to dive into a topic thoroughly, they connect unrelated facts and generate new ideas.” The real mental work takes place as they play — when a child builds a platform of chairs to get cookies from an out-of-reach cookie box. Hidden in these moments are strengthened curiosity and innovation. Hurried parents often lack the ability to allow that time, fearing that their children might be late for their next scheduled activity.

“It becomes clear that the educational system in U. S. does not concern itself with children’s intellectual lives,” warns Engel in the book. Instead, she hopes to reimagine schools as “idea factories” built on inspiring curiosity: “Imagine assessing students progress under some new headings: poses interesting questions, ... and spends time solving them.

In one lovely example, Engel describes a teacher who challenged her students to construct a record- breaking straw chain measuring 3.8 miles. “Winning would be fun, but the cognitive (认知的) benefits would be far-reaching,” explains the teacher, whose goal was to help the children better understand the depth of the Mariana Trench.

With scientific insight and vivid examples, Engel’s book offers tips for how to make the learning more apparent. She encourages parents to see children as active thinkers and suggests that by asking open-ended questions and letting them explore, children will be better prepared for a complex and ever-changing world.

1. How will children’s playful curiosity become real learning?
A.By giving kids a time limit.B.By planning out extra activities.
C.By remembering casual facts.D.By allowing kids to fully explore.
2. What’s Engel’s attitude toward American educational system?
3. What is special about Engel’s book?
A.It presents a complicated world.B.It promotes scheduled activities.
C.It combines science and practice.D.It features open- ended questions.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Fun Inspires Kids’ CuriosityB.Play Develops Better Thinkers
C.Learning Feeds Young MindsD.Hurried Parents Teach Kids Well
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 我只想一个人待着,这样我就可以自己整理所有的文件了。
All I want is to be ______ so that I can sort out all the papers by myself.
2024-09-11更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省三明第一中学2024~2025学年高一上学期八月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Like most people, I spent most time on my phone, which made my brain weak. I couldn’t remember the name of Joan Holloway’s military husband from Mad Men without looking it up, or the name of the guy who would come into my dorm regularly to talk about how much he worked out, or even the boiling time for a soft-boiled egg. None of this was especially useful or life-changing information, but I wanted to remember it without making a shameful mess of my search history.

Inspired by a desire to see if my brain was capable of neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to change structurally through life in response to experience — I decided to stop looking stuff up online and see what happened. When I couldn’t remember the character from Mad Men, instead of instantly turning to my phone, I just sat there, thinking, very hard. (Aha! Greg was his name.) And so my new skill was born: Strong Brain.

Honestly, it took me a while to achieve Strong Brain. For a few months, I didn’t make any progress. Sometimes I would sit without knowing something for hours. People liked to laugh at me when I couldn’t remember the names of the heroines from Dune. While the laugh got louder and louder, my brain got better in my defense. After six months, it was remarkably stronger. At a party, as friends tried to remember the name of the actor who played Robin Williams’s lover in Jumanji, I blurted out (脱口而出) “Bonnie Hunt” without even trying.

There are many benefits of having Strong Brain. If you’re like me and have always wanted to be the shiny, pretty person at a party, I think Strong Brain is the party trick for you.

1. Why couldn’t the author recall certain information?
A.He didn’t take it seriously.B.He had his brain fully occupied.
C.He relied heavily on smart devices.D.He had no access to search engines.
2. How did the author achieve Strong Brain?
A.By surfing.B.By practicing.C.By imagining.D.By communicating.
3. What does the writer think of his pursuit of Strong Brain?
4. What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To tell a story.B.To recommend a skill.
C.To introduce a fashion.D.To analyze a problem.
2024-08-21更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省南平市松溪县第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . China has become the third country to discover a new lunar mineral, behind the US and the former Soviet Union. It is named Changesite-(Y), after the mythological Chinese goddess of the moon, Chang’e.

