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1 . Holly Lillard went outside just to wash the windows. She didn’t go out that day to help save a pet—or a person. But that’s what happened when she found a lost cat named Tucker and closed a 600-mile gap to return him to his owner, McCall.

Tucker’s adventure began in early November 2022,when McCall spent the night in a hotel in the tiny town of Cleveland. The retired electrician was driving from Florida to Michigan to visit a sick relative. Her budget was tight, and her head was full of questions. In the previous two years, McCall had lost her husband to cancer, and their grandson to violence. And a workplace accident had left McCall partially disabled. But even as everything changed around her, the future held one certainty: she’d have her two cats, Tucker and the 20-pounder she calls Fat Cat. The companionship and the routine of having to care for the animals were a lifeline when all else was turned upside down.

McCall planned to spend the night in Cleveland and drive on. When McCall returned from breakfast the next morning, ready to pack up and hit the road again, Tucker was gone from her hotel room. Panicked, she searched along the busy road for hours, but he was nowhere to be found. She couldn’t afford to stay another night. Heartbroken, she got in her car and got back on the interstate,

The next day, Lillard went to wash the back windows of her shop, just down the road across from the hotel where McCall had stayed. The moment she spotted Tucker, she knew he wasn’t one of the usual strays—he trotted (小跑) straight to her and looked well fed. Lillard took Tucker home, and posted his story in a lost-pet Facebook group. McCall, too, had been posting about Tucker. Within hours, someone made the connection, and soon McCall was on the phone with Lillard, hearing Tucker’s cries and sobbing with relief.

McCall’s luck was changing. Lillard’s grandfather was planning a trip to Michigan, and Lillard was happy to shelter Tucker until the cat could take a ride with him. One month later, Tucker was hand-delivered to McCall’s doorstep and reunited with her in the presence of Lillard, whom the misty-eyed owner couldn’t thank too much.

1. What do we know about McCall from paragraph 2?
A.She lived alone for two whole years.
B.She retired as an electrician because of her age.
C.She was moving to live with his relative in Michigan.
D.She was seeking comfort from the company of her two pets.
2. Why didn’t McCall spend more time looking for Tucker?
A.Because her schedule was extremely tight.B.Because she was short of money.
C.Because her relative’s condition was worsening.D.Because she had had enough of Tucker.
3. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.How McCall had Tucker lost.B.How much McCall missed Tucker.
C.How McCall got reconnected to Tucker.D.How Lillard got in touch with McCall.
4. Who probably delivered Tucker to McCall in person?
A.Lillard.B.Lillard’s grandfather.
C.An animal rescuer.D.The lost-pet Facebook group.
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2 . One afternoon, as we approached a mine from the air, a crew of panicked miners went running into the forest. As I followed their progress, something caught my eye: two macaws, flying away like crazy. After we landed, I found macaw feathers, yellow and blue, hanging on a string from a pole in the camp. Cabral shook his head and said that the miners must have hunted and eaten the bird, “The animals Die a silent death,” he said mournfully. For a public servant, Cabral is unusually outspoken — at least on Instagram, where his account is devoted to strongly criticizing animal cruelty.

At the camp, Finger told Cabral that he had found signs of an active site deeper in the forest. We followed him,moving silently along a path through the woods. As we advanced, we could hear a dog barking. There in a clearing was a wooden hut, abandoned except for a black dog, yowling miserably. Then we heard a strange noise from a box next to the hut. Cabral lifted a plastic cover, revealing a mass of puppies, just a few days old. He picked up a couple and held them, then walked to a shelf where the miners had been drying wildlife meat. He threw a piece to the mother dog, which began wolfing it.

Early in his career, Cabral acquired the nickname Rambo, but it seemed mostly like a joke. He had taken up armed patrols (巡逻) only in service of wildlife conservation,his lifelong passion. He came from Juiz de Fora, a city in Brazil’s central part, and spent his childhood immersed in nature, watching wildlife programs and reading about animals.

“This is all I ever wanted to do,” he told me. He earned a degree in biology and another in ecology, then joined IBAMA, a branch of the environment ministry that protects threatened ecosystems. In 2013, Cabral secured approval to build a unit of rangers (护林员) who were committed to saving the environment, by force if necessary.

1. Why did the miners get so panicked that they ran into the forest?
A.Because they mined illegally.
B.Because they mistook “us” as invaders.
C.Because they killed animals cruelly.
D.Because they camped without permission.
2. What was Cabral’s career?
A.Fighting against evils like Rambo.
B.Protecting wildlife, by force if necessary.
C.Volunteering in service of wildlife conservation.
D.Filming wildlife programs in nature.
3. What do we know about IMAMA?
A.It centered on wildlife protection.
B.It originally built a unit of armed rangers.
C.It was co-founded by Cabral.
D.It worked as branch of a non-profit organization.
4. Which can best describe Cabral?
A.Passionate and devoted.B.Smart and straightforward.
C.Cooperative and courageous.D.Intelligent and knowledgeable.
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3 . Today’s list includes a mix of humorous essays, well-researched tips backed by brain science, and advice from the heart. I hope you find a title that helps you slow down, breathe deep, and take a well-deserved reading break.

