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1 . Volunteer Chances at the Community (社区) Center

We are excited to announce a series of volunteer opportunities available at our local community center. As we try to make our community a better place for everyone, we need your help and support.

Environmental Clean-Up

Join us on Saturday, June 8th, from 9: 00 AM to 12: 00 PM for a neighborhood clean-up event. We will be picking up litter and planting trees to beautify our surroundings.

Senior Citizens’ Workshop

On Wednesday, June 12th, from 2: 00 PM to 4: 00 PM, we are hosting a workshop for senior citizens. Volunteers are needed to help with setting up, teaching basic computer skills, and leading the conversation.

Youth Sports Day

Our annual Youth Sports Day will be held on Sunday, June 16th, from 10: 00 AM to 3: 00 PM. We are looking for volunteers to help with organizing games, managing the event, and ensuring the safety of the youths.

Art Exhibition Setup

The community center will be hosting an art exhibition from June 20th to June 30th. Volunteers are needed on June 19th to help set up the exhibition from 1: 00 PM to 5: 00 PM.

If you are interested in any of these chances, please contact us at Poweil Smith at 4923595 or email us at volunteerSmith@ community. org. uk. We look forward to your participation (参与) and thank you for your willingness to better our community.

1. When is the Environmental Clean- Up event scheduled?
A.June 8th, from 9: 00 AM to 12: 00 PM.B.June 12th, from 2: 00 PM to 4: 00 PM.
C.June 16th, from 10: 00 AM to 3: 00 PM.D.June 19th, from 1: 00 PM to 5: 00 PM.
2. What will volunteers do at the Senior Citizens’ Workshop?
A.Plant trees.B.Teach basic computer skills.
C.Set up an art exhibition.D.Organize games for the Youth Sports Day.
3. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To advertise an art exhibition.
B.To invite members to a neighborhood clean- up.
C.To offer volunteer chances at the community center.
D.To announce the dates for the annual Youth Sports Day.
7日内更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西名校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
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2 . A new study has found that some of the hottest heatwaves in history happened a long time ago and were not well known. Scientists from the University of Bristol did this research and said that as our world gets warmer, we can expect even hotter heatwaves in the future.

The study found five very hot heatwaves that were not talked about much. Dr. Vikki Thompson, who led the study, said that the heatwave in Canada and the United States was very surprising, but there were even hotter ones in the past. She also said that using what we know about the climate, we can guess that very hot days will get more common in the next100 years.

Heatwaves can cause a lot of problems. The one in western North America was very bad and caused many disasters. It also started big fires that damaged many things and ruined crops. People will remember this heatwave because it caused so much damage.

Even though the hottest places are not always the ones that have the biggest problems, they are often connected. Knowing more about the very hot days and where they happen can help protect the most vulnerable regions.

Professor Dann Mitchell, who also worked on the study, said that climate change is a big health problem for everyone on Earth. He pointed out that many heatwaves in places that are not very rich were not noticed. When a country gets very hot, it can cause many people to die, especially if the temperature is not normal for them.

The University of Bristol cares about the problems caused by climate change and wants to help fix them. In 2019, it was the first university in the UK to say that there is a climate emergency (紧急情况).

1. What can we expect about heatwaves in the future?
A.They will decrease in amount.
B.They will only affect certain regions.
C.They will have no impact on global health.
D.They will increase in degree over the coming century.
2. What does the underlined word “disasters” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Cuts in food production.B.Events resulting in great loss.
C.Activities held by government.D.Something important to environment.
3. Why is it important to understand where the hottest heatwaves have happened?
A.To predict where the next heatwave will happen.
B.To find the connection between heatwaves and crop yields.
C.To help take measures to protect the most vulnerable regions.
D.To determine which countries need to reduce their greenhouse gas.
4. What can we know from paragraph 5?
A.Climate change has had a great influence on health.
B.The heatwaves outside of the developed world are always noticed.
C.The death rate related to the climate change is expected to be lower.
D.Developing countries are warned of the influences of climate change.
7日内更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西名校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . More than two billion tons of rubbish is created around the world every year. Rubbish influences not only the environment but human health. To mark the World Earth Day, let’s learn about the harm rubbish does and     1    

A history of rubbish

On the Greek island, waste was put in pits (坑) and covered with soil as far back as 5, 000 years ago.     2     However, in many countries, waste was once just left in the streets. In the 19th century, governments realized this caused air pollution and spread diseases.

