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1 . Soda and sports drinks are the largest single source of added sugars for Americans. They add an average of 145 calories a day to our diets. Most efforts to reduce drinking focus on soda. That is not enough, Juice is as bad.

Americans drink a lot of juice. The average adult drinks 6.6 gallons per year. More than half of preschool-age children drink juice every day. These children drink about 10 ounces every day. That is more than twice the amount that is good for them. Fruit juice contains some nutrients (营养物). But it has tons of sugar. One 12-ounce glass of orange juice contains ten teaspoons of sugar. That is about what is in a can of Coke.

The government is not right when it says up to half of daily fruit servings can be served in the form of 100 percent juice. One-hundred-percent fruit juice is not a natural source of vitamins and calcium. The government also recommends drinking fortified (增加营养的) orange juice. This is to get vitamin D. Some brands of juice are even marketed to babies. So what parents should do is read the label and be more careful.

Government food programs for kids are also at fault. Children in these programs drink more fruit juice than they should.

Drinking fruit juice is not the same as eating the whole fruit. Fruits like apples and grapes reduce the risk of diabetes (糖尿病). Drinking fruit juice is the opposite. Juice has more concentrated sugar and calories. It also has less fiber. Juice is easy to drink. It is harder to eat the whole fruit.

No expert says that juice improves health. It is like other sugary drinks. You can drink it one once in a while. But it is not because your body needs it. Parents should serve their kids water. They should serve the whole fruit. Schools and day care centers should stop serving juice. Government guidelines should not say that fruit juice is like the whole fruit.

1. What do most efforts to decrease drinking center on?
2. What can we say about fruit juice according to the text?
A.It is equal to fruit.B.It contains much sugar.
C.It contains no nutrients.D.It does no harm to health.
3. Which of the following may the author agree with?
A.Drinking fruit juice can’t replace the whole fruit.B.Drinking fruit juice reduce the risk of diabetes.
C.100 percent juice can serve half day’s nutrients.D.Fortified orange juice can provide enough calcium.
4. In which section may the text appear in a newspaper?
2023-10-13更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西贵港市名校2023-2024学年高二上学期入学联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to Be Healthy and Happy

Happiness and health are more closely related than you might think! A healthy lifestyle can uplift your mood and increase life satisfaction while a positive mindset can lengthen your lifespan and help you avoid unhealthy habits.     1    .

Focus on the Positive

Positive thinking is a big step towards creating a happier mindset. Instead of focusing on the negative, change your thoughts towards optimistic thinking. Try to avoid self-criticism. Whenever you start thinking negatively of yourself, reframe (重塑) it as a positive comment. For example, if you’re thinking “I can’t believe I’m so stupid.” say instead “    2    .”


Stress can affect your mood and your physical health. It can cause anxiety, anger, and irritability as well as headaches, muscle pain, exhaustion and sleeping problems. To keep stress at bay, consider what activities you can cut back on in your life. Learn to say “no” to responsibilities and commitments you can’t handle. Establish firm boundaries with your coworkers and friends about taking on too many extra tasks.

Find Time to Relax

Set aside at least an hour every day for self-care and relaxation. Make a routine for yourself, so that relaxation becomes a daily habit. Don’t schedule anything else during this time. Meditation, deep relaxation, yoga, tai chi, and other mindful practices are a great way to loosen tension and let go of stress. Find a practice or activity that calms you, such as taking a bubble bath or reading a book.     4    .

Express Thanks for the Good Things in Your Life

    5    , and it can also have a positive effect on your mental health. By expressing thanks, you can increase the strength of your relationships and feel more content. Keep a journal where you write down one thing every day that you are thankful for. When you are feeling unhappy or stressed, read this journal for motivation.

