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1 . The essence (本质) of fast fashion is to make clothes inexpensively and quickly, to get new trends and styles into stores and online as soon as possible, and it comes at a high social and environmental cost. Keeping production costs low means they can make their clothes cheap, using cheap labour in unsafe working conditions, and in countries with bad environmental regulations.

Throw-away culture is deeply rooted in our society; three in five of our clothing pieces are thrown out within a year. Fast fashion brands keep the consumers hungry and feeling like they need more by attracting them with newness and convincing the consumers that they need what they’re selling. This only results in increasing textile waste as people no longer want but throw it away.

Criticisms of the fast fashion industry include its negative environmental impact: water pollution, the use of toxic (有毒的) chemicals and increasing levels of textile waste. Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally, after agriculture. Fast fashion companies rely on their products being made cheaply and quickly, so they avoid talking when it comes to being aware of their impact on the environment. Greenpeace’s recent Detox Campaign showed that many brands use toxic and dangerous chemicals in their supply chains, and many of the chemicals are either banned or strictly controlled in lots of countries.

In conclusion, the fast fashion industry has a bad effect on our environment through fast fashion brands’ ecological practices and only continues to make the problem last for a long time in the future through extreme consumerist culture. In order for change to happen, the common people need to open their eyes and take measures to prevent the fast fashion from growing.

1. What’s one of the characteristics of fast fashion?
A.Causing a lot of anxiety.B.Making people buy old clothes.
C.Selling most clothes through stores.D.Producing clothes quickly.
2. Why are fast fashion clothes cheap?
A.They are mainly sold online.B.They are made in unsafe countries.
C.They are made by cheap labour.D.They save the cost of advertising.
3. How does the society think of throwing away clothes according to the author?
4. What’s the way to change fast fashion mentioned in the text?
A.Changing fast fashion brands’ working conditions.
B.Changing clothes stores’ sales model.
C.Introducing stricter laws for factories.
D.Raising public awareness of preventing fast fashion.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . My 15-year-old boy is a high achiever. He is very bright, pursuing everything he does with devotion and determination. And he is a great kid; honest, kind, faithful and caring.

Like a lot of kids who are high achievers, he is a perfectionist and very easy to fall into anxiety. That is manifested in his study, and other things he does as well. For example, he loves tennis but he is often worried about losing in the game. Now he has to stop competing because the pressure he puts on himself is becoming unhealthy. He still plays, but playing socially rather than competitively means that it’s an outlet for him rather than a source of stress.

He does not manage stress well. He puts so much pressure on himself to the point of worrying himself sick over just about every assessment. And he gets so negative about it, everything I say to him is met with negativity, every suggestion with a response that it won’t work, and honestly it’s depressing and tiring.

To help my son, I had a patient conversation with him, and he finally followed my advice about physical exercise to ease stress. Whenever he was under a lot of pressure, I would run with him for half an bour and do some push-ups to relax the pressure. Gradually, he became less nervous in the later exams and his scores became more and more stable.

Pressure from grades and perfectionism can be really hard to manage when it comes to schooling. As kids, what they need is effective communication and sincere encouragement. So I have always told and shown my son that we’re proud of him, and that pride doesn’t merely depend on top grades.

1. Which of the following best explains “manifested” underlined in paragraph 2?
2. Why does the author’s son keep playing tennis?
A.He is a high achiever.B.He’s easy to fall sick.
C.He hopes to release stress.D.He wants to win the game.
3. What does the author mainly tell us about his son in paragraph 3?
A.His son fails to handle stress properly.B.His son becomes tired of stress.
C.His son is good at some sports.D.His son is doing well at school.
4. What is the author’s advice for his son?
A.Taking up a new hobby.B.Hanging out with some friends.
C.Doing some exercise with him.D.Talking to friends as much as possible.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Summer Writing Program Guide for Teens

Spend your summer with teens (aged 13—19) from over 100 countries as you experiment with words, try your hand at new styles and work with respected professionals to create pieces you’re proud of ... all without leaving your home!

Whether you are good at or new to putting down your thoughts on paper, we welcome you to join today and spend a week or an entire summer with teenagers of your age worldwide!

Our workshops includes:

College Essay

Go from college essay ideas to execution (执行) in this week-long workshop. Students will gain with a fully drafted, standout personal statement in hand, and plenty of writing resources.

