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1 . Researchers at the University of Washington are studying a concept called “marine cloud brightening,” which aims to slow climate change by spraying clouds with sea salt. Salt particles (颗粒) help clouds form tiny, shiny water droplets, which reflect sunlight away from the earth before it can heat the planet.

The white tops of certain clouds act like a natural sunscreen for the planet; the water droplets and ice crystals within reflect 30 to 60 percent of sunlight that hits them, according to NASA. Geoengineering researchers believe they can make clouds brighter and increase their cooling effect by increasing the number of droplets they contain. Some scientists hope it could buy humanity more time to cut carbon emissions.

In April, University of Washington scientists started testing a saltwater spraying machine on the deck of the USS Hornet, a retired aircraft carrier in Alameda. The city paused the experiment in May, citing health and environmental concerns, but outside consultants hired by the city later concluded the test doesn’t pose “a measurable health risk to the surrounding community”.

The Alameda experiment isn’t meant to “alter clouds or any aspect of the local weather or climate,” according to Sarah Doherty, an atmospheric scientist who runs the university’s marine cloud brightening program. The scientists are only testing whether their salt spray machine works and studying how salt particles move through the air.

This highlights the strong opposition scientists face when they research anything related to geoengineering, a broad category of techniques that aim to manipulate (操纵) the climate. Some environmentalists argue that these ideas could have dangerous, unpredictable side effects and are a distraction from cutting carbon emissions, the most surefire way to avoid climate change. It may give polluters an excuse to keep pumping carbon into the atmosphere. “Geoengineering experiments, like the Marine Cloud Brightening project in the Bay Area, risk legitimizing (合法化) a harmful technology,” wrote Mary Church, who works for an American and Swiss environmental nonprofit.

1. How does “marine cloud brightening” slow climate change?
A.By injecting clouds with sea salt to decrease sunlight reflection.
B.By spraying clouds with sea salt to prevent the formation of water droplets.
C.By increasing the number of shiny water droplets in clouds to reflect sunlight.
D.By reducing the number of droplets in clouds to increase sunlight absorption.
2. Why was the experiment put on hold in May?
A.Environmental reasons.B.Insufficiency of funds.
C.Poor project assessment.D.Lack of community support.
3. What is “geoengineering” according to the text?
A.Study of the side ettects of climate change.
B.A distraction from cutting carbon emissions.
C.Methods of controlling the climate to cope with global warming.
D.Technologies and their potential applications for people’s health.
4. What is a major concern about “marine cloud brightening”?
A.It is too costly to be widely applied.
B.It keeps pumping carbon into the atmosphere.
C.It could result in over-dependence on harmful technologies.
D.It may lead to unintended environmental consequences.
2024-07-16更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年度高二下学期期末英语试题
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2 . Have you ever found yourself transported back to a particular moment or place just by hearing a song? It’s not magic — it’s science. To know more about this, researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) conducted a study. What they discovered was that music is not just a series of notes on a page but a storyline that our brains create in our minds while listening.

Participants from the study volunteered to have their brains scanned while listening to music. They had epilepsy (癫痫) and were already undergoing brain monitoring as part of their treatment. The researchers played them short musical snippets (片段) called “phases” with different note patterns. Some phrases were predictable, repeating familiar patterns, while others surprised them with unexpected notes.

To track their brain activity, the researchers used a special technique called “high-density electrocorticography” (ECoG). This involves placing many tiny electrodes (电极) directly on the head, allowing for precise measurements of electrical activity in different areas. It’s like having many tiny microphones listening to different parts of your brain. By comparing the brain activity with the predictable and unpredictable phrases, the researchers could see which brain regions were more active when people anticipated the next note.

The researchers found that while our brains use similar areas to understand both music and speech, there’s a key difference. Music triggers unique “prediction zones” that speech does not. This means our brains are wired to expect what’s coming next in a song, much more so than in a conversation.

“It’s obvious that exposure to music enriches our social and emotional lives and has potential to treat a broad range of physical problems, such as sleep disorders. To understand why music is able to have all these benefits, we need to answer some fundamental questions about how music works in the brain,”said study lead author Dr. Narayan Sankaran. Long-term studies following individuals over time could provide valuable data on how the brain handles musical expectations and how the processing of musical expectations might change with aging, experience, or cognitive decline.