A.Manage stress in your life
B.Being grateful can help you think more positively
C.These are great ways to take care of and relax yourself
D.I’m smart and if I put my mind to it, I can learn anything
E.Start now by reframing your mindset into a positive and active state
F.Experts suggest that doing stressful things is bad for your physical and mental health
G.Your diet, habits and social network can also affect your physical and mental health
2023-09-17更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西贵港市名校2023-2024学年高二上学期入学联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Surprised scientists say they now have absolute proof that life exists on Jupiter (木星). They’re receiving SOS signals radioed from the destroyed planet! Off the record, NASA higher-ups are analyzing that the signals were caused by the recent strike of Jupiter by comet fragments (彗星碎片).

“Theses signals can only be coming from an intelligent (智慧的) life form,” says Dr. Lucas Mirsch, a highly respected planetary astronomer with close ties to NASA. “Contrary to what we’ve believed for years, we’re not alone in the solar system. And based on what we can tell from the mathematical pattern of these signals, the residents of the largest planet in our galaxy are asking Earth for help.” Dr. Mirsch says NASA officials have absolutely confirmed that Jupiter is the source of the strange signals, which began in late June—just weeks before the comet fragments began to hit the giant planet.

“NASA has investigated every possibility that this could be a hoax,” says Dr. Mirsch. That is, it may be a trick. “State-of-the-art sensors have traced the point of origin to the exact position of Jupiter’s orbit. There’s simply nowhere else they could be coming from.”

One of the specialists who has analyzed the mathematical pattern of the sounds says he and his staff are 99 percent sure the message is an SOS of some sort. “It’s difficult to explain to the public,” said the expert. “But the frequency with which certain numbers occur in a coded message gives us clues about its general content. Although we can’t give an exact word- for-word translation, we can say with reasonable certainty that life-and-death urgency is being communicated.”

NASA won’t officially comment but Dr. Mirsch says, “There’s not much the agency can do to help. All we can do now is pray that Jupiter survives this terrible strike and that our two worlds can make contact again soon.”

1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.The signals come from intelligent creatures.
B.It was believed that we humans were not alone in the solar system.
C.NASA officials are not sure whether the strange signals are from Jupiter.
D.Jupiter had been hit by comet fragments before the strange signals appeared.
2. What does the underlined word “hoax” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What can NASA do with the signals now?
A.Nothing but pray.B.Launch new satellites.
C.Send messages to Jupiter.D.Destroy the comet fragments.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.There Is Life Existing on JupiterB.Comet Fragments Recently Hit Jupiter
C.Jupiter Was Destroyed by Intelligent Life FormD.Scientists Received Signals from Jupiter for Help
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了Walter Orthmann在同一家公司工作了84年零9天,创造了吉尼斯世界纪录,文章介绍了他的职业生涯以及人生感悟。

4 . Walter Orthmann, 100 years old, set the Guinness World Record for working at the same company for 84 years and nine days, which was confirmed by Guinness World Records onJanuary 6, 2022. Orthmann said it was an honor and a privilege. His professional advice is to work in an area where you feel motivated.

Orthmann’s career started in 1938. He got a job at Industrias Renaux S.A., working as a shipping assistant at the textile (纺织) company. As a child, he would walk barefoot to school—rain or shine—and was an excellent student. He has always been enthusiastic about learning, but started working to help his family, who lived in Brusque, due to financial hardship.

The town has a large German population, and because he spoke German, he was hired at the weaving factory, which is now called ReneauxView. There, Orthmann continued to love learning and got promoted to a sales position, then a manager.

The sales job took him traveling across the country to meet clients (客户), who became friends. The company has changed over the past 84 years, which taught Orthmann the most important part of the business: Stay up to date and adapt to different contexts.

Orthmann turned 100 years old on April 19, 2022 and celebrated with coworkers, friends and family. He still exercises every day and is still mentally fit. So, he still goes to his favorite places every day: the office. His 84-year-long career was perhaps achieved by his ability to live in the present.

“I don’t do much planning, nor care much about tomorrow,” he said. “All I care about is that tomorrow will be another day in which I will wake up, get up, exercise and go to work. You need to get busy with the present, not the past or the future. Now is what counts. So, let’s go to work!”