Flash Fiction

In this workshop, we’ll explore how a set word count (固定字数) ranging from 5 to 1,000 words can lead to creative freedom, allowing authors to develop their micro-fiction story to its most effective message.

Humor Writing

When it comes to comedy, there is delicate art involved in making people laugh. In this workshop, we’ll learn how to use words to share humor with the world.

Science Fiction

Work towards the creation of a science fiction story, and connect with a professional author for advice on making your story shine.

Online registration is open now. Space is limited. Join us quickly! Register for 2 or 2+ workshops and you can get 20% off.

1. What is the purpose of the summer writing program?
A.To give teens professional tips.
B.To help teens connect with professionals.
C.To improve teens’ writing ability.
D.To offer teens entertaining activities.
2. Which workshop will a short story lover choose?
A.College Essay.
B.Flash Fiction.
C.Humor Writing.
D.Science Fiction.
3. How can teens get a discount?
A.Join over 1 workshop.
B.Sign up online.
C.Apply in advance.
D.Register in groups.
2022-11-04更新 | 327次组卷 | 17卷引用:广西桂平市浔州高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,本文围绕 “什么让星期一变得郁闷” 以及这种感觉是否只存在于我们的脑海里展开讨论。

4 . Ask most people which day of the week they fear the most and the answer is likely to be Monday. The first day of the working week can make us depressed.     1    

The most depressing day of the year is the third Monday in January, when it’s cold and dark outside. This day was named “Blue Monday” by psychologist Cliff Arnall. Even if there was little science behind Blue Monday, it’s probably true that the sound of our alarm clock on any Monday morning means the coming of a new working week and possibly the end of our weekend of fun.     2     It’s what psychologists call an emotional shift, and no other part of the week has a transition(过渡) like it.

Apparently, Monday means the end of weekend lie-ins.     3     According to a website, “If you can’t stand your job, then the Monday blues can be very real.” And it can be especially difficult to start another seemingly endless workweek. Your case of the Mondays can have a negative impact on your performance, productivity and the people around you.

    4     Feeling a bit low shouldn’t be confused with more serious depression, caused by other factors. Claudia Hammond, an author and presenter, argues that this low feeling might be untrue.     5     She mentions an Australian study of how people reflected on their mood and found the day that scored the lowest was in fact Wednesdays. So, when Monday comes, maybe we should give it a second chance!

A.But is Monday as bad as we like to think it is?
B.What exactly makes us feel down remains unknown.
C.Weekends are definitely happy days in all countries.
D.That’s why the feeling is described as the Monday blues.
E.There is a strong cultural idea that we don’t like Mondays.
F.Our Monday mood can be based on a direct comparison to the day before.
G.It’s back to the routine and the realization that there are five days of working ahead.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . There are lots of classical English movies that touched us a lot. The following works are worth reviewing repeatedly for English learners.

The Shawshank Redemption

Director; Frank Darabont

Introduction: As a prisoner who is actually not guilty of crime, Andy Dufresne maintains his spirit and soul, quietly saving himself step by step over decades. And finally, his determination and patience lead him to freedom from prison. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity (尊严)of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, and the roost important is to keep hope forever.

Dead Poets Society

Director: Peter Weir

Introduction: The film is set in the US in 1959 at the respected Welton Academy. The plot centers on the influence of Mr. Keating, a teacher with advanced educational concept. He breaks through the conservative (守旧的)education model and inspires his students to seize the day to make their life extraordinary. Unfortunately, the story ends up with their dream broken.

Forrest Gump

Director : Robert Zemeckis

Introduction: Forrest Gump is unfortunately born with a lower IQ and the muscle problems. Usually, people tend to think this kind of person can’t be successful in doing anything. But instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible achievements. He is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

Gone with the Wind

Director: Victor Fleming

Introduction; The story is set in the American Civil War, describing the social reality of the south of America. It depicts the struggles of Scarlett, an attractive, strong-willed woman, facing misfortune and hardship in the war. She becomes strong and brave by all means to get rid of poverty,from a spoiled (宠坏的)princess to an independent business woman