1. Why was the study conducted at UCSF?
A.To find a cure for epilepsy using music therapy.
B.To understand how epilepsy affects brain activity
C.To explore how the brain understands and predicts music flow.
D.To compare brain activities between patients with epilepsy and healthy people.
2. How did the researchers conduct the study?
A.By putting electrodes in the head.
B.By tracking brain activity using ECoG.
C.By recognizing different brain regions.
D.By comparing predictable and unpredictable phrases.
3. What does the author assume for future research?
A.Examining how the brain processes expectations.
B.Investigating the impact of music on physical health.
C.Analyzing the role of music in social bonding.
D.Studying the effects of music on sleep disorders.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Music engages key areas for emotional impact.
B.Music can stimulate predication areas in the brain.
C.Music is beneficial to physical and mental health.
D.Music has more predictable patterns than speech.
2024-07-15更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年度高二下学期期末英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了位于开普敦的Good Hope Gardens Nursery中的Veld & Sea项目,该项目由一位食物艺术家和觅食者Roushanna Gray运营,旨在通过实地体验和烹饪工作坊来分享南非可食用植物的丰富生物多样性,并唤起人们对可持续生活的意识。

3 . Housed at the Good Hope Gardens Nursery in Cape Point — which focuses on nursing and protecting plants, flowers and trees indigenous to the Cape Floral Kingdom-Veld & Sea is run by Roushanna Gray, a food artist and forager (觅食者), who says it is her own curiosity about the eatable land that fuels her to start these experiences.

“My inspiration spring s from a desire to share the rich biodiversity of eatable plants of South Africa and arouse awareness about sustainable living,” she explains, “Our experiences employ a hands-on approach. I believe that direct engagement with nature during the workshops has a deeper understanding of the relationships within these ecosystems, encouraging participants to develop a sense of responsibility and joy for nature.”

A typical workshop sees guests arrive on nearby Scarborough Beach, where the morning is spent foraging for eatable plants. In keeping with the sustainable undercurrent, certain specific plants are picked to keep the ecosystem’s balance. After that, the group return to the Veld & Sea classroom to cook and sit down to a three-course lunch, made entirely of foraged produce.

Through her workshops, Gray conveys a sense of responsibility and respect for the rich biodiversity of the coastal and eatable landscapes. “It’s the transformative power of hands-on learning in nature. It’s not just about foraging, but also about learning these wildly delicious ingredients, understanding their ecological roles, and appreciating the delicate balance they contribute to these ecosystems,” she adds, “In some ways, it’s more than just a workshop or a meal.”

1. What drove Gray to found Veld & Sea?
A.The thirst for running business.B.The eagerness to fuel her experiences.
C.The desire to engage with nature.D.The passion for raising sustainable awareness.
2. What’s paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The advantages of foraging.B.The process of foraging.
C.The cautions of foraging.D.The result of foraging.
3. Which of the following can best describe Gray?
A.Warm-hearted and learned.B.Determined and cautious.
C.Responsible and ecological.D.Considerate and reliable.
4. What’s the role of the workshops according to Gray?
A.Enhancing processed food research.
B.Promoting tourism in Cape Point.
C.Increasing the population of eatable plants.
D.Creating connections and respects for nature.
2024-07-15更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年度高二下学期期末英语试题
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4 . These four people from around the world prove that ordinary people can have a remarkable impact on the planet.

Alessandra Korap Munduruku

Alessandra Korap Munduruku organized community efforts to stop mining development by British mining company Anglo American, which formally committed itself to withdrawing 27 approved research applications to mine inside indigenous territories. The decision protected a critically threatened area of the Amazon from further mining and deforestation.

Tero Mustonen

Since April 2018, Tero Mustonen has led the restoration of 62 severely destroyed former industrial peat (泥炭) mining throughout Finland and transformed them into productive, biodiverse (生物多样的) wetlands and habitats. Rich in organic matter, peatlands are effective carbon sinks. According to the IUCN, peatlands are the largest - natural Carbon stores on Earth.

Diane Wilson

In December 2019, Diane Wilson won a landmark case against Formosa Plastics, one of the world’s largest chemical companies, for the illegal dumping of plastic waste on Texas’ Gulf Coast. As a part of the settlement, Formosa Plastics agreed to reach “zero-discharge” of plastic waste from its Point Comfort factory, pay fines until discharges stop, and fund repair of affected local wetlands, beaches, and waterways.

