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“And that’s ‘The Ray of Hope’ for you!” Asta said as she ended her book review. She took a deep bow and was given thundering applause. I, too, gave applause. I was happy for my friend. Well, I was pretending to be happy for her. Deep down inside, I was rather feeling envious of Asta. She was always the one who makes speeches, debates and tells stories to others. Me? No! I had stage fright and was always the shy, quiet one who was never courageous to speak in front of others. I had never managed to do a presentation without stammering(结巴). Every time I saw someone making a speech, I would imagine myself in his or her place, receiving the applause and praise.

I was walking to the canteen with Asta. She, as usual, was looking at the script. She had been chosen to be the presenter for the National Day Celebration. I sighed to myself. Why could I not be like her, always loud and brave? If only there was a way to prove myself...

Just then, I caught a glimpse of a poster on the noticeboard.

“Minute to say it?” I read the poster out loud.

It was a competition where one has to prepare a speech about a particular topic and summarize it on the stage within one minute. This could be my big chance to overcome my stage fright! And the best part was, if I won the competition, I would receive a mini-trophy (小奖杯).

Without thinking twice, I grabbed a form and filled in it. I took a seat in the canteen with Asta and told her what I had done, after which she said that she had also signed up for the competition. Suddenly, regret hit me like a 20-pound hammer. I was competing against Asta who was the best speaker in the school! I was bound to lose! Why was I so ill-fated? I just wanted a chance to prove myself that I could overcome my stage fright.

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The big day finally arrived.


Next, it was Asta’s turn.

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When I first moved to the south of America in the summer holiday before middle school, I realized that I was stepping into a completely different world. New Orleans, Louisiana, was unlike any place I had ever been to. In the French Quarter, tourists walked around all year with long skinny cups in their hands, and there was a popular game going on the streets which were crowded with cars but had few people. What surprised me more than anything, though, was the constant friendliness and compassion of the people of New Orleans.

“What can I get for you, sugar?” a waitress about my age asked me on my first day in New Orleans.

I was taken aback. The waitress did not even know me, but she treated me like family. She smiled down at me as I pointed to an item on the menu.

“Is the pasta good?” I asked her.

“It’s not my favorite,” she admitted with a smile. “But I’m more of a girl who prefers rice!” She shrugged, letting out a loud laughter.

I looked at her in shock. What was I supposed to say to that? I couldn’t believe that the waitress had just prevented me from ordering something. Actually, she had given me her honest opinion, as if we were best friends. She even told me her name—Mary. She even told me that she just worked as a part-time waitress and that she would be a high school student soon.

After a few days in New Orleans, I got used to kind reminders and polite greetings. I also realized how comforting it was to be treated like I belong wherever I went.

As soon as I settled into my new high school, I adapted myself to the school life. I was drawn to the lively music scene that New Orleans was famous for. I was a trumpet (小号) player, and I wanted to join the school music club. However, I was afraid that I was too poor in music to be qualified for the school music club.


One afternoon, I was surprised to see a group of students including Mary practicing jazz in the school playground.


Finally, with Mary’s encouragement, my hesitation slowly melted away.

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In the heart of a small village located near a thick bamboo forest in China, there lived a young girl named Lin. Lin lived with her grandmother in a small house that her grandfather had built with loving care before he passed away. Unluckily, Lin’s grandfather died before she was born. Lin never met her grandfather, but the stories her grandmother shared painted a picture of a man who was deeply loved and respected by the community.

Every day, Lin felt a great curiosity about the grandfather she had never seen but always felt close to. Her home, filled with his books and the very walls he built, stood as a living example of his hobbies and craftsmanship (手艺). The villagers often shared tales of her grandfather’s good deeds (行为), and they showed deep respect and support for Lin and her grandmother. This deep connection to a man she had never known filled Lin with a mix of sadness for never having me t him and pride for being his granddaughter. Driven by a desire to feel closer to her grandfather, Lin often explored the house and its surroundings, hoping to find something he had left behind — something that might deepen her understanding of the man   who she had never met.