1. How old was Orthmann when he started to work?
2. Why was Orthmann employed by a weaving factory?
A.He was good at weaving.B.He could speak German.
C.He needed to help his family.D.He was enthusiastic about learning.
3. What’s the most important lesson Orthmann learned from the company’s change?
A.Keeping up with the times.B.Spending more time on clients.
C.Keeping fit to go to work every day.D.Don’t do much planning ahead of time.
4. What may Orthmann agree with?
A.Good courage breaks bad luck.B.Learning is the eye of the mind.
C.The darkest hour is that before the dawn.D.The important thing is to seize the moment.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Welcome to Child’s Play NY activities. It offers children and teens exciting experiences. There are just 4 of 14 highly unique activities being offered.

Camp Encanto for Ages 4-6

Walk through a magical door and find your own Encanto in this joyous musical camp. Theater games and improvisation (即兴创作) will have us become magic parts of the madrigal house. Encanto music will stress our playing and we will learn the art of dance and vocal (发声的) techniques to bring the songs to life.

Address: Carroll Street, Brooklyn
Scene Study for Wizards Camp for Ages 7-11

This scene study camp gets young performers working together in magical ways using materials and improvisation. Campers will work on some material from Fantastic Beasts, Tangled and Harry Potter. As they do, they learn character development, and how to make strong and specific choices.

Address: Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn
Outer Space Explorers for Ages 3-4

3-2-1 take off with us into deep space. Whether you’re exploring the outer space or landing on the moon like an astronaut, kids will feel like a star in their amazing explorations. We’ll tie in our adventures with space themed kids’ literature.

Address: Columbia Street, Brooklyn
Train Your Dragon for Ages 4-6

Join us on the Isle of Berk for exciting adventures inspired by Cressida Cowell’s How to Train Your Dragon, Norse mythology (北欧神话) and our favorite scenes from the films. Together with your friends, defend Berk from dragon hunters and find bravery you never knew you had.

Address: Carroll Street, Brooklyn
1. How many activities does Child’s Play NY offer?
2. Which activity is the best choice for children who are fond of music?
A.Camp Encanto.B.Scene Study for Wizards Camp.
C.Outer Space Explorers.D.Train Your Dragon.
3. Where can you go if you want to take part in Outer Space Explorers?
A.Pierrepont Street.B.Columbia Street.C.Carroll Street.D.South Oxford Street.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Chinese consumers have said they will avoid eating Japanese seafood over safety concerns once Japan starts releasing (排放) nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean.

On July 7, the General Administration of Customs released an import (进口) ban on aquatic products from the 10 Japanese cities. It’s indicated that Japan’s plan to release polluted wastewater into the sea was a matter of global concern. The plan caused more Chinese consumers who eat seafood began to worry about their safety, according to the administration.

According to a survey in 2022 by Chinese market consultancy company iiMedia Research, 39.58 percent of participants eat Japanese seafood once every two or three weeks.

“I will not eat seafood imported from Japan anymore,” said a data engineer surnamed Wang in Shanghai. The 42-year-old has been a fan of Japanese food since 2000 and used to eat Japanese food once a month. “If I have other options, I will choose seafood that does not come from the Pacific Ocean,” he added.

Wang Qian, a financial employee in Beijing, said she has been to about 20 Japanese restaurants so far. “Normally, I would not pay attention to where the seafood came from. But now I will try not to choose seafood from Japan,”she said. “Wastewater poses a threat to human health and marine ecology.”

Wang Qian said that Japan should use other methods to solve the problem, rather than releasing nuclear wastewater into the ocean.

An employee of the Japanese restaurant Jiubanwu, in Beijing, who did not want to be named, told China Daily that the restaurant’s fish and shrimp are imported from Russia, France and other countries. “We have not been buying seafood from Japan since April,” she said.

