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1 . Sarah was not an early riser. But what made the annoying early morning hours bearable was the comforting smell of fresh coffee floating in the air. Her favorite coffee shop was just a few minutes away from her apartment.

One sunny morning, Sarah rushed to get dressed. Having a job interview, she felt anxious, afraid to be late. She grabbed her car key, dashed out of the door and made her way to her familiar coffee shop as usual. As she joined the line of cars at the drive-through, the smell of roasted coffee beans and the thought of the first taste of coffee were her little daily luxury. The line inched forward, and soon, Sarah found herself at the drive-through window. She reached for her purse to pay, but before she could hand over her credit card, the coffee shop assistant smiled and said, “Your coffee has been covered by the car ahead of you.” Sarah was taken aback. “Really?” she asked, feeling astonished and grateful. The assistant nodded. The unexpected act of kindness put a smile on her face, making her upcoming interview feel a little relaxing.

As she exited the drive-through, Sarah glanced in her rear view mirror (后视镜) at the next car approaching the coffee shop window. An idea began to come into her mind. Maybe she could do the same and brighten someone else’s morning. She decided to return to the coffee shop. Inside, she approached the cashier and said, “I’d like to pay for the coffee of the person in the car behind me.” The assistant smiled and nodded again.

As Sarah eventually left the coffee shop, Sarah couldn’t help but wonder how the next driver would react. A wave of satisfaction washed over Sarah as she witnessed the continuation of the coffee chain. She knew she had just initiated a chain of generosity and kindness.

1. What can we learn about Sarah from the first two paragraphs?
A.She led a life of luxury. B.She used to get up early.
C.She was nervous about the interview. D.She was new to the coffee shop.
2. Why did Sarah go back to the coffee shop?
A.To find out who paid for her coffee. B.To order herself another cup of coffee.
C.To see what was exactly happening there. D.To buy coffee for the driver behind her.
3. How did Sarah feel when she finally left the coffee shop?
A.Ambitious. B.Content. C.Awkward. D.Suspicious.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A chain of coffee shops. B.An unforgettable interview.
C.The kindness from an assistant. D.The power of paying it forward.
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2 . The Self-Portrait Challenge

Have you ever done a self-portrait in an art lesson at school? Today, we’re challenging you to write self-portrait poems. It’s not uncommon to feel like the way people see you on the outside doesn’t quite match up with how you feel on the inside. So creating a self-portrait can be a good opportunity to address those differences and present the realest, truest version of yourself.

Your challenge is to create a self-portrait in lines, using words instead of paint. Read on for some more inspiration.

Writing Tips
● Have a go at writing a list of metaphors exploring your physical appearance, starting from your head and working your way down towards your feet.
● Instead of representing yourself directly, take on another character, such as a fictional character, a historical figure, or even a different version of yourself.
● Play around with personification, by taking on the voice of a physical object in your poem. Think about what a self-portrait from the point of view of a mirror, or a bowl of your favourite food would look like?
How to enter

This challenge is for writers aged up to 25 based anywhere in the world. The deadline is 23:59 GMT, 17 March 2024. You can send a poem, or poems, written down, or as video or audio files. We are using Submittable to accept submissions to this challenge. You will need to make a free Submittable account to submit in this way. Using Submittable helps our team to administrate and process entries more quickly. Selected poets will be published on Young Poets Network.

1. What does the Self-portrait Challenge encourage participants to do?
A.Explore true selves.B.Convey positive emotions.
C.Illustrate personal profiles.D.Compare different personalities.
2. What is suggested to better handle the challenge?
A.Using simple language.B.Presenting yourself directly.
C.Taking a different point of view.D.Focusing on physical appearance.
3. What is “Submittable” likely to be?
A.A writing tool.B.A search engine.
C.An email account.D.An online platform.
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文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。是为 Eagle Eyes光学技术打广告,介绍了其特点和优势。

3 . Drivers’ attention: Driving can expose you to more dangerous glare than any sunny day. Do you know how to protect yourself?

Not all sunglasses are created equal.

With all the fancy fashion frames out there it can be easy to overlook what really matters—the lenses. So we did our research and looked to the very best in optic(光学) innovation.

Sunglass Technology Certified by Blue Light Eye Protection.

