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1 . Add an additional rebate (退还款) from Colorado’s largest power provider, a resident buying a new plug-in car could soon save a head-spinning $26,500.

That’s no mistake.

Colorado’s current $5,000 tax credit (免税额度) is already the most generous state-level incentive (激励)available to all residents. With additional programs set to go live in the next few months, the state is now determined to test the full power of EV (Electric Vehicle) discounts — a pillar of the statewide plan to reduce carbon emissions. Gov. Jared Polis is betting the strategy can help reach a goal of putting nearly a million plug-in vehicles on the road by 2030.

Here’s CPR’s guide to all of Colorado’s current and upcoming electric vehicle discounts:

Colorado’s supercharged EV discounts

Colorado residents can soon qualify for up to $26,500 in discounts for new electric vehicles. Here’s the math:

Credit name New EV discount Used EV discount Date available Price restrictions Income restrictions
U. S. EV tax credit $7,500 $4,000 Oct., 2023 <$80, 000 on trucks, vans, and SUVs
<$55,000 on all other vehicles
<$300,000 married couples
<$225,000 head of household
<$150,000 individual
CO EV tax credit $5,000 N/A Oct., 2023 <$80,000 on all vehicles N/A
CO low- cost EV tax credit$2,500 N/A May, 2024 < $35,000 on all vehicles N/A
CO vehicle exchange program $6,000 $4,000 Feb., 2024 <$50,000 on all vehicles< 80 percent media n income OR enrolled in assistance programs
Xcel Energy rebates $5,500 $3,000 Nov., 2023<$80,000 on trucks, vans, and SUVs
<$50,000 on all vehicles
<80 percent media n income OR enrolled in assistance programs
Total rebates $26,500 $11,000

1. What is the main purpose of Colorado’s new incentive?
A.To encourage car sales.B.To reduce carbon emission.
C.To raise residents’ income.D.To improve the state economy.
2. Which of the following will not be taken into account by CO EV tax credit?
A.Income restrictions.B.Price restrictions.C.Date available.D.New or used vehicles.
3. Which of the following will be available the latest?
A.CO vehicle exchange program.B.Xcel Energy rebates.
C.CO low-cost EV tax credit.D.U. S. EV tax credit.
2024-08-24更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江民族中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . What is Ozempic face? A term you probably shouldn’t use.

The medication (药) Ozempic has taken the world by storm—largely due to rumored use by some celebrities and the wealthy thanks to its weight loss effects.

But some physicians want to shift this narrative.

Ozempic was originally developed for the treatment of Type-2 diabetes (糖尿病), but it has also been shown to cause weight loss—which led to the approval of Wegovy. It’s the same medication as Ozempic, but is taken and administered only for the purpose of weight loss.

These medications have the potential to improve the health and lives of many people. While they can have some side effects, they do not cause “Ozempic face” — a term that’s been increasing in popularity but experts say is unfounded.

Ozempic face is not a medical term and is generally not a problem for people who have taken the medication appropriately. It is a term that has been used by some people to describe the appearance of sagging (下垂的) skin after weight loss.

Does Ozempic change your face? No. Ozempic itself does not cause over loss of weight in the face. But, if someone loses a lot of weight in a short amount of time, most often when they weren’t overweight or obese to begin with, they may have a gaunt (憔悴的) appearance.

Dr. Judy Korner, a Professor of Medicine at Columbia University, says the negative remarks about what one’s face looks like after weight loss is part of a pattern of abuse against obese patients.

“What’s been going on (with Ozempic) is the focus on people who are using it inappropriately. And it’s making a mockery out of obesity, which is a disease,” she says. “We now are finally having medications that can effectively target this disease, and the focus is completely on the wrong thing instead of focusing on the people who are taking the medication correctly and whose health has been improved because of that.”