Delima Silalahi

Delima Silalahi led a campaign to secure legal control of 17,824 acres of tropical (热带的) forest land for six indigenous communities in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Her community’s activists required a paper company to return this territory, which had been partially converted into a monoculture, non-native, industrial place.

1. What was Tero Mustonen devoted to doing?
A.Repairing the damage done to peatlands.
B.Promoting the industrial peat mining.
C.Controlling the development/ of carbon stores.
D.Creating valuable carbon sinks.
2. Who was involved in a law suit?
A.Alessandra Korap Munduruku.B.Tero Mustonen.
C.Diane Wilson.D.Delima Silalahi.
3. What can we infer about the four people?
A.They are environmental defenders.B.They are zero-discharge supporters.
C.They are industrial mining sponsors.D.They are deforestation opponents.
2024-07-15更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年度高二下学期期末英语试题
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5 . How to Organize Your Tasks With Weekly To-Do Lists

With the introduction of new technologies and the popularization of remote work, you can expect more and more distractions (干扰). Meanwhile, it is possible to relieve yourself of pressure when you master how to organize your tasks and responsibilities with weekly to-do lists. A to-do list is a schedule that lists items (条目) you need do to enable you to simplify your life and improve task management.     1     Follow these steps to get yourself ready for the week ahead with a simple to-do list.

Started by developing multiple lists, which should contain: Master list, Weekly project list and HIT list.     2     Your project list contains all the tasks that demand your attention within the next seven days. And then, your high-impact list, or HIT list, includes tasks that you need to attend to within 24 hours. Every evening, identify the items you need to move from weekly list to HIT list for the next day.

    3     Don’t have an item such as “work on a Kindle book.” Instead, you could have something like: write the book outline on Monday, write the first chapter on Tuesday, and the next chapter the following day.

Further, you should support every item on your weekly to-do list with information to complete the task. For instance, if an item says “register for a course,” you should include the website and course title.     4    

You have 10,080 minutes each week to complete all the tasks on your weekly to do lists.     5     For instance: Write the introduction from 9 am-12 pm, clean the bathtub from 4-5 pm, pick up some groceries at the supermarket from 5-6 pm. Once you finish an item, move on to the next.

A.The best part of a to-do list is crossing off an item.
B.It is reasonable to divide time for every item on your list.
C.This will drive you to push through the rest of the week.
D.You can be more specific by making your goals more manageable.
E.That way, you save yourself the time of searching for information later.
F.Your master list includes every task you want to achieve in the long-term.
G.You can plan your to-do list every week to ensure you’re achieving what matters.
2024-07-11更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
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6 . Around 20 students from the University of Malta took part in a Chinese tea-tasting event on the campus on Wednesday to add a special flavor to their Chinese-language course.

For most students, it was their first time to receive an expert introduction to the rich Chinese tea culture and traditional ways of making tea, with special attention to choosing the right water temperature for Chinese tea.

The event was hosted by the Confucius Institute at the University of Malta. The master of the event was Sun Yi, a teacher at the institute. She started the event with a brief introduction to Chinese tea culture, followed by a practical demonstration of handling the different kinds of tea leaves. She described the central role of tea in the daily life of Chinese people and taught students how to pronounce “drink”, “tea” and “good” in Mandarin (普通话).

“I love Chinese tea very much,” said Lexuri Vazquez, a third-year student majoring in international relations. She said she hadn’t really appreciated the difference between black and green tea before. Thanks to the tea tasting, however, this will change, she added. She would love to go to China one day to learn about more aspects of Chinese culture in the future.

Jackie Theuma, office administrator of the Confucius Institute at the university, said she had tasted different kinds of Chinese tea, as the institute’s director, Ji Nengwen who is a Chinese, always shared his tea with her and other colleagues. Theuma has been working at the institute for 11 years, and Chinese culture and language have become a part of her life.

Sun found the success of the event inspirational. The Confucius Institute holds cultural events as part of its Chinese-language teaching program to give students an opportunity to better understand what they learn in the classroom. “I will spare no efforts to introduce more aspects of Chinese culture through more events to students, and further raise their interest in learning Chinese and understanding Chinese culture,” Sun said.