Eagle Eyes features the most advanced eye protection technology ever created. The TriLenium Lens Technology added benefit of blue-light eye protection. Eagle Eyes is the only optic technology that has earned official recognition for this remarkable technology. Now, that’s proven science-based protection.

The finest optics: And buy one, get one FREE!

Eagle Eyes has the highest customer satisfaction of any item in our 20-year history. A Pair of Eagle Eyes Navigator Sunglasses costs at $59.90! We will give you a second pair of Eagle Eyes Navigator Sunglasses FREE.

That’s two pairs to protect your eyes with the best technology available for less than the price of one pair of traditional sunglasses. You get a pair of Navigators with stainless steel black frames and the other with stainless steel gold, plus one hard zipper case and one micro-fiber draw-string cleaning container are included. Keep one pair in your pocket and one in your car.

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

If you are not amazed with the Eagle Eyes technology, simply return one pair within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. The other pair is yours to keep. No one else has such confidence in their optic technology. Two Pairs of Eagle Eyes Navigator Sunglasses $59.90!

Offer Code Price $ 49 and Save $10.90

Your Insider Offer Code: EEN966-06

You can use this insider offer code to get our special price.

1. What makes Eagle Eyes unique?
A.Its price.B.Its eye care function.
C.Its extra giveaways.D.Its ability to improve vision.
2. What is the most reassuring thing for customers?
A.The price of sunglasses.B.Full refund if not satisfied.
C.Receiving additional offers.D.Getting a pair of glasses for free.
3. How much do you pay for two pairs of glasses at the insider price?
A.$ 119.80.B.$ 98.C.$59.90.D.$49.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了克里斯教附近的没有父亲的孩子钓鱼,以此让他们找回内心的平静。他还成立了非盈利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。

4 . It was hard not to notice the 8-year-old boy Brooke across the street who stormed in and out of his own house. He did it so often that a neighbor, Chris, wondered what was going on in his life. So Chris asked him.

“He told me that he didn’t have a father,” says Chris, now 58, “and I realized there might be something I could do for him.”

That something was fishing, and Chris’s father taught him how to fish. “Fishing always brought me peace and it taught me how to be patient. When you’re on the water, you can forget about your problems and just appreciate the moment,” Chris said.

One Saturday afternoon on the water led to another, and soon he was teaching other kids in their neighborhood, Lakeland, Florida, how to fix a line, hold a pole, and roll in a big catch. That was 16 years ago.

Since then, Chris has taken groups of kids out almost every weekend to fish. Then, in 2018 he started the nonprofit Take a Kid Fishing Inc. He and a small group of volunteers have introduced more than 2, 500 kids — most without fathers around — to the calming peace found on the water and the excitement of catching a fish.

One of those kids was Jayden, who struggled emotionally when his father died in a car accident in January 2020.

“He was really close to his dad,” says Jayden’s mother, Terra. “And with two younger sisters, he felt he needed to take over the man-of-the-house role. He was trying to be strong for everyone and didn’t show his emotion. I was wondering what to do to help him, and then I learned about Take a Kid Fishing Inc.”

Jayden, now 13, has become a devoted fisherman and credits Chris with helping him mature.

“There’s nothing like feeling that first tug (猛拉) on the line and seeing a kid light up with a smile,” Chris says. “I feel lucky to witness that every weekend.”

1. What can we learn about Brooke from the first paragraph?
A.He tended to be restless.B.He had an ambitious mind.
C.He longed to have a father.D.He was interested in fishing.
2. Why did Chris setup Take a Kid Fishing Inc?
A.Because he enjoyed the company of children.
B.Because he had to raise some volunteers to help kids.
C.Because he wanted to light up fatherless children’s life.
D.Because he considered teaching children to catch fish fun.
3. What’s the purpose of the author mentioning Jayden?
A.To present the benefits of Chris’s act.
B.To show Jayden’s mother’s appreciation.
C.To promote the popularity of fishing together.
D.To make readers donate money to Chris’s organization.
4. What conclusion can be made from Chris’s work?
A.Fishing can strengthen family connections.
B.Fathers play an important role in kids’ life.
C.Family kids are the future of a strong nation.
D.Proper and timely guidance makes a mature kid.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Tomato plants are adaptable to less-than-optimal conditions, but meeting their preferred conditions yields the juiciest and most delicious fruit.

