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| 共计 18 道试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |


The Chinatown in San Francisco is the biggest in America, and also the oldest. It is a very popular tourist draw that receives more visitors each year than even the Golden Gate Bridge. The climate is mild all year round, meaning it is always a good time to visit .

Historically, Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period. What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants then turned into a centre for Chinese culture. The majority of residents in Chinatown are still ethnic Chinese, many of whom do not speak English fluently. This allows visitors to experience a real taste of China.

Most of Chinatown was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, taking care to include lots of Chinese architecture. Traditionally, visitors enter Chinatown through the legendary Dragon Gate, which was built using materials donated from China. Other famous sites include the Tin How Temple and Bank of Canton, to name but a few. Visitors can also spend hours just exploring the interesting sights, smells, and sounds of China. Portsmouth Square is also a key site, being the centre of Chinatown. It has a long and famous history, with the author Robert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there. These days, the square is a great place to see traditional Chinese culture in real life, such as games of Chinese chess, and people practising tai chi.

The stores in the Chinatown offer a unique range of souvenirs, goods, and clothing. All kinds of traditional Chinese herbal medicine can be found, too, and there are Chinese tea stores, where visitors can taste and buy varieties of Chinese tea .

But perhaps what many tourists and San Franciscans treasure most about Chinatown is its food. There is Chinese food to suit everyone’s taste, with traditional dishes from all over China.

Chinatowns are an important part of the diverse culture of the USA. They allow visitors who have never been to China to experience traditional Chinese culture first hand.

1. Read the passage and fill in the blanks.

2. 熟记下列用来描写地点的句子
2024-04-30更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修三Unit3课堂检测Reading for Writing
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |


I experienced the Naadam Festival in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the first time this year. The festival falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually lasting for three days. Naadam means “games” in Mongolian, and it is represented by three events: horse racing, wrestling, and archery, which are all so exciting to watch!

On the first day, I set off to the games early with my friend Burin. I saw a lot of people wearing fancy Mongolian robes. Some were feeding their horses, some were practising archery, and others were chatting or taking photographs. Burin told me that Mongolians travel every year from near and far to attend the festival, just as their ancestors had done for centuries.

After the opening ceremony and some amazing performances the wrestling competition began. Mongolian wrestling is different from the wrestling in the Olympic Games. There are no rounds, and wrestlers are not separated by weight. The wrestler loses if any part of his body above his knee touches the ground. After singing some songs, the competitors danced onto the green field waving their arms in the air as if they were eagles. I was quite moved by their show of strength and grace.

I absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favourite part. However, l was surprised to see that the riders were boys and girls! I heard it is because children are lighter and the horses can run faster and farther. At first, I was a little worried about the children’s safety, but Burin said, “Don’t worry. They’ve been riding horses all their lives. They’ll be just fine.” That was the moment I started to understand why people say “Horses are at the heart of Mongolian culture”. …

I’m finally back home now, feeling really tired, but celebrating Naadam with my friend was totally worth it. He invited me back for the winter to stay in a traditional Mongolian tent and eat hot pot. L can’t wait!

1. From the title, we can find that the text is mainly about ________________ and the writer feels _________________ at it.
2. Read the diary and try to find out the topic sentences of each paragraph.
Para.1 ________________ .
Para.2 ________________ .
Para.3 ________________ .
Para.4 ________________ .
Para.5 ________________ .
2024-04-28更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修三unit1 课前预习reading for writing
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约730词) | 适中(0.65) |


“Are we alone? What’s out there?” Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists work hard to find answers. They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe. They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.

Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Before the mid-20th century, most people felt travelling into space was an impossible dream. However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth’s gravity. On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space. Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” Following this, many more goals were achieved. For example, America’s NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 to study deep space, and it still transmits data today.

Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. All the astronauts on the USSR’s Soyuz 11 and America’s Challenger died during their missions. These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died. This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks. An example of this ongoing work is the International Space Station. It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board, providing a continuous human presence in space.