1. What is the film The Shawshank Redemption mainly about?
A.A story of a man saving himself from prison.
B.A growth of a woman in the period of war.
C.A wonder created by a man of lower intelligence.
D.A battle between new and old educational concept.
2. Which of the following movies has an unhappy ending?
A.The Shawshank Redemption.B.Dead Poets Society.
C.Forrest Gump.D.Gone with the Wind.
3. What do Forrest Gump and Gone with the Wind have in common?
A.They are set in the same background.
B.They are directed by the same person.
C.Their stories are about fighting for freedom.
D.Their characters have gone through the war.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In China, people in different areas have their own ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. Especially between Northern China and Southern China, there are many differences.    1    

One is about the food on the night before the Spring Festival. In Northern China, people usually eat dumplings during this time. For luck, people may put sugar in dumplings.    2    People in the south usually eat Niangao or Tangyuan on New Year’s Eve. Both foods are also considered to bring a better life. There are many causes. For example, Northern China grows lots of wheat (小麦) while Southern China grows lots of rice.    3    People in Northern China usually love food made by wheat.

    4    In Northern China, people often put up paper cuttings on windows to wish for happiness of the coming year. In many parts of the south, people no longer put up paper cuttings for the Spring Festival. Instead, they decorate their house with a kumquat (金橘) tree bearing fruit.

It’s true that Northern China and Southern China have differences in celebrating the Spring Festival.    5    After all, many Chinese are moving from one place to another. When reaching a new place, they also bring their customs there. So now many people in Northern China also eat Tangyuan.

A.Here are some examples.
B.Many foods are made of rice.
C.The differences bring many bad results.
D.But the differences are gradually disappearing.
E.As a result, people in Southern China often prefer rice.
F.That way, they believe life in the next year will be “sweet”.
G.China’s north and south also have a difference in New Year decorating.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Some people wake up before the sun rises above, go for a run and eat a healthy breakfast, all before many others get out of bed. Waking up that early might sound tiring to late risers, but can a night owl (夜猫子) become an early bird?

“It is possible to make the change, but it’s not easy,” said Michelle Drerup, director of behavioral sleep medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. “A true night owl doesn’t really feel great early in the morning when they wake up, especially when they’re starting to change this.”

A person’s tendency to be a night owl, early bird or some kind in between is known as their chronotype (生物钟). Depending on that, people are likely to be more awake during certain times of the day and sleepier during others. It is determined by a combination of nature and life style, scientists have found.

If you want to wake up earlier, make the change gradually. Drerup recommended slowly setting your wake-up alarm earlier by 15 to 20 minutes every few days over the course of several weeks until you’re adjusted to your schedule. Sticking to it is the key.

“Limit exposure (接触) to light in the hour before bed, such as by staying away from screens,” Drerup said. Light blocks the body's production of melatonin (褪黑色素) which is thought to set our circadian rhythm (昼夜节律). And in the morning, try to get exposure to light as soon as you wake up, to end melatonin production. Avoid exciting activities late in the evening. Instead of exercising at night, try working out in the morning or afternoon. You may also need to change your meal times to earlier time in the day.

If being a night owl works for you, there is actually no need to change your sleep schedule. But staying up late becomes a problem when you must wake up early for work and school. It can also increase your risk of developing health.

1. What is a feature of night owls?
A.They tend to be more awake than an early bird.
B.Their sleeping pattern can never be changed.
C.They might not feel good when getting up early.
D.Their habit of sleeping late can ruin their health.
2. What might cause people to become night owls?
A.Their sleeping patterns.
B.Their behavior during sleep.
C.Their tendency to stay awake.
D.Their ability to adapt to change.
3. Which of the following may help a night owl become an early bird?
A.Doing more exercise before sleeping.
B.Avoiding exposure to light after waking up.
C.Setting alarm clock earlier each day.
D.Trying to sleep early and wake up early.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The risks of sleeping late.
B.How night owls change their sleep schedule.
C.The benefits of becoming an early bird.
D.How to lead a healthy life.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Farmer for a day

Experience Overview

Farmer Experience Days are suitable for children over 10 years old and adults, which provide the most popular activities in Rushmoor Farm Park. This is a great opportunity to see how a farm works and how to care for animals. You will join one of our team members performing farming duties.

Experience Price

One Person: £55; two People: £80.

All participants will be given a Rushmoor farmer T-shirt. Lunch will be included with a pot of tea or coffee. Cupcakes, pudding and other desserts are also available in a cafe which are not included in the price.

