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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。

It’s 5 p.m., and you’ve just realized that report you’ve been putting off is due tomorrow. It’s time to buckle down and open your computer. Actually, you should probably make dinner first. You usually like cooking, though it’s hard to enjoy with this work hanging over your head, and oh—it’s actually pretty late! Maybe you should just try again in the morning. This is the cycle of procrastination, and I promise you, we have all been there.

Procrastination is when we avoid a task we said we would do, for no good reason, despite expecting our behavior to bring negative consequences. Obviously, it’s irrational to do something you expect to harm you. But ironically, procrastination is the result of our bodies trying to protect us, specifically by avoiding a task we see as threatening.

We’re most likely to procrastinate tasks that evoke negative feelings, such as dread, incompetence, and insecurity. Because procrastination is motivated by our negative feelings, some individuals are more susceptible (易受影响的) to it than others. People who have difficulty regulating their emotions and those who struggle with low self-esteem are much more likely to procrastinate. However, it’s a common misconception that all procrastinators are lazy. When you’re feeling lazy, you’re more likely to sit around doing nothing than distract yourself with unimportant tasks. In fact, many people procrastinate because they care too much. Procrastinators often report a high fear of failure, putting things off because they’re afraid their work won’t live up to their high standards.

Whatever the reason for procrastination, the results are often the same. Procrastinators are likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, ongoing feelings of shame and physical ailments (轻病) associated with high stress.

So, how can we break the cycle of procrastination?

Traditionally, people thought procrastinators needed to cultivate discipline and practice strict time management. But today, many researchers feel the exact opposite. Being too hard on yourself can layer additional bad emotions onto a task. What we really need to do is to address and reduce these negative emotions.

1. What is procrastination?
2. What kinds of people are more likely to procrastinate?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Ø Procrastinators are affected by negative emotions, are all lazy and are likely to suffer from physical ailments associated with high stress.
4. What strategies can you use to break the cycle of procrastination in your daily life? (In about 40 words)
2024-03-10更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市海淀区北京大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三预科部12月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . Art Builds Understanding

Despite the long history of scholarship on experiences of art, researchers have yet to capture and understand the most meaningful aspects of such experiences, including the thoughts and insights we gain when we visit a museum, the sense of encounter after seeing a meaningful work of art, or the changed thinking after experiences with art. These powerful encounters can be inspiring, uplifting, and contribute to well-being and flourishing.

    1     It contributes to facilitating a better understanding of ourselves, the human condition, and moral and spiritual concepts. The question is how that happens — what are the attributes of meaningful experiences of art?

According to the mirror model of art developed by Pablo P. L. Tinio, aesthetic reception corresponds to artistic creation in a mirror-reversed fashion. Artists aim to express ideas and messages about the human condition or the world at large.     2     This results in the build-up of layers of materials — from initial studies and sketches to the final, refined piece. A viewer’s initial interaction with an artwork starts where the artist has left off. Their interaction first involves the processing surface features, such as color, texture, and the finishing touches applied by the artist during the final stages of the creative process.     3    

In addition, art making and art viewing are connected by creative thinking. Research in a lab at Yale University shows that an educational program that uses art appreciation activities builds creative thinking skills. It showed that the more time visitors spent engaging with art and the more they reflected on it, the greater the correspondence with the artists’ intentions and ideas.     4    

Correspondence in feeling and thinking suggests a transfer — between creator and viewer — of ideas, concepts, and emotions contained in the works of art. Art has the potential to communicate across space and time.     5     What it takes for this to happen is active engagement with art in contexts that facilitate this engagement, especially museums.

A.The viewers gain a new perspective on the story.
B.The theory of aesthetic cognitivism describes the value of art.
C.This helps to create connections and insights that otherwise would not happen.
D.To do so, they explore key ideas and continually expand them as they develop their work.
E.After spending more time with the work, the viewer begins to access the ideas of the artist.
F.For example, in one activity, people are asked to view a work of art from different perspectives.
G.Participants were more original in their thinking when compared to those who did not take part in the program.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Amid rolling farms and green pasture 150 miles northwest of Sao Paulo, Brazil, two tropical forests bloom as one. The first consists of a single species, row after row of non-native eucalyptus (桉树), planted in perfect lines like carrots. The other is haphazard, an assortment of dozens of varieties of native saplings.

