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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:191 题号:16310123

Some people wake up before the sun rises above, go for a run and eat a healthy breakfast, all before many others get out of bed. Waking up that early might sound tiring to late risers, but can a night owl (夜猫子) become an early bird?

“It is possible to make the change, but it’s not easy,” said Michelle Drerup, director of behavioral sleep medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. “A true night owl doesn’t really feel great early in the morning when they wake up, especially when they’re starting to change this.”

A person’s tendency to be a night owl, early bird or some kind in between is known as their chronotype (生物钟). Depending on that, people are likely to be more awake during certain times of the day and sleepier during others. It is determined by a combination of nature and life style, scientists have found.

If you want to wake up earlier, make the change gradually. Drerup recommended slowly setting your wake-up alarm earlier by 15 to 20 minutes every few days over the course of several weeks until you’re adjusted to your schedule. Sticking to it is the key.

“Limit exposure (接触) to light in the hour before bed, such as by staying away from screens,” Drerup said. Light blocks the body's production of melatonin (褪黑色素) which is thought to set our circadian rhythm (昼夜节律). And in the morning, try to get exposure to light as soon as you wake up, to end melatonin production. Avoid exciting activities late in the evening. Instead of exercising at night, try working out in the morning or afternoon. You may also need to change your meal times to earlier time in the day.

If being a night owl works for you, there is actually no need to change your sleep schedule. But staying up late becomes a problem when you must wake up early for work and school. It can also increase your risk of developing health.

1. What is a feature of night owls?
A.They tend to be more awake than an early bird.
B.Their sleeping pattern can never be changed.
C.They might not feel good when getting up early.
D.Their habit of sleeping late can ruin their health.
2. What might cause people to become night owls?
A.Their sleeping patterns.
B.Their behavior during sleep.
C.Their tendency to stay awake.
D.Their ability to adapt to change.
3. Which of the following may help a night owl become an early bird?
A.Doing more exercise before sleeping.
B.Avoiding exposure to light after waking up.
C.Setting alarm clock earlier each day.
D.Trying to sleep early and wake up early.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The risks of sleeping late.
B.How night owls change their sleep schedule.
C.The benefits of becoming an early bird.
D.How to lead a healthy life.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Scientists have suspected for more than a century that sleep improves recall of recently acquired information, and even performance on newly learned tasks. Many of the findings suggest that sleep plays an active role in revisiting waking experiences and consolidating (巩固) them into long-term memories.

But at the same time, evidence that some memories form better without sleep is leading neuro (神经) scientists to reconsider long-standing assumptions about sleep’s role in memory formation. In fact, forgetting — through weakening or loss of synapses (突触) — seems to play a key role in the process of memory consolidation, especially during sleep.

“We had better forget most of what we do in a day,” says Chiara Cirelli, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin. Remembering new information requires creating new neuronal connections or strengthening existing ones, and both bring about more neuronal firing. But neuronal firing requires a lot of energy, notes Cirelli, and it simply isn’t sustainable to keep increasing levels of neural activity day after day. Eventually, synapses couldn’t get any stronger, and the brain wouldn’t encode new information.

Cirelli believes that sleep is responsible for much of this result. In that way, forgetting the small stuff boosts the signal-to-noise ratio of stronger circuits (回路) and helps our brains hang on to important information.

Such findings prove the old saying, “Early to bed, early to rise...,” after all. Even so, it’s clear that targeted sleep interventions to improve memory are not yet within reach.

“People always want to hear that sleep is very good for your memory,” says Jan Born, a neuroscientist at the University of Tubingen in Germany. “Well, it’s not that simple,” he adds. Rather, different brain states may give rise to different kinds of memories, and each of those brain states could have certain types of adaptive functions for the brain and the individual. The key next step, says Born, will be homing in on what exactly these brain states do.

1. How does the author start the text?
A.By listing various evidences.B.By comparing different views.
C.By presenting personal experience.D.By asking and answering questions.
2. Why do we need sleep according to Chiara Cirelli?
A.Sleep can help synapses get stronger.
B.Sleep can bring about more neuronal firings.
C.Sleep can create more new neuronal connections.
D.Sleep can help brain store more important information.
3. What’s Jan Born’s attitude toward sleep’s influence on memory?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why sleep affects our daily performance.
B.Why forgetting is vital in improving memory.
C.How sleep improves the recall of information.
D.How sleep shapes what we remember and forget.
2023-06-05更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You don’t need me to tell you how to brush your teeth. Twice a day, for two minutes. But are you heading to the bathroom after your breakfast, or before it? Scheduling your morning maintenance might be more controversial (有争议的) than you thought.

