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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。讲述了在英国家喻户晓的厨师达人Jamie Oliver的事业发展历程。

1 . When he was fourteen, his ambition was to run a pub, just like his dad.     1     With a chain of restaurants, a number of popular television series and best-selling cookery books, Jamie Oliver is a well-known name in every UK household. I'm a huge “Jamie fan”. I admire his passion for improving the food we eat and helping people change their lives.

    2     He took fifteen unemployed young people, with no previous experience of cooking, and trained them to be top-class chefs (厨师) in his restaurant, also called Fifteen. I remember one trainee, Lloyd Hayes. He left school with no qualifications and started getting into crime.     3     I think it's this kind of success story that makes Jamie and his projects so special.

Another special project is Jamie's Ministry of Food which he started in 2008. There are two aims: firstly, to teach people how to cook healthy, affordable food instead of eating fast food; secondly, to set up the Pass It On scheme: encouraging each person to pass on a recipe they learned to four other people.     4     Thousands of people have changed their cooking habits as a result — and I'm one of them. I've decided I'm not going to eat fast food anymore.

It's not only adults, but children, too. Jamie's School Dinners, one of Jamie's best-known projects, tried to improve food in schools and encourage children to eat well. It was difficult to convince some of the children, but in the end, many schools improved their menus.     5    

So, what's Jamie going to do next? Well, whatever it is, one thing is for sure, I'm not going to miss it!

A.And my children are going to eat their vegetables now.
B.I heard recently that she is going to teach people to cook.
C.Those four people then teach four more people, and so on.
D.I'm going to cook for my friends and take time to eat good food.
E.Jamie's first project, Fifteen, in 2002, aimed to help young people.
F.But in the last twenty years, chef Jamie Oliver has achieved far more.
G.But the project worked and Lloyd got a job as a chef in a top restaurant.
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2 . Please don't feel singled out, special, or view yourself as a chosen one. She bites everyone. This is just the nature of the beast. There is absolutely no truth to the persistent myths that mosquitoes fancy females over males; that they prefer blondes and redheads over those with darker hair;or that the darker or rougher your skin, the safer you are from her bite. It is true, however, that she does play favorites and feasts on some more than others.

Blood type O seems to be the choice over types A and B or AB. People with blood type O get bitten twice as often as those with type A, with type B falling somewhere in between.

Those who have higher natural levels of certain chemicals in their skin, particularly lactic acid (乳酸),also seem to be more attractive. From these elements, she can analyze which blood type you are. These are the same chemicals that determine an individual’s level of skin bacteria and unique body smell.

Mosquitoes are also attracted by perfumes, soaps, and other applied fragrances. While this may seem unfair to many of you, she also has a desire for beer drinkers.

Wearing bright colors is also not a wise choice, since she hunts by both sight and smell, the latter depending chiefly on the amount of carbon dioxide sent out by the potential target. So she can smell carbon dioxide from over 200 feet away. When you exercise, for example, you emit more carbon dioxide through both breath and output. You also sweat, releasing those appetizing chemicals, primarily lactic acid, that invites the mosquito's attention.

Lastly, your body temperature rises, which is an easily identifiable heat signature. On average, pregnant women suffer twice as many bites, as they have a slightly raised body temperature.

Please don't go on a shower, exercise or give up your beloved beer and bright T-shirts just yet. Unfortunately, 85% of what makes you attractive to mosquitoes is fixed in advance in your genetic circuit board (电路板).At the end of the day, she will find blood from any exposed target of opportunity.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To explain the reasons for mosquito bites.
B.To introduce a new discovery to the readers.
C.To prove that everyone suffers mosquito bites.
D.To arouse the interest of the readers in the topic.
2. Which element has nothing to do with mosquito bites?
A.Blood type.B.Chemicals of bacteria.
C.Color of clothes.D.Body temperature.
3. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.All the mosquito bites are caused by your genetic circuit board.
B.Your blood will be targeted by mosquitoes at every opportunity.
C.Mosquito bites can be avoided if you give up some relevant habits.
D.Your genes determine your attractiveness to mosquitoes to a great extent.
4. What is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.Keep off MosquitoesB.Mosquito Bites Let Nobody off
C.Why are You a Mosquito FeederD.Mosquitoes, a Threat to Our Health
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3 . It is no accident that many films and shows open with a crazy, action-packed scene that drives viewers to ask: “What’s going on here, who are these people and what do they want?” These scenes are designed to keep us watching.