Challenger after the accident

China’s space programme started later than those of Russia and the US, but it has made great progress in a short time. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface. After that, China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou 1 to dock with it. This signalled one step further in China’s plan to establish a space station in the future. More recently, China has sent Chang’e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.

Jade Rabbit

The future of space exploration remains bright. Europe, the US, and China all have plans to further study and explore planets like Mars and Jupiter. Despite the difficulties, scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand how the universe began, but also help us survive well into the future.

1. 将每一段与其主旨大意相匹配。
A. Plans to further study.
B. The risk of exploring the space.
C. The development of space exploration.
D. Human’s desire to explore the space.
E. China’s space programme.
Para. 1 _______________
Para. 2 _______________
Para. 3 _______________
Para. 4 _______________
Para. 5 _______________
2. 阅读第二到第四段并填写表格。
The development of space explorationOn 4 October 1957, the USSR ____________ in launching the Sputnik 1satellite.
On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the ____________ person in the world to go into space.
On 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong ____________ onto the moon.
On 5 September 1977, America’s NASA space agency ____________ Voyager 1.
The risk of exploring the spaceAll the astronauts on the USSR’s Soyuz 11 and America’s Challenger were ____________.
The desire to ____________ the universe never died.
People believe in the____________ of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.
China’s space programmeIn 2003, Yang Liwei successfully ____________ Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.
Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese ____________, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its ____________.
China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou 1 to ____________ with it.
More recently, China has sent Chang’e 4 to explore the ____________ of the far side of the moon.
3. 课文结构图。

4. 根据课文内容填空。

From the passage, we know that people have ______________ to explore the space. The USA and the USSR have made great breakthrough in space ______________. China became the ______________country in the world in space exploration. It made great ______________ in a short time. Although many disasters ______________ in the process, people ______________ in the importance of ______________ on space exploration. Scientists hope future discoveries will not only ______________us to understand _____________ the universe began, but also help us ______________ well into the future.

2024-04-27更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版必修三Unit4Reading and Thinking课堂检测
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲的是在Thom Pollard的激励下,作者开始攀登珠穆朗玛峰,但他发现这要比他想象中难。在攀登的过程中,作者感悟到了更重要的东西,并对那些冒着巨大风险追随传奇探险家的脚步而攀登珠穆朗玛峰的勇敢攀登者表达了钦佩之情。

4 . The idea of climbing Mt.Qomolangma disgusted me. The mountain came to represent the opposite of everything that I loved and respected about climbing. What had once been the final mountain climbing goal became the focus of a commercial guiding industry. Over the years, the crowds at Base Camp grew, leaving behind tons of trash. Whenever I was asked whether I’d climb Mt.Qomolangma, my answer was always the same: not interested.

That was probably where my personal Mt. Qomolangma story would have ended, were it not for an old friend and his obsession (迷恋) with one of the greatest mysteries. In 1999, Thom Pollard began to explore and found the remains of George Mallory, the celebrated British climber who disappeared while he was attempting to be the first to climb Mt. Qomolangma. But Mallory’s partner, Sandy Irvine, and the camera he had likely carried, were not found. The mountain climbing world has been wondering whether they might have reached the top in 1924.

Pollard’s story moved me. I began to pack for the climb and expected that our advanced equipment would make it manageable, perhaps easy. I was wrong. On the highest point on the planet, I was more tired than I’d ever been in any climbing. Along the way, I continuously tipped_my_hat, not just to Mallory and Irvine but to anyone who has the drive to push himself or herself up this route. My search was in vain, but I began to reconsider Mt. Qomolangma.

I witnessed many climbers, who were much more than just self­centered tourists. We shared route information, weather forecasts, and family photos—all united around a common goal.

I went to Mt. Qomolangma to seek Irvine. But in the end, I found something more difficult to get: the spirit that Irvine and Mallory shared. It was hiding in plain sight, right where it has always been: inside the brave souls who risk so much to follow in storied adventurers’ footsteps up Mt. Qomolangma.