“This is one of the biggest subjects for debate among our patients,” says Dr Sameer Patel, clinical director at Elleven Dental Wellness. For him the answer is simple: “brush before breakfast”. For tooth decay (腐烂) to start, he explains, three things are required: bacteria, sugar and time. “Overnight, you naturally develop plaque,” he says. “Plaque is, in essence, a sticky film of bacteria. That’s why you don’t wake up with great breath. If you don’t brush, you then introduce sugar at breakfast.” All three elements for decay are thus in place — a perfect storm inside your mouth as you munch. Brush before breakfast instead, and, “you go into eating with no bacteria, so that process of decay doesn’t start”.

“I recommend that my patients brush their teeth before having breakfast,” agrees Dr Olivia Johnson King, orthodontist at the Holland Park Dental Clinic. This, she explains, is because when we eat, the pH levels inside our mouths drops, becoming more acidic and making the outer surface of our teeth — the enamel — softer. “So if we brush directly after breakfast, in the long-term we could be weakening that outer surface and damaging our teeth,” she says.

While many dentists recommend brushing before breakfast, not everyone agrees. “There are lots of misconceptions, even among dentists, on this subject,” says Dr Carlos Gonzalez-Cabezas, dentist and professor at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. “People think brushing is all about removing food and plaque. Actually, it’s also an extremely important delivery method for fluoride (氟化物).” Fluoride strengthens teeth and prevents decay. Brush before breakfast, and you will remove much of it as you eat, reducing the effectiveness of your toothpaste, he argues. Plus, he points out, people tend to eat breakfast pretty quickly, not giving the bacteria and food much time to join forces and do much damage. Brush straight after eating and, “you remove most of those carbohydrates (碳水化合物) right away, plus some of the bacteria, and you’re delivering fluoride to strengthen your teeth.”

With such strong views held by both camps, would it be best to brush both before and after breakfast?

Dr Gonzalez-Cabezas laughs. “It’s hard enough to persuade people to brush twice a day—once in the morning and once before bed,” he says. “Brushing in the morning, whenever you’re able to do it, is better than skipping brushing your teeth at all.” So before breakfast or after breakfast — just don’t wait till your tooth hurts.

1. According to Dr. Patel, why should we brush before breakfast?
A.We haven’t eaten for a long time.B.The pH levels inside our mouths drops.
C.We wake up with bad breath.D.The bacteria will be removed.
2. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean?
A.a movieB.a thin layerC.sugarD.breakfast
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The misconceptions on the subject
B.The reasons for brushing before breakfast
C.The opposing opinion of the former viewpoints
D.Fluoride strengthens teeth and prevents decay.
4. What we can learn from the passage?
A.Dr Patel and Dr King share the same reason for brushing teeth before breakfast.
B.Brushing teeth before breakfast is better than brushing after breakfast.
C.Dr. Gonzalez-Cabezas recommends people to brush both before and after breakfast.
D.It remains controversial whether it’s better to brush before breakfast.
2023-12-16更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The bed should be used as a place for sleep, but more and more people like to read an iPad a lot in bed before they go to sleep.

Charles Czeisler, a professor at Harvard Medical School, and his coworkers got a small group of people for an experiment. For five days in a row, these people read either a paper book or an iPad for four hours before sleep. Their sleep patterns were monitored all night. Before and after each trial period, they took hourly blood tests to paint a day-long picture of just how much melatonin(褪黑激素) was in their blood at any time.

When the people read the iPad as compared to the paper books, they felt less sleepy at night and less active the following morning. People also took longer to fall asleep on the iPad nights, and the blood tests showed that their melatonin secretion(分泌) was delayed by an hour and a half.

The researchers concluded that because of the rise of e-readers and the widespread use of e-things among children and teenagers, more research into the "long-term influence of these e-things on health and safety is urgently needed." Czeisler and coworkers went on, in the research paper, to point out that reading an iPad in bed may increase cancer risk.

However, software has been developed that can reduce some of the blue light from the screens of phones and computers, and there are also glasses that are made to reduce short wavelengths. While they seem like a logic solution for the nighttime tech users, it needs more research.

1. In Charles Czeisler's experiment, the group of people were asked to_______.
A.sit in a row and receive the strict tests
B.have their sleep patterns observed all night
C.read a paper book and an iPad before sleep
D.have their blood tested per hour during the trial
2. The third paragraph tells us the iPad readers were likely to_______.
A.feel less sleepy and tired in the day
B.fall asleep more easily after reading
C.become less energetic the next morning
D.have a lot more melatonin secretion
3. The special software recently developed can _______.
A.reduce the blue light from the screens completely
B.help prevent eyes being harmed by short wavelengths
C.reduce the harm caused by doing nighttime e-reading
D.be used in all the e-things widely and safely
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.No e-reading in bed before sleep
B.New software for night e-readers
C.Wrong things to do before bedtime
D.No games on iPad in bed
2020-02-17更新 | 45次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般