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My little brother Peter and I got permission from our parents to camp in a field close to our farm. But, being adventurous boys, we knew it would be more exciting to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excited, we went away with our tent and food.

Carrying our heavy load, we walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance or the burning sun. We were eager to reach our destination before lunchtime. Along the way, we saw some birds searching for food around a fallen tree trunk. As we entered the cool, shadowy woods, we began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to stay close to the river at the edge of woods, but I insisted that we camp further away. Unwillingly, Peter followed me deeper into the woods. “This is really a wonderful setting! ” I said in excitement. We put up our tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches we had made. About an hour later, we decided to find our way

back to the river to catch some fish.
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“Are you sure that this is the right way? ” Peter asked.
Returning home, we couldn’t wait to tell the anxious parents about our adventure story.
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2023~2024学年高一下学期期中学业诊断英语试卷
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The letter from the principal couldn’t have been clearer: “The bus will pick up your kids at the bus stop. Parents are not to ride with children on the bus, and not allowed to come to the school, whether to drop off their children or to take pictures. Parking is tight(有限的), even for teachers. And additional cars are strictly forbidden(禁止) at the beginning or end of the school day.”

That was all understandable but they didn’t know my five-year-old twins. Shy and sensitive, they hid whenever the doorbell rang. They couldn’t walk out of their hiding places with ice cream, candy or new toys. Their paternal grandparents could hardly get a good look at them. They clung to(依恋) me whenever we went out in public—one girl per leg. My fear on that first day of school was that my girls would hide under a bus seat, or somehow get lost.

The day came, and it was sunny and beautiful. The girls were lovely in their new dresses. The bus was late, and they were nervous, but they smiled for the camera. I stood near the bus stop for a minute, and their father finally took his eye off the camera lens and took in what I was wearing. “Oh, no, you’re not,” he said.

I wore my gym clothes and favorite long-distance running shoes. The school was a few miles away. “I am going to run to the school, if that’s what you’re thinking,” I said.

Our conversation was cut short when the bus approached. I watched Morgan and Chloe get on, turn and wave on the top step, and then... OK, then I ran before the bus, so I wasn’t lying to my husband.

I took a short cut and reached the school earlier.
My face didn’t light up until the last bus was coming.
7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省大同市2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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Peter sat at the kitchen table, having breakfast. It had been another bad night for his baby sister, Lily, and his parents were arguing in the sitting room. He heard his mother mention Tom, an old man who lived in the forest. Peter often explored the forest and knew Mr. Tom was a kind herbalist (草药医生). Was it true that he could help Lily? Peter wouldn’t rest until he found it out.

After breakfast, Peter immediately set off. It was a short walk from his home to the forest’s edge. Peter was so focused on his thoughts of his sister that he didn’t notice the strange crying sounds in the distance until he got close enough. He followed the sounds until they led him to a cave.

A flashlight lit up suddenly in the cave, and Peter saw a little boy lying on the dirt-covered stone. Peter learned that the boy called Cliff came to this forest with his mother but ran off by himself. Cliff was injured and didn’t see his mother. Peter decided to take Cliff to Mr. Tom. When they saw Mr. Tom and told him everything, Mr. Tom treated the injury with a bandage (绷带) and helped contact Cliff’s mother over the radio.

Peter moved closer to look at Cliff’s bandaged ankle and felt a sense of relief. Then Peter turned to Mr. Tom and said, “Mr. Tom, my baby sister is very sick. I overheard Mom mention you, so I came out here today to ask you for help...” Before Peter finished his words, Mr. Tom said, “I had tried to help, but your sister needed to be sent to a big hospital and a lot of money...” Peter realized his parents had argued because they couldn’t afford Lily’s treatment.

Mr. Tom was trying to comfort Peter when someone knocked on the door. Mr. Tom opened it and saw a lady, who claimed herself as Cliff’s mother.

“It’s you!” Mr. Tom shouted excitedly.

“You’re a fan?” the lady said. “I came to this area to spend a holiday with my son. Thankfully, you have saved him. Where is he?”

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Mr. Tom nodded and led the lady to her son.


The next morning, in his bedroom, Peter was woken up by a joyful scream.

7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省运城市高三第二次模拟调研测试英语试题
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Maya and her older brother Marcus lived with their grandma. Their parents, busy with work in another city, could only return home during the winter holiday. Grandma was good at paper-cutting, and she decorated the whole room with pretty shapes of animals and flowers, devoting herself to keeping Maya and Marcus happy. However, despite her grandmother’s love, Maya often felt deep frustration, complaining why she couldn’t stay with her parents.

As the days grew shorter and colder, Maya’s excitement came back. She knew that with the arrival of snow, the winter holiday would come, as well as the return of her parents. One day, the weather forecast predicted snow during daytime, so Maya eagerly rose from bed, pressing her nose against the window, and waiting for the first pretty snowflake to drop from the sky.

