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1 . Honeybees command a lot of attention in insect conservation circles, as they are important for pollinating our food supply. But the findings from researchers emphasize the importance of prioritizing other pollinators or insects like wild bees, moths and butterflies in conservation efforts, too.

For the study, ecologists Joshua Kohn and Dillon Travis from the University of California, painstakingly tracked the pollination of flowers from two plant species in San Diego — white sage and Phacelia distans. Often Travis sat for hours waiting for a single pollinator, honeybees or other insects, to land on a flower. Each time he put a mesh (网状的) bag on the flower to prevent any new visitor, then back to collect seeds from different visitors. Back in the greenhouse, the team grew the seeds, analyzing characteristics that reflected their quality, such as how many seeds grew and survived and how many leaves or flower seedlings (幼苗) grew from them.

They found flowers pollinated by honeybees make fewer and lower-quality seeds than flowers visited by other pollinators. The white sage and Phacelia distans plants produced roughly half the amount of seeds from flowers pollinated by honeybees compared with other pollinators. And Phacelia distans seeds from honeybee-pollinated plants grew into seedlings with fewer flowers.

The researchers also found that honeybees visited about twice as many flowers on one plant before moving to the next than the average of other pollinators, causing honeybees to transfer more pollen in flowers of the same plant, thus resulting in fewer and lower-quality and more inbred (近亲繁殖的) seeds. Other pollinators more often flew between different plants, probably transferring more diverse pollen.

Travis says, “Honeybees’ pollination habit can impact ecosystems and agriculture in the long term. One potential consequence could be that native plant populations decline as next generations become more inbred, reducing biodiversity.”

“It is time to actually shift our dependence for pollination from largely honeybees to other native species as well,” says Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati, an entomologist at Penn State University.

1. What does paragraph 2 focus on about the research?
A.Its procedures.B.Its members.
C.Its impact.D.Its significance.
2. Why do plants pollinated by honeybees produce fewer and lower-quality seeds?
A.Honeybees cause big damage to plants’ seeds.
B.Honeybees are less selective while pollinating.
C.Honeybees’ pollination efficiency is unexpectedly low.
D.Honeybees prefer to pollinate flowers of the same plant.
3. What did Travis think of their findings?
4. What is Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati’s point of view?
A.Native plant populations are declining at a high speed.
B.Honeybees’ pollination impacts plant seeds temporarily.
C.More attention should be paid to protecting other pollinators.
D.Honeybees’ pollination depends more on other native species.
7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省基础年级联考2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Sian Davies在61岁时决定划船穿越大西洋的经历和她的感受。

2 . When she was 61, Sian Davies decided to row across the Atlantic Ocean. In March 2021, she was one of the 12 crew members who set out on the 3,000-mile journey from Tenerife to battle sun, salt and fierce currents. “We would row in three-hour shifts and only sleep for an hour or so every six hours,” she says. “For the first 15 days, I was seasick, so I hardly ate anything. I was just rowing and collapsing. I went through some pretty dark times.”

But after 42 days on the water, Davies reached Antigua to become one of the only six women in the world over the age of 60 to have rowed across an ocean. “I was exhausted and I was also so proud of myself,” she says.

Davies began rowing when she was 53, after spotting a six-oar (桨) rowing boat in Bristol harbor. Attracted by its size and appearance, she spoke to the crew and was encouraged to do a trial run. “As soon as I got on the water, I fell in love with it,” she says. “Feeling your whole body working and the fresh air on your skin is amazing.”

It wasn’t until 2017, though, that her Atlantic plans were born. Suffering from a herniated disc (椎间盘突出), she was only able to crawl out of bed. “I began thinking of things I could look forward to after I had surgery,” she says. “One day I was reading about women adventurers when it hit me that once better, I would row across an ocean.”

After successful surgery, Davies began driving to meet other women who had undertaken rows. Hearing the experiences and advice of them gave Davies the confidence. Soon after, she heard that a new boat producer was organizing a team for a voyage across the Atlantic and she joined it immediately.

“In June, I’m planning to break a few world records by rowing around the UK when I’m 64, and I want to motorcycle through the Himalayas later in the year. After all, we need things to look back on.” she says.

1. What do we know about Davies’ journey across the Atlantic?
A.She fell apart and abandoned the task.
B.She suffered a lot during the process.
C.She was the oldest woman to finish it.
D.She rowed along with six other women.
2. How did Davies feel about her first attempt to row?
3. What inspired Davies to row across an ocean?
A.A trial row on a six-oar rowing boat.
B.Support from a boat company.
C.Stories of some women adventurers.
D.Sufferings from her back pain.
4. Which of the following best describes Davies?
A.Caring and open-minded.B.Humble and self-motivated.
C.Determined and easy-going.D.Strong-willed and ambitious.
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3 . Vegetarians would rather not be forced to eat meat. Yet the reverse compulsion is hidden in the proposals for a new plant-based “planetary diet.” Nowhere is this more visible than in India.

