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1 .

Have you ever entered a restaurant wanting a salad, only to end up ordering the steak? Chances are, the owners had a hand in that result. Whether it is a high-end restaurant or a fast-food chain, the owners have clever ways to influence your choice. That soft background music? A Scottish study found that diners spent 23 percent more when slow music was played. The red walls? That color stimulates appetite. And then there’s the menu. We’ve annotated(作注解)a menu you might find at a typical medium-priced restaurant. Which of these tricks have you fallen for?


Crispy Fried Mozzarella Sticks               12

THE FINE PRINT For some consumers, the dollar sign apparently screams, “Watch your wallet!” A Cornell University found that guests at one restaurant, given the number-only menu, spent significantly more than those who received a menu with prices showing a dollar sign.

Panko—Friend Calamari                       9.95

THE FINE PRINT Prices ending with a 9, such as 9.99, “tend to signify value but not quality,” says the New York Times. Most restaurants round up; if not, they’ll go with. 95.

Bourbon—Braised Beef Short Ribs        10.95

THE FINE PRINT Names with lots of consonants(辅音)that start with the lips and end in the throat(such as b)tend to copy the mouth movements of eating. These dishes were rated more flavorful than dishes with names featuring consonants that start from the back of the throat.(e.g., the c in corn), says a study from the University of Cologne in Germany.


Cheeseburger and Fries.                            12

THE FINE PRINT “ Italic typeface(字体)conveys a perception of quality, ” reports the BBC. A study conducted by Swiss and German researchers found that a wine labeled with a difficult-to-read script was liked more by drinkers than the same wine carrying a label using a simple typeface.

Meat loaf with summer-whipped potatoes drenched in autumn root vegetables, winter squash, and who knows what else because by this point we’re just making things up to pad the dish’s name so you’ll notice it             14.95

THE FINE PRINT If boxes, huge fonts, and italic don’t catch your eye, how about a super-long dish name? As the restaurant-software company Toast points out on its blog, anything that is different will draw the eye.


Godiva Chocolate Brownie Sundae                           6.95
THE FINE PRINT Brand names in menu items show a built-in trust and create a guarantee to diners that they will lover the dish.
Sweet Georgia Peach Cobbler                                5.95
THE FINE PRINT Restaurants use regional names to attract customers to order a particular dish, says Wansink. Want a good peach tart? Well, then, the peaches have to be from Georgia.

1. The restaurant owners influence the customers’ choices through_____________.
A.fast — paced music in the restaurantB.color pictures on the menu
C.bright decorations on the wallD.nice menus for the customers
2. According to the passage, which can best promote the sales of the dish?
A.Best Chicken Burger                         $13.95
B.Bourbon-Barbecued Beef Brisket        14.95
C.Route 66 Banana Split                       13.99
D.Dove Chocolate Smoothies                 $9.99
3. Where can you probably find this article?
A.A general-interest magazine.B.A linguistic scholarly journal.
C.A menu from a restaurant.D.A guidebook on cooking.
2024-05-04更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市青浦高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . My father asked me to chat with him for a while. Actually, I was unwilling to listen to his talking endlessly as he always did. My father was a lawyer, but I never wanted to go to law school or follow his path through life.

As was expected, he cleared his throat and started to say, ”Er…What…What do you really want to do in the gorgeous future?“

I was silent for a moment playing with the cell phone. I kept thinking, ”Should I tell him my true thoughts? What if he gets angry? What if I let him down?” Later I replied, “Well, I want to be a writer.”

I guessed this may not be the answer he would expect. But surprisingly, “Interesting idea!” he answered. I was shocked, speaking in a low voice with hesitation.

“Are you serious, dad?”

“Well, you need confidence and good preparations, and you still have plenty of time. You need to find out what you really enjoy now. Look, it’s late. Let’s take the boat out tomorrow morning, just you and me. Maybe we can catch some crabs for dinner, and we can talk more.”