The rare lunar crystal (晶体) was found from the samples collected from the moon in 2020. Transparent and roughly the width of a single human hair, it formed in a region of the moon that was volcanically active around 1.2 billion years ago, which is giving scientists hope of providing limitless power for the world. The crystal is made of material previously unknown to the scientific community and contains helium-3, which scientists believe may provide a stable fuel source for nuclear fusion reactors (核聚变反应堆). The element is incredibly rare on Earth, but it seems to be fairly prevalent on the moon.

For decades, scientists have been interested in helium-3 and its potential source of fuel for nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion reactions occur naturally, when two light atoms combine into a heavier one, under extreme pressure and heat. They take place inside stars, but humans have yet to create a fusion reactor with enough energy to start the process.

Although it is too early for scientists to have made any financial estimates on such a fuel source, it will undoubtedly be extremely costly. There is, of course, the matter of bringing the crystals back from the moon, especially in the large amounts that are needed to fuel fusion reactors.

Multiple private companies and countries with space agencies have signaled their intentions to mine the moon for helium-3, and this latest discovery could start the race.

1. What did Chinese scientists discover?
A.A rare material.B.A hidden region.
C.A novel application.D.A new fusion reactor.
2. What does the underlined word “prevalent” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What does paragraph 3 focus on?
A.Places to mine helium-3.B.The lack of enough energy.
C.The way a fusion reactor works.D.A possible use of helium-3.
4. Why will Changesite-(Y) be costly as a fuel source?
A.Because of its shape.B.Because of its quality.
C.Because of its distribution.D.Because of its storage.
2024-08-20更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省南平市松溪县第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Puxian Opera is     1     ancient opera in Fujian Province. It is popular in Putian and Xianyou as well as in central and southern Fujian—in places     2     the local Xinghua dialect is spoken. People call     3     “a living fossil of the opera of South China”.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, large numbers of people from the central area moved to Fujian and     4     (introduce) the Baixi Opera. Later on,     5     (influence) by local cultures, there gradually developed a new kind of opera with a strong regional color in its language, tune and performance. It was originally called “Xinghua Opera” and in 1954 it     6     (name) Puxian Opera. It is estimated that nowadays there are more than 5,000 traditional plays of the opera. They     7     (most) tell stories and folk tales that reflect the lifestyle and values of ancient people.

However, with the number of younger audiences decreasing greatly, it is now at risk of     8     (die) out. And the local government are making great     9     (effort) to protect the cultural heritage.     10     people’s delight, Puxian Opera appeared on the stage of China Media Group’s 2023 Spring Festival Gala, which provides an opportunity for people to better understand the opera, a key step for preservation.

2024-08-16更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省南平市松溪县第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

By late afternoon, the bar was raised to 2.07 metres. An expectant buzz (嗡嗡声) spread through the stands and over the field in the still summer air. Duncan and Bob, two friends, would go head-to-head for the gold.

With all eyes on the high jump, officials quickly called a stop to competitions elsewhere in the stadium. An attentive crowd tensed for the final showdown.

Bob had proved himself the better jumper. He would plant the foot closest to the bar as he reached his take-off point, and then kick up hard with the other to lift his hips, which was at the heart of a successful jump. But as that long afternoon wore on, as the two threw themselves over the bar again and again, Duncan found himself with an unexpected advantage over his friend. As a teenager, he’d helped his father, a civil engineer. Dragging all equipment over mountain ridges and down into valleys had been ideal training for a high jumper, adding to his stamina (耐力) and strengthening his legs.

It was nearly six o’clock, and the two had been jumping for more than three hours — Duncan from the right side, Bob from the left. Both were succeeding on some tries and missing others, but never in a chain that would make one or the other the winner.

Relaxed and loose, unaware of roars of the huge crowd, the two were feeling less and less like rivals (对手) in an intense match and more like friends at a daily practice session.

As time went on, however, both jumpers seemed to be tired from the prolonged competition. Bob, long accustomed to watching his friend with a critical eye, discovered that Duncan hadn’t been conscious of the problem with his kick.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

As Duncan readied himself for another try, Bob walked over to him.


It was Bob’s last-minute advice that had helped him win.

2024-08-16更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省南平市松溪县第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
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