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1 . Recently I paid a visit to Harvard University, where there are top class scientists and professors and the best academic system in the world.

I was pretty shocked when I first stepped into the campus. Well, it’s not even really a campus. It’s more like a district in a small town. Harvard’s main buildings are from the 18th century. They look very old and simple. You might even say they’re a little shabby. They don’t fit the modern idea of the university at all. The buildings are surrounded by grass and trees, so I felt as if I had walked into an ancient castle. But when I looked across the street, busy shops and in-fashion students made me feel like I was in the 21st century again. It creates a strong contrast and brings a special atmosphere to the school.

Our tour guide Gary took us around and told us, “You see this grass field in the center of the school? Here is where they host their graduation ceremony. They just set up tents and benches and have a very simple ceremony.” Unbelievable! Who would think the most talented students just graduate on the lawn?

I saw some students put a blanket on the grass and lie down to read a book. When I listened to the soft sound of pages turning, along with singing of the birds, I felt very calm. There was no competitive feeling at all.

Harvard has the world’s first computer in its science center and there are hundreds of high-end computers, too. Its religion and the literature departments are also among the best. It is the perfect mix of tradition and new technology. It makes Harvard a very attractive place to study in.

I hope one day I’ll attend my dream school — Harvard.

1. What is this article mainly about?
A.The author’s campus life in Harvard.B.The academic system in Harvard.
C.Harvard’s old buildings.D.The author’s impression of Harvard.
2. Why did the author feel pretty shocked when she first stepped into Harvard?
A.Harvard students didn’t take their graduation ceremony seriously.
B.The classes were held on beautiful lawns in Harvard.
C.Harvard mixed tradition and new technology perfectly.
D.Harvard has top class scientists and professors.
3. What can we know from the article?
A.All Harvard buildings date back to the 18th century.
B.Graduation ceremonies are simple at Harvard.
C.There are no competitions at Harvard University.
D.Harvard campus is actually a district of a big city.
4. According to the article, in which fields is Harvard top in the world?
A.Literature, arts, and law.B.Religion, law and arts.
C.Literature, arts and computer science.D.Religion, computer and literature.
昨日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中素质测试英语试题
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2 . Various Apps to Learn

Apps are typical digital learning tools, which can give you diverse and personalized content to meet your needs. Want to find an app that can help you learn? Here are some great ideas for you.

Khan Academy allows you to learn almost anything for free. It covers subjects such as math, physics, biology, and even computer science. The real magic of this app is that you can learn at your own pace. You can review subjects that you are not good at, or start learning a subject you like. The app is in English. If you want to see its translation you can visit http://opencom/khan.

BrainPOP mixes learning and technology in a fun and simple way. It’s free and teaches you something new every day. From the solar system to DNA, each topic starts with an interesting cartoon movie. After you’ve watched it, you can take a test to see how much you’ve learned.

Udemy is a “learn on demand” website and app. It is for career- oriented individuals to start their course pricing at $10.99. This app allows you the flexibility to take your time on a course you purchase over the course of several months, without worrying about recurring (重复的) payments before you finish. This flexible learning app allows you to take things slow, fast, or anywhere in-between with complete control on your end.

Duolingo is the premier leader in language education for learning apps. You can learn to speak 29 different languages, all at the touch of a button. You’ll be invited to not only read new words, but to speak them. You’ll learn grammar and conversational strategies. This app helps you learn to communicate with a new portion of its inhabitants!

1. According to the passage, what apps allow you to learn at your speed?
A.Khan Academy and Udemy.B.Udemy and Duolingo
C.Khan Academy and BrainPOP.D.BrainPOP and Duolingo
2. What can Duolingo offer its users?
A.Subjects reviewing.B.Speaking practice
C.Technical support.D.Career training
3. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To compare the difference of different learning methods.
B.To introduce the development of learning technology,
C.To help find the suitable learning apps.
D.To provide various learning activities.
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3 . There are many historical buildings scattered throughout Cardiff which makes strolling around the city a memorable experience.