Tell Me More

I want everyone I know to read it, and well never exhaust the discussion topics it presents. Kelly talks in depth about how after her friend Liz was diagnosed with cancer, they both pushed past the surface stuff to form a powerful and lasting friendship. This book will make you want to be a better friend, and also give you insight into how.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

I’ve reread this book countless times, as Gottlieb gets to the heart of what matters in life. She explores human nature through the lens (镜头) of psychotherapy. First, Gottlieb introduces us to four of her patients, taking us inside the room to show us what happens. But Gottlieb is also in therapy (治疗) herself, thanks to a sudden breakup, and through her eyes, we get the patient’s perspective as well.

Don’t Overthink It

Nobody wants to live a life of constant overthinking, but it feels like something we’re very ready to do. In Don’t Overthink It, you’ll find actionable strategies that can make an immediate and lasting difference in how you deal with questions both large and small.


It seems simple: along, deep breath makes you feel better when you’re stressed. But what if we’re not breathing correctly from moment to moment? Combining stories with scientific research, Journalist James Nestor crafts a convincing case for paying closer attention to our breath and adding corrective measures. I’ve already noticed better posture at my desk and better timing on my runs from putting some of these tips into practice.

1. What is special about Maybe You Should Talk to Someone?
A.Many discussion topics are presented.
B.An unusual approach is employed.
C.Actionable strategies are provided.
D.A convincing case is skillfully created.
2. From which has the author got physical benefits?
A.Tell Me More.B.Maybe You Should Talk to Someone.
C.Don’t Overthink It.D.Breath.
3. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To advocate reading. B.To advertise some books.
C.To recommend some readings.   D.To present some tips on reading.
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4 . Campus Resources


The bookstores supply required and recommended textbooks, reference materials, and college sportswear. You can buy or rent textbooks. Access more details about the bookstore on My Macomb.


South Campus K Building 586.445.7385

Center Campus P Building 586.286.2093


Macomb Community College’s Library collections contain print and multimedia materials covering a wide range of topics. Each campus library features resources in the program areas offered at that location. Center Campus focuses on Nursing, Public Safety, and Early Childhood Education. The South Campus Library highlights Applied Technology, Media and Communication Arts, and Engineering Technology.


South Campus J Building 586.445.7401

Center Campus C Building 586.286.2104

College Success Skills-CSSK-1200

CSSK is a three-credit-hour course that is open to all students. You will learn what it takes to be a successful college student, explore campus resources, and connect with other students. You will also learn goal setting, study strategies, time management and educational planning.

Career (职业) Development and Decision Making-LIFE-1010

LIFE is a three-credit-hour course. It will guide you to explore your interests, personality and values as they’re late to the world of work. This course is suggested if you are undecided on a job path, or have ideas about what you want to do but are unsure how to get there. In this class you will tour companies and talk to professionals in different industries.

1. Where can you get multimedia materials in Engineering Technology?
A.South Campus K Building       586.445.7385B.Center Campus P Building       586.286.2093
C.South Campus J Building       586.445.7401D.Center Campus C Building       586.286.2104
2. Why is the course LIFE established?
A.To guide students to explore campus resources.B.To inspire students to develop research interests.
C.To encourage students to set educational plans.D.To help students make suitable career choices.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A course plan.B.A student guide.
C.An academic article.D.A college newspaper.
2024-07-19更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省东营市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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5 . News companies are increasingly using video and images from social media to report on the ongoing conflict(冲突) between Israel and Hamas. This has led some media organizations to increase their efforts to identify false or misleading information.

Reporters covering the war are limited by the government on how they can document the conflict. But they can use a flood of video and pictures published online. Therefore, reports of the war have included many images and video that appeared on social media. News content has also been recorded by satellite equipment and cameras placed around Israel and Gaza.

Using this kind of content in news shows has become very common for major media companies. Wendy McMahon, president of CBS News and Stations, told The Associated Press that many people watching news reports today expect to be part of “a shared viewing experience.” This way, they can feel like they are learning what is going on right along with the reporters, McMahon said.

In order to create this kind of experience, news reporters have to search through a huge online supply of images and video, which comes from services like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

Checking this material, however, can be difficult. With so much material, it is easy for people or organizations to create false images and video using artificial intelligence (AI). Reuters news agency uncovered several images published online that turned out to be false.

McMahon, from CBS, said the Israel-Hamas war has in many ways confirmed a big fear among news reporters: “News companies would see a flood of misinformation to an extent that was never seen before.”

