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1 . 以下是临沂王羲之公园(Wang Xizhi park)的简介,请根据以下内容要点写一篇100词左右的短文。
1. 王羲之公园位于临沂市东部;
2. 在王羲之公园中可以领略书圣(calligrapher)的早期生活以及欣赏王羲之的书法;
3. 可以在公园出口处的戏院里欣赏表演;
4. 在戏院后面的美食街(the Eating Street)可品尝各种各样的食品;
5. 入场费为30元,活动费全免。
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Tom’s love for soccer ran deep, and he played the game with a passion that was infectious (有感染力的) to everyone around him. But there was one thing that upset him-his worn-out soccer shoes. These shoes had been passed down to him by his older brother, and they were falling apart. With his birthday drawing near, Tom secretly wished for a new pair of soccer shoes to lift his spirits so that he could have a good performance in the game. However, he was well aware of his parents’ constant struggles to make ends meet and knew that such a wish might remain a dream forever.

One sunny afternoon, Tom and his best friend, David, were at school, watching an exciting soccer match. The exciting run and shout, the determination on the athletes’ faces, and their fine equipment were enough to make anyone’s heart race. It was at this moment that Tom said about his biggest birthday wish. He took a long deep breath and said, “How I wish I could have a new pair of soccer shoes for my birthday, but I know it’s impossible.”

David, sitting beside him, couldn’t help but overhear Tom’s words. The idea of helping his best friend achieve this long-held dream began to form in his mind. After school, David ran home and couldn’t wait to share the idea with his mother.

“Mom, I really want to do this for Tom. He’s been playing with those old shoes for so long. It would mean the world to him,” David explained seriously.

His mother smiled warmly, proud of her son’s compassion (同情) . “David, it’s a wonderful idea. It’s not just about the gift; it’s about the thought and effort you’re putting into making Tom’s day special.”

As David thought about how to earn the money, his mother suggested, “You know, David, there are various ways you can earn some extra money to save for the soccer shoes. Many of our neighbors are looking for someone to help with lawn mowing (刈草坪) and other services. Some even need help with newspaper delivery. You can offer your services and earn money that way.”

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David’s eyes lit up as he realized the potential.


The day of Tom’s birthday finally arrived, and David couldn’t wait to surprise his best friend.

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

About a month ago, my husband and I found kindness in an unlikely place: standing in line at a Subway sandwich shop to pick up a quick dinner.

It was extremely busy on this particular night, and I noticed a dad behind us with his little girl, who looked to be around four. The man seemed as tired as my husband, but the little girl was cheerful and excited as she waited for her sandwich and cookie.

I watched as the man behind us got closer to the front of the line. He started to look worried. Right before we checked out, I heard the man say to the woman who had made his sandwiches that he was sorry to just leave his out because he didn’t have enough money to pay for them all. He looked very embarrassed. His little girl continued jumping around excitedly.

I quietly asked the cashier to add the man’s whole order to ours. I paid the $ 87.73, and we got out of there before the man behind us knew what had happened.

Like many others since COVID-19 hit, our family of five was living on one income. I was holding our debit card (借记卡) and knew that we only had $ 90.16 in our account. That was all we would have until payday three days later. But still, it felt great to be able to help that family, even though we would be out of money for a few days.

What happened next was amazing. My husband went back to that Subway the next week to pick up five sandwiches that I thought would cost $ 44.58. There was $ 47 in our account.

But it turned out that the dinner cost more than we had on the card. My husband told them to put his sandwich back because he couldn’t afford it. Then he paid for the four sandwiches and headed to our car.


As he opened the door, one of the female workers ran to him.


The two men nodded at one another and went on their way.

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A couple worked hard to provide for their family well, but their wealth came at the expense of their time. They hired a woman called May to help raise their three children. Their first son, Matt, was now 18, and they had two other children who were 8 and 5 years old. When they had Matt, they weren’t financially wealthy. However, by the time Matt turned 9, it slowly improved.

When Matt was 11, they decided to send him to a private school since they could afford it. Changing the school environment brought about a sudden personality change for Matt, and his parents believed it was because putting him in a class of wealthy teenagers made him feel superior (有优越感的).

Through the years, the concerned parents tried to change this side of Matt. When he was16, the parents made him take a part-time job to start taking financial responsibility seriously. At first, the parents thought it worked. However, after some time, the boy’s parents realized he hadn’t changed.

One day, the couple planned to go on vacation. Instead of leaving May at home, they decided to take her with them and bought her a first-class ticket. While they were planning the vacation, Matt overheard them talking. He felt his parents’ paying for May’s first-class seat was unnecessary because their family had already paid for her.

The mom was shocked. She said it was mean for him to say that, especially after everything May did for them. She added how grateful she was for May’s help, as she gave up time for her own child to raise hers—Matt included. Still, Matt continued to argue his point. The mom grew tired of his selfishness and said he’d be the one in an economy seat and had to pay for an upgrade to first class if he wanted one. The boy nodded, thinking it was a joke.


On the day of the trip, Matt realized his mom was telling the truth.


