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1 . 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

The Importance of Global Education

Global education plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for the challenges of an interconnected world. It promotes understanding, empathy, and respect for different cultures and perspectives. Global education also fosters critical thinking skills and encourages individuals to become active global citizens. By learning about global issues, individuals can develop a sense of responsibility and contribute to positive change. It prepares them to navigate diverse environments and collaborate with people from different backgrounds.

1. Why is global education important?
2. What are the benefits of global education?
3. How does global education contribute to positive change?
2024-01-23更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures 练习-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约100词) | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

The Impact of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with others. It allows people to connect with friends and family, share updates, and discover new information. However, excessive use of social media can have negative effects on mental health. Studies have shown a correlation between heavy social media use and feelings of loneliness, depression, and low self-esteem. It is important to use social media in moderation and maintain a healthy balance between online and offline activities.

1. What are the benefits of social media?
2. What are the potential negative effects of excessive social media use?
3. How can individuals maintain a healthy balance with social media?
2024-01-23更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures 练习-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约90词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

The Importance of Time Management

Effective time management is essential for success in both personal and professional life. By managing time efficiently, individuals can prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and reduce stress. Time management skills involve setting goals, creating schedules, and allocating time for specific activities. With good time management, individuals can achieve a better work-life balance and have more time for leisure activities. It also enables them to make the most of their time and increase productivity.

1. Why is time management important?
2. What are some benefits of effective time management?
3. What skills are involved in time management?
2024-01-23更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures 练习-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约90词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

The Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise has a range of benefits for both physical and mental health. Firstly, exercise helps to strengthen the heart and improve cardiovascular health. It can also help to maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity. Additionally, exercise boosts mood and reduces stress levels. People who exercise regularly often report feeling happier and more relaxed. Finally, exercise can improve cognitive function and memory. It has been shown to enhance concentration and increase mental clarity.

1. What are the benefits of exercise for physical health?
2. How does exercise affect mood?
3. What are the cognitive benefits of exercise?
2024-01-23更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures 练习-2023-2024学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约590词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The Importance of Failure

When the world-famous author J.K. Rowling gave a speech at a Harvard University graduation ceremony, some may have a little surprised by the topic she chose: “The Benefits of Failure”.

Rowling’s first novel was rejected by 12 publishers before it was finally published, yet paradoxically, it was this experience that helped her to succeed: “Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learnt no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had expected.”

The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs experienced failure early in his career, when he was fired form the company he had co-founded. He felt despair and rejection. However, it was, in his view, “the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life.”

Even Bill Gates has experienced failure. His first company was called Traf-O-Data, but unfortunately, its product didn’t work. It was a total disaster. But what Gates learnt from this experience helped lay the groundwork for the global success that is now Microsoft. He didn’t make the same mistake twice.

Talented fashion designer Vera Wang has built a global fashion empire, yet life wasn’t always so straightforward. A dedicated ice skater as a young woman, Wang was bitterly disappointed when she did not make the 1968 US Olympic team. She gave up sport and joined Vogue as an assistant editor, but was crushed. After 15 years at the magazine, she was passed over for promotion to editor-in-chief. However, this setback prompted her to set up her own bridal fashion label. The rest is history.

Ang Lee, a worldwide-famous director, wasn’t successful either as a student or as an actor. Twice failing the college entrance examination at home, Lee turned to study drama in the US, but his poor English prevented his form becoming an actor. After being accepted for a directing major, Lee spent six years looking for opportunities to direct a film, but was only asked to look after filming equipment. He then spent most of his time writing plays which were rejected by more than 3- companies within two weeks. During six years with no income, he had to depend on his wife. In the end, whit his wife’s encouragement and his determination, all his efforts finally paid off.

All these individuals share something in common: At tough moments in their lives, they showed grit. But what is “grit” exactly? Put simply, it’s a passion for something and the determination to work hard and to stick with it. It’s very easy to give up when we his setbacks, but people who have grit keep going.

So. how can we become “grittier”? This is where the importance of failure comes in” If we can learn how to manage failure, we’ll learn how to succeed. By working through a series of failures, we’re better prepared for the bigger challenges we’ll face int the adult world: We’ll have the resilience we need to keep going. We’ll have true grit.