There’s no denying it: This forest looks ridiculous. The gangly (修长的) eucalyptuses shoot like witch fingers high above patches of stubby fig (矮壮的无花果树) and evergreen trees. Yet these jumbled 2.5-acre stands of native trees, ringed by fast-growing exotics, are among many promising efforts to resurrect the planet’s forests.

The eucalyptuses, says Pedro Brancalion, the University of Sao Paulo agronomist who designed this experiment, get big so quickly they can be cut after five years and sold to make paper or fence posts. That covers nearly half or more of the cost of planting the slow-growing native trees, which then naturally reseed ground that has been laid bare by the harvest. And this process doesn’t hamper natural regeneration.

You needn’t look far these days to find organizations trying to save the world by growing trees. Too often, tree-planting groups are so focused on getting credit for each seedling planted that they ignore what matters most: What kind of woodland is created? At what cost? And most importantly: How long will it last? Using the numbers of trees planted as a magic “proxy for everything,” Brancalion says, you “spend more money and get lower levels of benefits.” You can literally miss the forest for the trees.

Tree planting seems like a simple, natural way to counter the overwhelming crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Trees provide wildlife habitats and slurp carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. No wonder trees are hailed as the ideal weapon. Yet for every high-profile planting operation, devastating failures have occurred. In Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Mexico, mass plantings have resulted in millions of dead seedlings or have driven farmers to clear more intact forest elsewhere. Trees that have been planted in the wrong places have reduced water yields for farmers, destroyed highly diverse carbon-sucking grassland soils, and allowed for invasive vegetation to spread. Simply reforesting the planet isn’t going to do much if we don’t also start cutting down on our emissions from the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. Tree planting also can’t replace old-growth forests. Saving them is even more important than growing new forests.

So, what should we do?

To Brancalion, the answer is obvious: Restore native forests, mostly in the tropics, where trees grow fast and land is cheap. While that may require planting, it may also call for the clearing out of invasive grasses, the rejuvenation (使有活力) of soils, and crop yield improvements so that farmers will need less land for agriculture and more can be allowed to revert back to forests.

The combining of eucalyptus harvests with native plantings is just one more reminder that successful restoration must provide value to local communities. In many cases, if we let nature do the heavy lifting, Brancalion says, “the forest can regrow quite effectively.”

1. What can we learn from the first three paragraphs?
A.The non-native eucalyptuses bring profits that can pay for planting native saplings.
B.The non-native eucalyptuses compete with native saplings for water, nutrients, and light.
C.The variety of trees being planted determines whether or not the restoration will succeed.
D.Planting fast-growing exotics together with local trees does harm to the natural environment.
2. The example of mass plantings in Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Mexico is used to _______.
A.emphasize the significance of protecting existing forests
B.explain why tree planting is regarded as the ideal solution
C.illustrate the serious problems planting campaigns can cause
D.indicate the most important point tree-planting groups ignore
3. According to the author, we should do all the following EXCEPT _______.
A.clear more forest to improve crop yields for farmers
B.combine harvests of fast-growing exotics with native plantings
C.restore native forests in the tropics and clear out invasive grasses
D.take into consideration the benefits of reforestation to local communities
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Plant trees—and time will tell.B.Plant trees—but don’t overdo it.
C.Plant trees—and save the world.D.Plant trees—but mind the variety.
2024-03-10更新 | 112次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市海淀区北京大学附属中学2022-2023学年高三预科部12月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约660词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。

Is social media messing with children’s morals?

Parents are often concerned about the effects of social media on their children’s character. We have all heard complaints that young people are spending too much time online and not enough time in the “real world” —with studies showing that nearly three-quarters of 12 to 15-year-olds in the UK have a social media profile and spend an average of 19 hours a week online.

More worrying, perhaps, than the amount of time spent online, are the findings that suggest social media use can actually influence users’ personality and character. Recent research, for example, shown that there is a link between social media use and narcissism (自恋), and that the use of social networking websites may have an nagative effect on social decision making and reduce levels of empathy (同情心).

With this in mind, one of the latest research projects at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, looks at the impact social media has on young people’s character and moral development, and aims to understand the benefits social media can have on development.

The first stage of the research involved a “parent poll (survey)” of 1,738 parents of 11 to 17-year-olds from across the UK asked a series of questions on their feelings around social media, and the moral (or immoral) messages that appear online. Our findings so far indicate that parents’ attitudes towards social media are largely negative–over a half of parents we questioned agree that social media “hinders or weakens” a young person’s character or moral development. While only 15% of respondents agreed that social media could “enhance or support” it.

