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1 . It’s fair to say that many parents focus a lot of energy — and worry! — on protecting their small kids from risky situations. But this past weekend, reporter Ellen Barry published a piece about a growing movement in Britain: people are bringing risk into the playground experience.

    1     It contrasts with sheltering kids with the less demanding facilities typical of playgrounds. As Barry puts it, including limited risk into our kids’ playtime may be taking a step toward healthier child development. He cites a sign posted outside the Princess Diana Playground in London’s Kensington Gardens.     2     They are intentionally provided, so that your kids can develop an appreciation of risk in a controlled play environment.

    3     Communities in Australia, Canada, and Sweden are making similar changes to their playgrounds. They want kids to learn and grow by facing challenges they can handle, Barry reports.

Controlled risk at play time — where, after all, the children are still under close supervision (监护) — would seem a good addition to the free-range child movement. In that initiative, it’s suggested that free-range kids take walks in nature or ride public transportation on their own.     4    

Besides, considering child development from an evolutionary (进化的) view offers more backing. Our long journey through time and nature has made us who we are today, with behaviors, thoughts and bodies shaped.     5     Looking at this bigger picture helps us understand why people make such a choice.

A.Kids learn best while playing.
B.More exploration is expected.
C.It says it’s okay for kids to take some risks.
D.Limited-risk playgrounds begin to catch on.
E.The idea is to help kids become tough and strong.
F.Generally, they are encouraged to get outside and acquire independent skills.
G.It is therefore important to let kids do things that match how they naturally grow.
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省高三下学期5月适应性考试(三模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . If you suffer from social anxiety, you will fear certain situations. Some fear speaking in front of groups of people, while others fear going to parties or other types of social events. In whichever situation your fear arises, you’ll probably experience sweating, feeling your heart race, or other symptoms of anxiety.     1    

Number One:     2    

Learning to physically relax is one of the best ways to deal with anxiety. It’s impossible to feel both relaxed and anxious. For deep muscle relaxation, you will tense and then relax the major muscle groups of your body , beginning with your feet and working your way towards your head and face.

Number Two: Slow breathing.

    3         When you’re anxious, your breathing becomes faster and more shallow and as a result, you’ll feel light-headed and dizzy, bringing   more anxiety. Learning to breathe slower and more regularly through your nose will help you calm down.

Number Three: Visualization.

The key to visualization is to remember a place where you felt safe and comfortable.     4    , get a picture of it in your mind so clearly that you can feel, see, smell and even taste that place.This takes practice and patience. So take your time and don’t rush.

Number Four:    5    

Most people with social anxiety want to hide, avoid, or run away from whatever they’re scared of. But by facing your anxiety instead you’ll find that it is usually something you can tolerate after a few exposures. When using this method, focus on what’s going on around you instead of what’s going through your mind. That should help you distract yourself from those anxious thoughts.

A.Facing your anxiety.
B.Deep muscle relaxation.
C.Controlling your thoughts.
D.Once you remember this place,
E.This helps you better handle dangerous situations.
F.Luckily, there are some advice for you to deal with your social anxiety.
G.Controlling your breathing or breathing slowly is another good way to deal with your anxiety.
今日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
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3 . Self-improvement doesn’t have to be a terrifying task. It can be a fun and exciting adventure that takes you on a journey of discovery and growth. With some simple tricks, you can transform yourself into a better version of you.

First off, remember that self-improvement is a marathon, not a dash.     1     Take it one step at a time, and enjoy the ride. Think of it like climbing a mountain: you take one step after another, admiring the view as you go, until you reach the summit.

Start with small, achievable goals. Whether it’s reading a book a week, going for a daily walk, or learning a new skill, these little milestones will help you stay motivated and feel accomplished.     2    

Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is part of the learning process. If you stumble or fall short of your goals, don’t beat yourself up.     3     Keep in mind, failure is just a temporary setback — it doesn’t define you.

    4     Share your goals with friends or family, and ask them to hold you accountable. Join a self-improvement group or find someone who can guide and encourage you on your journey. You’ll find that makes the process even more enjoyable.

And finally, don’t forget to celebrate your progress.     5     Whether it’s a small accomplishment or a major milestone, take a moment to appreciate your efforts and feel proud of yourself. You can even create a reward system for yourself — maybe a delicious treat or a fun activity for every goal you achieve.

A.Choose your circle wisely.
B.Seek support and inspiration.
C.Instead, dust yourself off, and start out again.
D.Make time for activities that will fuel your soul.
E.No one can expect to change everything overnight.
F.Remember, every step counts, however small it is!
G.Every little win is well worth acknowledging and rewarding.
今日更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市蓉城名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Uplifting words

When you see your friends or loved ones feeling down or being met with some setbacks at school or work, you might want to offer them a pep talk. A pep talk is usually a brief, intense and emotional talk designed to influence or encourage an audience.     1     Just saying what you think the other person wants to hear might not be enough. It requires an understanding of what your audience needs — whether it is simply cheering them up or motivating them to change.

The column offers the following steps towards an effective pep talk.