Early next morning we packed up the equipment and set off for the coast. We didn’t talk much, but enjoyed the sound of the seabirds and the sight of the coastline.

There were no big waves and blinding sunlight at that time. “Let’s see if we are lucky,” he said, picked up a web basket with a rope tied and threw it into the sea. We waited a while, then my father stood up and said, “Give me a hand with this,” and we pulled up the crab cage onto the deck.

To our joy, the cage was filled with dozens of soft-shell crabs. Squatting(蹲)down, we watched them for a moment. At first, they fought against each other to climb out hard, trying to escape. Many were pulled back into the cage. Later, some gave up, but there were still some crabs trying to escape again and again.

At that moment my father pointed to the cage, ”Look at that crab, there!“ Staring at the crab, I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage. However, he didn’t give up his fight. Fortunately, he survived from the struggle eventually. Shocked and amazed, I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.

1. How did the author initially feel about having a conversation with his father?
A.Enthusiastic and eager to share.B.Concerned and reluctant.
C.Neutral with no particular feeling.D.Excited about the upcoming adventure.
2. During the crabbing expedition, what observation did the author make that influenced his perspective on life and the future?
A.That crabs worked together to escape.
B.Some crabs gave up trying to escape.
C.One crab persistently tried to escape despite being pulled back.
D.Crabs fought among themselves for dominance.
3. Which statement reflects the author’s new understanding of the future and demonstrates that he comprehended his father’s intention?
A.I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage.
B.I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning.
C.I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities.
D.Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.
4. The best title for this passage is_____________.
A.A Morning Adventure: Crabbing with Dad
B.Lessons from the Sea: A Father-Son Bonding Experience
C.The Art of Crabbing: A Guide for Beginners
D.Father and Son: Deeper Understanding Through a Shared Activity
2024-05-04更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市青浦高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Why Are You Still Coughing?

Have you caught a cold recently — but can’t get rid of the cough? You’re not alone. The symptom can stick around for weeks after our bodies have cleared a virus. Michael Shiloh, a physician specializing in infectious disease research at UT Southwestern Medical Center, says coughing patients often report that they were sick as many as eight weeks prior to seeing him. He says, “    1    

The United States saw a sharp rise in cases of influenza in late 2023 that’s dragged on into 2024. And though positive tests for the illness have leveled off or decreased countrywide over the past weeks, the number of people seeking healthcare for respiratory (呼吸的) diseases is still elevated across much of the U.S.     2     But research on how infections affect nerves in the airway is revealing new clues.

Coughing is an important reaction that protects the airway from dangers like water or bits of mis-swallowed food, says doctor and researcher Lorcan McGarvey of Queen’s University Belfast.     3     These nerves are decorated with receptor (受体) proteins that react to everything from cold air to hot pepper. When a stimulus causes those receptors, nerves send signals to the brain that we experience as the urge to cough.

While it may seem obvious that coughing is meant to clear our throats, it’s also possible that viruses cause the reaction to help themselves spread.     4     And if we do ultimately cough to clear out our airway during an infection, that still wouldn’t explain what exactly our nerves sense during an infection that causes a cough.

“We don’t know,” says electrophysiologist Thomas Taylor-Clark of the University of South Florida. “But what we can say is that we do know some things, one being that viruses cause infection.”

A.The reaction is caused by nerves that reach into the airway.
B.Scientists know about many different stimuli that can cause cough.
C.Many infections involve dry coughs that don’t produce phlegm (痰) at all.
D.We can’t really detect virus any more in these individuals, and yet they’re still coughing.
E.But at least temporarily, they can send us into coughing even when we’re no longer sick.
F.Scientists still aren’t sure exactly why otherwise healthy people experience this kind of persistent cough.
2024-04-30更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市青浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I was sitting in my high school classroom, nervously tapping my pencil against the desk as I awaited the start of the English exam.