1. How does Ozempic attract the attention of the world today?
A.By its weight lose effects.B.By its extremely efficient effect.
C.By celebrities’ wide use of it.D.By doctors’ expert explanations.
2. Why is Wegovy mentioned in the text?
A.To prove Ozempic’s popularity.B.To show Ozempic’s development.
C.To mention Ozempic’s purpose.D.To indicate Ozempic’s minor effect.
3. What should a reader do after reading the text?
A.Try to enjoy Ozempic’s side effect.B.Take Ozempic correctly if necessary.
C.Take Ozempic to lose his weight.D.Stop worrying about Ozempic face.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.For introduction.B.For recommendation.
C.For clarification.D.For promotion.
2024-08-22更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江民族中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月月考英语试题
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3 . When Dink NeSmith heard that his friend Ralph Maxwell, due to health issues, was shutting down his weekly newspaper, The Oglethorpe Echo, he was determined to prevent the nearly 150-year-old publication from being forgotten.

Both NeSmith and Maxwell are long-time residents of a small county, Oglethorpe, just east of Athens. They have known each other for almost 50 years. NeSmith has also been contributing a column to The Echo ever since he moved to Oglethorpe County.

Maxwell’s father bought The Oglethorpe Echo in 1956, but the newspaper has been around since 1874. It’s a record of everything from local weddings to major changes in the legislature.

NeSmith looked up at the ceiling of the office, searching for an answer. Then, inspiration struck. He called Charles Davis, dean of the University of Georgia’s Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication. “I’ve got an idea,” NeSmith told him. “I want to turn The Oglethorpe Echo into a real-life experience for the future journalists at the Grady College.”

Davis loved the idea, and he and NeSmith built a sustainable business model for the future of The Oglethorpe Echo. They developed a capstone course with The Echo as its foundation. Students experience a working newsroom which acts as a springboard (跳板) into their careers.

At the same time, The Echo, which normally functioned with a single reporter, gained a revolving team of eager student journalists.

Of course, they needed someone to run the newspaper. So Andy Johnston joined in. He was the adviser for The Red & Black from 2018 to 2021, and familiar with working with students and had an extensive journalism background. Most importantly, he believed in the project.

He teams up with Amanda Bright, who teaches the course. Bright, a community journalist for her whole career at everything from midsize dailies to digital startups, helped create new digital platforms for The Echo, including an email newsletter, four social channels, and an updated website.

1. What can the new newspaper provide to the UGA students?
A.A platform to express their views.B.A practical journalism course.
C.A chance for hands-on experience.D.An excellent job opportunity.
2. What do you think of Dink NeSmith?
3. What breathed new life into the nearly 150-year-old newspaper?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Small Town, Big NewsB.The Echo, The Course
C.Old Paper, New ColumnD.The News, The Friendship
2024-08-22更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江民族中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Dear two-footed creatures who live on me,

Earth here. You know, the wildly unique planet that had just the right mix of conditions to allow human life.

Just wanted to pop in for a second and see if you’ve noticed a few changes in me lately, ones that might... oh, I don’t know... maybe persuade you to stop recklessly destroying the earth.

I mean, I know you all are busy driving large SUVs on me and filling my oceans with plastic and whatnot — and hey, I am NOT being judgmental — but I would appreciate it if you’d maybe take a moment and think: “Hey, is Earth trying to tell us something?”

Like all those wildfires in Canada right now. You know, the ones that have already given Chicago and New York City some of the worst air quality in the world a couple of times this summer?

You think I want to burn down my own forests? I worked hard on those things. It’s like growing a nice beard and then having a bunch of people who live on your face come along and set it on fire. Not cool, guys.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just... like I don’t know how many more ways I can tell you to be responsible with me. I thought seeing a few giant blocks of ice break off the polar ice caps and crash into the already rising ocean might make you displeased to think: “OK, maybe I don’t need to drive my Hummer to a store that’s two blocks away.”

I’m honestly running out of patience with you humans. And where else do you think you’re gonna go, the moon? I’ve seen the billionaires you think will take you there, and I’m not loving your chances.

So c’mon, be reasonable surface residents and start recognizing the signs and showing me a little respect. Your time is very much running out.

Whatever happens, you won’t be able to say I didn’t warn you.