However, as it was getting late, Maya’s excitement turned into disappointment. Sensing her sadness, grandma comforted her, “Be patient, dear. The snow will come soon.” Marcus, too, tried to be an older brother, reminding Maya that the snow could fall at night. Yet, despite their efforts, Maya remained upset. Night fell and not a single snowflake was in sight. Sadly, Maya went to bed without eating anything, going to her dreams with tears in her eyes.


To cheer Maya up, grandma and Marcus decided to make snowflakes themselves.


Maya rushed to the windows, and found snowflakes of all shapes and sizes on the glass.

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Mother’s Day was around the corner. Everyone in the class was discussing what gift they should give to their beloved moms. Their teacher, Ms. Jenkins, was instructing them to make pretty postcards with a soulful message.

On Monday morning, Ms. Jenkins entered the classroom. Before she could say something to greet the kids as usual, 8-year-old Simon raised his hand as quickly as possible.

“Yes, Simon?” asked the teacher with a questioning look and the big smile often hanging on her face.

“Excuse me, Ms. Jenkins. What did you get for Mother’s Day?” he inquired.

All his classmates looked at their teacher and Ms. Jenkins smiled again, struggling to hide her sadness, which flashed across her face. “Sadly, nothing. Simon, I don’t have kids.”

Simon felt sorry for his teacher. He could not figure why. It seemed unfair that she didn’t receive anything for Mother’s Day when she was surrounded by kids all the time. She should have received something. Suddenly a good idea hit him.

That afternoon, school over, Simon flew home like a rabbit. After having finished counting the few dollars in his piggy bank, he asked his mother to take him to the flower shop nearby.

When they got in the car, Simon explained to his mother what he would do. Having understood the whole story, his mother looked at him with a loving expression.

The following day, Simon arrived at his classroom with a bunch of flowers and presented it to Ms. Jenkins with a bright smile. “I know you’re not a mother, but you treat us with kindness, affection and patience. You surely deserve a Mother’s Day gift, too,” he said to his teacher, whose jaw dropped in shock. The other kids applauded as Simon hugged Ms. Jenkins.

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Astonished and joyful, Ms. Jenkins stood there still.


The other kids came up one by one.

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One day a friend invited me to join gymnastics class that she had belonged to for many years. My mom got the needed information and within a few days I was ready to start!

When I got there, I was extremely nervous. The group wasn’t very welcoming so I was regretting signing up. It seemed they were comfortable with the team they had, and they didn’t want anyone to be added to it. But after working together for a few days, we all soon became friends. A month passed and I learned to do many things. I was excited and ready to learn back handsprings(手翻). Back handsprings are one of the main things you need to know for gymnastics because they are done so often. In my opinion, they are the hardest to do, but I was ready to try.

My friend was the queen of back handsprings, so she helped me understand each and every step. Our coach pulled out a handspring machine to help the kids who were learning how to do them for the first time. This machine is a block that has cushion(垫子) all around it. You basically sit in the mouth of the machine and push off with your feet and go backwards until you land on your hands, then feet.

Even with the handspring machine, I couldn’t get my feet right, so I had to try again and again. Impatient, some of the girls seemed to get angry. I was feeling like the new kid in the group again. The new kid that didn’t know what she was doing but everyone else knew it!

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Luckily, my friend, the queen of back handsprings, kept encouraging me.


One day, I finally got it right.

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A boy called Mike Duncan came into my school one morning in oversized hand-me-down clothes and worn-out shoes. He was a black-letter sight, standing at the front of our second-grade class. He shifted (转换) from foot to foot as our teacher, Mrs. Lydia wrote his name in the roll book. We weren’t sure what to make of the newcomer in worn-out clothes.

“Attention! This is Mike Duncan,” Mrs. Lydia said with as much enthusiasm (热情) as possible. Looking around and smiling, Mike hoped somebody would smile back. Although nobody did, he kept on laughing from ear to ear anyway.

Unfortunately, Mike had found a firm footing at the bottom of our school’s social ladder (阶梯) by the end of his first week. In fact he was pleasant to be around and was by far the most energetic boy I knew. After lunch each day, we joined forces to conquer (征服) the playground, moving from monkey bars to swing set to sandbox. As we lined up behind Mrs. Lydia for the march back to class, I made up my mind that Mike would remain friendless no longer.

I said one night as Mother pushed me into bed, “Mum, tomorrow is his birthday; and he’s not going to get anything. Mike’s mother worked all day in the orchards (果园) . His special day would go unnoticed.” “Don’t worry,” Mum said as she kissed me good night.

I wished Mike a happy birthday in the next morning; and his smile showed me that he was glad I had remembered. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a terrible day after all. By mid-afternoon I had almost decided that birthdays weren’t that big a deal. Then, as Mrs. Lydia was writing on the blackboard, I heard a familiar sound coming from the hallway.