St Fagans National History Museum

St Fagans National Museum of History is an open-air museum in Cardiff chronicling the historical lifestyle, culture, and architecture of the Welsh people. The museum consists of more than forty re-erected buildings from various locations in Wales, and is set in the grounds of St Fagans Castle, a Grade I listed Elizabethan manor house.

Tel: +443001112333

Hours: 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Bute Park

Bute Park is 53 acres of landscaped gardens and trees that were once the surrounding grounds of Cardiff Castle. The grounds and Castle Green were landscaped in the 1700s by the renowned gardener Capability Brown. The park lies on the east bank of the River Taff, next to Cardiff Castle. It is made up of flower gardens, an arboretum and recreational areas, most of the area is grass and woods and lanes lined with trees.

Tel: +442920872730

Hours: 7:30 AM — 6:30 PM

Cardiff Central Library Hub

Cardiff Central Library is the main library in the city center of Cardiff, Wales. At Central Library Hub we can help you with welfare and benefit advice, the housing waiting list and support you if you are facing homelessness. The Hub also provides a library service offering a wide variety of books and computer access. You can also get one-stop help with bus pass applications. The self-service scanning station allows you to upload housing benefit evidence. We hold a weekly housing surgery where you can get face-to-face advice from our team. We also run community activities for groups of all ages.

Tel: +442920382116

Hours: 11:00 AM — 11:00 PM

1. We can learn about something of the Welsh people throughout history in St Fagans National History Museum, except ______.
A.Their way of lifeB.Their cultureC.Their gardeningD.Their architecture
2. What would be the best choice if you want to get close to nature?
A.St Fagans National History Museum.B.Bute Park.
C.Cardiff Central Library Hub.D.All of these.
3. If you are in need, which number you can call for help?
4. What is this passage mainly talk about?
A.St Fagans National Museum of History is an open-air museum.
B.Cardiff Central Library is the main library in the city center of Cardiff, Wales.
C.The grounds and Castle Green were landscaped in the 1700s by the renowned gardener Capability Brown.
D.Many historical buildings scattered throughout Cardiff.
7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆生产建设兵团第六师芳草湖农场中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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4 .

Some parts of our world are bad places of earthquakes. Everyone knows earthquakes usually come without warning. They are really very dangerous, but there are still things you can do to protect yourself. Here is some helpful and practical advice for you.

Stay calm as the earth begins to shake. Your chances of survival in an earthquake go up if you can keep calm. Staying calm is not easy, but it can save your life.

If you are inside when the earthquake starts, get under a table or a bed. You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects. Do not stand near walls or windows and stay out of the kitchen. The kitchen is dangerous because of many glass objects.

If you are outside, get to an open area as fast as you can. Stay away from buildings and trees. If you are in a car, pull over to a place where there are no trees or tall buildings and stay in the car. If you are close to the sea, try to get as far away from the water as possible. Earthquakes can cause huge waves that can really harm and even kill the people nearby.

When the earthquake is over, there is still plenty of danger. For example, gas fire often comes with an earthquake. If you see a fire, quickly move outdoors to an open area.

Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

1. If an earthquake comes, it hardly gives people any ______.
2. Everyone needs to ______ when they meet with an earthquake.
A.stand near a windowB.sit under a big treeC.stay calmD.lie in bed
3. The kitchen is a dangerous place during an earthquake because of ______.
A.its strong tableB.its glass objectsC.the water in itD.the open area
4. Why did the author write this article?
A.To ask for some practical advice.B.To reduce your chances of survival.
C.To get fully prepared before earthquakes.D.To help people protect themselves.
7日内更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省邵阳市海谊中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中考试英语试题
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5 . One night, as I was driving down the road, I found something was sitting in the middle of the road. A few seconds later, I realized I was looking at a large turtle (海龟). Afraid of it being crashed by cars, so I pulled over, ran across the road and dragged the turtle to safety. But I’d made one big mistake.

I had heard that the best way to pick up a turtle without hurting it was picking it by the tail in order not to get bitten. So I’d made that big mistake. While the turtle turned out OK generally, I was determined to figure out how to move a turtle properly. I needed to find someone who dealt with turtles. I found the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre. I talked to Dr. Sue, its Executive and Medical Director.