Light.     1     In extremely hot conditions, the morning sun and light afternoon shade are sufficient. Although the plants can grow in mainly shady areas, the production of fruit will be severely limited.

Soil and water. Tomato plants grow best when they have fertile soil and consistent moisture (水分). If it rains less than 25.4 millimeters per week, you need to water them yourself.     2     Placing much around your tomato plants discourages weeds, maintains soil moisture, and prevents diseases from splashing off the soil onto the leaves when it rains. Aim for a 3-to 4-inch-thick layer of organic covering, such as straw, chopped leaves or finely shredded wood chips.

Temperature and humidity (湿度).    3     Wait until the soil warms in spring before setting out plants. Tomato plants grow well when the temperature is about 25℃. Although they love the sun, when the temperature rises above 40℃, they will stop growing. Tomatoes like a relatively high humidity level of 65 percent to 85 percent. Levels higher than this range negatively affect the plants.

    4     Tomato plants grow best when fertilized at two specific times during the growing season: right after planting and just before the fruit develops. Apply balanced liquid plant food to them.

Pruning (打杈). Tomato plants don’t have to be pruned. However, removing any side shoots (新枝) growing between the main stem and a branch is a good idea.    5    

B.The planting area.
C.Tomatoes are warm-weather fans.
D.In general, tomato plants require the full sun.
E.However, to prevent diseases, avoid wetting the leaves.
F.To make them grow better, water them as often as you can.
G.They can influence the growth of main branches growing fruit.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。Aalto University的研究人员开发了一种新材料,这种材料可以根据之前的条件改变其电行为,有效的赋予自身一种基本形式的自适应记忆。

6 . Inspired by living systems, researchers at Aalto University have developed a new material that can change its electrical behaviour based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation of medical and environmental sensors, as well as in soft robots or active surfaces.

Responsive materials have become common in a range of applications, from glasses that darken in sunlight to drug delivery systems. But existing materials always react in the same way: Their response to a change doesn’t depend on their history, nor do they adapt based on their past.

This is fundamentally different from living systems, which dynamically adapt their behaviour based on previous conditions. “One of the next big challenges in material science is to develop truly smart materials inspired by living organisms. We want to develop a material that would adjust its behaviour based on its history,” said Bo Peng, an academy research fellow at Aalto University, who was one of the senior authors of this study.

The researchers synthesized(合成)micrometre-sized magnetic beads(磁珠)which were then stimulated by a magnetic field. When the magnet was on, the beads stacked up to form pillars. The strength of the magnetic field affects the shape of the pillars, which in turn affects how well they conduct electricity.

“With this system, we coupled the magnetic field stimulus(刺激)and the electrical response. Interestingly, we found that the electrical conductivity depended on whether we varied the magnetic field rapidly or slowly. That meant that the electrical response depended on the history of the magnetic field. The electrical behaviour was also different if the magnetic field was increasing or decreasing, explains Peng. In the future, there could be even more materials that are algorithmically(在算法上)inspired by life-like properties, though they won’t involve the full complexity of biological systems. Such materials will be central to the next generation of soft robots and for medical and environmental monitoring.

1. What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of the text.
B.To give a definition to the new material.
C.To make a comparison with existing materials.
D.To stress the importance of the Aalto University’s research.
2. What does Peng’s words in paragraph 3 mean?
A.They want to develop better materials.
B.They depend on previous conditions too much.
C.They are facing challenges from other universities.
D.They can’t make truly smart materials from history.
3. What does the author want to show in the last sentence?
A.The method of making the new material.
B.The application of the new material.
C.The way of making the new material.
D.The complexity of biological systems.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Responsive materials that have become common
B.Next generation material that adapts to its history
C.The next big challenge that faces material science
D.The electrical behaviour that depends on the magnetic field
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 容易(0.94) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。Edith Cowan University(ECU)的新研究表明,虽然土豆可能不像其他蔬菜那样有益健康,但吃土豆引起的健康问题可能与人们吃土豆时采用的烹饪方法和搭配食用的食物有关。

7 . With low or no-carbohydrate diets rising in popularity in recent times, the potato is now regularly overlooked in favour of other vegetables. In fact, research literature has previously indicated potatoes may have a detrimental effect on health, such as increasing the possibility of developing Type2 diabetes(糖尿病).