Still feeling ashamed after the trip, the young man knew he had to change.

2023-11-20更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In the spring sun, my aunt and I headed for her flower shop. Normally I would be delighted to help in her shop, but not recently because of Rosa. Rosa was my sister, just one month old, who was settled in my old bedroom. For ten years, the small room was full of my toys and books. But now it was transformed into her baby room, decorated like a garden with pinks and yellows. My space, my old life, was gone.

“Here we are!” We arrived at the shop, a wave of colour and sweet smell washing over me. My aunt said I could pick some flowers for Mum and Dad. I used to love this, but today I was so overcome with tiredness and envy. Why bother to bring them flowers when they were enjoying Rosa at home without me?

Silently I helped my aunt arrange flowers. “Your mum told me there hasn’t been much shut eye recently for any of you.” “Not much, since Rosa the alarm clock was installed (安装).” I complained with a huge yawn (哈欠).

“I remember having to creep (蹑手蹑脚地走) around like a worn-out mouse when your mum was a baby. I spent the first months hating her so much.” “But you and Mum seem so close,” I said, guiltily hiding away my envy of Rosa.

“Now we are. But it took me years to grow into the role of big sister. Few flowers blossom (绽放) overnight, you know.” She pulled me in for aside hug, glancing up at the clock, and suggested I take a walk outside.

Behind her shop was a field dotted with spring flowers. Stepping into the field, I began to pick little flowers. It was like gathering my childhood memories. I remembered how I’d sit with Dad, making flower chains, crowning (授予) each other with the silliest titles: Queen of Junk Food and King of Mess. My smile grew wider. The shining yellow flowers reminded me of the color in Rosa’s baby room. Was she awake? I wondered.


Suddenly I saw two familiar figures walking towards me.


Rosa was wide awake in her baby basket beside the picnic blanket.

6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

John decided to go skiing with his friend, Keith. So they loaded up John’s car and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible snowstorm. The snow was falling harder and harder and it was more and more difficult to go on driving. So they decided to look for a house along the way to protect themselves from the heavy snow. At last they saw a small farm in front of them. Thus they pulled into the farm and asked the middle-aged lady who answered the door if they could spend the night in her house.

“I realize it’s terrible weather out there but I have this house only big enough for my five children, and I have no spare room for you,” she explained. “I’m afraid that I can’t offer you a comfortable place to spend the night and you have to continue to look for your shelter.”

John and Keith felt disappointed. It was late and they were not sure of finding a safe shelter for the night. They didn’t know what they should do next. John looked at Keith, who kept silent. Just then, he looked around and found an empty storehouse in the yard. An idea struck him. He was determined to beg the lady to permit them to stay in the storehouse.

“Don’t worry,” John said. “We’ll be happy to sleep in the storehouse. And if the weather breaks, we’ll be gone at first light.” The lady agreed, and the two men found their way to the storehouse and settled in for the night.

But there was little furniture in the storehouse, and it was such freezing weather. They were trembling with cold and they might be most likely to freeze at night. It seemed that they would have to sleep in their clothes. Just then, three children walked into the storehouse, with something in their hands.

It turned out that they came to help John and Keith go through the freezing night.


Waking up the next day, John and Keith found their door blocked by heavy snow.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Several days ago, local News Channel reported a story between a mother and her son. The mother was a single woman who had been feeling a great deal of anger and bitterness due to her financial and psychological problem, causing her emotions to be unpredictable. Occasionally, she may not pay enough attention to her son or couldn’t respond to his requirements timely. Sometimes, she would even pour her negative emotions onto her child, which made him feel helpless. In fact, this child is a very outstanding and caring boy.

That day, the mother directed her anger towards her child again because of some small matter. Although the child did not resist, the mother still drove the child out of the house, slammed the door shut and left the child outside to reflect (反省).

It was when the mother became calm and a little regretful that she opened her door and found her child missing. Anxious and scared, she searched everywhere, but the child was nowhere to be found. Her anxiety was gradually increasing.

The worried mother thought of seeking help from the police. Quickly, she went to the police station and explained the situation to the officer on duty. The police officer explained that, as a general rule, they couldn’t file a case for a missing child within the first 24 hours. However, they could provide assistance in other ways, such as posting the child’s photo on social media platforms to expand the search area.

After expressing gratitude for the police officer’s kindness, the mother continued searching for her child. Despite trying various methods, the mother still couldn’t find the child. Unexpectedly, the child was wandering in the streets, he felt lost and alone, not knowing where to go or what to do. He felt the tears forming in his eyes but refused to let them down. He didn’t want to show weakness in front of anyone, and it made him feel even more alone.

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Exhausted and hungry, the child kept walking aimlessly until he finally came across a bench along the street.


Soon after, the mother arrived hurriedly.

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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

13-year-old Ryan was a lazy video game addict who always required the help of the housekeeper for everything. His father, Alex, noticed how spoiled(宠坏的) his son was, so he decided to set things right.

One day, Ryan was running late for school, but he was still busy playing video games. He was so distracted that he had no time to put on his socks and shoes, so the housekeeper did it for him.