Earlier this year, the EAT-Lancet Commission released its global report on nutrition and called for a global shift to a more plant-based diet and for “substantially reducing consumption of animal source foods.” In countries like India, that call could become a tool to aggravate an already tense political situation and stress already undernourished populations.

The EAT report assumes that “traditional diets” in countries like India include little red meat, which might be consumed only on special occasions or as minor ingredients in mixed dishes.

In India, however, there is a vast difference between what people would wish to consume and what they have to consume because of innumerable barriers around class, religion, culture, cost, geography, etc. Policymakers in India have traditionally pushed for a cereal-heavy “vegetarian diet” on a meat-eating population as a way of providing the cheapest sources of food.

Currently, under an aggressive Hindu nationalist government, Muslims, Christians, disadvantaged classes and indigenous communities are being compelled to give up their traditional foods.

None of these concerns seem to have been appreciated by the EAT-Lancet Commission’s representative, Brent Loken, who said “India has got such a great example” in sourcing protein from plants.

But how much of a model for the world is India’s vegetarianism? In the Global Hunger Index, the country ranks 102nd out of 117. Data from the National Family Health Survey indicate that only 10 percent of infants of 6 to 23 months are adequately fed, which is why calls for a plant-based diet modeled on India risk offering another whip with which to beat already vulnerable communities in developing countries.

A diet directed at the affluent West fails to recognize that in low-income countries undernourished children are known to benefit from the consumption of milk and other animal source foods, improving cognitive functions, while reducing the prevalence of nutritional deficiencies as well as death.

EAT-Lancet claimed its intention was to “spark conversations” among all Indian stakeholders. Yet vocal critics of the food processing industry and food fortification strategies have been left out of the debate. But the most conspicuous (明显的) omission may well be the absence of India’s farmers.

1. What is more visible in India than anywhere else according to the passage?
A.People’s positive views on the proposals for a “planetary diet”.
B.People’s reluctance to be compelled to eat plant-based food.
C.People’s preferences for the kind of food they consume.
D.People’s unwillingness to give up their eating habits.
2. What would the EAT-Lancet Commission’s report do to many people in countries like India?
A.Radically change their dietary habits.B.Keep them further away from politics.
C.Make them even more undernourished.D.Substantially reduce their food choices.
3. What do we learn from the passage about food consumption in India?
A.People’s diet will not change due to the EAT-Lancet report.
B.Many people simply do not have access to foods they prefer.
C.There is a growing popularity of a cereal-heavy vegetarian diet.
D.Policymakers help remove the barriers to people’s choice of food.
4. What does the passage say about a plant-based diet modeled on India?
A.It may benefit populations whose traditional diet is meat-based.
B.It may be another blow to the economy in developing countries.
C.It may worsen the nourishment problem in low-income countries.
D.It may help narrow the gap between the rich and poor countries.
7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sweating may not be your favorite thing to do, but it is necessary.     1    . Here are four research-backed reasons why this salt-based fluid can benefit you.

·Sweating is good for your skin.

Sweat is known to cool the skin, bringing toxins (毒素) to the surface and giving the skin a healthy glow. Research shows that sweating can increase and maintain skin hydration. However, leaving sweat on the skin for too long can cause skin diseases such as acne.     2    .

·Sweating makes you happy.

When you’re hot, your heart beats faster to cool the body, releasing endorphins that cause feelings of joy.     3    . In a 2015 study, people who smelled “happy sweat” displayed tendencies associated with happiness. However, those exposed to fear-induced sweat showed characteristics of terror.

·    4    

When sitting in a sauna (桑拿浴室), your body temperature rises, so your body works overtime to cool itself down by sweating. And you’ll be better off for it. A 20-year Finnish study found that people who sweated it out regularly in a sauna had a lower rate of sudden cardiac (心脏的) deaths.

·    5    

If you sweat heavily during exercise, that’s usually a positive sign. Athletes tend to sweat sooner and more than inactive people. Their bodies have learned to cool down more efficiently during physical activity. A PLOSONE study supports this, showing that long-distance runners not only got sweatier sooner, but also activated more sweat glands, resulting in more sweat than their non-active counterparts.

