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语法填空-单句语填(约0词) | 较易(0.85) |
1 . She refused to tolerate__________ (call) a liar. (所给词的适当形式填空)
2 . The minister said, “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never negotiate ______________________ criminals.” (用适当的词填空)
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

For more than 20 years I have been traveling the world, preferring often to spend a year or two in different countries rather than to just visit as a tourist. It has become an important part of my personality as I grew older and shaped the way I saw the world and myself.

My little taste of this amazing life was when I was 19 years old. I was selected among a small group of college classmates to spend a year abroad. This was long before people could travel the world through social media like Facebook and Twitter. In order to see a place, you had to go there and experienced it.

I was raised in a middle-class family and couldn’t afford to travel around the world the way I wished I could. The only way I knew about the world outside was through letters I wrote to pen pals from over a dozen countries as a kid, and from television. Growing up, I always loved the very funny British comedies that were shown on local public television every Saturday night. So when I got the chance to apply for a study abroad program, I chose London.

Living abroad can be exciting, scary and challenging. I thought it would be easier because I spoke the same language as the local people did. But I also like to relish (享受) the little differences between the British and American culture and language. I also learned that in England, they spell words differently than in the U. S. In British spelling, they put a “u” in words like favor to make it “favour” and an “s” in words like analyze to make it “analyse”. I was able to adapt quickly to this new way of writing since I was submitting papers all the time for my classes.

Academically, I got to take classes that weren’t offered at my college back home. For example, I had a course in sociology and learned about the native people of Papua New Guinea.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: But there were also challenges that year too.   


Paragraph 2: Sometimes the difficult times made me sad and homesick.

语法填空-短文语填(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Thousands of years ago, Chinese characters appeared on animal bones and silk before they     1     (write) on paper. But now many     2     character has a “new container” in the modern age. 

Recently, a research team, drawing every little bit of     3     (inspire) from Xunzi, an outstanding Confucian philosopher during the late Warring States Period (475-221 BC), has rolled out Xunzi, a large language model (LLM) and Xunzi Chat in association with a leading ancient Chinese text publisher. When     4     (ask) why, the team leader explained, “Characters  set invertical layout (竖版), the absence of pausing and punctuation are all holding readers back.”     5     (create) Xunzi the LLM, the team first did a lot of research. Since2013, they’ve sweated     6     (heavy) to digitize Chinese classics like the SikuQuanshu. “The hard work involves a large-scale pool of two billion Chinese characters,     7     has laid a solid foundation for the LLM.” Their efforts seem to have paid off. Currently, Xunzi the LLM can translate, punctuate     8     understand some ancient Chinese texts. The model can help us mine for more information hidden in our cultural legacy and find unnoticed models and connections.

The team have shared the LLM on GitHub and other websites,     9     (allow) users to download and use it for free. They’re committed to the philosophy of making the data and model     10     (access) globally.

2024-05-28更新 | 159次组卷 | 4卷引用:必修一 Unit 5 Languages Around the World 单元培优综合测试卷 -2025年新高考英语一轮总复习筑基培优方案(人教版2019)
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . The first way we learn to communicate is through body language — our facial expressions, our gestures and, when we’re older, our postures. Even after we figure out how to speak, this non-verbal communication still exerts (施加) a powerful and often unconscious influence over our interactions, people’s first impressions of us and even our impressions of ourselves.     1    .

Change how you feel

To de-stress: Forcing a smile can make running easier and tough tasks less stressful. One 2012 experiment found that a grin makes holding your hand in ice water more bearable.

To feel more confident:     2    . Striking this so-called power pose shortly before an interview or athletic contest can be particularly powerful for women, who tend to sit and stand in a way that takes up less space.

To persevere:     3    . In a 2008 study, students who sat with their arms crossed kept working on an impossible problem nearly twice as long as those with their arms at their sides.

Change how others feel

    4    : Studies show that holding someone’s gaze may help people think you’re trustworthy and intelligent. According to body language expert Carol Kinsey Goman, it can also make people think you’re a good listener.

To foster connections: Mirroring the facial expressions and gestures of the person you’re talking to can help them feel more comfortable. One 2011 experiment found this is an effective sales skill.

To engage or disengage: If you want to let someone know you’re listening, sit facing them with your full body, knees and shoulders pointed at them.     5    .

A.To come across as sincere
B.But if you want to spread tension, angle your body slightly away — facing full-on is confrontational (对抗性的) when things get heated
C.Here’s how to use body language to everyone’s benefit
D.Making your index finger (食指) and middle finger crossed can help you gather strength
E.To inform people
F.Standing like Wonder Woman — legs apart, hands on hips, chest up — may make you feel more powerful
G.Crossing your arms across your chest can help you persist in solving a problem
2024-05-23更新 | 323次组卷 | 5卷引用:必修一 Unit 5 Languages Around the World 单元培优综合测试卷 -2025年新高考英语一轮总复习筑基培优方案(人教版2019)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Huddled in small groups around laptops, 20 Brazilian teenagers are using an app to build a skill that’s vital to the future of their entire community. The teenagers belong to the Guarani indigenous (本地的) people and they are fluent in speaking both Portuguese and their mother tongue, Guarani Mbya. But when it comes to writing, they often use Portuguese as that’s what they were first taught to write in, putting the Guarani Mbya language in its written form at risk of disappearing. But since March of this year, they’ve been using an app to improve their ability to write in Guarani Mbya. The app is part of a project funded by IBM to create AI tools to help preserve and expand the use of indigenous languages in Brazil.