As the clock struck, signaling the beginning of the exam, my heart began to race. I opened the exam booklet and scanned the questions, and I felt a wave of panic over me. The questions seemed foreign, and the topics unfamiliar. In a state of panic, I hurriedly wrote down my answers, hoping that somehow, by some stroke of luck, they would be correct. But as the minutes went by, I realized I couldn’t seem to make sense of the questions before me. As the final bell rang, I handed in my paper with a heavy heart.

In the days that followed, I couldn’t shake the feeling of failure that hung over me like a dark cloud. I replayed the exam over and over in my mind, analyzing every question, every answer, searching for clues as to where I had gone wrong.

But in the depression, a realization began to dawn on me — I had failed, yes, but I had also learned valuable lessons along the way. Armed with this newfound wisdom, I ensured that I would do better next time. I threw myself into my studies with renewed determination, devouring books and practicing past exams with an eagerness I had never known before.

When the time came to retake the exam, I was ready. I approached each question with confidence and clarity, drawing upon the lessons I had learned from my previous missteps.

When the results were announced, I held my breath as I scanned the list of names. And there it was — my name, shining brightly among the list of successful candidates. At that moment, all the hard work, all the late nights and early mornings, were worth it.

And as I look back on that sunny afternoon in the high school classroom, I am grateful for the lessons it taught me, and the person it helped me become.

1. Why did the author panic when he first took the exam?
A.He sat with a pounding heart.
B.He found the questions too difficult.
C.He was not familiar with the foreign language.
D.He was in a hurry when answering the questions.
2. What did the author do after he failed in the exam?
A.He attended valuable lessons in school.
B.He retook the exam over and over again.
C.He promised to arm himself with eagerness.
D.He determined to engage himself in learning.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “devouring” (paragraph 4)?
A.being targeted atB.being obliged for
C.being absorbed inD.being credited to
4. According to the passage, this experience helped the author become _____.
A.cheerful and considerateB.objective and demanding
C.tough and perseveringD.proud and tolerant
2024-04-30更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市青浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . At first the question was how quickly people would get back to the office. Then it was whether they would ever return. The last three years has introduced in a major change in white-collar working patterns. The office is not dead but many professionals have settled into a hybrid (混合的) arrangement of some office days and some remote days.

Hybrid working has much to recommend: flexibility for employees, periods of concentration at home, bursts of cooperation in the office. A new paper from Harvard Business School describes an experiment in which workers at BRAC, a non-profit organisation in Britain, were randomly assigned to three groups, each spending different amounts of time working from home. The intermediate (中等的) group, who spent between 23% and 40% of their time in the office, performed best on various performance measures.

But a shift on this large scale is bound to raise tricky issues. In workplaces that have moved to hybrid work, there are still plenty of open questions. One is how to handle the impact of less time in the office for new joiners and younger workers. Research by Emma Harrington of the University of Iowa shows that software engineers receive more feedback on their code when the team sits next to each other in the office, especially new engineers. According to Nicholas Bloom of Stanford University, making new employees spend more time in the office can be a good way of integrating them into company culture and improving their competence. And these younger employees were most likely to quit when everyone was forced to go remote.

A second question concerns how strictly to enforce attendance on days when teams are meant to be in the office. An agreement holds that there should be agreed “anchor days” on which all the people come to work in the office; since the idea is to spend time together, as many people as possible should be there. But one person on the team might have moved somewhere else; someone else might have asked to stay home to let the repairer in. In practice, therefore, hybrid working still often means a mixture of people on screen and people in the office.

Other questions exist. How to define performance measures so managers do not spend time worrying about lazy workers at home? Do you require company-wide anchor days or team-level ones? The era of hybrid working is only just beginning, so it will take time for answers to emerge. But if there is a message from this first full year of hybrid working, it is that flexibility does not mean a free-for-all.