However, it isn’t all doom and gloom, because our research also shows that social media can be a source for good. Nearly three quarters of the parents who use social media on a regular basis reported seeing content with a positive moral message at least once a day-including humour, appreciation of beauty, creativity, kindness, love and courage. And it could well be, that viewing this type of positive online content could have a positive influence on young people’s attitudes and behaviours.

This is because on social media sites, users often come across new perspectives and situations-such as different religions, cultures and social groups. And exposure to these situations online could actually help young people be more understanding and tolerant—and in turn develop their empathy skills. This is because it allows them to view things from other people’s perspectives, in a way they might not be able to in “real life”.

Of course, this translation from exposure to empathy may not always follow-which can be seen in the high rates of cyber bullying. According to a 2015 report, 62% of 13 to 20-year-olds who had been bullied reported some degree of cyber bullying—which shows that empathy doesn’t always play a part in online environments.

But while it may be tempting for some parents to just ban social media use altogether, it is unlikely to be a successful strategy in the long term-social media is not going away. Instead, we need to better understand the relationship between social media use and a young person’s character and moral values. And through our research, we hope to be able to offer constructive evidence-based advice on exactly this.

Because it is clear that the online environment is a moral terrain which requires successful navigation. By understanding how some immoral events can be avoided, we can help to create a safer and more even path for young people to negotiate.

1. According to the research, what are the parents’ attitudes towards social media?
2. Why could viewing positive online content have a positive influence on young people’s attitudes and behaviours?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
For parents, it is a good strategy to ban social media because it may have a negative influence on young people’s moral development.
4. Please briefly present your opinion on how to be a moral person on social media. (In about 40words)
2024-02-16更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东直门中学2022-2023学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Festivals are a part of our culture. We have grown up around them and have embraced them as a part of our lives.     1     Festivals to them mean decorations, sweets, gifts, games and lots of other celebrations. However, there are a lot of things that children can learn from celebrating festivals.

Festivals are celebrated with people.     2     This teaches children the importance of community and the joys of working together. When kids take part in preparations for a festival, they make a place for themselves in this community of people.

Festivals also mean that the entire family can be together and celebrate something they believe in. Kids and parents find time to help each other to decorate their house, prepare delicacies, make gifts, etc.     3     Kids are also able to spend time and bond with their grandparents, cousins, and other relatives.

Festivals also mean gift-giving and sharing. The exchange of gifts teaches children to share joys during festivals     4     Children learn to share and care for others who may not be able to celebrate festivals without their help. This teaches them the importance of generosity and humbleness. They also learn to be thankful for what they have and receive.

    5     A child can be taught more about their culture and their country during festival s and celebrations. This teaches them about their roots in the world and makes them proud of their country and culture. It is during festivals when stories of the past come forward to teach children about the past and help them understand the importance of celebration through generations.

A.Festivals have much more to offer to the people.
B.Festivals are a great way to understand one’s culture.
C.This allows children to form a stronger bond with their family.
D.Children are particularly the ones who enjoy festivals more than adults.
E.On these days people from all walks of life come together to celebrate life.
F.Children share sweets and gifts with relatives and friends to spread the joy of celebrations.
G.Celebrations always involve people coming together and helping each other to have a good time.
2024-02-11更新 | 226次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市东直门中学2022-2023学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Kieran Behan虽然遭遇了很多,但是无论遇到什么困难,他都勇敢克服,一直为自己成为一名运动员的梦想而战斗。
6 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。

Kieran Behan was just a boy, maybe 6 years old, when he fell in love with gymnastics, but that was before a series of injuries, two so severe that doctors told him he would never walk again.

Yet Behan, pushed on. “Doctors told me, ‘stop thinking about your crazy dreams and you must accept that it’s over for you,’” Behan said. “But I just kept saying: ‘No, no, no — this is not the rest of my life. This is not how it’s going to play out.’ And look at me now, an Olympian. They said it was impossible, but I did it.”

Kieran Behan started gymnastics when he was 8. But soon came the first of many blows: during a leg operation, a doctor’s mistake caused a severe nerve damage that left Behan with limited feeling in his left foot. Doctors told him to prepare himself for life in a wheelchair.

They were wrong.