However, new research done by Edith Cowan University (ECU) has shown while potatoes may not have all the same benefits as some other vegetables, such as lowering risk of Type 2 diabetes, health issues associated with potatoes may actually be due to how people are preparing them and what they’re eating them with.

A recent analysis of this study led by Dr Nicola Bondonno from ECU’s Nutrition and Health Innovation Research Institute found people who consumed the most vegetables were 21 percent less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who consumed the least amount of vegetables. PhD candidate Pratik Pokharel carried out work on the analysis and said while potatoes didn’t have the same impact on Type 2 diabetes, they also didn’t have any negative effect.

“In Denmark, people consume potatoes prepared in many different ways. In our study, we could distinguish between the different preparation methods. When we separated boiled potatoes from mashed potatoes(土豆泥), fries or crisps, boiled potatoes were no longer associated with a higher risk of diabetes: They had a zero effect,” said Pokharel.

“In our study, people who ate the most potatoes also consumed more butter, red meat and soft drinks-foods known to increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes,” said Pokharel. “We should separate potatoes from other vegetables in regard to messaging about disease prevention but replacing refined grains such as white rice and pasta(意大利面食)with potatoes can improve your diet quality because of fibre and other nutrients found in potatoes.”

1. What does the underlined word “detrimental” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What may contribute to the bad reputation of potatoes according to ECU’s research?
A.The effects they have caused.B.The ways they are consumed.
C.The places where they are planted.D.The results previous studies have shown.
3. Which of the following have little effect on Type 2 diabetes?
A.Fries.B.Crisps.C.Boiled potatoes.D.Mashed potatoes.
4. What is Pokharel’s attitude towards potatoes?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了1938年,Geoff Banks和Celesta Byrne相识于一个教育项目。自那时起,他们一直保持着联系。

8 . Geoff Banks and Celesta Byrne met as part of an educational project to put British and American students in contact and they still keep in touch with each other.

Centenarians (百岁老人), Geoff Banks from Devon, Britain, and Celesta Byrne, from the US, started writing to each other at the age of 16 in 1938. The former engineer Geoff even kept in touch with Celesta during WWII. They, now, can talk to each other on the Internet.

They recently had their first call giving Geoff a break from putting pen to paper that he said he found difficult at his age. Despite having chatted for decades, the pair have only ever met twice-first in 2002 while Geoff visited New York at the age of 80, and then again two years later. Celesta was living in New Jersey at that time, and then she moved to live near family in Texas.

Geoff said, “I had worked abroad for a number of years but had not been to the US for some time. Celesta was in New Jersey, so we decided to meet up in New York for a short Christmas trip. We just talked about daily lives and our families. In one of my early letters, I sent her a copy of a British paper in 1953 which had Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation (加冕) on the front of it.”

Despite having such a special relationship, the pair deny there was ever any romance there. Both have been married, with Geoff’s wife having passed away in 2011. Geoff is now a great grandfather, having sadly survived his daughter but still having three sons scattered across the world and many more grandchildren.

They felt grateful to the educational project, which gave them the chance of being friends. They are friends, like people who live next door. They value their friendship and think it’s nice to hear friends’ voices.

1. How did Geoff know Celesta?
A.By a friend.B.By joining in a party.
C.By surfing the Internet.D.By an educational program.
2. What was Geoff before he retired?
A.A teacher.B.A mechanic.C.An engineer.D.A soldier.
3. Where did Celesta live when she met Geoff for the second time?
A.In New York.B.In New Jersey.C.In Texas.D.In Devon.
4. Which word can best describe the friendship between Geoff and Celesta?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 容易(0.94) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了San Antonio的几个公园。

9 . Here are some fantastic parks in San Antonio.

Brackenridge Park

The park was first established in 1899 and has been popular with both locals and visitors ever since. Towering trees and peaceful riverbanks will greet guests along the park’s paths, and the facilities include playgrounds, museums, a miniature train, a Japanese tea garden, and one of the oldest golf courses in the city.

