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On rainy days, Juanita liked to climb the attic (阁楼) stairs and play with her stuffed animals (毛绒玩具) under the roof. Here she could hear the drumming sound of the rain. The attic was dark on stormy days, but Juanita thought it was comfortable to have only one light bulb (灯泡) on.

Today, Juanita was pretending that her stuffed animals were Olympic athletes. The event was the high jump, so Juanita threw them into the air to see how high they could fly. Tom, her stuffed monkey, flew so high that he hit the ceiling and went over into a dark corner.

When Juanita went to find Tom, she saw a box on the floor in the corner. It was dusty (布满灰尘的), with gold corners and a metal lock that held it shut. Its key was lying just beside it. She had never noticed this box before. What could be inside?

Juanita brought the box and the key over to the middle of the attic, under the light bulb where she could see better. She opened it carefully and looked inside. Inside the box were a lot of black and white photos. Most of them were of a small girl with her hair braided (编辫子).

The girl looked just like Juanita! This was confusing. “I’ve never been to that house,” she thought as she looked through the photos. There was a gray farmhouse in the background of each picture. How could Juanita be in pictures of a place she had never been to?


Juanita ran downstairs with the photos to show her mom.


Juanita asked her mom to take some photos for her and hang them up with Grandma’s.

2024-05-07更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市沧州运东四校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The new year was coming and my family began to make this year’s plan for it. “The weather report says this unseasonably warm weather will continue through the week. We could shake things up and celebrate the new year with a picnic party in the backyard!” said my mum.

“Our San Francisco weather can be pretty unpredictable,” said my dad. “Maybe we should come up with a sensible indoor plan.” Then he continued, “Hey! Why not start this year with something different? ”

“Yeah!” my little brother, Tex, agreed.

“It’ll be a great!” said Mom. Then she turned to my cousin, Mareya, who was staying with me, “Mareya, we’d love to have you and your family join us. And how about we invite Ollie and Grandma? ”

We all cheered. And after the fastest kitchen cleanup in history, Mareya and I raced over to Ollie’s. Grandma was also excited and suggested we get out the instruments and make a little music.

Grandma’s music suggestion got us thinking. Ollie, Mareya, and I made up a simple song, and somehow, it turned into an idea for a play! Later that afternoon, we went back to my house to find out the costume box. Naturally, my little brother and sister joined right in.

We made up a play, in which the forest animals threw a party to celebrate the arrival of the New Year Queen. Fast-forward to New Year’s Day when we worked all morning to set up our backyard stage. We prepared some flowers and a basket of pine nuts (松子) to greet the Queen when she stepped on the stage.

Unfortunately, the weather that morning was so windy and cold that we all felt freezing. Mum suggested us giving the performance indoors. But we insisted on showing the play outside, as we had all set up for it in the yard. Mum then said that we could start with the play outside, and then had the food inside. Everyone agreed.

Once our audience were seated, Ollie opened the show. When we were half way through the performance, right in the middle of our song-and-dance scene, a strong wind blew! Suddenly, there was a mess as everybody hurried to pick things up. But afterward, the air was calm again.

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“The show must go on!” Grandma called from the audience.


Attracted by the smell of pine nuts dropped on the ground, two real squirrels (松鼠) ran onto the stage.

2024-05-02更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省示范性高中2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中联考英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a warm Sunday. 16-year-old Stella settled down with a book, enjoying her quiet moment when her friend Bog came over with his 6-year-old sister. “Stella, please! I need you to help to watch Hazel! I have a lecture to attend this afternoon,” Bog begged.

Stella frowned, not thrilled with the idea of babysitting a little girl. However, Bog didn’t offer her any other choice. He dropped Hazel off with Stella and quickly ran away before she could react.

With a heavy sigh, Stella unwillingly turned her attention to Hazel. “Fine, just stay there and don’t cause any trouble,” she grumbled (嘟囔). To her surprise, little Hazel smiled and obediently sat by the table, drawing quietly without making a single noise.

For the next hour, Stella was quietly engaged in reading without being disturbed by Hazel. Gradually, her annoyance disappeared and she got accustomed to the company of Hazel. After a while, Hazel cautiously approached Stella, holding a picture. “Look, it’s you and me,” she said in a low voice. It was a simple drawing of two girls, hand in hand, smiling.

Stella’s heart softened as she looked at the drawing. She felt guilty about treating Hazel impatiently. Setting her book aside, Stella smiled warmly and said, “I love it. Thank you!” Then Stella began to join Hazel to create it together.

Just as they were lost in a world of colors, a sudden phone ringing broke the warm atmosphere. It was a phone call from her friend, reminding her about the long-awaited plan to go skating on the ice rink (溜冰场). Stella’s heart sank because she had forgotten all about it. She was torn between the desire to go skating and her duty to look after Hazel. She was also worried that taking her to skate would prevent her from enjoying gliding (滑) freely on the ice.