1. How can in-office work help new employees?
A.Giving them more feedback from senior employees.
B.Getting them to catch up with the work schedule.
C.Saving them the cost of staying at home.
D.Helping them feel part of the company.
2. What makes it difficult to enforce attendance on anchor days?
A.Young workers prefer working on screen.
B.Engineers object to the idea of anchor days.
C.Office workers can’t take a day off as expected.
D.Employees have various private matters to address.
3. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?
A.It is necessary to grant employees full autonomous rights.
B.Employers should go with the flow because new questions will emerge.
C.Allowing flexibility in work arrangements does not mean having no rules.
D.It is no easy job to arrange either company-wide or team-level anchor days.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Hybrid working is outdated after workers’ return.
B.There are some open questions of hybrid working.
C.A shift of working patterns calls for hybrid working.
D.Fixed restrictions should be applied to hybrid working.
2024-04-25更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市青浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Whether you are attracted by landscapes or the after-effects of weather, there are photo opportunities everywhere. The following photography tips from photographers will help you shoot your best shot.

Get to know your subject and their habits

Take time to get to know your local wildlife before shooting, and you might just capture something truly special. Try to shoot from the perspective of the animal you are filming. Resist the urge to just point and click — take the time to observe local wildlife and you will see the rewards in your photos.

Capture details in a close-up

Going in close can bring some fascinating rewards in nature photography. Zooming (聚焦) into plants with frost or picking up water drops on a spider’s web can help show the beauty we might miss in everyday life. If you’re zooming in on one particular subject, such as a bee landing on a flower, you could end up with soft-focus objects in the background to create added interest.

Shoot photos at best time of day

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to timing, and a shadow or lots of natural sunlight can produce great results — it’s just best to avoid extremes. Too much bright light hitting your camera lens (镜头) sensor will result in an overexposed photo with little detail, while a dark sky full of stars might provide too much contrast between the background and the subject you are taking pictures of.

Capture sharp, clear images

Although the delete button can be your best friend, a few things will help you avoid unclear images. Keeping the camera stable is key, whether that’s through a solid pose as you stand ready to shoot or using a support. A self-timer can also be a handy tool for keeping your hands away from dials and settings once you have chosen your shot.

1. Which of the following is the benefit of “zooming in” in shooting?
A.It may be an aid to capture the delicate beauty in daily life.
B.It may be helpful to avoid overexposing photos with little detail.
C.It may bring about deleting the background to create added interest.
D.It may contribute to focusing on several particular subjects at a time.
2. What is a photographer recommended to do to shoot satisfactory photos?
A.Chase the running rabbit when shooting.B.Follow his instinct when shooting.
C.Shoot in bright daylight at midday.D.Use a stable stand when shooting.
3. You will find the tips above most useful if you want to take photos _____.
A.at a wedding ceremonyB.while visiting an art gallery
C.on an excursion to the countrysideD.while walking on the street in a city
2024-04-25更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市青浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约560词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Recent years have seen a small increase in unemployment rates due to slowing of the economy. The fact that many college graduates are finding it difficult to land a job has sparked online discussions on the cost of education and the returns on it, with many agreeing with the notion that “education is useless”.

Stories like a person with a doctorate’s degree from Zhejiang University is delivering food, and overseas-returned graduates are selling hot-pot ingredients have caused many to question the value of education. Moreover, the fact that about 36,000 fewer candidates have applied to take the postgraduate exam in 2024, the first decline in numbers in years, has also fueled the “education is useless theory.

Is education truly worthless? This question has resurfaced due to several factors.

The wide spread of higher education has significantly increased the number of college graduates, reducing the value of college degrees. As the job market becomes over-crowded with graduates, the scarcity of high-level talents has become apparent, particularly in fields such as the humanities. For example, more than 900 institutions in China offer English major, making it the most common degree program, yet there’s a shortage of top talents who are proficient in English and have a good knowledge about the differences in Chinese and foreign approach to fields such as international relations and journalism.

The declining returns on the investment in education have given rise to the “education is useless” theory. Given the challenging job market, many believe college education does not guarantee any sort of employment, let alone a suitable job. And with various economic opportunities available, the notion that one can become financially successful even without formal education is becoming increasingly acceptable.