● Step one is to listen.

Don’t jump right in and insist: “you will be fine.” Show your friend that you understand how they feel and empathize.    2    

● Express care and support.

Show your friend that you believe in them.    3     Talk about their strengths based on your knowledge about them. Saying things like: “you are a very resilient person.” “you are outgoing and friendly.” “You bounce back well.” Avoid general sentences like “you can overcome your fears” or “Time heals”.

● Talk about hope.

You can’t guarantee success.    4     But you can remind the person that he or she has been through a tough time before and gotten through it.

● Be there.

Make sure they know that you will be there for them, follow up with them after the pep talk.


Don’t argue if the person disagrees with what you are saying or tells you: “you don’t understand; this time is different.” Tell them: “I’m Sorry, you are having such a hard time.” Then back off.

A.Know when to stop.
B.Be sincere and specific.
C.Carefully choose your words.
D.But giving a good pep talk isn’t easy.
E.Some problems might be out of anyone’s control.
F.Tell them they have what it takes to get through this hard time.
G.Repeat the person’s concerns so he or she feels that they have been heard.
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖北省宜荆荆高三下学期五月高考适应性测试(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to Fall Back in Love with Reading

Do you remember the last time you spent time reading books for pleasure? In the age of digital distractions, it is easy to struggle to find the time and headspace to get lost in literature.     1    . The following tips will help you fall in love with reading again.

    2    . Whether it’s a thriller, romance, or even an on-fiction book about your favorite hobby, make sure you choose something that will hold your attention from beginning to end. If you’re unsure where to start, ask your friends or family for recommendations, checkout online reviews, or browse through your local bookstore or library.

Set aside time for reading books. Whether it’s 20 minutes before bedtime or an hour on your lunch break, carving out sometime in your schedule will make it easier to sit down and read. And if you find that you don’t have much free time, try listening to audiobooks.     3    .

Keep a reading journal. In your journal, you can write down your thoughts about what you’re reading or graffiti pictures inspired by the book.     4    . This is a great way to engage with what you’re reading on a deeper level and a fun way to document your reading journey.

Make reading a social activity. Whether you start a book club with your friends or join an online reading group, being able to discuss what you’re reading with others can make the experience more enjoyable.     5    .

A.Find a book that interests you.
B.Create a positive reading routine.
C.But that doesn’t mean reading books is a thing of the past!
D.By this way, you can easily fit reading into your busy lifestyle.
E.Plus, it’s a great way to get recommendations for what to read next!
F.The others in your book club may come from different backgrounds.
G.It doesn’t have to be very involved, just a couple of sentences to jog your memory.
今日更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省菏泽市高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Employers are flooded with job applications on a daily basis. A recent study found that employers spend an average of six seconds reading a cover letter (求职信) before they make the initial decision on whether a candidate fits the job or not. Here's how to make sure yours gets the attention it deserves.

Add your cover letter keywords.     1     Underline keywords in the job advertisement describing the skills, training and experience that are required, and this will help you find important keywords that let you know what kind of employee the company is hoping to find. Use these same keywords throughout your cover letter.

    2     Each version of your cover letter should talk about how your skills will benefit the particular organization that you want to work for. You want to target the organization’s needs — not your own. Demonstrate how you could help them achieve their goals.     3    

Show you “get” them. Your cover letter should demonstrate that you have done some research into what the organization’s pain points are.     4     This can help your cover letter take the right tone. If you’re applying for an administrative position, be sure to mention your time-management skills; if you’re an IT professional, include your expert knowledge and skills in improving efficiency. Always ask yourself: How can I help this company?

Proofread (校对). Don’t assume spell check will catch every mistake.     5     Slowly review your cover letter to make sure everything reads properly. Having someone else read your cover letter is a good idea.

A.Actually, it won’t.
B.Adapt for the company.
C.Highlight your past achievements.
D.Address your cover letter to the proper person.
E.This helps you to tailor your cover letter to the role.
F.Remember that you’re selling yourself, but the employer has to want to buy.
G.It’s important to present yourself as a solution to a hiring manager’s problem.
今日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题英语试题(一)
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Bing, also known as a Chinese pancake, is a traditional Chinese recipe, similar to pancakes. It is commonly made of dough (面团).     1    , be prepared to learn how to make these yummy recipes!

Step 1: Combine the ingredients

Combine the ingredients for the dough (flour, salt, and cooking oil). Knead (揉) the dough until it has a soft consistency that isn’t too wet. During this time, you can adjust the consistency, for example, by adding more oil or flour.     2    .

Step 2: Separate the dough

Separate the do ugh into different pieces, the size that you want.     3    , don’t separate it too much, and vice versa. You can use a rolling pin to help with making a circle. Chinese Pancake is commonly made in a circle shape, but can be any shape you want!

Step 3: Add spring onions

Add spring onions to the dough.     4     and sprinkle them on the bing. This gives the flavor for the cong you bing. The name “cong” in cong you bing actually refers to the spring onions. These can also be called scallions. green onions, and onions. You can also knead the dough again to mix the onion in.