Dr. Sue told me that the organization dealt with a number of aspects of turtle conservation, including rescue, settlement, birth programs, research, and education. Sue explained that southern Ontario is home to a vast majority of turtles in Canada, but is also one of the vastest road networks of the country.

“Ninety percent of injured turtles brought in are caused by cars. These turtles spend a lot of time on land. And they do travel many kilometers on land for a variety of reasons, to find a nesting spot, or to hang out for the summer or winter. Turtles know where they want to go. So, just keep them going in the direction they want to go and you may have saved a turtle’s life,” Dr. Sue said.

Once an injured turtle arrives at the center, there are medical facilities (设备) ready to go, including an X-ray machine. That’s when the team gets to work with healing injuries, and help their patient.

1. Why did the author stop the car?
A.To help the turtle.B.To see the thing clearly.
C.To prevent a car accident.D.To find something good.
2. What happened to the turtle?
A.It got hurt by people previously.B.It lost its direction.
C.It was run over by a car.D.It was injured a little bit by the author.
3. What did Dr. Sue suggest at last?
A.Leaving the turtles alone.B.Making Ontario home to turtles.
C.Changing the road conditions.D.Helping turtles find nesting spots.
4. What does the underlined word “patient” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.The director.B.The turtle.C.The author.D.The driver.
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省大邑中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了Janet Fein凭借自己的努力,在85岁时获得了学士学位的故事,告诉我们学习永远不会太迟,活到老,学到老。

6 . Many people, some even at a very young age, set the goal of graduating from college. One American woman in Texas waited a long time for her chance to reach that goal.

The woman, 85-year-old Janet Fein, received her bachelor’s degree (学士学位) from the University of Texas in December, 2018. Fein has had a full life. She raised five children and then had a career as a secretary (秘书) until she retired at age 77. But even then, she was not ready to take it easy and rest during a well-earned retirement. She decided to major in sociology (社会学). Fein grew up in the Bronx area of New York City. In high school, she just wanted to finish and get a job. After graduating early, at the age of 16, she went to work as a secretary.

Fein has had a full life. She raised five children and then had a career as a secretary (秘书) until she retired at age 77. But even then, she was not ready to take it easy and rest during a well-earned retirement. She decided to major in sociology (社会学).

After getting married, she spent 18 years staying home with her children. She held several jobs throughout her life, including being a secretary at a Dallas hospital. That is the job she retired from in 2011. She received an associate degree (专科学位) in 1995. But she also wanted to earn a bachelor’s degree. Fein took part in a state program that lets people who are 65 and older take free classes at public universities in Texas.

She kept going to class even as her health condition worsened. During her studies, it became necessary for her to use a walker to get around and she needed oxygen (氧气) too. She also developed knee problems. So, Fein took online classes to finish the last part of her degree requirements.

Renee Brown is one of Fein’s care-givers. She says Fein has also inspired her. At 53, she plans to begin nursing school to further her career. Brown says Fein told her, “Renee, you can do it. If I can do it you also can do it, and you will feel so good about it.”

1. When did Janet Fein start to work?
A.In 1949.B.In 1995.C.In 2018D.In 2012.
2. What does she study for her bachelor’s degree?
3. What does the underlined word “inspired” probably mean in the last paragraph?
4. What can we learn from Janet Fein’s story?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.D.It is never too late to learn.
7日内更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山草堂高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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7 . About ten years ago, I taught a group of children to sail. They were bright, enthusiastic and as eager to enjoy life as other children. All, however, had a serious disability. Three were in wheelchairs, one was nearly blind and two were able to walk with difficulty.

Matthew was one of them. He had cerebral palsy (脑瘫). His hands and arms were both deformed (变得畸形). His back was bent and his legs did not work. To speak, Matthew had the help of a letter board. Slowly, he would point out with his hands, letter by letter, what he wanted to say. Sometimes he would try to talk. Yet he was always bright and cheerful and loved to try everything his classmates were doing, both in the boat and in the classroom.