Friedrich Wilderness Park

In the park, you’ll find about 10 miles of paved(铺过的)and unpaved trails(路线), with a little something for everyone. From rocky climbs to deep canyons, and enchanting forests to open views, there’s no shortage of natural beauty. The area is nationally famous for birdwatching.

San Antonio Missions National Historical Park

The park is the state’s only one on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. It covers quite a large area, so it’s best to make it a full-day or at least a half-day trip so you can be sure to cover everything. While the Alamo is a separate attraction, you will get to enjoy the architectural wonders of Mission Concepcion, Mission San Jose, Mission San Juan, and Mission Espada. They’re all connected by a hike and bike trail, with plenty of stops along the way to picnic, climb trees, and refill water. Admission is free!

Eisenhower Park

Just a 20-to 30-minute drive from the city center, the park puts the best landscapes in the Texas Hill Country on full display, holding 6 miles of hiking trails, both paved and unpaved. Explore dried creek beds, look out over plunging canyons, and enjoy full views of San Antonio down below. You can also find playgrounds for the little ones, picnic tables, and barbecue facilities.

1. What is Friedrich Wilderness Park well-known for?
A.Birdwatching.B.Ancient buildings.
C.A Japanese tea garden.D.Unpaved hiking paths.
2. Which park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
A.Brackenridge Park.
B.Friedrich Wilderness Park.
C.San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.
D.Eisenhower Park.
3. What are some of the features of Eisenhower Park?
A.Golf courses and bicycle trails.
B.Museums and no entrance fee.
C.Birdwatching and playgrounds.
D.Hiking trails and barbecue facilities.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了气候变化导致肯尼亚农民的作物生长不良,收成不好,而慈善机构Excellent Development通过资助种子银行和其他举措来帮助农民更高效地种植作物。

10 . One morning in October, it was raining. David Makau, a farmer in the village of Munathi,   south-east Kenya, knew it was time to plant his crops of cow peas and beans. Five days later, with the clouds disappearing, the sun grew hotter, marking the end of the rainy season.

Farmers like him rely on a two-month period of wetting the fields, but this year it only lasted for five days. The bad harvest meant a third hungry year in a row and he could not afford to buy more seeds even if the rains did return.

There was a glimmer of hope, however, in the form of a whitewashed building, the Munathi seed bank. Inside, out of the fierce heat and away from the underfed (营养不良的) cattle wandering the fields,   there was a cool room crowded with bags of crop and vegetable seeds.Run by a group of farmers, members are free to help themselves on condition that they have to return twice the amount when they harvest their crops.

Pioneered by Excellent Development, a British-run charity which provides sustainable aid in south-east Kenya, seed banks are vital for many farmers affected by climate change.“Aid isn’t about things but helping people to help themselves,” said Simon Maddrell, a member in the charity after he was made to leave his job as a manager with Xerox.He has always been fascinated by Africa since his visit with the Venture Scouts when he was a boy.Now he helps Kenyan farmers farm more efficiently.Excellent Development helps farmers help themselves, instead of simply giving them food handouts. “That takes away people’s dignity,” he said.

Since 2002, the charity has built 200 sand dams on small rivers to create water supplies,   planted 600, 000 trees, dug 670 miles of terracing (梯田) to help fields retain water, and paid for seed banks in 59 communities throughout south-east Kenya.

1. According to the passage, what is a good harvest for Makau heavily dependent on?
A.Long rainy days.B.The fierce heat.
C.The number of seeds.D.The choice of the right crops.
2. What can we learn about the Munathi seed bank?
A.It has a huge stock of underfed cattle.
B.It helps its members with seeds as sustainable aid.
C.It is a charity run and funded by the Kenyan government.
D.It unconditionally offers seeds to farmers affected by climate change.
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.October is the most suitable time to plant crops of cow peas and beans.
B.Simon is very interested in Africa because he was brought up in Kenya.
C.Excellent Development provides farmers with continuous aid to farm efficiently.
D.Accepting help from Excellent Development makes people in Kenya feel ashamed.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Pioneering Seed Loans in KenyaB.Helping Farmers Help Themselves
C.Informing Farmers of Climate ChangeD.Giving Farmers Free Access to Food Handouts
共计 平均难度:一般