A.Sweating supports your heart
B.Sweating a lot means that you’re fit
C.Sweat is the stuff that floods out when our body temperature rises
D.Your sweaty self can also make those around you feel happier too
E.Sweating contributes to a decrease in blood pressure to some extent
F.So, it’s essential to wash your face and body after sweating
G.It’s a natural bodily function that helps to regulate body temperature and prevent overheating
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省吉林市第一中学高三下学期二模英语试题
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5 . I grew up on a dairy farm. The particular life location to which I got assigned-“stuck” is a better word if you’ve ever been there — was a small family-owned-and-operated outfit.

I remember the Christmas when our main hired hand dropped out of the work rotation. Sixteen and the oldest of the kids left at home, I was called on to fill in. Halfway through the first day, I realized I had never noticed exactly how much that worker did. For five days I either milked or slept, fed calves (牛犊) or slept. I have to admit this gave me a deep appreciation of how hard my parents worked day in and day out for 30 years, and that understanding solidified my determination to do whatever it took to not stay on that dairy farm my whole life.

Eventually, my determination paid off. I got into college. Now, I no longer have to worry about my father’s voice yelling, “Stace, come out here! We need help!” To be honest, I’m grateful. But at the same time, I also don’t have a compelling reason to be up in time to see the beauty of a sunrise. Nor do I have the opportunity to dance with my sister in the dairy barn, work side-by-side with my dad and hear the old stories.

Now, there are whole stretches of days when I don’t feel any pressing need to even go outside. And I can go months without petting an animal or watching in amazement at their keen sense of the environment around them. Instead, I have neighbors within shouting distance but who feel like they live a planet away.

Eighteen years I lived my life on that dairy, not really knowing there were people who didn’t get up and go out and work together to get the same overwhelming tasks done day after day. Sometimes I wish I had never found out there were.

1. What did the author come to understand on her first day working on the farm?
A.She couldn’t manage so much work.
B.Her parents sacrificed a lot for her family.
C.The tasks were dull and challenging.
D.The work was more demanding than expected.
2. What motivated the author to pursue further education?
A.Lack of opportunities on the farm.
B.A passion for academic study.
C.Her dissatisfaction with farm life.
D.Encouragement from her parents.
3. How does the author feel about her life now?
4. What can we infer about the author from the last paragraph?
A.She has become tired of her daily routine.
B.She misses the connections she had before.
C.She regrets leaving her family behind.
D.She has lost interest in the beauty of nature.
7日内更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省吉林市第一中学高三下学期二模英语试题
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6 . Self-driving cars may sound like something from a futuristic sci-fi novel. However, with advanced trials expected from 2021, they are a lot closer to reality than you may think, and they could really help you.

Connected and automated vehicles (also known as CAVs), are vehicles that could perform many of the functions of today’s human drivers in the future. Aware of the potential benefits of the technology from improving road safety and reducing traffic congestion (拥塞), to enabling greater travel independence-the U. K. government has been encouraging the technology.

“However, we won’t get there unless those designing the technology engage properly with a wide range of transport users,” said lain Forbes, head of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles.

FLOURISH, one initiative that received government backing, has helped to advance the successful implementation of CAVs in the U. K. by developing services and capabilities which maxi-mise the benefits of driverless vehicles for users and transport authorities.

The project was a collaboration between small and medium companies and large businesses across multiple industries, universities, local authorities and the not-for-profit sector, to investigate how these vehicles might benefit older adults and those with mobility-related conditions.

Mervyn Kohler, an Age U. K. spokesman, believes FLOURISH’s approach will be key to the positive impact self-driving cars have on older adults. “The project’s connectivity findings will also help the users of the future to make real-time journey decisions, responding to live information,” Tracey Poole, FLOURISH’s project manager and transport planning specialist says: “Not only will these vehicles be more inclusive; they will also be safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly.”

Although safety is one of the big prizes associated with the introduction of self-driving cars, with the vast majority of collisions caused by human error, concerns about their safety are common.

The government is keen to understand the public’s view on CAVs and continues to survey public attitudes. It is also taking big steps towards establishing how our laws and regulations might need to change to support the safe use of self-driving cars.

1. What is the advantage of self-driving cars?
A.They guarantee road safety.
B.They remove traffic jams.
C.They provide more freedom of traveling.
D.They get over the elder’s dependence on drivers.
2. What does the underlined word “prizes” in paragraph 7 refer to?
3. What can we infer about self-driving cars?
A.Collisions between self-driving cars can’t be avoided.
B.Self-driving cars are more eco-friendly than today's cars.
C.There is still a way to go before self-driving cars hit the road.
D.People are not worried about the safety problems of self-driving cars.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.CAVs: a substitute for today’s human driver.
B.How do CAVs help people less able to travel?
C.FLOURISH: a new project on self-driving cars.
D.Could self-driving cars soon be a reality?
7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省吉林市船营区吉林市第一中学一模英语试题
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7 . Since young children went back to school across Sweden recently, many of their teachers have been putting a new emphasis on printed books, quiet reading time and handwriting practice, and devoting less time to tablets, independent online research and keyboarding skills.