“Dad, I’m ready. Let’s go!” he finally shouted, taking his school bag. Alex had always driven him to his school even though it was just a seven-minute walk from their home. For Ryan, that would seem like a hundred tiring miles.

That morning, to Ryan’s surprise, Alex asked him to walk to school instead. “What? No! I can’t carry this heavy bag to school on foot. Please drop me off, Dad,” Ryan said. But Alex turned a deaf ear. “You’re a grown-up boy now, Ryan! Just walk. Get used to it,” he said.

Ryan had no choice but to walk along the road. He was out of breath when he got to the school gate. He came into his classroom and sat on the chair quickly. He was tired. He wasn’t used to walking, even for a few minutes. What a lazy and weak boy Ryan was!

When Ryan was still resting, he found a boy he didn’t know entering the classroom in a wheelchair. The boy was Mike, who was new to Ryan’s neighborhood and lived very close to Ryan’s house. He moved in with his grandparents recently after he lost his ability to walk in a car crash that killed his parents. Regardless of his extremely bad luck, Mike decided to be strong, optimistic, confident, brave and independent.

Although Mike was new in class, all classmates welcomed him warmly. Ryan never made a single friend all these years. Nobody liked him because he was lazy. The attention Mike got that day made him more upset.

The next day, Ryan begged his dad to drive him to his school again. But Alex just shook his head. Quite disappointed, Ryan had to walk to school,

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Paragraph 1:

Just as he left home, he saw Mike alone on the road, pushing his wheelchair.

Paragraph 2:

Encouraged by Mike’s words, Ryan decided to try to be independent.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A Special Hero

Candalaria Villanueva, a 62-year-old man was enjoying fishing casually as usual a few miles off the shore one day, when a sudden storm came and pulled his little boat into the deep sea. He tried all his strength and skills he mastered to handle the boat over the rough waters. Unfortunately, the storm became fiercer and his boat was out of his control completely. Eventually the strong storm threw his boat upside down and he fell into the cold sea water. He surely could swim. But the day grew so dark that he couldn’t tell where the shore was. He just swam with the wave to save some energy.

After a long while, Candalaria Villanueva struggled not to give up, thinking of his devoted wife and lovely granddaughter. “Maybe my dear wife is waiting for my fish excitedly as usual and my little girl is desiring to see my return and gatherings today. They may have been glad to see the fish I got before. But now…I will be back! I surely will be back!” he made his resolve again and again.

Floating a while and then swimming a while aimlessly, Candalaria Villanueva tried to find someone to help, but in vain. All he could see was only cold water in all directions. No one, no ship, even no bird. As the sky grew darker, all his strength nearly ran out and he found he was just at the point of giving up. Suddenly Candalaria Villanueva caught sight of something big swimming towards him. A shark? Oh, no! Great fear seized his heart bitterly.

The big dark thing swam around him for several circles and finally came closer. Oh, to his great relief, it was, as a matter of fact, a giant sea turtle. It seemingly showed no intention of harm and just swam around him. Just out of curiosity or something else? Maybe it is here just to help!

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Candalaria Villanueva decided to hold on to the turtle with his remaining strength.
The Philippine Navy spotted something before its large boat and even in the way.
2023-06-21更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省江南十校联考2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I like staying overnight at my Gramma’s house — that is, until Gramma starts telling me how wonderful my cousin Maya is. Then it’s Maya this and Maya that until I don’t ever want to hear another word about her.

That’s why I wasn’t too excited when Gramma called me on the phone to “come on over and bring your pajamas.” When I got there, it was worse than I’d expected. There, in Grandpa’s big leather rocker, sat Maya, all dressed up and formal-looking and wearing fancy shoes as if she’d just been to a party.

“Surprise, Kristen!” Gramma said. “Your cousin Maya and her parents have traveled in from the East Coast on business. Maya gets to stay with us this afternoon.” Gramma chattered away about how excited she’d been for this surprise get-together, and how cousins ought to get to know each other better.

I hung my baseball cap in the closet and set my backpack by the stairway, all the time smiling and nodding as if I’d been waiting forever for this chance to spend an afternoon with Maya. Grandpa’s chair squawked (咯咯叫) as Maya rocked back and forth. It’s the chair I like best in the house, the one I usually sit in. I sat down on the sofa across from her.

Shortly, Gramma went off to the kitchen to “see about some lunch,” she’d said. That left me stuck in the living room with rocking Maya.

She was still small but taller than I’d remembered her from her last visit four years ago. She was good at small talk, though, and was chatting away about how nice it was to see me again. But I could tell that she didn’t really think so. The last time she was here, we’d had hours of fun together building caves out of Gramma’s sofa pillows.

After that, I’d heard about her only through Gramma’s tales. Maya taking piano lessons. Maya learning math. Maya, Maya, Maya. Now Maya was here, looking great with the latest haircut and a fancy dress.

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Glancing down at my jeans and my old sneakers, I wished I hadn’t come.


“How do you know all these things about me?” I asked.

共计 平均难度:一般