A scientist who explores climate history by analyzing stalagmites(石笋) held a lecture. At the beginning of her talk, she showed a photo of herself crawling through a cave to collect samples. The audience immediately perked up. Starting with that image, we couldn’t wait to ask why this scientist was crawling around in a dangerous cave, which might have attracted the audience more strongly from the beginning.

However, this particular storytelling technique is perhaps the most appropriate in presentations; research papers typically demand more straightforward reporting of results in the form of a clear abstract. When scientists describe their research to audiences outside their professional field, they often avoid discussing personal trials and sufferings. Instead, they focus only on positive, published results. No one wants to look like a failure, even if such experiences can be vastly valuable. But hiding the hardships might cut out some of your best story material. The research process lends itself perfectly to this narrative concept(叙事概念); it can be described as a winding road of plot twists that reshapes the lives of scientists and our understanding of the world. Invite others to join you for the ups and downs of your research. Instead of just presenting your findings, describe how you reacted to those discoveries. What was the most exciting? How did you get wrong? As Emma Coats, a former Pixar storyboard artist, noted in a list of storytelling principles she posted on Twitter: “You admire a character for trying more than for their successes.”

Try to apply screenwriting strategies to your presentation. After all, as the character Tyrion Lannister states in the television series Game of Thrones, “There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story.”

1. What is the common feature of a film and a lecture mentioned in the first two paragraphs?
A.They start with a story.
B.They both focus on technical details.
C.They reflect the same background.
D.They both arouse audiences’ curiosity.
2. Which can best replace the underlined words "perked up" in paragraph 2?
A.Became active.B.Got shocked.
C.Became embarrassed.D.Got lost.
3. How do the researchers typically present their findings?
A.By using a storytelling technique.
B.By outlining the results in brief.
C.By describing their report in detail.
D.By focusing only on valuable experiences.
4. What is this text mainly about?
A.The power of a good story.B.The advice on research papers.
C.The techniques to attract audience.D.The storytelling technique in presentations.
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4 . There are three things you can watch forever: Instagram feeds, YouTube videos and water. Among them, water is definitely something no one argues about, and there are many unusual water attractions that you can find around the world.

Bangkok Floating Markets

There are many floating markets where goods are sold from boats. While modern markets are more popular, floating markets still are a huge attraction for local tourism. Any visitors can purchase local foods and traditional handcrafted (手工的) souvenirs. Bargaining is a part of experience. So, start low and get the price you are ready to pay.

Bregenzer Festspiele

The Bregenz Festival is held every year from July to August in Vorarlberg. It has the world’s largest stage on the water. The performances are different every year but they are usually united by one theme. The decorations are very impressive and are worth seeing.

Marina Bay Stadium

This stadium was built as a temporary solution while Singapore National Stadium was rebuilt. The stadium was used for the opening and closing ceremonies during 2010 Summer Youth Olympics. It was a floating platform where the Formula One Grand Prix event was successfully held.

Archipelago Cinema

Archipelago Cinema is probably one of the world’s most scenic open-air cinemas that floats in the middle of a lake. The cinema was designed by German architect Ole Scheeren, who built it using techniques popular among local people. This cinema stage was built specially for the film festival Film on the Rocks Yao Noi.

1. What is special about Bangkok Floating Markets?
A.Local foods are free to taste.
B.Visitors can make boats by themselves.
C.Bargaining for a good price is an experience.
D.Performances on water are impressive to see.
2. Which one was used for Formula One Grand Prix event?
A.Archipelago Cinema.B.Marina Bay Stadium.
C.Bregenzer Festspiele.D.Bangkok Floating Markets.
3. What do Marina Bay Stadium and Archipelago Cinema have in common?
A.They both hold ceremonies every year.
B.They both used local building techniques.
C.They were both built for a special purpose.
D.They both provide visitors with sports events.
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5 . How does it happen that some people never have to see the doctor while some are wasting much money in hospital? The answer lies in their proper, healthy diet. A balanced diet actually means eating all kinds of foods to provide the body with all the nutrients (营养物) it needs for its daily work. It means eating the right type of foods and eating a right amount of food for each meal.