Although it took 15 months, Behan went back to gymnastics. But eight months after he returned from his leg injury, disaster hit again. He hit the back of his head during training. The accident caused a brain injury which affected his balance so much that even the slightest movement could cause Behan to faint. Mearly two years after non-stop physical therapy, Kieran Behan did what he did best: he picked himself up again. He said he could not live without gymnastics and never doubted he would be back.

Finally, in 2012, his determination began to pay off. His excellent performance at the Olympic test event qualified him for the Games. “I felt like I was in a fairy tale,” he said of the London Games. “All I could think about was: ‘Is this a dream? Tell me this is really happening.’” Even though be did not enter any of the event finals, Behan never lost heart and persevered to make it for the 2016 Olympic Games at Rio de Janeiro.

Behan hopes his tale might inspire others to overcome hardship, whether it is in sports, at work or at home.

Still, he struggled to explain why he has been so unbeatable. “I think it’s probably just in my blood,” he said. “I was just born to do this.”

1. What happened during Behan’s leg operation?
2. In what way did Behan’s brain injury influence him?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Because of Behan’s determination, he won at the finals in the London Games.
4. Do you think Behan is a great athlete? Why or why not? (In about 40 words)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文, 根据题目要求用英文回答问题。

Egocentrism is the inability to accurately understand any perspective other than one’s own. To those who are egocentric, there are two types of opinions: “mine and the wrong ones”.

Egocentrism is very unpleasant. Suffering from it, people often find themselves in a situation of conflict or loneliness because they do not recognize the rights of others to their personal feelings, desires, and interests. They also fail to look at circumstances from the other person’s side.

Humanity must overcome it to see a holistic (全面的) picture of the world and objectively assess situations. It is essential to be a fair-minded individual since egocentrism is a quality that is not easy to live with, making it hard for us to interact with people and move forward.

Actually, overcoming this disturbing quality has always been my pursuit. The main goal in my life is based on the search for inner balance, harmony, positivity, and the right attitude to life cases. Thus, I will be able to improve my life and help other people in the practice of this aspect. Moreover, I often remind myself to accept differences and remember that a correct attitude to different personalities, their preferences, and interests leads to success in any tasks.

The formation and development of a fair mind can be practiced almost everywhere. For example, in a grocery store, we need to put ourselves in the place of the seller’s and should not immediately take offense and argue when we are given an unripe banana or burnt bread. It is important to remember that a seller is not obliged to play along at all; this is the same person with his unique nature.

Not everyone agrees with everyone else, but if you absolutely refuse to consider another person’s perspective, that’s when egocentrism becomes a serious concern. So why not try to correct this behavior and be more fair-minded?

1. What is egocentrism?
2. Why does egocentrism often lead to conflicts?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Egocentrism becomes a problem when someone doesn’t agree with others.
4. Please share one of your own experiences about your practicing being fair-minded. (In about 40 words)
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . We humans are comparison creatures.     1     This quality may have evolved as a means of helping us fit into the social hierarchy (等级) of the cultures we inhabited. Regardless of the reasons, social comparison plays a significant role in how we view and evaluate ourselves, and how we interact with our world.

It used to be that our primary reference of comparison was our local communities, primarily neighbors and co-workers. Because we tend to gather around those similar to ourselves in terms of educational level, work income, and shared interests, the range of differences when we compared ourselves to others was fairly small. Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Internet, we can now compare ourselves to literally anyone in the world.     2     What had in previous generations been a small gap in our comparisons has now become so large and unattainable.

    3     When so many people that are easily discoverable on the Internet seem to be so successful. famous, influential and beautiful, given our preference to compare, it is difficult not to have it influence how we view ourselves. Sadly, these comparisons usually result in our feeling inadequate and “less than”.

These harmful comparisons also damage our emotional lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety of unpleasant and unhealthy emotions. We feel jealousy and envy for what others have and what we lack.     4    

It’s one thing to realize that you compare yourself to others. It’s another thing to recognize that social comparison is often corrosive (逐步侵蚀的) to you in so many ways psychologically and emotionally. It’s an entirely other thing to stop yourself from comparing yourself to others.     5    

A.We are constantly measuring ourselves against other people.
B.Yet it is possible, and it is worth the effort for your mental health.
C.Thus, we are now exposed to groups that are quite different from us.
D.We believe that there is something wrong with us compared to others.
E.We can even feel bitterness and anger at others for the unfairness of it all.
F.Comparing ourselves to others has the potential to increase our life experience.
G.This new level of comparison has huge implications for our psychological lives.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In early 2018, I was training for the London Marathon—the first and only marathon I would ever run in my life. I had treated myself to an expensive fitness watch that tracked my time, pace and splits.