In addition to food safety, some people are worried about using cosmetic (美容的) products made in Japan.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Releasing nuclear wastewater has aroused worldwide concern.
B.All the seafood which is imported from Japan will be banned.
C.Chinese consumers will be stricter when choosing seafood to eat.
D.Japan’s plan to release the wastewater is criticized by Japanese.
2. What can be inferred from the words of Wang Qian?
A.She won’t eat Japanese seafood anymore.
B.She will be more cautious of the source of seafood.
C.She will be devoted to career of human health and marine ecology.
D.She is sure that Japan will figure out methods to solve the problem.
3. What will be mentioned in the following passages?
A.China’s specific methods to dealing with nuclear wastewater.
B.The influence of wastewater on Japanese cosmetic products.
C.A formal call to Japan for producing safer cosmetic products.
D.The world’s reply to Japanese nuclear wastewater releasing.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards Japan’s plan to release polluted wastewater?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A special birthday party was held on Thursday at Everland theme park in the Republic of Korea(ROK) for giant panda Fu Bao, who turned 3. It might be her last birthday which is celebrated in the country. According to an agreement between China and ROK, Fu Bao is expected to be sent to China before reaching age 4.

The Chinese Embassy in ROK presented her two keepers with gifts, expressing gratitude of the panda’s fans for the care which is provided by the Chinese and Korean expert teams. The keepers have won the hearts of many Chinese. Videos and photos of their interaction with the giant panda have gained a great deal of love for them on social media platforms.

Fu Bao is the first giant panda that was born through natural breeding (繁殖) in ROK, and she has become beloved among people, not only in ROK and China, but also around the world.

In March 2016, Ai Bao and Le Bao started a journey from Sichuan Province to Everland, a two-hour drive from Seoul. On the evening of July 20, 2020, the panda couple safely welcomed a female cub (幼崽). Everland held a public naming contest for the “little princess”, with nearly 50, 000 participants, which finally yielded the name Fu Bao.

Last September, she was separated from her mother and entered sexual maturity (成熟). According to the China-ROK agreement on panda protection research cooperation, she is expected to come to China before reaching age 4.

Now that she is sexually maturing and there are no suitable male pandas for breeding in ROK, sending her to China is seen as the right choice.

1. Where will Fu Bao’s forth birthday be celebrated?
C.Everland theme park.D.China.
2. Why did the Chinese Embassy give the two keepers with presents?
A.To warn them not to do harm to the panda.
B.To thank them for their care of the panda.
C.To show the friendship between China and ROK.
D.To better teach them how to protect the panda.
3. What does the underlined word “yielded” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Give up.B.Give out.C.Give in to.D.Give away.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Panda is becoming increasingly popular in ROK.
B.A famous panda is living a happy life in ROK.
C.Beloved panda in ROK may soon see homeland.
D.China is expected to cooperate with ROK in panda protection.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . We all know how emotionally taxing being a college student can be with difficult assignments, hundreds of pages of reading and challenging tests.     1     Here are some strategies helpful for you.

●Recognize sad feeling moments as a must. Maybe you just find out that you get a bad grade in a test, or that you have a stressful presentation you need to start.     2     When you’re really upset about something, you’re not in the right mindset to do homework. You’d better calm down before attempting anything else.

●See stress as part of the college experience and relax yourself properly. When feeling stressed out, you can try giving yourself a 15-minute break between assignments to do what you like-watching videos, going for a walk, etc. If you have multiple classes that day, you can try taking the scenic route to class and enjoy the fresh air.     3    

●Remind yourself that you’re just a human. This is hard but necessary. If you’re mentally incapable of attending that class, let the professor know that you can’t go. If you’re struggling but you have lots of assignments, see if you can get extensions or attend office hours to get help so you can feel less stressed.     4     So don’t push your sanity (理智) beyond its limits.

    5     We have multiple places on campus for you to reach out. Don’t feel embarrassed about it. College life can be full of many things, and it’s completely normal to find yourself completely overwhelmed. But you have resources. There are lots of trusted people very willing to help you!