— Earth

1. What does the earth think humans should do right now?
A.Find other planets to live on.B.Walk to stores instead of driving a car.
C.Stop the sea level from rising.D.Take Earth’s warning seriously and act.
2. What does the underlined word “recklessly” in paragraph 2 most probably mean?
A.With the use of great force.B.Without any awareness.
C.Regardless of the consequences.D.Through good organization.
3. Why does the earth think humans should protect the earth?
A.The earth is an extremely small plant.B.The earth is the only suitable living place.
C.The other planets are too far away.D.It is too inconvenient to live on the moon.
4. What does paragraph 5 mainly want to tell us?
A.Humans should be blamed for the wildfires in Canada.
B.The earth feels sorry that it couldn’t protect its forests.
C.The bear d is as important for a human being as a forest.
D.Both beard and a forest are important for human beings.
2024-08-22更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江民族中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Surviving each day requires a lot of effort on our part, so make sure that you are fully equipped physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to meet the challenges ahead. Here are some habits that you can develop to help you.

    1     A puzzle tackled early in the day will give your mind a kick-start. This is why many people try to complete a crossword puzzle during the morning commute. Some websites publish puzzles of all types. A puzzle will take up only a little time, but the benefits of beginning the day with a sharp mind are many.

Make your muscles work a bit harder by trying some resistance exercises.     2     Your muscles will feel firmer, and you will feel better in yourself.

Are you eating unhealthy foods because they taste better? Healthy food often seems to be less flavorful. Think about what you are eating, and you will realize that there are plenty of healthy foods that you love. Fruit and vegetables taste delicious, and you will have some favorites. Think of apples, oranges, bananas, or carrot sticks.     3    

One way to make you feel good about yourself is to praise other people when they have done something great. Sharing positivity in this way creates a great atmosphere in the workplace or at home.     4    

    5     It is easy to forget how doing good can make you feel better and more positive. If you decide to do a good deed each day and allow this to become a habit, you will soon become a more positive person.

A.These are healthy and not expensive.
B.Resolve to do one good thing each day.
C.Smile when a negative thought hits you.
D.When others feel appreciated, they will perform better.
E.Simple ones include climbing your stairs or doing some push-ups.
F.Such feelings in turn will help you feel proud and lead to greater success.
G.Just as exercising your body is important, so you need to exercise your mind.
2024-08-22更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江民族中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . The year 2023 witnessed the occurrence of significant cultural events, with culture and tourism becoming even more closely connected. Let’s review the major cultural events of 2023 as we bid farewell to the year and embrace the new year of 2024!

Museum visits rise in popularity in summer

Tourists were seen queuing for long hours in front of museums and obtaining entrance tickets became more challenging. In response to the growing demand, 46 museums in Beijing canceled their customary Monday closures and remained open daily until August 31. The rise in “museum fever” can be credited to various factors, including the public’s increasing enthusiasm for traditional Chinese culture, the booming market for youth educational tours and summer camps, as well as the continuous innovation of museums.

Old tea forests in Pu’er win World Heritage Site title

The newly named heritage site, located in Lancang Lahu autonomous county in Pu’er, Yunnan province, consists of five large-scale, well-preserved old tea forests, which stand 1,250 to 1,500 meters above the sea level, three protective barrier forests, and nine ancient villages in the old tea forests, which are mainly inhabited by Blang and Dai ethnic groups. The cultural landscape was jointly created by the ancestors of the Blang people—who immigrated to the Jingmai Mountain in the 10th century AD and later discovered and domesticated wild tea trees—and the native Dai people.

Protection plan released for Beijing’s Central Axis

The plan is said to be one of the necessary steps toward bidding for UNESCO World Heritage status. Alongside regulations on the protection of the Central Axis carried out earlier, the plan is in line with the requirements of World Heritage conservation. The 21 member countries of the World Heritage Committee will decide on whether Beijing’s Central Axis can be added to the World Heritage List at the committee’s 46th annual conference in 2024. If the application succeeds, it will reinforce Beijing’s top position among cities worldwide by number of World Heritage Sites.

1. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the rise in “museum fever”?
A.Museums’ ceaseless innovation.
B.The constant innovation of summer camps.
C.The growing market for youth educational tours.
D.People’s growing passion for traditional Chinese culture.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the cultural events?
A.46 museums in Beijing stayed open all year round.
B.The Blang people are the natives in Jingmai Mountain.
C.The heritage site in Pu’er consists of four large old tea forests.
D.Beijing’s Central Axis hasn’t been added to the World Heritage List yet.
3. In which magazine would a reader most likely find this text?
A.Wonders of the Natural WorldB.Scientific Exploration
C.Chinese Culture ResearchD.Art and Architecture
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The world food safety could be in danger because of a number of food production shocks (冲击), according to an Australian study.