At the end of my final training run—an exhausting 21 miles (34km) —I threw myself down on the floor the moment I got home, only to see my watch had failed me. Twenty-one miles briefly flashed on the screen before it went blank and disappeared for ever. I screamed in pain. That tragic image of me crying on my living room floor pretty much sums up my relationship with exercise tracking technology.

It can be a total joy to watch your data change on running apps as you get stronger and faster. I once got a kick out of it, but at some point it became a stick I used to punish myself. I would watch my pace, compare it with other people’s or criticize myself for not doing it 30 seconds faster. I never really recognized exercise tracking as a problem. It seemed to me that tracking was the route to self-improvement, and the point was to improve, wasn’t it? The point was to be better.

In the past year, the concept of “being better” has taken on a different meaning. My mental health dropped, and things that were once easy such as brushing my teeth became unimaginably difficult. Being better stopped meaning getting faster or stronger. It meant taking care of myself and feeling some joy in a day. Once I started getting better, I reflected on what in my life made me happy and what did not. So, I stopped tracking my runs and simply deleted years’ worth of data that was once very important to me and now meant nothing.

What has become very clear to me since I quit tracking my runs is that I genuinely love doing them. I run around my local park with a silly little smile on my face. I love it so much. But I do not love running quickly. I do not like races. I do not want to be pushed to be faster. Things I notice about my runs now include: how my legs feel and how my mind feels afterwards-clear and focused. I notice dogs, the smell of the wild plants along the canal and the sunshine (OK, wind and rain) on my face.

I am better. Or sometimes I am worse. But either way I’m slowly plodding along, and that’s good enough.

1. The author cried after the final training run because she ________.
A.had to stop working outB.became physically worn out
C.lost the data on the watchD.felt a sharp pain in the legs
2. The author used to view exercise tracking as ________.
A.a fun hobby for enjoymentB.a strong need for recognition
C.a method of escaping punishmentD.a way of being a better runner
3. What does “being better” mean to the author now?
A.Getting pleasure out of winning races.B.Being more focused on her life goal.
C.Freeing herself from demanding tasks.D.Improving her overall well-being.
4. What can we conclude from this passage?
A.Adjustment brings happiness.B.Passion is the key to success.
C.Sports contribute to happiness.D.Success equals self-improvement.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

10 . Tom Sawyer Play Is an Adventure

A 35-minute hand-clapping, foot-stomping musical version of a Mark Twain favorite returns with this Tall Stacks festival.

“Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure” has all the good stuff, including the fence painting, the graveyard, the island and the cave. It is adapted by Joe McDonough, with music by David Kisor. That’s the local stage writing team that creates many of the Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati’s original musicals, along with the holiday family musicals at Ensemble Theatre.

This year Nathan Turner of Burlington is Tom Sawyer, and Robbie McMath of Fort Mitchell is Huck Finn.

Tumer, a 10th-grader at School for Creative and Performing Arts, is a familiar presence on Cincinnati’s stages. He is a star act or of Children’s Theatre, having played leading roles in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “The Wizard of Oz,” and is fresh from Jersey Production “Ragtime”.

McMath is a junior at Beechwood High School. He was in the cast of “Tom Sawyer” when it was first performed and is a Children’s Theatre regular, with five shows to his credit. This summer he attended Kentucky’s Governor’s School for the Arts in Musical Theatre.

Note to teachers: Children’s Theatre has a study guide demonstrating how math and science can be taught through “Tom Sawyer.” For downloadable lessons, visit the official website of Children’s Theatre.

1. Who wrote the music for “Tom Sawyer: A River Adventure”?
A.David Kisor.B.Joe McDonough.
C.Nathan Turner.D.Robbie McMath.
2. What can we learn about the two actors?
A.They study in the same school.B.They worked together in ”Ragtime“.
C.They are experienced on stage.D.They became friends ten years ago.
3. What does Children’s Theatre provide for teachers?
A.Research funding.B.Training opportunities.
C.Technical support.D.Educational resources.
2024-01-09更新 | 2975次组卷 | 15卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般