One autumn morning, while Lin was helping her grandmother clean the attic (阁楼), she found a beautifully carved wooden box hidden under a dust y floorboard. The box was locked, but to her surprise, she discovered a small note hidden in a crack of the box. It was written in lovely handwriting and said, “To my dear granddaughter, inside this box, you will find treasures of my heart, saved just for you.”

Lin’s fingers shook with expectation as she showed the note to her grandmother, who then handed her a small, old key. “Your grandfather wanted you to find this when you were old enough to understand the depth of his love,” her grandmother said, her eyes shining with tears.


With a deep breath, Lin unlocked the box.


From that day on, the diary became Lin’s most cherished (珍爱的) item.

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My family had only recently moved into a new neighborhood. All of my neighbors have been very friendly and helpful since we moved in.

However, Mrs Davis, an elderly lady living in the last house on the other side of the road, escaped associating with us, or anyone else. When I asked around the neighborhood why, they warned me not to go after her because they thought she was insane (精神失常的) and preferred staying alone after losing her husband and only daughter in an aircraft crash. After that, she stayed isolated (孤立的) from all the neighbors, refusing all the care and help.

I often saw her on the streets during the evening, but she was always by herself. She appeared weak and I always wanted to help her, but after hearing what my neighbors had said about her, I wasn’t sure whether I should.

One day, when I was on my way to the supermarket, our paths crossed. I was walking past her and overheard her singing a tune. It immediately drew my attention because my parents used to sing the same song with me. I began to sing along with her, and she smiled at me for the first time. But when I smiled back, she quickly hurried her pace and went home.

She seemed very different to me that day. I refused to trust my neighbors’ claims that she had cut herself off from the rest of society because she was insane, so the next day, I knocked on her door. Mrs Davis was home, and instead of letting me in, she just looked at me silently through the window. I noticed her staring at me and was about to walk to the window when she quickly closed the curtains.

The next day, I revisited her house. “Hello, I brought you something,” I called out to her. “It’s the record of the music you were singing yesterday.”

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The door opened and Mrs Davis’ eyes widened in surprise at the sight of me standing there.


Several days later in the morning, the doorbell rang at my house.

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It was a warm Sunday. 16-year-old Stella settled down with a book, enjoying her quiet moment when her friend Bog came over with his 6-year-old sister. “Stella, please! I need you to help to watch Hazel! I have a lecture to attend this afternoon,” Bog begged.

Stella frowned, not thrilled with the idea of babysitting a little girl. However, Bog didn’t offer her any other choice. He dropped Hazel off with Stella and quickly ran away before she could react.

With a heavy sigh, Stella unwillingly turned her attention to Hazel. “Fine, just stay there and don’t cause any trouble,” she grumbled (嘟囔). To her surprise, little Hazel smiled and obediently sat by the table, drawing quietly without making a single noise.

For the next hour, Stella was quietly engaged in reading without being disturbed by Hazel. Gradually, her annoyance disappeared and she got accustomed to the company of Hazel. After a while, Hazel cautiously approached Stella, holding a picture. “Look, it’s you and me,” she said in a low voice. It was a simple drawing of two girls, hand in hand, smiling.

Stella’s heart softened as she looked at the drawing. She felt guilty about treating Hazel impatiently. Setting her book aside, Stella smiled warmly and said, “I love it. Thank you!” Then Stella began to join Hazel to create it together.

Just as they were lost in a world of colors, a sudden phone ringing broke the warm atmosphere. It was a phone call from her friend, reminding her about the long-awaited plan to go skating on the ice rink (溜冰场). Stella’s heart sank because she had forgotten all about it. She was torn between the desire to go skating and her duty to look after Hazel. She was also worried that taking her to skate would prevent her from enjoying gliding (滑) freely on the ice.