1. What did J.K. Rowling learn from her failures?
2. Please paraphrase the underlined sentence.
3. According to the passage, please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and explain why.
The people in the text have in common in that they all had great talent in what they had done.
4. What can we learn from failure? / How can we learn from failure?
2024-01-12更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Lesson 3 & Writing Workshop & Reading Club 课后练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Contribution And Sacrifice

Huang Danian, the renowned Chinese geophysicist, was born in 1958 in Guangxi, China. As a keen and able student, Huang went to the UK in 1993 to further his studies.

By the time Huang moved back to China in 2008, he had been living and working in the UK for 15 years. He had a good job and a life there, but he gave it all up to return to home, driven by the idea that he needed to contribute to his country. As one of the world’s leading experts in deep earth exploration technology, Huang was approached to participate in the “Thousand Talent” programme. He took up a position at Jilin University, Changchun.

Huang was named lead scientist on China’s deep earth exploration programme, developing advanced cameras that can see through the Earth’s crust so that it can be analysed without having to dig into it. He set up a state-of-the-art lab, sometimes paying for equipment with his own money. Some described him as a “lunatic” (a madman). but this passion and drive enabled Huang to propel China’s deep earth exploration technology into a world-leading position. Huang’s dedication contributed to China’s lunar probe Yutu being landed on the moon in 2013 and the launch of the spacecrafts Shenzhou-11 and Tiangong-2 in 2016.

Huang’s health also paid the price for his commitment to his word. He began having fainting fits in 2012, but paid them little attention, stating he did not have time to go to see a doctor – his work always came first. In November 2016, Huang collapsed and was taken to hospital, where he was diagnosed with cancer. The disease was so advanced that he had just a couple of months to live.

Like the true scientist he was, Huang never gave up, but always tried to push forwards. Even from his hospital bed, he continued his work, writing letters of reference for his colleague and replying to questions from his students. He had great faith in the talent of the up-and-coming generation, “Our country is in urgent need of talented people,” he said. “If we spend more time and pay more attention to the young, masters and even Nobel prize winners may rise among them.”

Huang died in January 2017, aged just 58. More than 800 people attended his funeral to celebrate a life that burned so bright, but was so short.

1. Why did Huang Danian return to China in 2008?
2. Please paraphrase the underlined sentence.
3. According to the passage, please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and explain why.
In November 2016, Huang collapsed, diagnosed with cancer, and he had to give up his job.
4. How do you understand the title “Contribution and sacrifice”?
2024-01-12更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Lesson 3 & Writing Workshop & Reading Club 课后练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约740词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Getting to the Top

Why do Olympic athletes push themselves to the limits? As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss birthday parties, ruin family holidays and skip nights out, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much. “We’re worried about you,” said my friend from across the table. He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one to share it with.

I could have become angry or defensive. Don’t they know how hard it is to be at the top in sport? Don’t they know what it takes to get there? However, deep down I knew elements of what he was saying were right. I was always tired and every workout had a mental intensity that seemed too much for most to handle. I was pushing the limits and extremes beyond what most thought were healthy.

These are the fears I face as a professional athlete on a day-to-day basis. Who am I doing this for? How much is too much? Why am I doing this? How can I be so selfish? What are the sacrifices for?

I think of countless birthday parties and nights out I have missed, ruining a family holiday in France because of the endless search for a swimming pool to train in, almost missing my brother’s wedding because I was too busy hiring a car in downtown Johannesburg and driving through the “no-go” areas in order to do a group ride with the local triathletes. The list is endless.

It boils down to this: I was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination. From a small girl, I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play; I would get the bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games; I was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys. I have always lived my life to extremes. Call it unhealthy if you want, but that is the way I roll, no matter what it is I’m applying myself to.

Being a professional athlete is no different. If you want to be an Olympic champion, it’s all about that little extra thing you have done in your preparation that will set you apart from your competitors.

Can this be overdone? Absolutely. But if your dream is to be the best and reach the winner’s platform, you had better be totally committed to your sport. In the words of the British triathlete Alistair Brownlee, even if it means getting injured, “I’d prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.”

Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that extra little bit that might take us to the top. It is certainly not a balanced way to live and it is certainly not normal but those words are generally not used for anyone who is striving for greatness.