Step 4: Fry both sides

Fry both sides of the pancake on low-medium heat until the sides are golden brown. It takes 3-5 minutes per side. Remember to take it out before the sides get dark brown. Fry for a short time if you want a soft pancake, and fry it for a longer time to make it crispier.

Step 5: Serve and enjoy!

    5    , but can be served in formal meals as well.

A.Divide it into ten equal pieces
B.Cut the onions into tiny pieces
C.It can be eaten as a casual food
D.Make sure you have enough dough
E.If this is already mouthwatering to you
F.If you want to make the pancake bigger
G.Heat up the pan while still working on the dough
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省淮北市高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Initiating volunteering activities in your community is a powerful way to form unity, address local needs, and create a positive impact. To embark on this fulfilling journey, consider the following steps.

Identify community needs

    1    . Conduct surveys hold town hall meetings, or collaborate with local authorities to identify areas that require support. Whether it’s education, healthcare, environmental issues, or social welfare, a clear understanding of the community’s needs is crucial.

Build partnerships

Establish partnerships with local organizations, non-profits, and community leaders.     2    . Engage in open dialogues to assess ongoing initiatives and find areas where additional help is needed. Building a network ensures a coordinated and effective approach to addressing community needs.


Launch volunteer recruitment drives through community centers, schools, and social media. Clearly communicate the goals, the impact volunteers can make, and the benefits of collective action. Provide various spaces for involvement, recognizing that people have different skills and time commitments.     4    .

Celebrate achievements and maintain motivations

Regularly acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of volunteers.     5    . Establish a system for continuous feedback and improvement. Sustain momentum by organizing regular community events, forums, or workshops to keep the spirit of volunteerism alive and address emerging needs. Consistency and community involvement are key to creating a lasting impact through volunteering.

A.Organize volunteer drives
B.Always lean on neighbors for assistance
C.Create a sign-up system to update the process
D.Cooperative efforts highlight the impact of volunteering
E.Start by understanding the specific needs of your community
F.Share success stories to inspire others and create a positive feedback circle
G.Regularly assess the impact of volunteer efforts, adapting strategies to evolving community needs
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省京师联盟高三下学期质量联合检测(三模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Confidence helps us take risks and push ourselves to excellence.It can also inspire more trust in other people and open doors that would remain closed otherwise.Here are a few ideas on how to build up your confidence.

Forgive yourself for your mistakes.

Try to remember that you’re only human.     1    . Try to forgive yourself for things you did in the past so you can move on. If you’re having trouble forgiving yourself for something, try asking if you’d forgive a friend for the same mistake.     2    .

Make a list of your positive qualities.

It might seem silly, but sit down and write out a list.Start with five things that you like about yourself and try to add something to the list every day. For example, you could write, “I’m kind, I’m loving, I’m passionate about art, I’m creative, and I’m a good friend.”     3    , try asking your loved ones what they like about you to get you started.

    4    .

Negative people tend to lower your confidence. Instead, spend time with friends and family members who inspire you and push you to be your best self. You’ll know someone is good to be around if you feel excited and happy to hang out with them.

Learn a new skill.

    5    . If you’ve never tried playing chess before, play a few online games to get the hang of it. If you aren’t the best cook, try making a dish you’ve never had. By doing so, you can improve your confidence slowly and steadily.

A.If you can’t think of anything
B.Then,use that forgiveness on yourself
C.Spend time with people who support you
D.Stop undervaluing yourself when you speak
E.When you express your idea in an insecure way
F.Do something outside of your own comfort zone
G.Everyone makes mistakes,and you’re no different
今日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省忻州市宁武县2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Art is a wonderful thing that can enrich our spiritual life. It comes in two main types: realistic and abstract (抽象的). Realistic art aims to show real-life scenes, people, and objects exactly as they appear. It involves paying close attention to details, making things look like photographs.     1     It’s more about expressing feelings, emotions, and ideas.

Realistic art is easy to understand.     2     Take the Mona Lisa, for example—it’s a realistic painting of a lady with a mysterious smile. Artworks like this tell stories about history and everyday life, helping us to learn about the past.

Unlike realistic art, abstract art is more about being creative.     3     They use shapes, colors and patterns to express feelings and ideas. Abstract art means different things to different people. Some people enjoy trying to figure out what the artwork expresses.

    4     Realistic art needs drawing or sculpting exactly to make things look real. Abstract art requires imagination to use shapes and colors in new ways. Many artists are skilled in both. They create realistic pieces to show their technical skills and abstract ones to display their creativity.

As for personal preference, some people prefer the clear stories of realistic art while others are attracted to the mystery of abstract art, interpreting meanings in the shapes and forms. Together, the two kinds of art make the art world various and engaging.     5    

A.Both types of art take skills to make.
B.Viewers can easily recognize what is pictured.
C.Mastering abstract art needs more artistic training.
D.Photographs show imaginary life of people from long ago.
E.Both ways of creating art have their own value and beauty.
F.In contrast, abstract art focuses less on realistic appearances.
G.Artists have the freedom to go beyond real-life representations.
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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