As Stella hesitated, Hazel looked up at her with hopeful eyes.


Hazel admiringly watched Stella and her friends gliding on the ice.

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Michael, a 58-year-old man, lives in one of the most magical places in the world, Honolulu, Hawaii, which is known as an ideal vacation spot for most Americans. He gets to call this place home. But he has difficulty finding a regular place to live in. Being a homeless man, he usually sleeps on the streets and beaches of Honolulu.

Michael has an interest in baseball, so he often takes advantage of the wonderful weather to play baseball. That’s how he earns him the nickname “Baseball Michael”. Many of his friends know where to find him — in the former Heald College parking garage (停车场). There, he practices his skills, in the hope of making it big one day.

Several days ago, when Michael was hitting some baseballs, he lost one in a narrow gap between the parking garage and a drug store next door. He kept on playing. After losing a total of six balls, he decided to go down to get them. The gap was so narrow that he wasn’t sure whether he could squeeze in (挤进去). But realizing those baseballs were his only possessions, he finally made up his mind to have a try.

Michael made his way down the gap, but things turned tricky. He saw it was narrow at the bottom but he thought he was thin enough to enter it. Moments later, he let out an “uh oh”. Beyond his expectation, the space was too small for him to fit. However, he kept going with his eyes on his baseballs. He whispered, “Don’t give up. They are all I have.”

As Michael went down a little lower and lower, he realized that there was no way to return. He had to wait for somebody to rescue him. As he didn’t bring his mobile phone along, he had to shout as loudly as he could. However, there was no one answering him. Half an hour later, he felt extremely thirsty. He was very tired and afraid that he could no longer hold on. Just when he was about to give up, he heard the sound of footsteps was approaching.

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A worker named Ray passed by and discovered Michael.
The firefighters arrived at the site soon.
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As far as Justin knew, there was only one way out of his neighborhood: basketball. So he ran with the ball like the hounds (猎犬) were running after him. He could drop any of the older guys at the court and the younger guys didn’t stand a chance. Justin saw his way out and he ran for it.

One day when Justin was shooting around at the local court, some guys from another block ran up and asked to play. The big one in the middle said that he had heard that Justin was the best and he wanted to see if it was true. Justin refused him at once. But the big guy insisted, and Justin’s cousin was encouraging, “Come on, Justin, drop this guy.” So Justin figured that he’d just do what everyone wanted and play.

Justin was running all over the big guy and making his shots while he did it. But suddenly Justin was pushed hard by the big guy and went flying in just such a way that he unluckily tore up his right knee. The doctor said Justin might never play again. Justin almost broke down.

The first six weeks in hospital, Justin just lay in bed with his leg in a long cast (石膏). He watched three reruns (再播放) of The Simpsons every day and ate potato chips until the bag was empty, and then he’d dig the salt and grease out of the corner with his finger. It seemed as if he blew up like a balloon. Right when he reached the bottom of the pit of despair (绝望), Justin’s sister, Kiki, came home from the university.

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She came in the house like a whirl of sunshine.


After spending those weeks with his sister, Justin realized he didn’t want to feel bad for himself any more.

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When Cassandra Ridder picked up her son Brody from school, the boy wasn’t his usual happy-go-lucky self.

Cassandra said that the sixth graders didn’t want to talk about his day and only wanted to listen to music. To lighten his mood, she asked him about his yearbook (毕业纪念册). Earlier that day, the mom had received an email, informing parents that students would be bringing their class yearbooks home. She was curious if Brody got lots of signatures.

But when she brought it up, her son got really sad. He said, “No, Mom, no one really signed my yearbook. I asked people and they either told me no or that they would do it later, and that they were too busy for me.”

When Brody handed over his yearbook, Cassandra’s heart sank. The page was almost empty, except for a couple of messages from his teachers and two students’ names. To fill in the space, Brody had written a note to himself that read “Hope you make some more friends”, and had signed his own name.