The researchers from the University of Tasmania found that there were 226 shocks in the area of food production across 134 nations and the frequency has been increasing over the past 50 years.

According to Cottrell, a researcher from the University of Tasmania, the main causes behind the shocks are different. For crops, extreme weather events such as floods and no rain for a long time play the biggest part. Weather also plays a role in livestock(家畜)production, but disease plays a bigger role. Disease also leads to aquaculture(水产业)shocks, while in the ocean most of the food shocks are caused by overfishing.

“When we look at the food production systems, covering crops, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture,” Cottrell said, “we find that crops and livestock are more easily affected than aquaculture. And some countries in South Asia are more frequently affected than others.”

The effects of production shocks reached far away from where they happened. When one means of food production is greatly reduced, it will cause unexpected results. “The India got a lot of food production shocks in crops and livestock, largely because of floods,” Cottrell explained. “If countries like India are shocked and the rice production is much smaller, they’ll probably send less goods to another country. And that shock suddenly starts to affect all the trade partners of the major producers as well.”

According to what Cottrell said, while the international community faces a great challenge to these problems, steps taken now can help fight against unexpected shocks in the future. “This can be done through measures such as food store systems so that they are better able to deal with the effect which is caused by problems such as climate change.” said Cottrell.

1. What do we know about food production shocks?
A.Their causes are different in different production areas.
B.Some diseases are the main cause.
C.Extreme weather is the biggest shock.
D.Overfishing is the main cause.
2. Which of the following is more frequently affected according to Cottrell?
A.Livestock in Australia.B.Crops in Australian.
C.Fisheries in India.D.Livestock in South Asia.
3. Why does the writer mention Indian food production shocks?
A.To show India sells a lot of crops to other countries.
B.To show the shocks can cause unexpected results.
C.To show Indian shocks are more often.
D.To show India has a lot of flood.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Results Caused by the Problem of Global Food Safety
B.Measures Solving the Problem of Global Food Safety
C.Production Shocks Threatening Global Food Safety
D.The Importance of Global Food Safety
2024-01-16更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江中学校2021-2022学年高一上学期10月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . At present, there are over 36,000 McDonald’s restaurants around the world, but it started out as a small one. The McDonald brothers, Dick and Mac, opened the first McDonald’s in San Bernardino, California in 1948. The menu included hamburgers, soft drinks, pie, French fries, milk, coffee and milkshakes. Ray Kroc, a travel salesman, visited the store and became interested in it. The brothers said that they wanted to open stores in the whole country, and then Kroc became their first franchise agent (特许经销商) in 1954. Kroc opened up a restaurant for McDonald’s on April 15, 1955. That store came with a lot of difficulties in the beginning.

After dealing with the difficulties, McDonald’s started to spread to all over the United States. The McDonald brothers wanted to show their Speed Service System-what we call fast food. Customers were served at large windows in the front of the building. The houses of the first restaurants were red and white with two golden arches(拱)on the side to make the roof look less flat.

The McDonald’s menu in 1977 shows how different its food choices are from today. What’s more, today McDonald’s have digital screens to show menus again and again.

In 1969 McDonald’s changed the style of restaurants. This change is found on the first McDonald’s in Moscow, Russia in 1990. Crowds line up outside to get their first taste of a Big Mac.

With billions of people served, McDonald’s has played an attractive role shaping international culture since its first restaurant opened.