One day the sailing centre was attacked by a storm. We decided to work in a classroom. All the children joined in. Just like other children, they all wanted to answer the questions I asked. But when Mattew wnted to answer a question, all of a sudden they all kept silent. Matthew whispered and pointed slowly at the letter board. They waited quietly. Matthew struggled with great effort until the answer was spelled out. When I did not understand, one of the other children would work with him until the answer was clear.

Disabled as they were, these children learned to offer care, respect and help to someone less lucky than themselves. I always thought I was the one who learned the greatest lesson.

1. From the passage, we learn that the author was a ______ about ten years ago.
2. Matthew loved to try what his classmates were doing when ______.
A.staying in the boat or in the classroomB.suffering a lot from his disease
C.writing on a letter boardD.working with his legs
3. What happened at the sailing centre one day?
A.The disabled children came to ask questions.B.Matthew was there to speak well.
C.None of the children there kept quiet.D.A storm attacked the sailing centre.
4. Although these children were disabled, they learned to ______.
A.walk with difficultyB.teach others lessonsC.offer help and careD.speak fluently
7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省邵阳市海谊中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中考试英语试题
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8 . Have you ever looked at a seal (海豹) and thought, “Is that the same seal I saw yesterday?” Well, there could soon be an app for that. Known as SealNet, this app was developed by a team of undergraduate students from Colgate University in New York.

Taking inspiration from the technology adapted for recognizing bears, Krista Ingram, a biologist at Colgate University, led her students to develop software that is tailored to identify the harbor seal, a species with a special liking for posing on coasts.

The team had to train their software to identify seal faces. “I give it a photograph. It finds the face, and makes it a standard size,” says Ingram. And then she and her students would identify the nose, the mouth, and the center of the eyes by themselves.

As with all technology, however, SealNet is not always unerring. The software saw seal faces on other body parts, plants, and even rocks. In one case, Ingram and her students did a double take at the similarity between a rock and a seal face. “The rock did look like a seal face,” Ingram says. “The darker parts were about the same distance as the eyes, so you can understand why the software found a face.” Consequently, she says it’s always best to check that seal faces identified by the software belong to a real seal.

Of the world’s pinnipeds — a group that includes seals and sea lions — harbor seals are considered the most widely spread. Yet knowledge gaps do exist. Other techniques to track seals, such as tagging and aerial monitoring, have their limitations and can be highly invasive (侵入的) or expensive. Ingram believes SealNet could be a useful, noninvasive tool for researchers.

Ingram points to an aspect of seal behavior that SealNet could cast more light on. The team’s trials indicated that seals return to the same sites on coasts year after year. Increasing scientists’ understanding of how seals move around could strengthen arguments for protecting specific areas, says Anders Galatius, an ecologist at Aarhus University in Denmark.

1. What can we learn about SealNet?
A.It is a seal face-finding system.B.It can help recognize bears as well.
C.It was developed by some graduates.D.It can take photos of seals automatically.
2. What does the underlined word “unerring” in Paragraph 4 mean?
3. What do seals tend to do on coasts?
A.Stay on round rocks.B.Move around to keep fit.
C.Stick with sea lions.D.Visit certain spots regularly.
4. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To call for the protection of seals.B.To introduce seal-friendly technology.
C.To display new ways of tracking seals.D.To explain why seals always move around.
7日内更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
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9 . There is something to be said for being a generalist, even if you are a specialist. Knowing a little about a lot of things that interest you can add to the rich ness of a whole, well-lived life.

Society pushes us to specialize, to become experts. This requires commitment to a particular occupation, branch of study or research. The drawback to being specialists is that we often come to know more and more about less and less. There is a great deal of pressure to master one’s field. You may pursue training, degrees, or increasing levels of responsibility at work. Then you discover the pressure of having to keep up.