1. What is the main reason why the author hated climbing Mt. Qomolangma?
A.He changed his climbing goal.
B.Mt. Qomolangma was seriously polluted by trash.
C.Mt. Qomolangma became an industry to make money.
D.The mountain was too crowded with climbers.
2. Why did the author climb Mt. Qomolangma later?
A.Because he desired to challenge himself.
B.Because he got motivated by Thom Pollard.
C.Because his old friend persuaded him to climb again.
D.Because he wanted to follow the footsteps of Mallory and Irvine.
3. What does the underlined phrase “tipped my hat” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Expressed my gratitude.
B.Proved my determination.
C.Relieved the tiredness.
D.Showed my respect.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Admiration for the climbers.
B.Concern about the risk.
C.Confidence in the journey.
D.Hope for Mt. Qomolangma’s future.
2024-04-23更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 必修第三册 Unit 5 What an adventure!
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约690词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 【课文原文】


The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once wrote, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Put more simply this means “You are what you eat.” Most people today relate this saying to healthy eating. However, Brillat-Savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture.

Certainly in many ways this seems to be true. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese Cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes. For example, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a Sweetsauce, flavoured with hot red peppers. This is probably not an authentic Chinese recipe, however, so it can not tell us much about the Chinese. On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. It tells us, for example, that Americans love bold, simple flavors. And, since the dish was also invented recently, it tells us that Americans are not afraid to try new foods.

Later, I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China. When my family And I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing. A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally we found it. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table. With the best food we had eaten. With this, we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste: Sichuan peppercorns. The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was the friendship offered us.

We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China. My favourite dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar. I observed that family is important to people there. I have become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone from the youngest to the oldest joining in to help. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.

Then we moved to northern Xinjiang. Some of our friends were Kazak and Inner Mongolian.These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses. As a result, their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire usually boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab.

Our travels then took us to South China, and then onto central China. In each place we went, we experienced wonderful local dishes from Gungdong’s elegant dim sum -small servings of food in bamboo steamers to the exceptional stewed noodles in Henan. Everywhere, The food was as varied as the people. However, one thing is always true: Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness.

At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. Could we also say, for example, that those who like bold flavors are bold themselves? Or, that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper? Maybe. Maybe not. What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.

1. 快速阅读文章,分析文章结构,总结文章大意
Part 1 (Para_____)                  ______________________________
Part 2 (Para_____)                                My different experiences with Chinese cuisines.Experience of Chinese dishes in _____.
Experience of _____food in Beijing.
Famous food in _____.
Famous food in _____.     
Food in __________.
Part 3 (Para_____)               __________and __________go hand in hand.

2. 精读文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格
PlaceKind of Chinese foodTypical dish



Northwest China

South China

Central China

3. 根据文章填写下面导图,介绍不同地区的食物以及文化

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________________
2024-04-07更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修二Unit 3 课堂检测Reading and Thinking
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约520词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 【课文原文】


The Chinatown in San Francisco is the biggest in America, and also the oldest. It is a very popular tourist draw that receives more visitors each year than even the Golden Gate Bridge. The climate is mild all year round, meaning it is always a good time to visit.

Historically, Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period. What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrantsthen turned into a centre for Chinese culture. The majority of residents in Chinatown are still ethnic Chinese, many of whom do not speak English fluently. This allows visitors to experience a real taste of China.

Most of Chinatown was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, taking care to include lots of Chinese architecture. Traditionally, visitors enter Chinatown through the legendary Dragon Gate, which was built using materials donated from China. Other famous sites include the Tin How Temple and Bank of Canton, to name but a few. Visitors can also spend hours just exploring the interesting sights, smells, and sounds of China. Portsmouth Square is also a key site, being the centre of Chinatown.

It has a long and famous history, with the author Robert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there. These days, the square is a great place to see traditional Chinese culture in real life, such as games of Chinese chess, and people practising tai chi.