As Stella hesitated, Hazel looked up at her with hopeful eyes.


Hazel admiringly watched Stella and her friends gliding on the ice.

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4 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I didn’t question Timmy, aged nine, or his seven year-old brother Billy about the brown wrapping (包装) paper they passed back and forth between them as we visited each store.

Every year at Christmas time, our Service Club takes the children from poor families in our town on a shopping tour. I chose Timmy and Billy, whose father was out of work. Their mother was still in poor condition. Besides, they also had two younger sisters to care for. They lived a hard life.

After giving them the allotted (指定的) four dollars each. I began the shopping trip with the two boys. One store after another, they could find their desired gifts. At different stores. I made suggestions on what they should buy, but always their answer was a polite shake of the head, no. Finally I asked, “Where would you suggest we look? What on earth do you want to buy for this Christmas?”

“Could we go to a shoe store, sir?” asked Timmy, I felt confused about his question, so I asked why.

Timmy replied, “We’d like to buy a pair of shoes for our Daddy so that he can go to work.”

In the shoe store, the shopkeeper asked what the boys wanted. Out came the brown paper. “We want a pair of work shoes to fit this foot,” they said.

Billy explained that it was their Daddy’s footprint. They had drawn it while he was asleep in a chair. The shopkeeper held the paper against a measuring(测量的)stick, and then walked away. Soon he came with an open box. “Will these do?” he asked.

Timmy and Billy held the shoes with great expectation. “How much do they cost?” asked Billy.

Then Timmy saw the price on the box. “They’re $16.95,” he said, feeling downhearted. “But we only have eight dollars. It is far from enough to buy them for our Daddy. What should we do? If only we could get a discount (折扣)!”

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At that moment, I looked at the shopkeeper and asked, “Can you give us a discount?”


The boys went back home with the shoes happily.

2023-12-22更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市第三十五中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Michael, a 58-year-old man, lives in one of the most magical places in the world, Honolulu, Hawaii, which is known as an ideal vacation spot for most Americans. He gets to call this place home. But he has difficulty finding a regular place to live in. Being a homeless man, he usually sleeps on the streets and beaches of Honolulu.

Michael has an interest in baseball, so he often takes advantage of the wonderful weather to play baseball. That’s how he earns him the nickname “Baseball Michael”. Many of his friends know where to find him — in the former Heald College parking garage (停车场). There, he practices his skills, in the hope of making it big one day.

Several days ago, when Michael was hitting some baseballs, he lost one in a narrow gap between the parking garage and a drug store next door. He kept on playing. After losing a total of six balls, he decided to go down to get them. The gap was so narrow that he wasn’t sure whether he could squeeze in (挤进去). But realizing those baseballs were his only possessions, he finally made up his mind to have a try.

Michael made his way down the gap, but things turned tricky. He saw it was narrow at the bottom but he thought he was thin enough to enter it. Moments later, he let out an “uh oh”. Beyond his expectation, the space was too small for him to fit. However, he kept going with his eyes on his baseballs. He whispered, “Don’t give up. They are all I have.”

As Michael went down a little lower and lower, he realized that there was no way to return. He had to wait for somebody to rescue him. As he didn’t bring his mobile phone along, he had to shout as loudly as he could. However, there was no one answering him. Half an hour later, he felt extremely thirsty. He was very tired and afraid that he could no longer hold on. Just when he was about to give up, he heard the sound of footsteps was approaching.

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A worker named Ray passed by and discovered Michael.
The firefighters arrived at the site soon.
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Although it’s been almost two years now, I can still remember that day as if it were yesterday. We were all glued in front of the television, when Dad came rushing into the house after work to tell us that he had just bought a new boat. He promised us that the following week he’d take us all on a fishing trip. We were all very excited and happy at the prospect of it.

The much-awaited day finally came. After we packed everything onto the boat, Dad started the engine and steered it slowly out of the harbour. We headed out until we were a good distance from the shore. Then, when we found what seemed like a good spot for fishing, Dad stopped the engine.

The sky was crystal clear and the sea was as calm as a sheet of glass. We spent a good couple of hours bathing in the sun, fishing rods in hands, without a care in the world. It was fantastic just being there, staring out at the beautiful blue sea. We caught a good number of fish.

We must have lost track of time, chatting and laughing, because the next thing I remembered was being put into a darkness which was so thick that one could almost cut it with a knife. Looking around, it was all pitch-black. Then, out of nowhere, a big wave came crushing into the boat, nearly overturning us all overboard. If that wasn’t bad enough, we could hear the rumbling (隆隆声) of thunder in the distance—it was unbelievable how the weather had changed so quickly before our very own eyes. The storm was rolling up on us fast and it wasn’t long before the rain started to come down in showers. The rain was so dense and heavy that we could barely breathe.

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Dad immediately rushed to start the engine but it would not start.


