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1 . 假定你是郑州市第一中学的高一学生李华,你的英国朋友Charlie对中国文化很感兴趣。他听说中国人很重视家风(family values)传承,在给你的邮件中提出想了解你家的家风以及家风对你的影响。请你就此给他回复一封邮件,词数100左右。
2024-08-18更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市第一中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

School Picnic Day

My mom often tells me stories. One of her stories is about the school picnic. At that time, schools didn’t have a track and field day like we have now. Instead, the biggest day for them was the School Picnic Day.

The School Picnic Day was usually held on the last day of school in June. On that day, kids played simple games. No one cared who won and who lost. The true winners were the children themselves bathed in the joyous atmosphere of friendship and mutual respect.

Soon, before anyone knew it, the School Picnic Day would reach its climax with a grand feast at lunch time. Parents always packed picnic baskets for the kids. They filled them with as many good foods as they could afford. Lunchtime was a delightful occasion with children early sharing their baskets and exchanging treats with one another.

There was one family that was very poor. They had no picnic lunch that year. When my mom noticed this from a distance, she quickly tried to figure out how to help them. She knew they would be embarrassed if she gave them something from her own lunch basket.

Just then, the teacher announced there was going to be one final race before lunch. It would be the sack race, in which two people get inside a sack and hop as fast as they can to the finish line. The winner would receive a special lunch basket prepared by the teachers.

My mom wanted to enter this race. She waited until she saw Mary, the oldest sister of the family, get up. She asked Mary if she could be her partner, and Mary agreed. My mom had never been good at races, but as she put her legs into that sack with Mary, she told herself, “You can do it. You have to win!”

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The teacher yelled, “Ready. Set. Go!” and the race was on.


Later, Mary came and thanked my mom for being her partner.

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was still light outside and Dad wasn’t home yet. Mom told us we needed to wait for dinner so all of us could eat together. I didn’t mind. Dad worked all day cleaning pools and if he was late, it meant I could spend more time outside playing basketball with my brother.

Dad played basketball in an old-fashioned way. He always used two hands to hold the ball and he was always careful to line up his body with the basket. Each of his shots is perfectly measured so that the ball drops cleanly through the hoop (篮框). A few years before, when there had been more money to spend, Dad had bought us a backboard and a hoop and had set up a tall metal pole on the side of the driveway. It was primitive, but still, we could imagine it as a basketball court.

We would play basketball all day if Mom let us. We practiced all sorts of shots and tried to sharpen our skills by cutting around each other, sending the ball through each other’s legs and passing it behind our backs. It felt like magic holding a ball, aiming at the basket, sending it into the air and waiting for it to drop into the basket—all the problems of the world seemed to fade away.

Lately Dad didn’t see magic anywhere. He’d lost more customers to job losses. Many of Dad’s customers who had lost their jobs told him they couldn’t afford to pay Dad to clean their pools anymore. I could tell Dad was worried each night.

I squeezed past my brother to put in another layup (带球上篮). That was when I heard Dad arriving home. “Hey, guys!” Dad said as he got out of the car. His shoulders slumped forward with tiredness. It was early and there was still a lot of light left in the sky. In the fading rays of the sun, the light revealed a lot more wrinkles on my Dad’s face than I remembered.

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I thought maybe I can cheer him up.


It was almost too dark to see the ball and the dinner was ready.

2024-07-03更新 | 133次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省驻马店市新蔡县第一高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Harry’s reward

Harry didn’t want to learn to swim. He couldn’t figure out what the use of learning to swim was. But Harry’s parents believed it was a great pity for a healthy boy to be afraid of the wind and the sea.

“Everybody, especially every Englishman and boy, should know how to swim,” Papa had said. “There is never any knowing the use it may be of.”

“Isn’t it very hard to learn?” Harry asked.

“It takes some patience,” his father said. “But in three weeks or so, you should be able to swim fairly well, if you have a lesson every day.”

There was no escaping it, however. Papa, though very kind, was very firm, and once he said a thing, it had to be done. So with a rather white face, poor Harry set off every day for his swimming lesson. He was a quick and clever boy, and a strong boy, and his father knew this. After the initial fear was overcome, it went on better and faster than could have been expected. Two weeks later, Harry had the pleasure of hearing his father say to his mother, “He swims already very nearly as well as I do myself.”

Seacliff, the place at which the family was spending the summer, was not a fashionable watering place but a little village. There were a few gentlemen’s houses in the neighborhood, so that in fine weather merry groups met at the little sheltered bay among the rocks.

One day, Harry, having finished his own morning swim, set off to walk home at his ease. Suddenly a sound disturbed his pleasant thoughts. A carriage was rushing wildly along, coming nearer and nearer. The driver, Ann, stood upright in the carriage (马车), hitting the poor horse as if she were mad, while from time to time she screamed, “Help, help!”