In light of these developments, combined efforts need to be made to change the situation. For instance, universities must take measures to integrate education, research and industry, while enhancing cooperation with enterprises through tailored talent training programs. Additionally, the authorities need to pay greater attention to vocational education, an important part of China’s educational system. Students, parents and society, on their part, should abandon their bias against vocational training, because it integrates education with career prospects throughout the learning process, offering targeted, technical and practical training which allows students to master their skills which can get them well-paying jobs in the future.

Developing a correct view of employment and career choice is key to abandoning the notion of “education being useless”. People, especially students, must understand the current employment landscape, their positioning, and strengths and weaknesses. While realizing that a college degree is no longer a ticket to employment, college students should leverage education resources to enrich their professional knowledge and competitiveness. And youths should approach vocational education with an open mind in order to make the most of what the job market has to offer.

Education is not synonymous with earning money, nor does a college degree guarantee financial success. The value of education is knowledge, which we need to make informed decisions not only in our professional life but also in our social and other fields of life.

1. What are the main reasons for the recent rise in the belief that ”education is useless”?
A.Economic slowdown and job scarcity.
B.Sad stories about educated individuals.
C.Decline in postgraduate exam applicants.
D.Emphasis on practical skills over qualifications.
2. How can universities contribute to improving the current situation?
A.By focusing solely on academic research.
B.By integrating education, research, and industry.
C.By ignoring cooperation with enterprises.
D.By eliminating vocational education courses.
3. The underlined word leverage in paragraph 7 can be best replaced by___________.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the development of vocational education?
A.Negative and pessimisticB.Positive and supportive
C.Balanced and objectiveD.Unclear and ambiguous
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The Maldives guarantees the whitest sand beaches and an unforgettable underwater world. Here are places that you can visit here.

Patins Maldives, Fari Islands

The Fari Islands sit in the northeast of the North Male Atoll, a 45-minute speed boat ride or a 15-minute seaplane flight from Elana International Airport.

Unlike most of the other places on this list, Patina recently opened so you can check in right now if you’re in need of an urgent escape.

Avani+Fares Maldives Resort

Just a 30-minute seaplane ride from Velana International Airport, the Avani+Fares Maldives Resort sits on an island surrounded by a lagoon in the west of the resort.

Unique and remarkable biodiversity can be found in its coral reefs, sea grass beds and mangroves. Watch out for hawksbill turtles, rays and friendly reef sharks.

Villa Haven

If you’re a deep-sea diver, this place will provide a luxurious base as you explore the resort’s many experiences.

Their botanical gardens produce coconuts, tropical fruits, vegetables and herbs that will all be served up in Villa Haven’s restaurants, while sustainable local materials are also being used in the construction of the resort.

Conrad Maldives Rangali

The twin-island property boasts some firsts including the world’s first ever undersea restaurant and first underwater bedroom.

To mark the resort’s anniversary, 50 over-water villas have been revitalized, as have three restaurants and bars. Brand new additions include an adults-only gym, Majaa Explorers Hub and restaurants and the Furaavaru Teens Club.

1. Which one is most likely to go to Patina Maldives, Fari Islands for travelling?
A.Lily, a student majoring in marine biology.
B.Justine, a cook designing a menu of seafood.
C.Tom, an overseas student on a tight schedule.
D.Alice, a retired professor looking for relaxation.
2. What can you do in Villa Haven?
A.Have dinner in the undersea restaurant.B.Admire the botanical gardens.
C.Go on a speed boat tour.D.Work out in the gym.
3. If you are interested in sea animals like turtles, which place can you visit?
A.Villa Haven.B.Conrad Maldives Rangali.
C.Patina Maldives, Fari Islands.D.Avani+Fares Maldives Resort.
4. What can we know from the passage?
A.The Fari Islands are a 15-minute seaplane flight from the mainland.
B.Conrad Maldives Rangali is equipped with the undersea restaurant.
C.The tropical fish shop and ordinary diving center are accessible in Villa Haven.
D.Sustainable materials are used in the building of Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort.
2024-03-14更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市青浦区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末调研卷英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . When I first moved away from home to study, I started out living in student housing. We all had our own rooms, but every floor shared a kitchen and a common room. There was no supervision from family members, and we were expected to take care of ourselves. I had a neighbor who had, like most of us, just moved away from home. It was his first time on his own, and he felt unhappy.