1. The event at the University of Malta was intended to ______.
A.teach students how to make Chinese tea.
B.test students’ Mandarin language skills.
C.market the Confucius Institute’s programs.
D.deepen students’ understanding of Chinese culture.
2. How did the event affect Lexuri Vazquez?
A.She became fluent in Mandarin.
B.She decided to start a tea business.
C.She learned to tell different types of tea apart.
D.She realized the economic value of tea.
3. How did Jackie Theuma feel about Chinese culture?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A cultural experience on tea tasting.
B.A meaningful event about choosing tea.
C.An introduction to the Confucius Institute.
D.An explanation of a Chinese-language course.
2024-07-11更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了订阅各种杂志的优惠价格,并详细介绍了订阅BBC Wildlife的好处。

7 . As a student or teacher, you can subscribe (订阅) to all the magazines, taking advantage of the low rates with savings of up to 29% available to students, teachers and schools.

These rates are open to students and teachers at secondary level plus anyone studying for professional qualifications or engaged in continuing education programs. The offers are also available to all schools at the same levels.

Magazines that we and our customers like
MagazineOur PriceSaving
Good Food£ 49.00Save 20%
BBC Wildlife£ 50.99Save 29%
Gardeners World£ 58.00Save 14%
The Economist£ 126.20Save 28%
BBC Wildlife Subscription

Your guide to the natural world, showing the wonder and beauty of wildlife and helping you to experience and enjoy nature more. Packed full of breathtaking images, informative features, British wildlife, practical advice and much more, this is a must-read for everyone with a passion for the natural world. If you like feeding the birds in your garden, spotting wildlife in the British countryside, then it’s the magazine for you! Experience the wonder and beauty of nature through the inspirational images of the world’s finest wildlife photographers and enjoy fascinating features on the animals and the world around us. Plus, all of our practical advice, expert tips and ideas for great days out will help you to understand, experience and enjoy nature more.

Already have a subscription to BBC Wildlife? Click the RENEW button to go to our easy Renewal Process.

1. What makes BBC Wildlife worth reading?
A.Current events on wildlife protection.
B.Practical advice for gardening enthusiasts.
C.Features on wildlife and useful tips.
D.Photos of wildlife around the world.
2. What is the original price of Good Food?
A.£ 49.00.B.£ 61.25.C.£ 58.8.D.£ 39.2.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A report.B.A paper.C.A brochure.D.A website.
2024-07-11更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
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8 . In recent years, the integration (融合) of technology in education has been a topic of much debate. On one hand, technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn, making education more accessible and personalized. On the other hand, there are concerns that technology may detract from the human element of teaching and lead to a decrease in critical thinking skills.

Proponents (支持者) of technology in education argue that it can provide students with a wealth of information at their fingertips. With the internet, students can research topics in depth, collaborate with peers around the world, and access a variety of learning materials that cater to different learning styles. Moreover, educational software and applications can adapt to individual learning paces, ensuring that each student receives the support they need to succeed.

However, critics warn that an over-reliance on technology can lead to a passive learning environment. They argue that when students are constantly exposed to digital screens, they may become less engaged with the material and less likely to develop the deep understanding that comes from active participation in the learning process. Additionally, the constant availability of information can undermine the development of critical thinking, as students may become reliant on quick searches rather than learning to analyze and synthesize information themselves.

Another concern is the digital divide, where unequal access to technology can exacerbate existing educational inequalities. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have the same access to technology as their more affluent peers, which can hinder their educational opportunities and achievements.

Despite these concerns, the benefits of technology in education cannot be ignored. It has the potential to democratize education, making it possible for anyone with an internet connection to learn from the world’s best educators. Furthermore, technology can be a powerful tool for engaging students, particularly those who may not respond well to traditional teaching methods.

In conclusion, while the integration of technology in education comes with its challenges, it also presents significant opportunities. The key is to find a balance that leverages the strengths of technology while preserving the essential human elements of education.

1. According to the article, what is one of the main advantages of using technology in education?
A.It reduces the need for teachers.
B.It provides students with immediate access to a wealth of information.
C.It ensures that all students learn at the same pace.
D.It prevents students from developing critical thinking skills.
2. What concern does the article express about the over-reliance on technology in education?
A.It might make students more independent.
B.It could lead to a passive learning environment.
C.It will automatically adapt to all students’ learning styles.
D.It will make students more resistant to learning.
3. What is the term used in the article to describe the unequal access to technology that can affect educational opportunities?
A.Educational Equality
B.Technological Gap
C.Digital Divide
D.Learning Curve
4. What does the article suggest is essential to find when integrating technology in education?
A.A balance between technology and traditional teaching methods.
B.A total ban on technology to preserve traditional teaching.
C.Complete reliance on technology for all learning activities.
D.The removal of all human elements from the learning process.
2024-07-10更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市淄川区2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
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9 . The Power of a Smile

In a world where technology has become an integral part of our lives, it's easy to forget the simple pleasures that come from human interaction. One such pleasure is the power of a smile. A smile is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. It is a simple yet powerful gesture that can change the mood of a room, brighten someone's day, and even improve one's own mental well-being.