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A voice I knew was singing the birthday song.
Mike generously shared his cake with the class.
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Amy loved to draw, and her hands, always dirty from the pencil lead, moved on the paper, showing the pictures in her mind. She would sit for hours, lost in art. Trees on her pages seemed to swing in an unseen wind, and the faces she drew wore lifelike expressions. But Amy didn’t look like the art she made. Her clothes were old and had many patches (补丁) that her mother made with care. Amy’s family did not have much money, but they loved each other very much. Her mother worked hard at many jobs to take care of them after Amy’s father got sick and died.

Amy had her good times and hard times in school. She loved different corners of the school which were sources of her inspiration and expected the art lesson. Yet other kids’ laughing at her dress made her sad. She wanted to change the situation, but didn’t know how to go about it. Despite this, she would quietly help someone with a hard math problem or pick up garbage on her way home. She always found comfort in her drawing. In the middle of the term, an art contest on the theme of “My Dream” was to be held, which would select the top three winners, and the head teacher would award them prizes. This news thrilled the children, Amy in particular. They enthusiastically registered for the contest and, after thoughtful consideration, finished their own art pieces. The contest organizers gathered all submissions one week later and set up an exhibit showcasing every participant’s work in the school gym.

The school gym was filled with viewers as the walls displayed the efforts of the young artists. There were paintings of colorful landscapes where the sun burst through thick clouds. Some students had created portraits (肖像) of their heroes. In this sea of creativity, one painting stood out. In the painting, a community garden was drawn, a place where people from all walks of life were planting seeds together. The heartfelt work drew the viewers into a world where every detail had meaning. The exhibition would last a week and all the students and teachers could vote their favorite work.

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Finally came the day when the winners were announced.


The children who had laughed at Amy started to see her in a new way.

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“And that’s ‘The Ray of Hope’ for you!” Asta said as she ended her book review. She took a deep bow and was given thundering applause. I, too, gave applause. I was happy for my friend. Well, I was pretending to be happy for her. Deep down inside, I was rather feeling envious of Asta. She was always the one who makes speeches, debates and tells stories to others. Me? No! I had stage fright and was always the shy, quiet one who was never courageous to speak in front of others. I had never managed to do a presentation without stammering(结巴). Every time I saw someone making a speech, I would imagine myself in his or her place, receiving the applause and praise.

I was walking to the canteen with Asta. She, as usual, was looking at the script. She had been chosen to be the presenter for the National Day Celebration. I sighed to myself. Why could I not be like her, always loud and brave? If only there was a way to prove myself...

Just then, I caught a glimpse of a poster on the noticeboard.

“Minute to say it?” I read the poster out loud.

It was a competition where one has to prepare a speech about a particular topic and summarize it on the stage within one minute. This could be my big chance to overcome my stage fright! And the best part was, if I won the competition, I would receive a mini-trophy (小奖杯).

Without thinking twice, I grabbed a form and filled in it. I took a seat in the canteen with Asta and told her what I had done, after which she said that she had also signed up for the competition. Suddenly, regret hit me like a 20-pound hammer. I was competing against Asta who was the best speaker in the school! I was bound to lose! Why was I so ill-fated? I just wanted a chance to prove myself that I could overcome my stage fright.

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The big day finally arrived.


Next, it was Asta’s turn.

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Lilly paused, her plans — going climbing momentarily forgotten, as she watched the older woman’s wheels stuck in the railroad tracks. The woman, with a mixture of frustration and determination across her face, pushed against the stubborn wheels, trying to free herself.

Without hesitation, Lilly approached her. “Do you need some help?” she asked, her voice gentle yet clear.

The woman looked up, surprised and slightly embarrassed. “Oh, dear, I thought I could manage, but these tracks are more of a challenge than I expected,” she admitted.

Lilly smiled. “Let me help you,” she offered, placing her bag on the ground before grasping the handles of the wheelchair. With a joint effort, they managed to get the wheelchair back on solid ground.

“Thank you, young lady. I’m Martha,” the woman introduced herself.

“I’m Lilly. It’s nice to meet you. Martha. Are you heading somewhere nearby?” Lilly asked, curious about the woman’s journey.

“Yes, just across the street to the park. My granddaughter is playing in the school band there. It’s their first public performance, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Martha explained, her voice filled with pride.

Lilly glanced at her watch, realizing her own plans could wait. “Would you like me to walk with you to the park? It’s no trouble.” she offered.

Martha’s face lit up with a grateful smile. “I would appreciate that very much. Lilly.”

As they made their way to the park, Lilly learned that Martha had been a music teacher for most of her life, instilling(灌输) a love of music in countless children, including her own granddaughter. Lilly found herself absorbed in Martha’s stories of past concerts, and the joy that music brought to her life.

Upon reaching the park, they found a spot where Martha could have a clear view of the stage. The air was filled with the excitement of parents, friends, and locals, who gathered to support the young musicians.

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“Would you like to stay and listen to the performance?” Martha asked Lily.


As the concert drew to a close, Martha opened her eyes and turned to Lilly.

共计 平均难度:一般