1. What can we learn about the reports on the war between Israel and Hamas?
A.They are free from government limits.B.They take advantage of online content.
C.They document all the conflicts in detail.D.They are mainly recorded by satellite equipment.
2. What is a challenge for news reporters according to the passage?
A.Editing news materials.B.Removing fear of misinformation.
C.Identifying false content.D.Creating images and video with AI.
3. Why are online video and images commonly used by media companies?
A.They are easily accessible to people.B.They offer a better viewing experience.
C.They record what is going on faithfully.D.They are in good supply on social media.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.How to Publish Online NewsB.How to Identify False Information
C.How Social Media Affects News ReportsD.How Social Media Helps to Cover the Conflict
2024-07-19更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省东营市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . I used to behave like a superhero with my family. But talking with a stranger was very difficult for me. I stayed like this for a long time. But conditions seemed to change after I attended college.

One day when I was doing some research on the Internet for my college project, I found a video on how to deal with shyness. The person in the video explained everything about shyness and said something that inspired me. He said, “No one is born with confidence. They develop it with time. It is a learnable skill. Anyone can learn it.”

Due to my newly found motivation (动机), I watched hundreds of personal development videos in 2 to 3 days. I also ordered some personal development books and read online articles. Only consuming information was not going to change my life. I knew I would have to perform it.

I wanted to change very much. So, I created a proper list of how to meet with people. In the list, I mentioned everything from eye contact to smile, handshake, asking questions, etc. I tried to talk with a stranger every day and got mixed up even more with my classmates.

Now I wanted to change my life completely. That’s why I tried to conquer my biggest fear: stage fear. Luckily, there was a public speaking competition at my college. I asked every classmate to give me company. But not even one student was ready.

I wanted to do it so badly that I ended up doing it alone, which was a fearless move for me. On the competition day, I was very scared. I knew that if I didn’t conquer this fear, it would stay with me for my whole life. After stepping on stage I found it was not that frightening. I did my best and I got 3rd prize out of 31 students. My teachers were congratulating me. I was so happy that I finally made it.

1. What stirred up the author’s determination to change?
A.An inspiring video.B.A college project.
C.Articles on shyness.D.Books on personal development.
2. What does the underlined word “consuming” mean in paragraph 3?
A.Taking in.B.Taking advantage of.C.Using up.D.Being addicted to.
3. What can be inferred about the speaking competition?
A.31 students were awarded 3rd prize.B.It helped the author remove stage fear.
C.It was the biggest challenge for the author.D.Teamwork was required in the competition.
4. What can we learn from the author’s experience?
A.The early bird catches the worm.B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.D.All things are difficult before they are easy.
2024-07-19更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省东营市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . World Wildlife Day is celebrated each year on March 3rd. This is a day that has the goal of informing the general public about the plants and wild animals in the world. So you can do many things to celebrate this day.

As we all know, litter can be harmful to birds, fish, and other wildlife. Therefore, make an effort to pick up any litter that you see.     1    

You can visit an aquarium or zoo near you, because aquariums and zoos help a lot with endangered species, allowing their populations to increase.     2     Thus, World Wildlife Day is the perfect day to pay a local aquarium or zoo a visit.

If possible, try to learn about the plants and wild animals near you. You can do some research about local wildlife. You can also research some of the threats to these plants and wild animals.     3     For example, if one of the primary threats an animal faces is litter, be sure to deal with it properly, and pick up any litter you see.

If you like, you can plant a garden with native tree, bush and flower species.     4     To plant them in the garden accordingly, it is necessary to do some research beforehand on trees, bushes and flowers that are native to your area and where they would grow best.

    5     There are a variety of organizations that help wildlife in different ways. If you have a specific species that you’d like to support, or even if you’d just like to help wildlife in general, there might be an organization somewhere that you can join and assist with their efforts.

A.Every year, there is a theme for World Wildlife Day.
B.If the threat they face is caused by human, try to help reduce it.
C.These may be the only places to find certain endangered animals.
D.Additionally, it’s a good way to join an organization that helps wildlife.
E.These can help provide wild animals with a place where they can shelter.
F.Databases online can help us find the plants which are native to our area.
G.And you’d better make sure that you reduce the amount of litter you create.
2024-07-19更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省东营市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . Sea level is rising due to climate change, which threatens the future of millions of people around the world. Also, it threatens our cultural past. “It’s really the history of our species that’s at risk in a lot of ways,” says Meghan Howey, an archaeologist at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Another archaeologist Anderson recently used online data to look at the dangers caused by rising seas to cultural sites in the southeastern United States. He found a one-meter rise in sea level could des troy more than 13,000 of those places.