The stores in the Chinatown offer a unique range of souvenirs, goods, and clothing. All kinds of traditional Chinese herbal medicine can be found, too, and there are Chinese tea stores, where visitors can taste and buy varieties of Chinese tea.

But perhaps what many tourists and San Franciscans treasure most about Chinatown is its food. There is Chinese food to suit everyone’s taste, with traditional dishes from all over China.

Chinatowns are an important part of the diverse culture of the USA. They allow visitors who have never been to China to experience traditional Chinese culture first hand.

1. Fast reading
The text is mainly about the profile of ____________ in California, which focuses on its ____________.
2. Careful reading
True or False
1. The weather in the Chinatown in San Francisco is very changeable all year round. ______
2. The residents in the Chinatown are all Chinese. ______
3. After the 1906 earthquake, the Dragon Gate in Chinatown was built using materials donated from China. ______
4. The Portsmouth Square is now a great place to see traditional Chinese culture in real life. ______
5. All kinds of traditional Chinese herbal medicine can be bought in the Chinatown. ______
6. Many tourists and San Franciscans treasure the stores most about Chinatown. ______
3. Post­reading
Analyse the sentences
1. The climate is mild all year round, meaning it is always a good time to visit.
[分析] meaning it is always a good time to visit是现在分词短语作______
2. What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants then turned into a center for Chinese culture.
[分析] What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants是______从句。
[翻译] _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Traditionally visitors enter Chinatown through the legendary Dragon Gate, which was built using materials donated from China.
[分析] which was built using materials donated from China是______从句;using materials donated from China是现在分词短语作方式______;donated from China是过去分词短语作materials的______
[翻译] _______________________________________________________________________________
2024-02-24更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:必修第三册 (人教版2019)Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing
阅读理解-阅读单选(约560词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。 文章主要介绍了中国女排以强大的决心和钢铁般的意志力,勇夺桂冠,重回奥运之巅。
7 . 【课本原文】

The Return of the Champions

“The atmosphere here at Rio de Janeiro is electric! If China wins this point, they will walk out of the stadium with an Olympic gold medal. Zhang Changning serves. Over the net, Popovic dives for the ball. She only just reaches it...and it’s sent straight back to her by the Chinese spiker Hui Ruoqi. Popovic can’t get the ball back this time...and that’s it! It’s over! It’s gold for China! Look how the crowd has gone wild. You can see the joy and pride on the faces of the Chinese fans. And there we see the Chinese players embracing, with tears of happiness in their eyes...It’s a dream come true for China! The Chinese women’s volleyball team is Olympic champion once again!”

The Chinese women’s volleyball team holds a very special place in the nation’s heart. In the 1980s, the team burst onto the international volleyball scene with several major world titles, and an amazing three­set victory over the United States in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. They became national heroes overnight. There was gold once more at Athens in 2004. But winning gold in Rio paints the most vivid portrait of the team’s competitive spirit.

In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it was assigned to the “group of death”,where it faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches.   Despite reaching the quarter­finals as the fourth team in the group, with just two wins in preliminary matches, they were not going to give up. Every single member of the team gave their all to the fight, including Hui Ruoqi who had had heart surgery less than five months previously.

Their perseverance paid off with an epic comeback against the defending champion Brazil in the quarter­finals. Next, the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi­final matches, having lost to them in the preliminaries. At last,showing a strong will and the steeliest nerves, they played a close match against Serbia to seize gold in the final.

But fighting spirit alone was not enough to guarantee victory. Strong team spirit also contributed greatly to their success. Cooperation between team members is essential. If each individual does her job and works well with others,then the end goal can be achieved. In fact, strong team spirit is more important than the skills of individual players. Zhu Ting, named Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics, also identified this as the special ingredient in the team’s success: “Teamwork is the key to China's victory. Thanks to my teammates’ hard efforts, I had the opportunity to show my spiking skills.”