“I tried to make him feel better,” said Cassandra. “I told him that it might have just been a busy day, and to give people the benefit of the doubt. I told him that things will get better and to stay positive, and that no matter what, I would always be his friend.”

Upon discovering what happened with Brody’s yearbook, Cassandra decided to do something. That night, she wrote a post on the Internet for parents. She wanted to let the other parents know this was happening at the school and remind them they should talk to their kids about being kind to one another.

“My poor son feel sad. Despite Brody’s asking all kinds of kids to sign it, two teachers and a total of two students wrote in his yearbook, her post read.” So Brody took it upon himself to write to himself. My heart is broken.


Cassandra didn’t expect too much from the post.


The headmaster Mr Rudd also knew of Brody’s story.

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I am a doctor and often attend important academic conferences around the world, but I’m scared to fly in an airplane. As is known to all, traveling on an airplane can be a very tiring task even in the best of circumstances. Especially when the plane arrives above the destination and encounters some special reasons that prevent it from landing safely, the feeling cannot be described in words. In this situation, if you see a patient with Down syndrome (唐氏综合征) in trouble, are you willing to help him?

Last week, I took an early flight to Paris, and it was during this flight that I experienced a lifelong and touching experience.

When it was announced on the broadcast that the plane was about to land and passengers were required to prepare, a teenage boy with Down syndrome who was traveling with his family had become upset and would not return to his seat. In spite of the cabin crew’s warnings over the loudspeaker that it was almost time to land, the boy completely disregarded all this and still went his own way. In terms of such a situation, the pilot was forced to circle above the airport temporarily, delaying the landing and angering people on the already tense flight.

Though the boy’s parents and adult brothers and sisters tried to persuade him to get off the floor and back into his seat, he was opposed to their advice resolutely. They seemed to be in despair.

Finally, the crew sought professional assistance from the passengers. Although I am a doctor, I was helpless in that situation. Subsequently, Murphy 42 — who had been a teacher for about 20 years — glanced at the boy, stood up and quickly headed to the back of the plane.

She found the boy in the passage between rows of seats, lying on his belly. So she also lay down on her stomach to face him. She began chatting calmly with him, asking his name, his favorite books and his favorite characters.

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He told her he felt sick and she tried to comfort him.


The plane was finally able to land safely on the ground.

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As Alina sat quietly in the patient room, her rive-year-old son, Tony, was lying on her chest. He was suffering from a serious disease and they were staying in the hospital for several days.

Alina’s mind was working overtime. She was worrying about money. She worked as a manager for a retail chain, and it was the busiest time of the year. Alina had already taken almost all her vacation time and knew she would not be paid for the days she was now taking off. Worse still, she had only a couple of hundred dollars in the bank.

But Alina’s main concern washers on. She didn’t know how she would be able to manage, working full-time and looking after him. She was depressed and felt the tears well up and spillover.

And that’s when Lorna arrived. She had been Alina’s assistant. Quickly blinking back the tears, Alina welcomed her in. Lorna came to offer some support and brought a card signed by the office staff. Alina was touched, for she didn’t expect they were thinking of her during a completely crazy workweek. Full of grate fullness, she took the card and discovered there was more. Inside the card was a note, which said, “Dear Alina, we want to help. Each person who has signed this card has donated one vacation day into your account. We know you need to spend some time with your son and we don’t want you to worry about having to take time off without pay.”

So moved by their kindness, Alina was speechless and got quite choked up, tears held back earlier now rolling down her cheeks.

After Lorna left, Alina calmed down. She looked at her son, lost in thought. “Tomorrow is Christmas Day. What shall I do?” Because of several days of bad sleep, drowsily Alina fell asleep.


The next day morning, when Alina woke up, she was amazed at what she saw.


A week later, Tony left hospital and Alina went back to work.

2023-11-02更新 | 147次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省保定市2023-2024学年高三上学期摸底考试英语试题(含听力)
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