What to Expect

The day starts at 10 am. You will be welcomed by one of our team members and get a brief safety chat. The first activity is feeding pigs. Then you can expect to brush rabbits and clean horses. Horse-riding is allowed under guidance, for adults only. Our Jersey cows also need milking so you’ll be showed all about it and try hand milking.

Finishing time is not fixed but all activities should end around 3 pm. You can choose to return home by our free bus at 4 pm.

Days can be tailored to particular animals and we will do our best to achieve this, so please just ask.

Additional Information

Children must be accompanied by an adult (even if non-participating). Please wear suitable clothes and footwear. Click here to simply fill out your details and select your desired day.

1. Which of the following requires extra charge?
A.Lunch.B.The farmer T-shirt.C.Desserts.D.The bus ride.
2. What can children do during the day?
A.Feed cows.B.Learn milking.C.Work with farmers.D.Ride horses.
3. Where does the text most likely appear?
A.In a park website.B.In a farm introduction.
C.In a travel brochure.D.In a children magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Train and Work as a Literary (文学的) Editor This Summer!

The Summer Scholars Program provided by Polyphony Company is an 8-week online program for 9th-12th grade high school students. After completing this program, students will have some basic knowledge of literary editing.

Course Schedule

Training: Weeks 1-3

Week 1

Approaching Poetry: online content, live lectures and discussions with poetry instructors. Cooperate with other learners on one poetry submission.

Week 2

Approaching Fiction: online content, live lectures and discussions with fiction instructors. Cooperate with other learners on one fiction submission.

Week 3

Approaching Creative Nonfiction: online content, live lectures, and discussions with creative nonfiction instructors. Cooperate with other learners on one creative nonfiction submission.

Weeks 4-8

Work as a junior editor, responding to two editorial tasks per week. Learners will receive feedback on every task, Having a meeting with the instructors to discuss interests, feedback, and the areas of each page for focus.

Learning Outcomes

We expect learners will advance their literary skills while doing meaningful work. Specific learning goals include: methods to approach poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction; practice using literary devices to interpret and analyze submissions and give editorial feedback.

Cost: $ 350/learner

We hope that the summer learners will continue working with Polyphony Company when they finish the program. And the learners will have a chance to be an editing role at Polyphony Company and its high school literary magazine. The instructors will give you personal feedback about your path to promotion, but as a learner, it is not a guarantee of promotion. Historically, about 10% of our junior editors earn promotion to senior editors.

1. Who are most likely to be attracted by this text?
A.Senior editors.B.Writers.C.High school students.D.Junior editors.
2. Which week will the learners cooperate with others on poetry submission?
A.Week 1.B.Week 2.C.Week 3.D.Week 4.
3. What can the learners do when they finish the program?
A.Master all the skills of literary editing.B.Learn some college knowledge in advance.
C.Graduate from high school and enter college.D.Be a member of Polyphony Company.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Have you ever gone to a museum or a show and been completely blown away by a piece? If you haven’t, go out and get cultured. I’m a student at the College of Visual and Performing Arts where we create all kinds of art every day.     1     But I don’t think those people truly know the difficulties and struggles in the process of making art.

First of all, we need to be inspired. You may think that’s easy. In fact, anything can serve as a concept of a work of art.     2     Sometimes we will need people, volunteers, bodies to do so and finding willing people to work is hard. Other times we have a clear idea of what we want but we don’t know how to make other people fully understand what we’re trying to get at.

    3     We need a space to be able to be creative and that can be tricky to acquire. Sometimes we need art supplies or certain equipment and costumes and that can cost money. Even if we do acquire what we need, visions change and mistakes happen so we might not end up using the resources.

The process can take weeks, months, and even years to be fully realized. Once completed, we need to share it and find an audience and provide an environment to display our work.     4     What if nobody likes what we created? What if our vision isn’t what we thought though completed?

Creating art is an art in itself. It is really not as easy as many people think.     5     It’s how we express ourselves and how we communicate with the rest of the world.

A.Outsiders think our jobs easy.
B.We should be quiet and creative.
C.We might choose other fields as well.
D.Resources are also a huge factor in making art.
E.The hard part comes when we put our ideas into reality.
F.And the negative thoughts love to overpower our minds.
G.It takes time, patience and space when things don’t go as expected.
共计 平均难度:一般