Each food group contains different kinds of nutrients, and our body surely needs all of these, but in different amounts, and it differs from person to person. When it comes to going on a healthy diet, one size is not suitable for all. Everyone leads a different lifestyle, and has different jobs and fitness levels.

A balanced diet matters for everyone. If the body gets all the required nutrients, it’ll improve the immune (免疫) system, which prevents all kinds of diseases. A balanced diet would also be good for the state of mind and then help you remember something better. What’s more, if the body is supplied with all the necessary nutrients, the skin and hair also become healthier. A balanced diet also prevents our body from aging. As a result, you’ll have a more youthful look.

However, for a healthy body, a balanced diet is not enough; it has to be combined with the proper amount of sleep and exercise. These three things, when included in your daily routine, will make sure that you not only have a healthy body but also a healthy mind. So, go ahead and adopt a healthier lifestyle!

1. What does the underlined word “differs” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The choice of a balanced diet.
B.The features of a balanced diet.
C.The importance of a balanced diet.
D.The relationship between diet and aging.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.A balanced diet doesn’t work alone.
B.Mind is closely linked to the body.
C.Exercise is the most important.
D.It's easy to get a healthier lifestyle.
4. Why is the question raised in the first paragraph?
A.To show problems.B.To give evidence.
C.To list some facts.D.To lead in the topic.
2022-02-11更新 | 63次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019 选择性必修二 Unit 3 Section A 课后
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6 . A British friend told me he couldn't understand why Chinese people love eating sunflower seeds (葵花子) as a snack so much. “I’ve met a lot of older Chinese and many have a crack in their front teeth; I believe that's from cracking the seeds,” he said.

I had never noticed the habit, but once he mentioned it, I suddenly became more aware. I realized that whenever I’m watching TV or typing a report, I always start mindlessly cracking sunflower seeds. My friend doesn't like sunflower seeds, and, to him, it seems unnecessary to work so hard just to get one small seed.

When we were young, the whole family would usually get together for Chinese New Year. Then, we all lived close to one another, usually in a small city, and sometimes even neighbors would go doortodoor on Chinese New Year’s Eve to check out what every household was making.

I remember my parents would be in the kitchen cooking. In the living room, a large table would already be laid out, complete with a fancy tablecloth, readymade dumpling fillings, and dishes full of candy, fruits and sunflower seeds.

Some of the dishes were to be offered to our ancestors later, while others were for neighbors and children to eat before the evening feast. I must have learned how to crack sunflower seeds back then.

I don’t think it’s right to criticize one’s choice in food or eating habits, no matter how strange they may seem.

It’s not only in China. When I went abroad, I found people had all sorts of strange habits when it came to food. In Denmark, they put salted red fish on bread and eat it for dinner, no matter how much it ruins their breath. They think it’s a delicacy, and it’s connected with their culture. I think it’s a wonderful tradition.

1. What lesson can we learn from the passage?
A.One kind of food doesn’t necessarily suit everyone.
B.Eating habits come from a certain culture.
C.It is good to form healthy eating habits.
D.Changing your eating habits will change your life.
2. What did the writer become aware of?
A.She had ever typed a report about seeds.
B.She ate various snacks while watching TV.
C.She has a habit of cracking sunflower seeds.
D.She damaged her teeth by eating sunflower seeds.
3. What does the writer prove by mentioning Chinese New Year?
A.The traditions of celebrating it disappear.
B.Children can eat delicious food on that day.
C.The families would get together for it.
D.Eating sunflower seeds is related to it.
4. The writer’s attitude to Denmark’s way of eating bread is ________.
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7 . Every day around the world, thousands of people with little or no scholarly training in art history walk into museums. They may or may not read notice boards that share relevant information of the artworks or artists. Imagine, before being permitted to direct their eyeballs to the art on the walls, museum visitors were required to read a 15- or - 20-page introduction to each piece or each artist. How many people would go to museums if that were the case?