1. What was the writer’s friend worried about?
2. Please paraphrase the underlined sentence. (两句备选)
3. According to the passage, please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and explain why.(两句备选)
(1)The writer missed many birthday parties, ruined family holidays and skipped nights out, because she had too many competitions to take part in.
(2)What makes an Olympic champion stand out from other competitors is the special talent she or he has.
4. (3题备选)
(1)Which athlete do you admire most? Why?
(2)What is your opinion about the writer’s attitude and commitment to the profession she has chosen?
(3)Choose one most important thing you need to get to the top. Give reasons for your choices
intelligence                           determination                    patience
mental toughness                    concentration                    self-discipline
2024-01-12更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Lesson 3 & Writing Workshop & Reading Club 课后练习-2022-2023学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读表达(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . Directions: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to the intensive English summer courses that you offer. I would be very grateful if you could send me some detailed information about the course that will be held in your school in Bristol this summer, as well as what kind of accommodation you provide. I would like to enquire about the price of the month course. I would be very interested in finding out more about activities students have in the summer school.

I am 16 years old and I have been learning English in China for nine years now. I would like to improve my written English and speaking skills. Do you have any courses for teenagers which offer a lot of speaking practice in small groups? As I am a student, I would be interested in details of any discounts that are available, and the full price of the course including accommodation. Finally, I would like to ask if I can pay for the course with a credit card and what kind of documents I need to be enrolled.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faithfully,


1: What is the purpose of this letter?
2: What kind of enquiries has the author made? (Give 2 examples at least.)
2023-10-11更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 必修第二册(上教版2020)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Achievements in Life Are Various

The definition of achievement in life continues to be a controversial topic. Many people are convinced that the only real achievement in life is being famous because the Internet has never stopped feeding us the idea that you can be the star tomorrow. Granted, being famous is a kind of success, but achievements in life are various.

Firstly, every individual is entitled to the right of defining his or her own achievement in life. During our school years, we are always told that the purpose of education is to develop students’ different potentials and make them all-round persons. The fulfilment of this kind of education means that one can spot his or her strengths and weaknesses, thus finding out what he or she is really into and maybe turn it into a lifelong target. Therefore, reaching that target can no doubt be considered as an achievement in life. And since everyone has different targets, it’s understandable that achievements in life are various.

Moreover, if being famous is regarded as the only real achievement in life, losing seems to be the popular choice because ordinary people are no less happier than famous ones and it is much easier to be a ”loser". For example, hard-working teachers are always satisfied with their students’ advancement while seeking fame is never on the top of their lists. Still, they are not losers. In fact, it is not uncommon for ordinary people to gain a sense of achievement without being famous for there are all kinds of different achievements.

Admittedly, being famous can be an achievement in life. Otherwise, the new occupation of online celebrity would never have arisen. As the Internet has become a virtual web that connects almost every human, showing talents to strangers and becoming famous overnight are no longer fantasies. As a result, those who believe having huge fans is their achievement in life finally secure their path to success. Nonetheless, as I mentioned, paths to success are diverse.

Overall, I believe every individual can have a unique definition of achievement in life, be it becoming famous or working hard. Achievements in life are various and there is no excuse not to follow your path.

1: What’s the author’s opinion about achievements?
2: What is the argument given by the author in Paragraph 2?
3: What example does the author give in Paragraph 3?
2023-10-11更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 必修第二册(上教版2020)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读表达

He is more than six feet tall with a long body that is rather thin. His head is set forward on his shoulders and his neck is long, so that it seems to stick forward all the time when he is walking and talking. He has a full head of hair. His eyes and noses are small and his nose is regular in shape with slightly flaring nostrils (鼻孔). His mouth is well formed and his teeth are good; this gives him an expression of contentment and benevolence (仁慈). He has rather a long chin, but it is not pointed. A distinctive feature is that his arms and legs are unusually long; his hands and feet, and especially his wrists, are very large. The length of his limbs has a strange effect — when he sits down, his body seems short in contrast to his long arms and legs. He walks in an easy, swinging way, with none of the stiffness of the army officer; this, too, gives him the appearance of being very relaxed. His general appearance suggests an extraordinary degree of health, vitality, and spirit.

1. What type of description does the paragraph concentrate on?
2. Which of the following types of writing is it from?
a police report; a film star’s website; a letter to a friend; a novel; a biographical account of a politician.
2023-10-11更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 必修第二册(上教版2020)
共计 平均难度:一般