Some people seem willing to work around the clock in their narrow specialty. But such commitment can also weaken their sense of freedom. These specialists could work at the office until ten each night, then look back and realize they would have loved to have gone home and enjoyed the sweetness of their family and friends, or traveled to exciting places, meeting interesting people. Mastering one thing to the exclusion of others can hold back your true spirit.

Generalists, on the other hand, know a lot about a wide range of subjects and view the whole with all its connections. They are people of ability, talent, and enthusiasm who can bring their broad perspective (视角) into specific fields of expertise (专长). The doctor who is also a poet and Philosopher, is a superior doctor, one who can give so much more to his patients than just good medical skills.

Things are connected. Let your expertise in one field fuel your passions in all related areas. Some of your interests may not appear to be connected but, once you explore their depths, you discover that they are. My editor Toni, who is also a writer, has edited several history books. She has decided to study Chinese history. Fascinated by the structural beauty of the Forbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested to learn more about Chinese philosophy. “I don’t know where it will lead, but I’m excited I’m on this pursuit.”

These expansions into new worlds help us by giving us new perspectives. We begin to see the interconnectedness of one thing to another in all aspects of our life, of ourselves and the universe. Develop broad, general knowledge and experience. The universe is all yours to explore and enjoy.

1. To become a specialist, you may have to ________.
A.narrow your range of knowledgeB.get pushed by the surroundings
C.know a lot more about societyD.broaden your perspective on life
2. According to the author, a superior doctor is one who ________.
A.is a pure specialist in medicineB.is gifted in poetry and philosophy
C.is fully aware of his talent and abilityD.brings knowledge of other fields to work
3. What does the author intend to show with the example of Toni?
A.Chinese culture is appealing to people worldwide.
B.One passion alone is not enough to ensure success.
C.In-depth exploration can make discoveries possible.
D.Seemingly unrelated interests are in a way connected.
4. What does the author suggest we do?
A.Decide to be specialist or generalistB.Be more of a generalist than a specialist
C.Find ways to become a specialistD.Focus on mastering one field.
7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
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10 . ChatGPT, designed by OpenAI to carry on conversations just like humans, has become a viral excitement. The AI-powered tool went from zero to a million users in just five days! Its ability to provide in-depth answers to user questions has even drawn the attention of distinguished technology companies.

The intelligent robot understands what the user says or types and then responds in a way that makes sense. Its vast body of knowledge has been gathered from the internet and archived books. It is further trained by humans. This makes ChatGPT a useful tool for researching almost any topic.

“We have a lot of information on the internet, but you normally have to Google it, then read it and then do something with it,” says Ricardo, chief science officer and co-founder of AI company Erudit. “Now you’ll have this resource that can process the whole internet and all of the information it contains for you to answer your question.”

ChatGPT cannot think on its own. It depends on the information that it has been trained on. As a result; the AI tool works well for things that have accurate data available. However, when unsure, ChatGPT can get creative and flow out incorrect responses. OpenAI cautions users to check the information no matter how logical it sounds. Also, ChatGPT has only been trained with information till 2021. Hence, it cannot be relied upon for anything that happened after that.

Experts believe ChatGPT has limitless potential to solve real-world problems. It can translate long texts into different languages, create content on almost any topic, and even summarize books.

However, ChatGPT has received mixed reactions from educators. Some believe it could serve as a valuable tool to help build literacy skills in the classroom. It could also be used to teach students difficult science or math concepts. But other educators think ChatGPT will encourage students to cheat. They fear this will prevent them from building critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As a result, many districts are starting to ban its use in schools.

1. What is the unique feature of ChatGPT?
A.It has artificial intelligence.B.It can engage in meaningful conversations.
C.It has the largest number of users.D.It can answer users' questions.
2. What makes ChatGPT helpful to research various topics?
A.Its accurate information.B.Its capability of information processing.
C.Its vast body of questions.D.Its availability of up-to-date data.
3. Why do ChatGPT users have to be cautious when using it?
A.ChatGPT is unable to think itself.B.ChatGPT lacks creativity.
C.ChatGPT offers illogical information.D.ChatGPT is not properly trained.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards ChatGPT?
7日内更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市临潼区临潼中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
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