Together, the Chinese women’s volleyball team has fought their way through ups and downs. Led by well­known Chinese volleyball player and coach Lang Ping, they have continued to aim high. Lang is only too aware that as soon as a team steps off the victory podium, they need to start from zero to prepare for new challenges ahead. In this way, the team begins its journey to the next Olympics.

1. What does “electric” mean in the first paragraph?
2. Why did the Chinese women’s volleyball team especially need fighting spirit in Rio?
A.Because they just defeated two teams.
B.Because they met defending champion Brazil.
C.Because they met several strong opponents in the group stage matches.
D.Because many players appeared on the scene for the first time.
3. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The Chinese women’s volleyball team got over many challenges.
B.The team should start from zero and prepare for the new success.
C.The team was led by the well­known coach Lang Ping.
D.The team begins the new journey to the next Olympics.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.The strong members of the Chinese women’s volleyball team.
B.The encouragement we feel from the Chinese women’s volleyball team.
C.The process of Chinese women’s volleyball team winning the championship.
D.The powerful position of Chinese women’s volleyball team in people’s mind.
2023-08-27更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas 选择性英语性必修一(外研版2019)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约570词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 【课本原文】

Three Days to See

I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.

Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently, I asked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied.

How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. If I can get so much pleasure from touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say for just three days.

On the first day, I should want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living. I do not know what it is to see into the heart of a friend through that “window of the soul”, the eye. I can only “see” through my fingertips the outline of a face. I should like to see the books which have been read to me, and which have revealed to me the deepest channels of human life and the human spirit. In the afternoon I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate my eyes on the beauties of the world of nature. That night, I should not be able to sleep.

On my second day, I should like to see the pageant of man's progress, and I should go to the museums. I should try to probe into the soul of man through his art. The things I knew through touch I should now see. The evening of my second day I should spend at a theater or at the movies.   

The following morning, I should again greet the dawn, anxious to discover new delights, new revelations of beauty. Today I shall spend in the workaday world, amid the haunts of men going about the business of life.

At midnight permanent night would close in on me again. Only when darkness had again descended upon me should I realize how much I had left unseen.

I who am blind can give one hint to those who see: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to the other senses. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. Touch each object you want to touch as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again. But of all the senses, I am sure that sight must be the most delightful.

(Excerpts from “Three Days to See” by Helen Keller)

1. How did Helen feel when her friend told her she observed nothing after a long walk?
2. What did Helen most want to do if she had three days to see?
A.To stay up throughout the night.
B.To take a long walk in the woods.
C.To see the people who have helped her a lot.
D.To see books which have revealed much to her.
3. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Helen loves darkness and silence.
B.Helen is only stricken with blindness.
C.Helen wishes people to suffer from diseases.
D.Helen thinks healthy people ignore too much.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.It turns out that people with disabilities are more imaginative.
B.The author looks forward to only three days of normal vision.
C.We should take what we have for granted, not cherish too much.
D.It is not lack of beauty in the world, just the eyes finding beauty.
2023-08-27更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas 选择性英语性必修一(外研版2019)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约530词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 【课本原文】


Chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers have been in widespread use in farming since the middle of the 20th century. When they were first introduced, many farmers welcomed them as a great way to fight crop disease and increase production. Over time, however, what some scientists have found is that their long­term use can sometimes harm both the land and people’s health.

For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones. In addition, these chemicals can stay in the soil and underground water sources for a long time. This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn, the animals and humans who digest them. Many people worry that these chemicals may make them ill and even cause cancer. In fact, some pesticides like DDT have been prohibited in most countries because of the damage they cause to people and the environment. As for chemical fertilisers, crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition. They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals, and they often have less flavour as well.

As an alternative, some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery. Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. Organic farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural means. For example, many organic farmers use natural waste from animals as fertiliser. This makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals. It also keeps the air, soil, water, and crops free of chemicals.