Environmental problems

It is said that around one billion tons of waste are burned each year.     3     Burning waste can also produce chemicals that can make people ill. Landfill (废渣埋填法) also causes climate change and pollutes rivers where people get their drinking water.

The role of recycling

    4     Rubbish that is recycled for future use won’t go into landfills or be burned. Recycling allows the Earth’s natural resources (资源) to be reused to make new products. Natural resources include fuels (燃料) under the ground like gas and oil, and things like fresh water for drinking.


Reducing the rubbish and recycling are important for the environment and the planet’s future. World Earth Day 2024 pays attention to the problems caused by rubbish. It has an activity called the Great Global Cleanup to encourage people to pick up rubbish from beaches, parks, rivers and streets.

A.Cleaning up
B.how we can make a cleaner future.
C.Any rubbish is harmful to our environment.
D.Recycling is when something is used again.
E.This is called “landfill” and is used widely today.
F.Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.
G.Burning produces carbon dioxide (二氧化碳), causing climate change.
7日内更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市灵山中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
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4 . Women usually live longer than men, but they also get sick more often. New research from the University of Georgia shows that eating a good diet with lots of colorful fruits and vegetables can help women stay healthier. These foods have something called carotenoids (类胡萝卜素), which are good for our eyes and brains.

The study looked at many past studies and found that women get more health problems than men. These problems include diseases where the body fights itself and memory loss. Women are more likely to get these diseases because of their biology. “Women have more body fat than men, which is good for having babies, but it also means they need to eat more healthy things to stay well,” said Hammond, a researcher.

Why are women more vulnerable (脆弱的) to health problems? One reason is how they store vitamins (维生素) and minerals. Women’s bodies keep more fat, and fat can hold these important nutrients (营养物). This is helpful when they are having babies, but it also means there might not be enough for their eyes and brains.

Eating foods with carotenoids is important because they help protect our bodies from damage. Some carotenoids are found in parts of our eyes and brains and can help with problems in the nervous system. “Both men and women eat these foods, but women need more because their bodies use them up faster,” said Hammond.

The food we eat can affect our brains and how we feel. It can even change our feelings and how likely we are to get angry. Now, scientists are learning that the food we eat also affects the bacteria (细菌) in our stomachs, which are important to our health too.

1. What does the study suggest about carotenoids?
A.They are only beneficial to men.
B.They are not necessary for a healthy diet.
C.They are good for women’s eyes and brains.
D.They have no effect on the central nervous system.
2. What is one of the reasons women may need a better diet?
A.Women need less food than men.
B.Women’s diets are short of carbohydrates.
C.Women need more vitamins to support their body fat.
D.Women have a higher risk of developing health problems.
3. What is the connection between diet and the bacteria in our stomachs?
A.Certain bacteria can only be found in women’s stomachs.
B.The bacteria in our stomachs have nothing to do with our health.
C.The bacteria in our stomachs determine our food preferences.
D.The food we eat affects the bacteria in our stomachs.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Why do women live longer than men?
B.Why do women lose more memory?
C.Women may have a higher risk of mental illness
D.Diets with more carotenoids can help women stay healthier
2024-09-14更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西名校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
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5 . Last Sunday was a day I will never forget. It was a bright sunny morning, and I had planned to go to the library to return some books. As I was walking down the street, I noticed something shiny lying on the sidewalk. I approached and found a wallet. Curiosity got the better of me, and I opened it to find a few banknotes, some coins, and a student ID card of a local high school.

The ID belonged to a girl named Lily Chen. I decided to do the right thing and return it to her. Using the school’s name on the ID, I searched for the school’s contact information online and called them. The school staff were very helpful and connected me to Lily’s home phone number.

Lily was surprised and grateful when I explained the situation. She had lost her wallet on her way to school that morning and was worried about the loss of her ID card and money. We arranged to meet at a nearby café to return the wallet. When we met, Lily was overjoyed and thanked me profusely. She even offered to buy me a coffee as a token of her gratitude, which I gladly accepted.

After our encounter, I felt a sense of fulfillment and happiness that comes from helping someone in need. I shared the story on my social media, and it quickly spread among my friends and family. Many of them praised my actions and encouraged others to do good deeds as well.

This experience taught me that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. It was a day to remember, not just for the good deed done, but also for the reminder that we all have the power to spread positivity in our own small ways.

