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翻译-单词释义 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。
1. True friends should never betray each other. Instead, they are supposed to be faithful to one another all the time.
2. Faced with the teacher sitting in front of me, suddenly my mind went blank and I couldn’t remember anything.
3. The road was blocked by fallen trees and the traffic came to a complete stop.
4. All the passengers were on board and the flight was about to take off.
5. The city was bombed by terrorists and it lay in ruins eventually.
6. With the improvement of living standards of the people, there is a boom in car sales.
7. Due to cultural difference, we are different from each other in many aspects, such as dressing, ways of thinking and eating habits, etc.
8. He always associates this song with his hometown which is far away. Whenever he listens to it, he’ll recall his hometown.
9. Actually, going abroad has no appeal to me. Even if I were given a chance, I wouldn’t choose to live overseas.
10. He was appointed as captain of the English team, but he refused to accept the offer.
11. After struggling for years, my brother finally attained a Master’s degree last month.
12. Mark is very interested in universe and he aims to take up astronomy, the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.
13. She is bent on being an outstanding biologist and nothing can stop her achieving her dream.
14. On hearing the thrilling news, the kids bounced up and down excitedly.
15. Bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to one’s wages as a reward.
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2 . 这部春节档电影明星云集,情节曲折,制作精良,实现了票房与口碑的双丰收。(release) (汉译英)
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3 . 这座公园设施陈旧,疏于管理,荒草丛生,经改造后,却让人眼前一亮。(absence) (汉译英)
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4 . 这款应用软件无需消费者下载音乐便可享受音乐,自发布以来已经占据了市场的半壁江山。(without) (汉译英)
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5 . 传统中医安全可靠,最早可追溯到三千多年前,是中国古代人民的智慧结晶。(represent) (汉译英)
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6 . 艺术品应该以人们能够承受的价格面向更多的人出售。(available,afford)
7 . 荷花(lotus flower)迎骄阳而不惧,出污泥而不染,象征纯洁、高雅。(characterize)
8 . 尽管家人反对,但她执着地要去做整容手术,甚至说服朋友和她一起去,因为她对她的外貌非常挑剔。(despite,persist)
9 . 太极(Tai Chi)是中华民族传统文化之瑰宝,其动作柔缓,但能以突然爆发的力量将对手击退。(feature) (汉译英)
10 . 时近傍晚,强风夹着暴雨,登山更困难了,但面临这样巨大的挑战时登山者们都拿出了勇气继续前进,不管他们的向导怎么说,怎么想。(accompany; regardless) (汉译英)
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共计 平均难度:一般