Of the 7,000 or so languages that exist in the world, about a fifth are thought to be endangered, with the United Nations estimating that half of these will be extinct by 2100 — the majority being indigenous languages. The movement to prevent indigenous languages from disappearing has prompted a number of tech-centric language preservation and expansion projects. For example, in New Zealand, an app has been developed to collect oral recordings of indigenous languages across the region to help speakers boost their everyday use of their native language.

But embracing technology and the desire to protect culture and language are often at odds in indigenous communities, as Dr. Burbank has observed. “A minority group that’s fighting to preserve a counterculture (反主流文化) will create walls around the culture to try not to dilute (削弱) it, because the majority culture is automatically going to wipe that culture out,” says Dr. Burbank. While many of the indigenous communities Dr. Burbank works with feel technology could contribute to that dilution, she believes it can benefit indigenous communities.

1. Guarani indigenous teenagers seldom write in Guarani Mbya because __________.
A.they were initially trained to use Portuguese in writing
B.the written Guarani Mbya language is in danger of extinction
C.they intend to break free from their indigenous culture
D.Guarani Mbya makes it hard for them to integrate into the outside world
2. How many languages are estimated to disappear by 2100?
A.About 7,000.B.About 3,500.C.About 1,400.D.About 700.
3. What does the underlined phrase “at odds” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the author’s attitude toward using AI for language preservation?
2024-05-13更新 | 122次组卷 | 4卷引用:必修一 Unit 5 Languages Around the World 单元培优综合测试卷 -2025年新高考英语一轮总复习筑基培优方案(人教版2019)
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When I was a teenager, I was invited to a formal dance party. I was _________, but also nervous about what to wear. Mom suggested I wear high heels (高跟鞋).

“Mom, I don’t know if I can wear these,” I said, feeling _________. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Just take small _________ and keep your weight centered,” she suggested.

As I arrived at the party, I tried to be _________ and act like everything was fine. But _________ struck when I stepped onto the dance floor. I _________ my own feet, falling to the ground in front of everyone.

I quickly got up and laughed it off, pretending like it was _________. But deep down, I felt like a tomato, wanting to _________.

My friend Lilly helped me _________ that incident and managed me another high heels as a support so that nobody would understand my hesitation. But a little bit __________ continued in my mind.

When I returned home, I told Mom I felt like a complete __________ at the party. “It’s okay. You tried something new, and it didn’t go as __________. But that’s how we learn and grow. Don’t be too __________ on yourself and wear what you feel __________ in,” Mom said, giving me a hug.

From that day forward, I stuck to flat shoes. I learned to __________ my true self and not worry about what others thought.

A.landed onB.tripped overC.kicked upD.ran into
A.a hot potatoB.a big fishC.no luckD.no big deal
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Four Best Apps to Learn French


Mondly is perfect for beginners who are learning French because it starts right from the basics. lt offers interactive conversations where you can practice speaking with its chatbot.

The premium (高级的) version of Mondly starts at $ 9.99 per month. There’s also a free version of the app that gives you limited access to some of the content.


Italki is the best French app for speaking practice because it can connect you with a French teacher that teaches online lessons. There are over 1,100 on-demand teachers who specialize in teaching French with a variety of qualifications to choose from.

Italki teachers set their own prices for classes. They usually range anywhere from $ 4.00 per hour to over$ 60.00 per hour for more specialized classes. Most teachers offer a 50% discount if you take a trial lesson with them, so you can try a few different teachers until you find the perfect one.


ln addition to teaching the language, MosaLingua has tons of resources like videos, songs and books that teach you about French culture. A lot of apps will teach you the French language, but they completely ignore French culture.That’s what makes MosaLingua stand out.

A subscription to MosaLingua costs $ 4.99 per month.You can also get a yearly subscription for

$ 50.


Babbel is the best app to learn French grammar. They have you actively make choices, put together phrases and practice speaking with voice recognition technology.

Babbel costs $ 14.95 for a monthly subscription, but that price goes down if you purchase a yearly subscription.

1. What can you do on Italki?
A.Watch French videos.
B.Choose your teachers.
C.Speak to book writers.
D.Take free trial lessons.
2. Which app will you choose if interested in French culture?
3. How much should you pay for subscribing to Babbel for half a year?
A.$ 14.95.B.$ 19.98.C.$ 60.D.$ 89.7.
2024-05-07更新 | 54次组卷 | 2卷引用:必修一 Unit 5 Languages Around the World 单元培优综合测试卷 -2025年新高考英语一轮总复习筑基培优方案(人教版2019)
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 你校英文报就最近举办的“当英语遇上艺术”(When English Meets The Arts)系列活动开展征文,请你写一篇短文,分享其中让你印象深刻的一项活动,内容包括:

When English Meets The Arts

2024-05-07更新 | 367次组卷 | 6卷引用:必修一 Unit 5 Languages Around the World 单元培优综合测试卷 -2025年新高考英语一轮总复习筑基培优方案(人教版2019)
共计 平均难度:一般