Organic farmers also use many other methods to produce rich soil. They often change the kind of crop grown in each field every year. For instance, they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. Why different crops are grown is that they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops. Organic farmers also plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich. For example, peanuts grow on the ground’s surface, but many other vegetables put down deep roots. The goal of using different organic farming methods is to grow good food while avoiding damage to the environment or to people’s health.

Some people would prefer to stop the use of man­made chemicals in agriculture entirely. What keeps them from doing so is the fact that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world. Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet that need. Therefore, there is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as healthy as possible.

1. Why did many farmers welcome the introduction of chemical farming?
A.They can fight crop disease and increase production.
B.They harm both the land and people’s health.
C.They can help produce rich soil.
D.They are not expensive.
2. What concerns many people about the use of pesticides?
A.Pesticides can damage the land.
B.Chemicals can stay in the soil for a long time.
C.Pesticides can kill harmful bacteria and insects.
D.Chemicals may make people ill and even cause cancer.
3. Why do organic farmers change the kind of crop grown in each field every few years?
A.It helps put important minerals back into the ground.
B.It can avoid damage to the environment.
C.It can help increase output.
D.The writer didn’t tell us.
4. Why can’t we stop the use of man­made chemicals in agriculture entirely?
A.Organic farming cost us a lot of money.
B.Organic farming can meet people’s need.
C.Chemical farming brought us huge profit.
D.Chemical farming helps serve the need for food.
2023-08-26更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 Section Ⅲ Using language 选择性英语性必修一(人教版2019)
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10 . 【课本原文】


As an educator, people often ask me how I know what is going on in the minds of my students. Many students are quite shy and don't speak all that much. At the same time, in a classroom of more than forty students, it is hard to have many one­on­one conversations with each person. So, how can I really know what makes each student tick?

My answer? I look at their body language.   

It is easy to recognise when students are interested in a lesson. Most tend to look up and make eye contact. When I make a joke, they smile. When I talk about something difficult, they look confused. I know when students are really interested, however, because they lean forward and look at me. People have a tendency to lean towards whatever they are interested in. So if a student has his head lowered to look at his watch, it implies he is bored and just counting the minutes for the class to end. If two friends are leaning their heads together, they are probably writing notes to each other. Of course, not everyone who looks up is paying attention in class. Some students look up, but there is an absence of eye contact. Their eyes barely move, and they always have the same distant expression on their faces. It is as though they are asleep with their eyes open.

Some students are amused by something else. They spend all their time looking anywhere but at me. Then again, some students' favourite activity is daydreaming. With their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling. They are certainly interested in something, but who knows what. The main thing is reminding distracted students that they need to pay attention in class.

While it is easy to perceive when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when students are troubled. Students who are angry, afraid, or experiencing anxiety may have their arms crossed in front of their chests and their legs closed or crossed, like they are guarding their bodies. Students who are sad or worried will nearly always wear a frown. They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are embarrassed or ashamed. Some students act this way merel ybecause they are afraid of being called on by the teacher. However, if a student does not bother to brush her hair and her eyes are red from weeping, then I can infer that there are deeper issues at work. It could be that she is having serious conflicts with other students or at home. Whatever it is, I know I need to inquire and assess what is going on.

Ultimately, my duty is helping every student to learn. Their body language lets me know when to adjust class activities, when to intervene, and when to talk to students individually, so they can get the most out of school. Reacting to body language is an important component of being a teacher.

1. How can the writer know what makes each student tick?
A.By having one­on­one conversations with each person.
B.By talking with some students.
C.By observing students' body language.
D.By asking them to write a letter to the teacher.
2. When students are not interested in a lesson, they may             .
A.look up and make eye contact
B.lean forward and look at the teacher
C.lower their heads and look at their watches
D.smile when the teacher makes a joke
3. When students have their arms crossed in front of their chests and their legs crossed, they may feel________.
4. Where is the text likely to be taken from?
A.A social magazine. B.A science book.
C.A research report. D.A health magazine.
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