Yet this seems to be the expectation when it comes to reading classic literature. Classic novels typically come with 15- or -20-page introductions, which often include spoilers, assuming that readers do not come to classic books to discover, be absorbed in, and be surprised by the story world. Also, apparently, we mustn’t read classics alone, without experts guiding our experiences.

However, classic literature is in a unique position to show us that we’re not alone in our pains and joys. By taking us out of our time, classic books free us to see beyond the set of beliefs we stick to and to connect human experiences that remain alive across time and place. Our personal engagement is the first step of a longer journey of discovery that deepens our knowledge and understanding of ourselves and our world. We may, for example, feel for Hester Prynne from Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter though we despair of the world she lived in.

While we’re letting go of things, let’s stop worrying about understanding everything we can’t.It will be fun if we embrace curiosity, the pleasure of working out a mystery, and our common relationships as humans.

1. Most museum goers ________.
A.enjoy reading notice boardsB.understand the artworks well
C.lack professional art knowledgeD.share common interest in artworks
2. What can the spoilers in Para. 2 possibly be?
A.Story writers.B.Readers expectations.
C.Guiding experts.D.Plots given away in advance.
3. What prevents readers enjoying reading classics?
A.Showing curiosity about the writers.B.Letting go of things.
C.Trying to understanding everything.D.Working out mysteries.
4. What message is mainly conveyed in the passage?
A.We should find more fun from classics.
B.Reading classics is a personal exploration.
C.Experts need to give readers better guidance.
D.Classic literature benefits readers a great deal.
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8 . Singapore's tradition of eating out in places called hawker centers is now recognized by the United Nations for its cultural importance.

A hawker is a person who sells food or goods and advertises by shouting at people walking by on the street. Hawkers are an important part of Singaporean culture. Open-air eating areas where hawkers sell their goods are very popular. Famous chefs, such as Anthony Bourdain and Gordon Ramsay, have praised them.

On Wednesday, the United Nations' cultural agency, UNESCO, added the city's “hawker culture” to its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Singapore sought to have hawker culture added to the list about two years ago. Now that it has been recognized, Singapore must provide a report every six years to UNESCO. The report must show the efforts it has made to save and support its hawker culture.

“These centers serve as ‘community dining rooms', where people from diverse backgrounds gather and share the experience of dining over breakfast, lunch and dinner,” UNESCO said.

In the 1970s, Singapore cleaned up its streets so the street hawkers moved to new eating centers. These areas were part of an effort to improve the island. Now, the centers offer many different low-cost meals to local people and provide a pleasing social setting. The 2018 film Crazy Rich Asians showed its stars enjoying meals at a famous night market. Some sellers even received Michelin stars from a famous restaurant rating system for their meals costing only a few dollars.

But, now the average age of hawkers in Singapore is 60 years old. Younger Singaporeans now want to work in offices. They are less interested in working in small restaurants. The COVID-19 health crisis also hurt sales, preventing foreign visitors and locals from eating out.

1. Why is hawker culture added to UNESCO's list?
A.For the efforts Singapore has made.
B.For its importance in showing Singapore's culture.
C.For the report Singapore provided.
D.For the recommendation by UNESCO.
2. What do we know about hawkers from Paragraph 2?
A.They sell goods in the open-air area.
B.They are famous chefs.
C.They are Singapore natives.
D.They are popular all over the world.
3. Why is the film Crazy Rich Asians mentioned?
A.To advertise the film.
B.To introduce the stars.
C.To show the popularity of hawker centers.
D.To help the sellers receive Michelin stars.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The difficulties hawker culture is facing.
B.The average age of hawkers.
C.The effect caused by COVID-19.
D.The future of hawker culture.
2022-02-07更新 | 174次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修三Unit 3 Section A 课后
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9 . It was Jennifer Williams’ mother who got her interested in books. As a librarian, Williams’ mother read to her three children every day. “From when we hadn’t gone to kindergarten,” Williams told vadogwood.com, a local news site, “until we went to college.”

When Williams, who is now 54, became an elementary school teacher and tutor in Danville, Virginia, she wanted her students to be falling in love with reading just as she had. But early on, she realized that some kids had little chance to get enough books to read.