“What is it?” screamed Harry too, as Ann passed. She would not stop, but she threw back some words through the wind. “My sister—Alice—is drowning (淹溺). Go to the village to fetch someone who can swim.”

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Harry ran back to the bathing place at once.


There were plenty of hands to help carry them to land once they were within a safe distance; however, it was Harry who was the true hero.

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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It’s the Saturday, 1:00 am, and Stormy, my dog, and I were going on a pre-dawn bird-watching adventure. The weatherman predicted fog, but as we hit the road, it’s clear. Along our journey, I stopped at a petrol station, ensuring Stormy was safely locked in the truck.

“Stormy, hang tight,” I whispered, stepping out into the night air.

Back on the highway, as we were near the marshlands, a heavy fog began to swallow everything. At a sharp bend, my truck hit soft ground, and I lost control. “Oh, no!” Panic set in as the vehicle slid off the road with a bang, falling down a steep bank and into the water.

In the strange silence that followed, I was floating inside the car, gently carried downstream by the canal. “Come on, door,” I said, switching uselessly at the handle. It won’t move; the electrical system had shorted out due to the water. “I’ve got a glass breaker,” I reminded myself, reaching for the tool in the center part.

With each failed attempt to break the window — the glass bouncing back at me — I felt a growing sense of urgency. Water moved over the floorboards, cooling my feet. “Stormy, stay calm,” I said, lying down to kick at the window with all my strength. But my efforts only met resistance.

As the water level rose threateningly close to the ceiling, fear clawed at my heart. In a last effort, I dived behind the seat for my toolbox. “Got to find something solid.” My hands brushed against the cold metal toolbox, then the fire extinguisher (灭火器). “This might work.”

“Here goes everything,” I thought, holding the extinguisher and hitting it against the window. The impact resounded through the car, but the glass holds firm. “Not yet,” I begged under my breath, as the extinguisher bounced harmlessly away.

The water kept rising, and so did my fear. A voice inside me screamed to give up, but another thought pierced through — Stormy. “For Stormy, I can’t quit.” Just then, I sensed a pause in the water’s rise.

An unspoken sound said, “You have more time. What will you do?”

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“I’ll fight harder,” I promised aloud.


Exhausted, we caught the now flooded vehicle, waiting for daylight.

2024-03-22更新 | 326次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省郑州市名校教研联盟2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I had run away from home after finishing high school. My parents had insisted I go to college, but I was tired of school. I hated it. I was determined not to go. And, besides, my father was too strict. I had too many chores to do around the farm. I haled the work!

There had been a quarrel between my father and me. I threw some things into a bag and left angrily, as my father shouted after me, “If you leave, don’t come back!” My mother cried openly, and I had seen those tears during a hundred sleepless nights.

Then it was time to write a letter to my father.

Dear Dad,

It’s been more than a year now. I’ve traveled east to west. I’ve had dozens of jobs. None of them amounted to very much. Always the same questions: “How much education have you got?” It seems they always want college men for the good jobs.

Dad, you and Mother were right about everything. I know now that the work on the farm didn’t hurt me, and I’m convinced I need college. I’m also convinced that both of you loved me.

Dad, I’ve learned a lesson. I want to come home. I know you said if I left, I couldn’t come back, but I’m praying you’ll change your mind. I want to come home and be a part of the family again.

Give my love to Mother and the girls.

Your son

As I folded the letter and put it into an envelope, I felt a refreshing relief. It was as if a heavy load had been lifted from my shoulders. And I had to be on my way home.

I started down the desolate road—the long road home. Fortunately, a car picked me up, and it was good to have someone to talk with. The driver was a salesman and very pleasant.

“Where you going, boy?” he asked good-naturedly.

There was a long silence before I said, “Home.”

“Been away from home long?”

I smiled, a little self-conscious, and said, “One year, one month and two days.”

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Having heard my story, he expressed his support for my final decision and told me something surprising.


Finally, I arrived home when. it was completely dark.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In a small village called Brightville, there lived three friends: Kimberley, John and Alicia. They were all students at Brightville High School. Kimberley was a hardworking and determined girl; John was a curious and creative boy; and Alicia was a kind and helpful girl. They shared a common dream of achieving their goals through education.

On a sunny day, the three friends gathered at their favorite spot near the village river. They often met there to discuss their dreams and motivate each other. Kimberley always emphasized (强调) the importance of studying and setting goals. John loved exploring new things and finding creative ways to learn. Alicia, with her caring nature, always supported and encouraged her friends.

One day, they came across an old abandoned library in the heart of Brightville. The library was filled with dust-covered books. Kimberley saw this as an opportunity for their dreams to come true. She suggested turning the library into a learning center for the village.