1. How did the author find Lily’s contact information?
A.By calling the school.B.By asking a passerby.
C.Through a friend.D.From a social media post.
2. What was Lily’s reaction when she met the author?
A.She was angry.B.She was grateful.
C.She was indifferent.D.She was confused.
3. What did the author do after meeting Lily?
A.He kept the wallet.B.He shared the story on social media.
C.He forgot about the incident.D.He asked for a reward.
4. What lesson did the author learn from the experience?
A.Social media is a powerful tool.
B.Helping others is always rewarded.
C.Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
D.One should always expect gratitude from other people.
2024-09-14更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西名校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Starting the high school life can be a big challenge for many students, but with the right strategies, it can be a smooth change.     1     .

Get organized

One of the first things you need to do is get organized.     2     . Keeping track of your assignments, tests, and extracurricular activities will help you manage your time wisely. Setting aside regular time for studying, breaking tasks into manageable parts, and finding a study environment that works for you will make your study and school life easier.

Join clubs and activities

Joining clubs and activities is a great way to meet new people and find like- minded peers (同龄人). Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. It can also help you discover new interests and passions.     3     .

Seek help when needed

    4     . Remember, it’s okay to ask for help; no one expects you to know everything. Don’t be afraid to ask teachers, counselors, or peers for help when you need it. Recognizing when you need help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Seeking help can provide you with new perspectives (视角;观点) and solutions that you might not have considered on your own.


High school is a time for exploration and self- discovery. It’s important to remember that everyone is in the same boat and that it’s okay to make mistakes as you learn and grow. Being receptive to different perspectives and backgrounds can help you understand and appreciate the diversity (多样性) in your new class.

A.Stay positive and open- minded
B.Focus on your progress rather than mistakes
C.The first step is to create a schedule or a plan
D.It’s completely normal to feel at a loss at times
E.Hopefully, here are some benefits of right strategies to make it smooth
F.Here are some tips to help you make your first year of high school successful
G.Every new experience is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and the world around you
2024-09-14更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西名校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
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7 . Are you tired of your daily routine? If so, have a look at our fascinating range of holidays.

Activity Holidays

Our activity holidays are for people who love adventures. We have a huge variety of water, snow or desert holidays. We’ll take you scuba diving in the Red Sea or white-water rafting in Canada. If you prefer snow, you can try skiing in the Alps. For those who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding.

Culture Holidays

Our culture holidays will help you discover ancient civilizations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces and ancient ruins just remember to bring your camera!

Wildlife Holidays

We organize small-group tours to get closer to nature. Meet the famous turtles of the Galapagos Islands. Look for tigers in India, or take an elephant safari(观兽旅行)in Sri Lanka. You can stay in a range of accommodation, from tents to tree houses.

If you’re interested in our tours, please give us a call or come directly to our travel agency on weekdays. Our phone number is 905-8872. Our address is 18th Garden Road, Wandsworth. Please feel free to send us an email at any time if you have any questions. Our email address is Alextravelling@gmail. com.

1. Which of the following is included in the Activity Holidays?
A.Skiing in the Alps.
B.Going diving in Canada.
C.Having sandboarding in cooler weather.
D.Going white-water rafting in the Red Sea.
2. What can people do in Sri Lanka?
A.See the elephants.
B.Build tree houses.
C.Take care of tigers.
D.Meet the famous turtles.
3. How can people get the information about the tours on weekends?
A.By making a call.
B.By sending an email.
C.By going to the travel agency.
D.By visiting the agency’s website.
2024-08-12更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西桂林市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试题
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8 . We welcome you to attend a campus visit of Harvard College. A campus visit consists of a one-hour information session with an admission (招生) officer and 1-2 current undergraduate students, followed by a one-hour campus tour led by a current undergraduate student. Please note that the visit schedule is typically posted one month prior to each term and you can select an available date from the calendar at the bottom of the page. There will be no on-campus information sessions and tours on Harvard College holidays, during other college closures (关闭)   and on most school breaks .


Registration for a campus visit is required. We recommend that you arrive 15-30 minutes before the scheduled visit time. You may cancel your registration at any time. We cannot receive you without registration.

Group Visits/Tours

Visiting parties are limited to groups of 5. For groups of 6 or more, please contact the Harvard University Visitor Center to arrange a visit.

Important information for your visit

● Please note that we require 21 days advance notice in order to secure ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters. We cannot provide interpreters for other languages at this current time. Those requesting the use of a wheelchair must leave a current driver’s license or state ID with our Visitor Center personnel (人事部门) until the chair is returned.