A.Look for good places.
B.Remember to ask for help.
C.As a person, you can take only so much.
D.It helps to keep you healthy and energetic.
E.It’s hard to balance college life and emotional well-being.
F.Regardless of your reasons, it’s okay to give yourself a break.
G.Doing something you enjoy between work intervals can really help.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Reshaping the world for a fossil fuel-free future means working quickly. Climate scientists say carbon emissions must stop by 2025 to minimize environmental damage. And by designing computational materials together with makers who can build and test them quickly, scientists can rapidly develop technologies like more powerful solar cells and car batteries.

Michael is the name of a supercomputer devoted to just one task―discovering the ultimate battery system. Researchers at University College London will use Michael to digitally build and test prototypes (原型) in every new material and type of cell possible to improve battery life, performance and price.

Finding a resilient (弹性的) design for solid-state batteries would be a huge breakthrough for electric vehicles and energy storage. Lighter, longer-lasting and cheaper solid-state technology could vastly improve vehicle range and charging time. And the energy from solar and wind power could be more efficiently stored until ready for use.

Scientists working in the US and the UK led the way in the 1970s in developing the lithium-ion (锂离子) battery used in today’s electric cars, laptops and cameras, But commercial units were only developed once the Japanese electronics giant pushed the technology forward for mass production. Partnerships between companies and universities could ultimately crack solid-state battery design. Oxford University and some companies are looking to win the international race to create a durable product. But they are only one among many.

Replacing liquid used in lithium-ion batteries with a solid conductor may take large digital processing. Electric vehicle makers are working with a computer giant to find successful designs that may include cheap and plentiful materials found in seawater. An electric vehicle maker is partnering with NASA to open a solid-state battery plant that uses no rare or expensive metals. The plan is to create a large database of materials that can be mixed and matched for the best combinations.

But computational materials may be needed in virtually every industry. And by rapidly classifying millions of substances on their ability to conduct electricity, their toughness, or the way they reflect light, AI and supercomputers can speed up the process of creating materials for just about anything.

1. What message does paragraph 1 convey?
A.It’s too fast to design computational materials.
B.It’s too late to reshape the fossil fuel-free world.
C.Developing green energy can reduce carbon emissions.
D.Developing technology can speed up carbon emissions.
2. What are solid-state batteries expected to be like?
A.Heavy and solid.B.Light but breakable.
C.Less-costly and workable.D.Expensive but efficient.
3. Why does the author mention Oxford University in paragraph 4?
A.To show the weakness of mass production.
B.To show the good trend of the cooperation.
C.To show the difficulty of the battery design.
D.To show the development of British technology.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Michael Is Devoted to Storing Solar Energy
B.Companies and NASA Will Push Technology Forward
C.Electric Vehicle Makers Are Struggling to Solve Air Pollution
D.Supercomputers and AI Can Create Future Low-carbon Industries
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Patience is something that many of us struggle with. I know that I am certainly one who has a hard time dealing with delays. After all, we live in a world of instant satisfaction and overnight shipping. We can have anything that we want delivered to our doorstep right away. We can pick from a variety of entertainment options at any given moment.    1    

The truth of the matter is, however, that anything good rarely happens quickly.    2     You have to develop your patience over time by taking real action. This applies to a number of things: launching a business, waiting to go to an event, or striving to achieve your personal goals.

Here are a few tips to help you become more patient:

Make yourself wait on things. This can include eating, purchasing items, or taking any sort of action.    3     It will help you increase your current patience levels and become less anxious moving forward. Try it.

    4     Sometimes pause actually means there is hope. Perhaps you’ll meet a lot of wonderful people while waiting in line, or you will find that something put off is actually better in the future.

Understand that life is full of delays.    5     If there were delays, we would all have to accept. Ups and downs are what build character, and often, the longer we wait, the more we enjoy it. So wait it out with the best of them.

A.It usually takes a lot of work and a long wait.
B.The more patient you are, the luckier you become.
C.Teach yourself to look on the bright side of delays.
D.There is no one straight path to happiness or success.
E.Being patient is a must if you want to achieve success.
F.As a result, being patient has become increasingly difficult for most of us.
G.Work to overcome whatever makes you anxious and force yourself to wait.
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