The three friends spent months cleaning, organizing and renewing the library. They reached out to the villagers, and soon, volunteers joined them to set up the learning center. They created a friendly and welcome environment where students could come to study, read books, and seek help.

Word about the learning center spread throughout the village. Students from all ages and backgrounds started attending. Kimberley, John and Alicia devoted their after-school hours to tutoring (指导) the students. They understood that education was not just about memorizing facts but also about nurturing curiosity and passion for learning.

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As days turned into months, they saw the effect of their hard work.


The success of the learning center in Brightville caught the attention of the local government.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 困难(0.15) |

8 . Philosophers have a bad reputation for expressing themselves in a dry and boring way. The ideals for most philosophical writing are precision, clarity, and the sort of conceptual analysis that leaves no hair un-split.

There is nothing wrong with clarity, precision, and the like — but this isn’t the only way to do philosophy. Outside academic journals, abstract philosophical ideas are often expressed through literature, cinema, and song. There’s nothing that grabs attention like a good story, and there are some great philosophical stories that delight and engage, rather than putting the reader to sleep.

One of the great things about this is that, unlike formal philosophy, which tries to be very clear, stories don’t wear their meanings on their sleeve — they require interpretation, and often express conflicting ideas for the reader to wrestle with.

Consider what philosophers call the metaphysics (形而上学) of race — an area of philosophy that explorers the question of whether or not race is real. There are three main positions that you can take on these questions. You might think that a person’s race is written in their genes (a position known as “biological realism”). Or you might think of race as socially real, like days of the week or currencies (“social constructionism”). Finally, you might think that races are unreal — that they’re more like leprechauns (一种魔法精灵) than they are like Thursdays or dollars (“anti-realism”).

A great example of a story with social constructionist taking on race is George Schuyler’s novel Black No More. In the book, a Black scientist named Crookman invents a procedure that makes Black people visually indistinguishable from Whites. Thousands of African Americans flock to Crookman’s Black No More clinics and pay him their hard-earned cash to undergo the procedure. White racists can no longer distinguish those people who are “really” White from those who merely appear to be White. In a final episode, Crookman discovers that new Whites are actually a whiter shade of pale than those who were born that way, which kicks off a trend of sunbathing to darken one’s skin-darkening it so as to look more While.

Philosophically rich stories like this bring more technical works to life. They are stories to think with.

1. What does the author think of philosophical stories?
A.The meaning behind is very obvious.
B.They am extremely precise and formal.
C.They often cause conflicts among readers.
D.They are engaging and inspire critical thinking.
2. Which category might “Christmas” fall into according to paragraph 4?
A.Social constructionism.B.Anti-realism.
C.Biological realism.D.Literary realism.
3. What is Black No More in paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Racial issues caused by skin colors.
B.A society view on race and self-image.
C.Black people accepted by the white society.
D.The origin of sun bathing among white people.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Stories Made EasyB.Stories to Think with
C.Positions in PhilosophyD.Nature of Philosophical Writing
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jimmy lived in a city with his family, but he loved nature so much. For his son’s birthday, he decided to go to the forest for celebration with family and friends and enjoy some time with Mother Nature. He booked a cottage (别墅) which was near the forest. There were arrangements for guests to enjoy nature and view wild animals roaming (游荡) in nearby places.

On the first day of their trip, they saw a small dog while entering the cottage. When Jimmy’s two year-old son noticed that dog, he offered it a biscuit with his small hands. The dog was happy to get a treat from the kid and stay with him. Soon the kid and the dog became friends. From that moment, the dog wouldn’t leave the kid’s side even for a minute.

On the third day of the trip, Jimmy’s family and their friends celebrated the kid’s birthday and everyone enjoyed it. The next day they wanted to spend more time in the forest. So all the adults decided to go for hunting and the kid was left in the care of his baby-sitter in the cottage.

Few hours later, Jimmy and his wife were the first to get back. When they walked up to the cottage, they saw that main gate was open and in the hall no one was there. So they called their kid and the baby-sitter, but they got no reply.

They became worried and started to search for them in the cottage. At that moment, Jimmy’s eyes lit upon that dog with blood stains (血迹) on its mouth.

Seeing this. Jimmy’s wife got scared and started shouting. In the meantime, everyone else also returned to the cottage. They heard her shout and ran toward there. Shocked by the sight, they all started beating that dog.


Just then, the baby sitter came back with the kid.


A fight broke out between the dog and the wolf.

2023-10-13更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省周口市河南省新未来2022-2023学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
10 . 近年来,许多城市都流行兴建“口袋公园”,曾经的社区边角地摇身一变,成了家门口高颜值的小公园,给市民带来了惊喜。假定你是李华,你所在的城市也逐渐建了一些口袋公园,为此你校英文报社正在组织以“Pocket Parks in My Eyes”为主题的征文活动,请你撰写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

Pocket Parks in My Eyes

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