The return to more traditional ways of learning is a response to politicians and experts questioning whether Sweden’s hyper-digitalized approach to education, including the introduction of tablets in nursery schools, had led to a decline in basic skills.

Sweden’s minister for schools, Lotta Edholm was one of the biggest critics of the all-out embrace of technology. “Sweden’s students need more textbooks,” Edholm said in March. “Physical books are important for student learning.” The minister announced in August that the government wanted to change the decision by the national agency for education to make digital devices compulsory in preschools. It plans to go further and to completely end digital learning for children under age six, the ministry has told the Associated Press.

Although Sweden’s students score above the European average for reading ability, an international assessment of fourth-grade reading levels, the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), highlighted a decline among Sweden’s children between 2016 and 2021.

In comparison, Singapore — which topped the rankings — improved its PIRLS reading scores from 576 to 587 during the same period, and England’s average reading achievement score fell only slightly, from 559 in 2016 to 558 in 2021. An overuse of screens during school lessons may cause youngsters to fall behind in core subjects, education experts say. “There’s clear scientific evidence that digital tools impair rather than enhance student learning,” Sweden’s Karolinska Institute, a highly respected medical school focused on research, said in a statement in August on the country’s national digitalization strategy in education.

“We believe the focus should return to acquiring knowledge through printed textbooks and teacher expertise, rather than acquiring knowledge primarily from freely available digital sources that have not been checked for accuracy.” the school added.

1. Why do Swedish schools return to paper books?
A.To cater to parents’ increasing needs.
B.To help with children’s independent learning.
C.To overcome children’s addiction to digital tools.
D.To avoid possible decline in children’s basic skills.
2. What docs the underlined words “all-out embrace” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Total acceptance.B.Creative use.
C.Rapid development.D.Serious addiction.
3. What might Karolinska Institute agree with?
A.Teachers should acquire more knowledge.
B.Knowledge from digital tools may not be reliable.
C.Digital tools smooth out learning barriers for children.
D.The accessibility to digital sources should be improved.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Swedish Children’s Return to PaperB.Problems with Children’s Education
C.Popularity of Digitalization in SwedenD.Enhancement of Teaching Strategies in Sweden
7日内更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省长春市东北师范大学附属中学高三下学期第七次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . If you’ve ever tried something big, then you’ve probably had to deal with doubt at a certain point. No matter how often you face it, doubt can be depressing.     1     In situations where doubt arises, consider these methods below, and you can silence doubt and put your best efforts toward your goals.

·    2     Doing this stimulates the reward center, tricking your mind into focusing on completing the task to experience the achievement. And imagining desired outcomes can have potential benefits including improved motivation and confidence.

·Look back on past wins. Reflecting is a powerful way to tell yourself that you’re capable of doing much more. Get rid of doubt by entering reflection mode and reminding yourself that you are capable of getting things done.     3    

·Meditate (冥想) regularly.     4     But by meditating regularly, you can keep your energy levels high in the face of challenges and pressure and stay above doubt. It is a powerful tool to keep your mind clear about your goals and get your desired mission accomplished.

·Take action on your plans. A sure sign that self-doubt has you in its grasp is that you are beginning to buy into the excuses you make.     5     Taking action is the most effective method to silence doubt when sensing it. Don’t let the doubt hold you back; use it to motivate yourself. Then you’ll be fueled to move toward your mission.

A.Visualize success.
B.Build a reward system.
C.It is a big challenge to strengthen your motivation.
D.Stress and anxiety allow room for weakness and doubt.
E.It can also weaken your determination to get things done.
F.This will ultimately prevent you from being able to accomplish your goals.
G.After all, the reminder that you have overcome doubt is a big confidence boost.
7日内更新 | 79次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届吉林省长春市东北师范大学附属中学高三下学期第六次模拟考试英语试卷
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了东京的一家名为“Sushiya no Nohachi”的寿司店及其特色——世界上最小的寿司。

9 . Tokyo restaurant Sushiya no Nohachi reportedly serves great sushi, but it is most famous for its gimmick—making the world’s smallest sushi with a single grain of rice.