To Williams, the solution was simple: give kids books. In 2017, she donated (捐赠) 900 used children’s books over three days. “I wanted to do something that’s going to continue my faith,” she said.

So she started a new project for herself: give away one million books. It sounds like an unreachable number, but as Williams posted on Facebook: “Don’t complain in the stand if you aren’t willing to work hard out on the field.”

She got to work, first by persuading her friends to donate books or money to buy books. Before long, as news of Williams’ project spread, strangers started leaving varieties of books on her front walk way. As quickly as the books came in, Williams gave them to local schools—free of charge —and also supplied 41,000 books to little free libraries around the city just over the North Carolina border. She also hosted a book club for prisoners in the local prison.

Over the four years she’s been doing all this. The Book Lady, as Williams has come to be celebrated, has given away more than 78,000 books—only 922,000 more to reach her goal! And she’s not slowing down. “Reading can take you anywhere,” she told CNN. “You can travel in time and space. If you can read, you can learn almost anything.”

1. What made Williams decide to give away books?
A.The requirement of teaching.
B.The shortage of kids’ books.
C.Her mother’s faith in reading.
D.The desire for being famous.
2. What did Williams do to encourage people to read?
A.She hosted a book club locally for prisoners.
B.She persuaded her friends to donate only money.
C.She gave all the books collected to local schools.
D.She invited strangers to leave books in her house.
3. What does the underlined word “celebrated” in the last paragraph mean?
4. Which of the following best describes Jennifer Williams?
A.Humorous and confident.B.Independent and smart.
C.Curious and professional.D.Kind and influential.
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10 . Phillis Wheatley was born in Gambia (in Africa) on May 8, 1753 and died in Boston on December 5,1784. When she was seven or eight, she was sold as a slave to John and Susanna Wheatley of Boston. She was named after the ship that brought her to America, The Phillis. The family supposed the girl—who was “suffering from a change of climate”, with “no other covering than a dirty carpet”—to be “about seven years old...from the circumstances of shedding (使脱落) her front teeth”.

Phillis was very intelligent. The Wheatley family taught her to read and write, and encouraged her to write poetry. Her first poem On Messrs. Hussey and Coffin was published when she was only twelve. In 1770, An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of That Celebrated Divine, and Eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend and Learned George Whitefield made her famous. It was published in Boston, Newport, and Philadelphia.

When she was eighteen, Phillis and Mrs Wheatley tried to sell a collection containing twenty-eight of Phillis’ poems. Colonists (殖民者) did not want to buy poetry written by an African. Mrs Wheatley wrote to England to ask Countess(女伯爵) of Huntingdon for help. The countess was a wealthy supporter of the abolition (废除) of slavery. Phillis had Poems on various subjects, religious and moral published in England in 1773. This book made Phillis famous in England and the thirteen colonies. She wrote a poem for George Washington in 1775, and he praised her work. They met in 1776. Phillis supported independence for the colonies during the Revolutionary War.

After her master died, Phillis was freed. She married John Peters, a free black man, in 1778. She and her husband lost two children. John was put into prison for debt in 1784. Phillis and her remaining child died in December of 1784 and were buried in an unmarked grave.

Phillis was the first African American and the first slave in the United States to publish a book. She was the first African American woman to earn a living from her writing. Phillis’ poetry proved the abolitionists’ idea that blacks could be artistic and intellectual. Her achievements were used to support a growing antislavery movement.

1. The Wheatley family guessed the age of Phillis by ______.
A.her weightB.her clothes
C.her skin colorD.the condition of her teeth
2. It can be inferred from the text that Countess of Huntingdon ______.
A.lived on writing poems
B.helped Phillis get her writings published
C.supported independence for the colonies
D.felt surprised that Phillis could read and write
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.Phillis was only 18 years old when her first poem was published.
B.Phillis ’ first attempt at selling her poetry in America was illegal.
C.Phillis ’ husband was put into prison for debt in 1778.
D.Phillis finally became free after her master died.
4. The last paragraph is mainly about Phillis ’ ______.
C.sufferings as a slaveD.fight against slavery
2022-01-29更新 | 135次组卷 | 3卷引用:牛津译林版 2020 必修二 Unit4 Welcome-Reading 课后
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