1. When was McDonald’s first set up?
A.In 1955.B.In 1954.C.In 1948.D.In 1977.
2. What led Ray Kroc to be McDonald’s first franchise agent?
A.The brothers’ wish.B.His experience of running restaurants.
C.His interest in traveling.D.One of the customers’ advice.
3. Why did the first McDonald’s houses have two golden arches on the side?
A.The arches can show their difference in the USA.
B.Customers liked large windows.
C.Customers enjoyed arches.
D.The arches can make the roof look less flat.
4. What can we learn from the McDonald’s menu of 1977?
A.It is very popular at that time.B.It is different from today’s food choice.
C.The reason why it was popular.D.The change of McDonald’s style.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . The Steps to Do a Science Investigatory Project

Usually, a Science Investigatory Project (SIP) uses the scientific method to study and test an idea about how something works. Knowing how to do an SIP is useful for anyone interested in the sciences.     1    

Ask a question and form a hypothesis   (假设).

Often, the most challenging part of an SIP is figuring out what you want to investigate. Take your time in choosing, because all of the subsequent (随后的) steps will be based on the idea you select. Think about something that interests, surprises or confuses you.    2    .

Design and conduct your experiment

After you have formed your hypothesis, it is time to test whether it is valid or not. Once your preparation and planning is complete, it’ s time to begin.     3    . However, if your test can’t be conducted as planned, reconfigure your steps or try different materials.

Record and analyze your results

Keep accurate records of all your results, even if they don’t turn out the way you hoped or planned. Your data may be best recorded as a graph, chart or just a journal entry.    4    . This is also part of science!


It is time to clearly and accurately conclude your findings. In essence, you are now answering the question you originally asked. Remember, concluding that your hypothesis was completely wrong does not make your SIP a failure. If you make clear, scientifically-grounded findings, and present them well, it can and will be a success.

A.Make your conclusion
B.However you record the data, make sure it is easy to review and analyze
C.Here are the steps to do an SIP
D.Discuss the issue with your instructor
E.Then form a hypothesis based on the question you’ ve asked and your subsequent research
F.Knowing your topic in more depth will help you construct your SIP
G.Closely follow the steps that you have planned
2024-01-11更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市黔江中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期12月考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational technology (EdTech) has brought incomparable convenience and efficiency to classrooms worldwide. However, despite these advancements, it is crucial to recognize the challenges these AI-driven tools pose to the autonomy and professional judgment of instructors.

One of its primary concerns is the depersonalization of instruction. These tools often rely on pre-packaged digital content and standardized solutions, leaving insufficient room for instructors to tailor their teaching methods. Each student possesses unique characteristics. Instructors, armed with their wealth of experience and knowledge, are best positioned to tailor their approaches to these individual needs. However, AI-driven tools restrict their ability to do so effectively, resulting in a one-size-fits-all approach that fails to inspire students to reach their maximum potential.

EdTech companies offer step-by-step solutions to textbook problems. These are intended to act as study aids. However, some students employ this feature as a means to merely copy solutions without comprehending concepts. Consequently, instances of cheating on assignments and exams become widespread. While these tools may offer convenience, students may use external resources or cooperate with others during quizzes, affecting the honesty of their learning outcomes.

The implications of this depersonalization and the increase in academic dishonesty are far-reaching. By decreasing the role of instructors as facilitators of meaningful educational interactions, we run the risk of preventing the growth of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. Education should not only focus on knowledge acquisition, but should also develop the ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply that knowledge in real-world contexts. It should help one’s mind grow, not simply memorize information. Through dynamic classroom discussions, cooperative projects, and hands-on activities, instructors play a crucial role in developing these essential skills.

While AI-driven EdTech tools undeniably have their virtues, we must not lose sight of the importance of preserving instructor autonomy and educational experience. Instead of relying only on pre-packaged content and standardized solutions, these tools should be designed to empower instructors to adapt and customize their approaches while taking full advantage of the benefits of technology.

1. What do the underlined words “the depersonalization of instruction” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Tailored methods for individuals.B.Instructors’ dependence on Al.
C.Insufficient resources of Al-driven tools.D.The one-size-fits-all approach.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.A possible solution.
B.A further problem.
C.A well-meant intention.
D.A suggested application
3. In what aspect do students suffer most with AI-driven EdTech education?
A.Thinking skills.B.Teamwork building.
C.Interest development.D.Knowledge acquisition.
4. What is conveyed about Al-driven EdTech tools in the last paragraph?
A.They should be used widely.
B.Their benefits deserve our attention.
C.Their resources need enriching.
D.They should support instructor autonomy.
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