We had to teach this poor boy EVERYTHING. It started with the mystery of why the plates in the cupboard were always greasy (有油渍的). It turned out that the boy didn’t know he had to use hot water to wash the dishes; he just washed them in cold water and put them back.

He spent the first six months complaining about how he was always running out of money. This was because he didn’t know how to cook. The rest of us lived on the usual student diet and treated ourselves to a pizza on weekends. However, he got fast food every single day. I could feed myself for a month on his weekly meal budget. Moreover, he had no idea how to wash clothes with a washing machine. I had to take him shopping for laundry detergent (洗衣粉) first because he didn’t know what it was. He thought he could just put ordinary soap in the washing machine.

To his credit, the boy was very grateful for the help and very depressed that no one had taught him how to do all these things before he moved out.

One day, the boy’s mother came to visit. He happily introduced all of us to his mother. After we graduated, I was invited to his wedding. He introduced me to his new wife as “the one who taught me how to be a man”.

1. What does the underlined word “supervision” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What can we learn about the boy?
A.He lacked common sense in housework.B.He got married to the author.
C.He always washed dishes in hot water.D.He didn’t get along well with his mother.
3. Why did the boy always have money problems?
A.He often cooked expensive meals.B.He bought himself a pizza every month.
C.He treated his neighbors on weekends.D.He didn’t know how to spend reasonably.
4. Which word best describes the relationship between the boy and the author?
阅读理解-六选四(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . How Young Americans Spend Their Money

Young people have always puzzled their elders. Today’s youngsters are no different; indeed, they are confusing. They have thin wallets and expensive tastes. They prize convenience and a social conscience. They want shopping to be personal.     1     As they start spending in earnest, brands are trying to understand what these walking paradoxes with conflicting features want and how they shop. The answers will define the next era of consumerism.

Their absolute numbers are impressive. The European Union is home to nearly 125m people between the ages of ten (the youngest will become consumers in the next few years) and 34. America has another 110m of these Gen-Zs and millennials, a third of the population. The annual spending of households headed by American Gen-Zs and millennials hit $2.7trn in 2021, around 30% of the total.

    2     Forrester, a market-research firm, found that most users of “buy now, pay later” apps are around 20. Megan Scott, a 20-year-old student from London, speaks for many of her peers by admitting that, when shopping, she has no self-control—until the bill arrives.

The light-speed online world also appears to have lowered tolerances for long delivery times. A study by Salesforce, a business-software giant, found that Gen-Z Americans, who prefer to use their phones to pay for shopping, are the likeliest of all age groups to want their groceries delivered within an hour.     3    

The Internet has also changed how the young discover brands. Print, billboard or TV advertising has given way to social media. Instagram, part of Meta’s empire, and TikTok, a Chinese-owned app, are where the young look for inspiration, particularly for goods where looks matter such as fashion, beauty and sportswear.     4     Such apps are increasingly adding features that allow users to shop without ever leaving the platform. According to McKinsey, six in ten Americans under the age of 25 had completed a purchase on a social-media site.

A.They desire genuineness while constantly immersed in a digital world.
B.TikTok’s user-generated videos can lead even tiny brands to speedy viral fame.
C.The lifestyle of the “moonlight clan” has made many young people feel overwhelmed.
D.Easy access to means of spreading payments may encourage spending money like water.
E.A heightened expectation of convenience comes with being raised in the age of Amazon.
F.These “always-on purchasers” often shift from a weekly shop to quicker fixes of everything from fashion to furniture.
2023-12-25更新 | 140次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市青浦区2023~2024学年高三上学期期末教学质量监测试卷英语试卷
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