Located in Asakusa, a slightly quieter part of Tokyo, Sushiya no Nohachi is the place to go if you want to enjoy the tiniest, most adorable sushi in the world. Each piece is made with only a grain of rice and a tiny slice of topping wrapped in the thinnest piece of nori(海苔). Every served piece is actually perfect, which hints at the amount of work and patience that Bes into making them. They are the work of Hironori Ikeno, the chef of Sushiya no Nohachi, who came up with the idea in 2002 when a client asked him how small he could make his sushi. He answered, “as small as a grain of rice”, and proceeded to demonstrate that he wasn’t kidding. Over the years, the restaurant has become internationally famous for making the world’s smallest sushi.

Despite its size, miniature sushi actually takes a bit longer to make than regular-sized me, because of the precision and concentration required to put the tiny ingredients together. That is part of the reason why the restaurant only prepares tiny sushi for customers a few times a week and no more than five times a day, although they do sometimes make exceptions for foreign visitors who travel to the restaurant just to experience the world’s smallest sushi.

“I had a client from Sweden who came just to see my tiny sushi and the moment she saw it, she literally cried with joy.” Hironori Ikeno said.

Interestingly, one cannot simply order the tiny sushi at the restaurant. It is served for f re upon request with a regular-sized sushi course. Considering the sushi served at this place is reportedly delicious, you should probably be more excited about that. Plus, it also justifies the gimmick that the restaurant is so famous for.

1. What does the underlined word “gimmick” in paragraph 1 probably refer to?
A.A class to teach cooking skills.
B.A trick to attract customers.
C.A plan to promote the sushi.
D.A dish to win over opponents.
2. What made Hironori Ikeno start to make the smallest sushi?
A.His pursuit for perfection.
B.The curiosity of a customer.
C.The requirement from his boss.
D.A bet he made with others.
3. Compared with the regular sushi, the world’s smallest sushi __________.
A.Take more time to make one
B.Unpopular among customers
C.costs more money to buy one
D.needs more expensive materials
4. What do Hironori Ikeno’s words about the Swedish customer show?
A.Diversity of the customers.
B.His lack of experience.
C.Special treatment to foreigners.
D.His sense of achievement.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Anyone who’s used noise-canceling headphones knows that hearing the right noise at the right time can be vital. Someone might want to remove sirens (汽笛) when working indoors, but not when walking along busy streets. Yet people can’t choose what sounds their headphones cancel.

Now, a team led by researchers at the University of Washington (UW) has developed deep-learning algorithms (算法) that let users pick which sounds pass through their headphones in real time. The system, called “semantic hearing”, works with headphones that stream the captured sounds to a connected smartphone which cancels all environmental sounds. Either through voice commands or a smartphone app, headphone wearers can select which sounds they want to include from 20 classes, such as sirens, baby cries, speech and bird chirps. Only the selected sounds will be played through the headphones.

“The challenge posed to today’s noise-canceling headphones is that the sounds headphone wearers hear need to sync (同步) with their visual senses. You can’t hear someone’s voice two seconds after they talk to you,” said senior author Shyam Gollakota, a UW professor. “This means the algorithms must process sounds in under a hundredth of a second.”

That need for speed is why the system must process sounds on a device such as a connected smartphone, instead of on cloud servers. Additionally, because sounds from different directions arrive in people’s ears at different times, the system must preserve these delays and other clues so people can still meaningfully perceive sounds in their environment.

Tested in environments such as offices, streets and parks, the system was able to capture sirens, bird chirps, alarms and other target sounds, while removing all other real-world noise. When 22 participants rated the system’s voice output for the target sound, they said that the quality improved compared to the original recording. In some cases, the system struggled to distinguish between sounds that share many properties, such as vocal music and human speech. The researchers note that training the models on more real-world data can improve these outcomes. In the near future, the researchers plan to release a commercial version of the system.

1. What’s the innovative feature of the UW’s new hearing system?
A.It can capture noise more precisely.
B.It is connected with efficient cloud servers.
C.It can customize sounds for users’ preferences.
D.It lets wearers perceive the surroundings better.
2. What is the disadvantage of today’s noise-cancelıng headphones?
A.They can’t feel the directions of sounds.
B.They can’t recognize the target sounds.
C.They lack relevant technical support.
D.They lack real-time intelligence.
3. What do the researchers expect of the new hearing system?
A.It’ll come onto the market soon.
B.It’ll improve the sound quality.
C.It’ll capture sounds from nature.
D.It’ll be tested in noisier environments.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An effective way to avoid noise around us.
B.The development of deep-learning algorithms
C.A new noise-canceling headphone technology.
D.The application of noise-canceling headphones.
2024-06-06更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届吉林省吉林市第一中学高三下学期二模英语试题
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