● Most buildings are closed to the public. Public restrooms will be available in the Elizabeth Cary Agassiz House before / after the information session, and at the end of the tour at Smith Campus Center.

● At this time, it is not possible to store luggage or other personal property during your visit. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

● Your registration and attendance have no connection with the admissions process if you decide to apply.

1. What can make you fail to visit the campus?
A.Visiting in a large group.B.Coming without your state ID.
C.Walking in without registration.D.Requesting using a wheelchair.
2. How might you deal with your luggage while visiting?
A.Take it with you during the visit.B.Store it at Smith Campus Center.
C.Ask the admissions officer to keep it.D.Leave it at Harvard Information Center.
3. Where can we probably find this text?
A.In a travel journal.B.In an admission letter.
C.On a university website.D.In a housing contract.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 .


Credit: Amazon
This reading light clips (夹子) onto the top corner of a book, lighting up the page without the need to turn on a room’s main lights. Your partner, then,     can carry on sleeping while you read. This clip on light gives off a warm, soft light, allowing a reader to gently go back to sleep without being awakened further by bright light.

Credit: Amazon
The bookmarks in this pack of 12 are all magnetic (有磁性的) allowing you to clip them onto a page without worrying they will get lost or crease the page. They also come in a range of colours which means they be paired with any book.

Credit: Amazon
If you have a child who loves reading, then encouraging their imagination is so important. This book lamp, aimed for children, allows them to read in bed. The lamp is shaped like a book and has glowing(发光的)pages, like a magical book from a fantasy novel. It’s a great tool for both making reading easier and for showing the magic of reading.

Credit: Amazon
When we go for a day out,
often we take a book with us for the train or the bus journey. A tote bag can hold your books, while
keeping you stylish and up-to-date with modern trends. Tote bags re the bag of the 2020s so far, being used by everyone from students to office workers across the country.
1. What is an advantage of Item A?
A.It can give character to a room.B.It can protect books from harm.
C.It can help readers go back to sleep gently.D.It is both a stylish and practical choice.
2. Which is specially designed for children?
A.The reading light.B.The bookmarks.C.The book lamp.D.The tote bag.
3. What do the four items have in common?
A.They are all provided by Amazon.B.They are books related to imagination.
C.They are of good quality and expensive.D.They are great gifts for those who love to travel.
2024-07-19更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西北海市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Best Places to Visit in Winter

Rovaniemi, Finland

If you love ice and snow, then you’ll love exploring Rovaniemi. Why? Simply because it’s one of the top winter destinations in Europe. Sitting in northern Finland, Rovaniemi is the gateway to Finland’s famous Lapland — the home of Santa Claus, Rovaniemi is the perfect place to watch the impressive Northern lights, go on a husky ride, or even visit an ice hotel.

St. Kitts & Nevis, Caribbean

If you’re looking to escape the rain, snow, and grey skies, then St. Kitts and Nevis is one of the top places to go in the winter. This dual-island nation sits between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It has perfect weather all year round, with temperatures of 25℃ in winter. Apart from lying on the beaches, you can also enjoy the Carnival around Christmas, sailing and snorkelling tours, and historical tours of the islands.

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is one of South Africa’s most picturesque destinations, with loads of exciting things to do. From visiting the 7th Wonder of Nature, Table Mountain, to surfing the waves of the city’s S amazing beaches, there’s something for everyone. Cape Town is only a short drive away from the iconic (标志性的) Cape Winelands, where you can enjoy vineyard and winery tours with wine tasting and food pairings.

Lanzarote, Spain

With interesting rock formations, volcanoes, and amazing blue waters, Lanzarote is a top choice for many travellers running away from cold European winters. Lanzarote is the most eastern of the Canary Islands. Expect to find black and red earth, white and golden sand beaches and rolling mountains. The average weather stays around the 20℃ mark, so you can work on your tan without worrying too much about sunburn.

1. What can you do in Rovaniemi?
A.Watch the Northern lights.B.Celebrate the Carnival.
C.Taste different wines.D.Enjoy a warm winter.
2. Which country is the place with Table Mountain located in?
A.Finland.B.Caribbean.C.South Africa.D.Spain.
3. Where will you go if you want to see black and red earth?
A.Rovaniemi.B.St. Kitts &. Nevis.C.Cape Town.D.Lanzarote.
2024-07-19更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西壮族自治区河池市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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