Suddenly, we started to hear what seemed like the sound of a helicopter approaching.

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7 . 每个人都有自己引以为傲的人或事物,那么让你感到骄傲的是什么呢?是我们伟大的祖国,是努力拼搏的自己还是可亲可敬的家人呢?请以“I’m so proud of ________”为题写一篇英语短文。

I’m so proud of _________

2023-12-07更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙县联考2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Maggie had always been keen on singing, but she never believed in herself enough to enter a competition. That all changed when her friend, who had heard her sing and believed she had a talent, advised her to try out for the campus singing competition. Maggie was hesitant at first, but she decided to give it a shot.

The competition was only a few weeks away, and Maggie spent every spare moment practicing. She sang in the shower, in her car, and even in the library when she thought no one was listening. Her roommate, who was also her biggest cheerleader, helped her pick out the perfect outfit for the competition.

As the competition day approached, Maggie’s nerves started to get the best of her. She had never performed in front of such a large audience before, and the thought of being judged made her nervous. However, Maggie knew that she had to push herself out of her comfort zone if she wanted to pursue her passion. She reminded herself that she was doing this to prove to herself that she could do it and that she was good enough.

On the day of the competition, Maggie woke up with a sense of determination. She spent the morning rehearsing (排练) and getting into the right mindset. She arrived at the venue (会场) early and was surprised to see so many people had shown up to watch the competition.

As she waited for her turn to perform, Maggie observed the other contestants (参赛选手). She was amazed at the level of talent on display and wondered if she had what it took to win. However, she didn’t let her doubts get the better of her. She focused on her own performance and was determined to give it her all.

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When it was Maggie’s turn to perform, she took a deep breath before walking onto the stage.
Finally, the judges announced the winner — Maggie won the first prize.
2023-12-03更新 | 135次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省石家庄市第二十三中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

There was a young basketball player named Spencer. He was tall and thin, just like a basketball player should be. At the age of 11, he had already developed impressive skills on the court. Spencer was known for his shooting and his ability to dribble (运球) the ball.

Spencer took basketball very seriously. He always made sure his jersey (球衣) was clean and his shoes were clean. He believed that looking good on the court would help him perform better. But sometimes, his obsession (痴迷) with perfection would get in the way of his game.

One day, Spencer’s team was in the championship game. They were leading by three points, and it was up to Spencer to secure the victory. As he stepped onto the court, he felt the pressure. He knew that every shot counted, and he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes. But as the game progressed, Spencer’s focus started to waver. He began to notice small things that bothered him, like a scuff (磨痕) on his shoe or a loose thread on his jersey. These started to affect his performance. His shots were off target, and he couldn’t seem to make a basket.

Coach Dan, who had been watching Spencer closely, called a timeout. He walked up to Spencer and put his hands on Spencer’s shoulders. “I know what’s wrong,” Coach Dan said, “you’re letting these little things get to you. Remember, basketball is about focus and determination, not about having a perfect uniform.”

With those words, Coach Dan pulled down Spencer’s sock. “This will remind you to stay focused on the game, “he said. Spencer felt a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. He realised that Coach Dan was right. He had been so caught up in his appearance that he had forgotten what really mattered-playing basketball with passion and joy.

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From that point forward, Spencer’s mindset towards the game underwent a transformation.
Years later, Spencer’s reputation as a reliable and skilled basketball player continued to grow.
2023-12-01更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省廊坊市廊坊部分重点高中2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题(含听力)
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I had a trip to New Mexico last year, a trip I still remember very well to this day. I went to a place called Philmont and attended a summer camp. There were thirteen people including me. The entire 10-day hike we took through those mountains went well, except for the second day, because of the terrible weather.

It had been a nice sunny day up until we were halfway to the camp we were staying at that night. Then without a word it started raining gently. There was nothing too bad and certainly nothing we couldn’t handle. We put our raincoats on and continued on our way. It stayed raining slightly for a while, so I decided it would be a good idea to say, “Well, it can’t be much worse than this, right?” And in less than five seconds the thunder crashed around us. It almost sounded like a laugh, as if it was laughing at us. Then the rain started to come down harder, and then, the hail (冰雹) came.

Getting hit with balls of ice in the middle of the New Mexico mountains was not something I had ever thought would happen to us, but here we were. All thirteen of us were wishing at that moment that we could go home. But we quickly abandoned the idea. It was freezing, and my feet felt like they might fall off. Wet, cold, and carrying 40 pounds on our backs, we hiked on.

But soon enough we got lost for about a mile because of a mistake that our “Navi-guesser” made on getting us to our destination. At the same time, one of our boys got a minor case of hypothermia (低温症). We decided to stop for a while, unpacking our tents to get into a nice warm sleeping bag. I don’t know if you know this, but unpacking camping gear (装备) in the rain was not very fun, especially setting up a tent.

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We came up with a solution.


The rain stopped just as we were about to start.

共计 平均难度:一般