So how are we going to protect the important places? Efforts to limit the worst impacts from climate change, including sea level rise, will require cutting greenhouse-gas emissions (排放) or maybe taking steps to limit flooding in important areas. Another approach might be to move cultural treasures. But projects like that are often very expensive. It’s unlikely that funds to do that will be available (可用的) for every site. And some treasures simply can’t be moved.

But high-tech tools might help preserve knowledge of those treasures before physical sites are lost, says Mark McCoy, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. For example, scanning and imaging tools can help. LIDAR is a type of system that uses lasers to make exact 3-D scans of objects. High-resolution digital photography can make detailed images. Computer technologies can also create 3-D virtual reality models.

Rising seas are likely to eventually bury a lot of archaeological treasures. And in some cases, the old techniques (技术) that archaeologists have long used may also help. “I still use traditional methods out on a site when the conditions call for it,” McCoy notes. For example, he says, “Paper and pencil do not require batteries and don’t break when I drop them on rocks.”

1. Why does the author mention two archaeologists in Paragraph 1?
A.To stress the risk to cultural sites.B.To prove the value of online data.
C.To explain the reason of sea level rise.D.To show the impact of climate change.
2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.How to make exact 3-D scans of objects.
B.How to save the endangered cultural treasures.
C.Scanning and imaging tools can help save the treasures.
D.High-tech tools may play a part in preserving knowledge of the sites.
3. What’s McCoy’s attitude towards traditional methods?
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?
(P: Paragraph)
2024-07-18更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省东营市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . How Peer Pressure Influences Your Child

Peer pressure can affect your child’s behavior in positive and negative ways.


Peer pressure is the influence from people who are members of the same social group. It is also the term used to describe the effect this influence has on a person to conform (从众) in order to be accepted by the group.    2     And while your child’s friends are their peers, peers can also be anyone of a similar social position, such as people who are the same age, who have the same abilities, or who share a social position.

People commonly think of peer pressure in a negative light.    3     Sometimes peer pressure is used to positively influence people, such as when teens work toward common goals such as doing well in school or helping out in their community. Learning about acceptable group norms can be a positive part of learning how to live with and socialize with others.

    4     For example, natural leaders tend to be less likely to be influenced by negative forms of peer pressure,while followers may have a harder time resisting it.

It’s important to prepare for dealing with peer pressure. One of the most important things to help your child deal with negative peer pressure is to talk to them about it.       5     If your child is being negatively affected by peer pressure, let them know you are someone they can trust and offer to make a plan for getting out of a bad situation.

A.Often, peers are thought of as friends.
B.It can do great harm to his or her health.
C.In reality, however, it’s not always a bad thing.
D.Here’s what you should know about helping your child manage it.
E.Different people may have different ways to deal with peer pressure.
F.How a child responds to peer pressure can highlight different personalities.
G.Help them develop the skills to think independently and encourage self-confidence.
2024-07-16更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省东营市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . If you had to use one word to define yourself, what would it be? Imagine trying to summarize your entire being in just one word or two — a challenging task indeed. Labels, like “confident” or “creative”, may suggest certain aspects, but they can never fully capture the richness and depth of a person’s character.

Labels take on an “all-or-nothing” meaning. Someone either is something, or they’re not. The biggest problem with labeling people is that it oversimplifies their complex nature. Using labels infers people’s current behavior is fixed, but people change. As they learn, they grow, and someone we think of in a certain way today might not remain the same in a few months or years. When we label people, we deny their complexity, their right to change, and their richness as human beings.

Furthermore, labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies (预言). When people are constantly told they are a certain way, they may start to remember these labels and act accordingly. This hinders their potential for growth and development, as they may feel trapped by social expectations. For example, if parents label a child as “annoying” or “a complainer”, the child may feel their needs aren’t important. Over time, being ignored for complaining too much can lead the child to believe that expressing their needs is not acceptable. Consequently, their self-perception (自我认知) may suffer, and they may even start to devalue themselves as a result.

Linguist Benjamin Whorf once argued that the words we use to describe what we see are rarely objective, as they carry personally prejudice. Labels can be harmful because they can reduce individuals to a single characteristic or stereotype (刻板印象). Therefore, we should be mindful of the language we use and the labels we attach to people. By adopting a more open view of life, people, and events, we can appreciate the richness and diversity of human experience, and cope with the complexities of our interconnected world.

1. What is the biggest problem with labeling people?
A.It expresses a subjective opinion.B.It denies the complexity of humans.
C.It overstates people’s shortcomings.D.It ignores goodness in human nature.
2. What does the underlined word “hinders” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.To present the bad effects of labeling on people.
B.To show the importance of using language skillfully.
C.To prove people’s natural tendency for being prejudiced.
D.To encourage people to take an open-minded perspective.
4. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Stop Labeling People
B.Define Yourself Objectively
C.Children Suffer a Lot from Labels
D.Different Individuals Diversify the World
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