The science behind smiling is fascinating. When we smile, our brain releases endorphins (内啡肽), which are natural mood elevators. These endorphins help to reduce stress and create a sense of happiness and relaxation. Moreover, smiling can also be contagious. Studies have shown that when one person smiles, it can trigger a response in others to smile as well, creating a positive feedback loop.

However, in today's fast-paced world, people often forget to smile. The hustle and bustle of daily life can leave us feeling stressed and disconnected from others. But it's important to remember that a smile can be a powerful tool for connection. It can break the ice in social situations, ease tension in difficult conversations, and even help to build trust and rapport.

In addition to its social benefits, smiling also has health benefits. Regular smiling can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and even improve one's physical appearance. It's a natural anti-aging remedy that can make one look younger and more approachable.

So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or disconnected, try smiling. It might just be the small act that makes a big difference in your day and the days of those around you. Remember, the power of a smile is not just a saying — it's a scientifically proven fact.

1. What is the main idea of the article?
A.The importance of technology in our lives.
B.The universal language of a smile and its benefits.
C.The negative effects of a fast-paced lifestyle.
D.The role of endorphins in reducing stress.
2. According to the article, what happens in our brain when we smile?
A.We feel more stressed.
B.Our blood pressure increases.
C.We release chemicals that elevate our mood.
D.We become more prone to illness.
3. Why can smiling be considered contagious?
A.Because it's a cultural norm.
B.Because it's a natural anti-aging remedy.
C.Because it's a sign of good health.
D.Because it triggers a response in others to smile as well.
2024-07-10更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省淄博市淄川区2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
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10 . Babies blink and cry — and a few weeks into their lives, they might smile. But do these movements mean that newborns have conscious (有意识的) experiences of understanding the world around them?

Based on recent studies valuing babies’ brain activities and eye movements, the case for consciousness in newborns is increasingly strong. “We still don’t have a final answer, but new evidence has contributed to an increasing agreement that consciousness starts early, in comparison with other theories that claim we need more cognitive (认知的) development for babies to become conscious,” says Ferreira, professor of bi ology at the NYU School.

This new evidence for consciousness relies on methods that creatively value brain activity in newborns. Babies can’t respond to directions and sleep quite a bit, making their minds difficult to study. Ferreira’s new article discusses the new ways that scientists value whether babies are conscious: measuring brainwave responses to unexpected sounds, using imaging to value the brain’s networks, and tracking eye movements such as blinks to see how babies react to different stimuli (刺激).

Knowing when and how consciousness arises is really important for parents’ relationships with babies. Parents usually already believe that their babies are conscious creatures and can experience suffering and pleasure. They try to make their babies comfortable and make sure that they have a better environment for their development. If we have a better understanding about babies’ conscious minds, we may be able to better the way we relate to babies.

This may also be useful for baby care. Until quite recently, people thought that babies needed more brain development to be able to feel pain. Now we know that even though the baby brain is still developing, the feeling of pain seems to already be there.

1. How did Ferreira get the new evidence?
A.By measuring babies’ brain activity.B.By searching for related experience.
C.By collecting unknown sounds.D.By comparing different pictures.
2. What is the challenge of studying consciousness in babies?
A.Behavior observation is unreliable.
B.Babies can’t follow researcher’s directions.
C.Babies’ sleep state is completely different.
D.Valuing the brain’s networks is not scientific.
3. What does the underlined word “This” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Tracking brains’ networks.
B.The ways of stimulating eyes.
C.Understanding how and when consciousness appears.
D.Parents’ previous belief on taking care of kids.
4. What does the author imply in the last two paragraphs?
A.Our knowledge of baby consciousness needs improvement.
B.The development of brain causes the feeling of pain.
C.A comfortable environment cannot be ignored.
D.The quality of present baby care is of low level.
共计 平均难度:一般